
Shouldn't I really be far away from the world, detached from the outside world, and live in my own "Utopia".

Instead, you must take the initiative to go out and contact human beings in order to truly understand human feelings.

Do you understand the important "human nature" besides "divine nature"?

Isi (Arzeus) was lost in thought.

In fact, 'Arzeus' wants to gain humanity, understand humanity, and love...humanity.

Otherwise, there would be no "I think, therefore I am", the extremely unique consciousness clone of "I think, therefore I am".

It is precisely because He is so ignorant of human nature that He longs to embrace it.

Arceus (Isi) loves this Pokémon world, and the humans and Pokémon in it from the bottom of his heart.


even so.

My thinking is also quite tangled.

First of all, she is not a simple existence, even if she wants to be like a 'human being', she is still the incarnation of an extraordinary existence in essence.

The essential difference cannot be changed.


Last time, a clone of Arceus trusted humans and credulously trusted humans.

Even in order to protect the world of humans and Pokémon, the 720 clone of Arceus did not hesitate to collide with a meteorite that could destroy the world and sacrifice most of his power.

----But suffered a great betrayal from ancient humans!

learn from mistakes.

Arceus is very kind, but he is not a fool, think, he is a higher existence with the highest wisdom.

The lesson of this betrayal is still very painful.

Although Arceus is very kind and benevolent, "good people are bullied, and good horses are ridden by others".

This too kind white alpaca...was also deceived and deceived by cunning and shameless humans, and lost several important slates of his own.

Compared with the pain that the body is sealed by mercury, the Arceus avatar gave all 'Arzeus', and the lesson for this special Arceus consciousness avatar to Wusi is...

Human beings are not such a beautiful existence, so they cannot be easily believed.

Pokémon are much better than humans.

So compared to joining the WTO and living together with human beings, I can feel every smile and every move of human beings.

Wusi (Arzeus) still chooses to live in the 'ancient hermitage' and live a peaceful life, sitting on the hillside and drinking black tea with a smile on his face.

Be a "fun person", stand by and watch the world of Pokémon go wild and turn around.

Without expectations, nature will not be harmed.

"But..., Zhuowen, Xiaozhao, and Sirona, are people more trustworthy? If you trust them more, can you also get the relationship you want, and won't be betrayed again? ?”

I think there are many people in this world, very different.

But if you once again trust the "cunning" and "cunning" human beings, you may be hurt again.

Now, Wusi (Arzeus), who has been betrayed by human beings one after another, will probably fall into autism completely.

Pinching Ma Ma Drops...

Is it true that the Alpaca, the creation god, will not lose his temper? !

'Omniscient and omnipotent', such as Wusi (Arzeus), can't come up with the answer to this simple question.

She felt that if she used the power of 'time' to peek at the end of the long river of time to draw conclusions...

That's not the answer you get by 'feeling human'.

Instead, they are cheating with the power of 'divinity'.

Maybe 'divinity' is destined to be two different development directions contradicted by 'humanity'.

The more like a 'god', the less 'human'.

And the more you look like an ordinary 'person', the 'divinity' on your body will naturally be stripped away in sevens and eighties, gradually becoming less 'sacred'.

So this time, as the side of Arceus embracing humanity, I just want to feel, think, ponder, and experience it myself.


I thought about it over and over again, "Okay, I have a feeling, I have a feeling."

She felt that she was repeatedly touched by Zhuo Wen and others' beautiful feelings and excellent humanity, and she had already made up her mind to take the first step into the world.

But although this determination was made, it was "only a little bit".

"Let's take some time to think about it."

Wusi (Arzeus) whispered to himself.

"100 years? 200 years? ... or 1000 years? 2000 years?"

Director Zhuo: You might as well wait until billions of years later, when the sun explodes, and then think about it.

Although it is not necessary to consider billions of years...

However, with the long and long lifespan of my thoughts and the same life as the heaven and the earth, it is normal to be in a daze, to take a nap, and to think about hundreds or thousands of years, right? !

Just like the life of a mayfly is only one day, but the life of a human being is a hundred years.

The difference between the lifespan of Arceus and humans is probably even greater than the difference between humans and mayflies.

Or don't use the upper limit of the life span of ordinary people to measure the time it takes for me to think about a problem clearly.

