But this time the god's move gave her a chance to continue killing.

kill!Be sure to find the enemy near your father... the God of Enmity.

"How could this be..." Wu Yifu was talking to herself, her eyes were a little dull.

"Take care of your

Territory, as a lord, there is nothing more important than governing your own country. I will not be angry with you, and I will also accept your challenge. If you can snatch the country of shadows from me, then I recognize your strength. "

Scathach withdrew his mighty army back to the Kingdom of Shadows and made a series of preparations.

After all, when the envoy dies, the gods will definitely know.

If the mastermind this time is to figure out the sanctimonious gods at the banquet, then it all makes sense.

But this kind of method really doesn't seem like a god can use it. Is that god the god of conspiracy and tricks?

Scathach didn't think much about it. It would be even better if the other party could come to him to settle accounts because of this exposure, so as not to come to the door to make trouble in person.

After a few days, Scathach did not wait for the arrival of the gods, but instead waited for the news from Wu Yifu.

It seems that Wu Yifu has fully cheered up, and at the same time officially issued a challenge to Scarha, to surpass Scarha.

After another half month, Skaha no longer had any hope that those gods could come over in person. These gods were like ordinary people who bullied the weak and feared the hard. It seemed that they continued to inquire.

Just when Scathach was considering whether to go to hell for a walk, several gods jointly called at the door.

This time, there were far more gods standing in front of the gate of the Kingdom of Shadows than there were at the banquet.

And this time the other party's intention was obvious, to find fault.

Scathach didn't give up, but stood alone in front of the city wall with a weapon.

The Kingdom of Shadows has the ability to fight, and she is the only one who is a god, so she must stand up.

[Laughing at me, I said why I haven’t seen this group of cowards looking for trouble in the past few months. It turned out that they were afraid that a few people would not be enough to beat them, so they went to find helpers. 】

【Is this the only way to become a Godslayer?These gods are really miserable. They were tricked by other gods to find fault, and even put their own lives in it. 】

[By the way, is the god here just longevity?There is no ability to die, so it is true that the so-called gods are just creatures that are a little stronger than humans. 】

[Continue to run forward, work hard to become stronger, one day you and I will break the gods too! 】

Chapter 169 166. Kill God!Land of the dead - the land of shadows!

The gods came one after another. The number this time far exceeded the number of banquets, and there were also many gods watching the battle in the dark. Some gods came to see Scathach's jokes, and some hoped that Scathach could build such a banquet. Those who can subvert the times are the best challenges for them.

After all, there is no shortage of fighting gods among this group of gods, but there are also some gods who just watch for fun.

God, as the name suggests, is a group of creatures that have lived for a long time. They are defined as gods, and they are called gods because of their outstanding abilities and realms that human beings cannot reach in their lifetime.

When a god killed by a human reaches the realm of a god, can it be called a god?

The purple-haired woman standing on the city wall today wanted to witness all of this.

"Skaha, cut yourself off, this way you can save the life behind you, if you continue to be obsessed with your obsession, then this land will attract life and death!"

The words of the gods are very aggressive, and the gods cannot be insulted. The first person to kill the gods will be the one who will not accept the teaching of the future human beings, so they must be killed in the cradle.

Humans are also quite magical creatures. They fear that they will do anything for so-called love, and even slander the orders of gods. However, these human beings actively underestimate the gods, and even make jokes about these human beings. This time it is indeed a joke. It's the gods.

In fact, when these gods came to question Skaha, they had already lost.

When the strong human beings saw this scene, some felt admiration in their hearts, while others had the idea of ​​killing gods in their hearts. In short, the beginning has already been triggered. Unless the entire human race is extinct, there will be a rise of human beings.

"You are in a hurry." Skaha didn't see these gods in his eyes at all and even provoked them.

"The weaker the creatures, the more they like to show off their strength in front of others, and the more they like to show their presence. You are no different from the so-called weak."

Scathach walked forward step by step. The sound of high heels colliding with the ground echoed in the silent air.

The powerful momentum suppressed the atmosphere of the gods, and they didn't dare to take a breath. It seemed that as long as the deadly spear was moved, it would penetrate the body.

The longer you live, the more afraid you are of death. Gods have unlimited lives, and they will only cherish life more. They are not like immortal gods. Even if they are immortal, they have ways to deal with them.

At this moment, Skaha's powerful shadow shrouded the hearts of the gods, lingering for a long time, but the more the gods were like this, the more they wanted to eradicate Skaha.

And those superfluous gods who were pulled over realized that they had fallen into a pit and were pitted by their colleagues.

Even if he left today, Skaka has already written down the grudge, and sooner or later he will come to settle the score.

"Oh, what, I'm standing here. Couldn't there be a god catching up? Could it be that you are really cowards? The gods who are so high above the world are actually afraid of me, a woman. Has this world changed? Or is it the gods? It's a joke."

The queen's voice echoed in the field, and a large number of female warriors poured out from the city behind to shout for her, giving out thunderous applause.

"The queen must win!"

Scathach has become accustomed to it, and just continued to walk forward unhurriedly.

Every time she took a step forward, the group of gods took a step back.

This action undoubtedly represented that these gods were afraid. Even though there were so many gods, a single god still dared not step forward.

God can feel the powerful aura of Scathach, as long as the first one goes up, he will definitely die.

Some gods have already begun to curse. After all, they didn't have to go through this muddy water, but they still came to help because of face. I thought it would be enough to just stand aside to support the situation, but I didn't expect to encounter such a powerful presence.

Immediately afterwards, Scathach whispered: "So, who is the first one?"

This sentence was like the sound of death. Although the voice was very low, all the gods heard it, and they were in danger for a while.

"Damn it, what are you afraid of? We have supreme almighty power. Even if you curse her, she will die. Put it on me!"

Finally, the gods exploded with incomparably powerful divinity, and they ended up with Skaha. Obviously they are the gods, they are the creatures who rule the world, why should they be afraid of a little girl who looks less than twenty!

With a swish, an invisible bow and arrow appeared in front of Scala, but was picked up by the spear.

Get started.

This is the harbinger of battle.

The first god started to attack, and the other gods also used their strength secretly, and some gods rushed over openly, as if they were the powers of the God of War.

None of these gods could stop Skaha's progress, and they didn't even have the qualifications to stop him.

Only by fighting with Skahe can one know the terror of the other party. Some gods have doubts, is the other party really human?

Could it be that the main body is actually the king of gods?Or the Lord God?

No matter what their status is, these gods are not qualified to know.

Every time the spear is used, a god must be pierced through the god's core.

The spear in Scathach's hand was completely dyed blood red, exuding endless murderous aura and divinity.

God was killed and his guns and armor were thrown away, and now the only thought in their minds is to escape, as long as they can stay away from this madman.

Why are humans so strong?

Definitely not human beings, but more powerful main gods, and even the creation gods are at work there.

"Skaha, I curse you to die a terrible death, and suffer forever forever!"

"I curse you never to leave the Kingdom of Shadows..."

"I curse your country to be plagued by disease, plague... ahhh!"

God cast a curse on the high queen before she died, and the curse on this number would increase every day, which was nothing to her at all.

"God... a joke."

Skaha looked up to the sky and smiled, his long purple hair was dripping with blood, which was the blood of the gods.

The road is also full of blood left by the gods. The body of the gods has long been turned into the original source due to the curse and dissipated in the world.

After this battle, the gods really became a joke.

Strength tells gods and humans that they are qualified to kill gods.

【handsome!I also want to travel around the world with a long gun! 】

【You're thinking shit, that's a teacher, he's our girl's idol!It's decided, I want to practice spear hard, and then go to find the legendary land