Guidance Zhuo: Still the same sentence, -----'I think about the day when I make a decision, and I will never forget to tell Nai Weng about family sacrifices! '

"No way, human nature and feelings are still too complicated for me..."

Wusi sighed softly.


"What is this doing? Is it laying eggs? No, 'laying eggs' is what Pokémon say, but in human terms it should be..."

It's also a mistake to be too conscious, the 'God's eye view' sees too much that it shouldn't.

So if I want to be a normal person, at best a special 'witch', I don't think it's easy to open the 'God's perspective'.

But if the distance is too close, I think she just closes her eyes and listens, actively does not listen, does not look, does not speak, and still has a keen insight far beyond ordinary people.

No way, the basic ability is too high.

Since it cannot be avoided...

"In? Study and study."

While observing and studying, Wusi seriously recalled how he "laid eggs" at the beginning.

There seems to be nothing messy.

I just feel that the whole universe is empty, and it is too lonely to exist only by myself.

Said: Before the birth of the universe, only 'it' breathed alone.Where the universe was born is also 'its' origin.

Said: Three Pokémon were born from it, connecting time and space together.Its violent clone was given to the back of the world.

Said: 'Qi' is everywhere. 'It' has no place either.

Therefore, Arceus divided part of his inferior powers and created 'Dialga, the God of Time' and 'Palkia, the God of Space'.

And later, because of his violent temper, he was exiled to the mirror of the world, 'the master of the reverse world, Giratina'.

The universe was created by Arceus, and some god-level Pokémon and the original Pokémon may also have the power of Arceus.

However, humans in the Pokémon world, as well as subsequent ecologically diverse Pokémon, are species that have gradually evolved and multiplied over a long period of time.

"That's why I'm curious about it, right?!"

"Not a species of my own creation..."

"An existence that is not affected by its own power..."

"Especially that person is special..."

"If you can understand all this..."

"Only in this way can I think, eliminate 'divinity' and embrace 'humanity'."

I thought about it for a moment, and then I came to my senses. Is it not a good idea to do this kind of thing by yourself and spy on other people's "night life"?

Take a look, it's so weird.


Turn your head away and take another look!


The next day, the Xicui area ushered in the dawn, and it looked like it was thriving.

----'Dawn of Washing Emerald'.

This is the final chapter of this trip to the Xicui area, which puts a 'full stop' on everything.

After sorting out all the things, Zhuowen and the others were finally ready to go to the ruins of the Shen'ao Temple on the top of Tianguan Mountain, blow the "Flute of Heaven", and once again meet the supreme existence of the heavens, Arceus.

For the goal of 'population bug', Director Zhuo talked about it from the moment he arrived in Xicui area to the end when he was leaving Xicui area.

The result is...

Naturally, it was a 'big success'.

Although I didn't get stuck in Sirona or Xiaozhao, but I got stuck with three "extra populations" of Zhubei, Guana and Huoxia..., but since it is a "card bug" and a "card bug" , Doing such bad things will also pay a price.

Those who play tricks on time will surely play tricks back.

The cost of getting three "extra populations" of Zhubei, Guana and Huoxia is...

not sure.

But the intuitive 'price' in front of us is that ---- the 'Guy Xing' is probably gone for the time being.

Politeness Buddies: Are you?

Other than that, it should be fine, no big problem.

The world is vast and the population is large. Traveling through one or two people is not enough to cause a huge "paradox of time and space" that affects the world.

Believe in the long river of time and space, the 'world line' also has its own 'self-correcting power'.

A small change, like a scratch on the surface of the skin, healed itself in a blink of an eye before it could be sent to the 'hospital'.


Sub-volume: Volume [-]

Chapter 566 Hall of Heaven


Standing in the middle of the empty Sinnoh Temple, Xiaozhao blew the strangely shaped 'Flute of Heaven', which may be the unique aesthetic of Arceus.

An elegant melody blew by.


A moment later, at the end of the temple ruins, next to the empty 'Pillar of the Spear', adjacent to the direction of the sky, a series of transparent stairs suddenly emerged.

Facing the rising sun at dawn in the Xicui area, these transparent steps reflect colorful light that is almost dreamlike.

-----'Ascension to God'!

It is not an exaggeration to use this term to refer to this section of stairs leading to the 'Hall of Heaven'.

At the top of the highest Tianguan Mountain, there is a ladder leading to the 'Supreme Heaven'.

"Can you step on it?"

"Is it really okay?!"

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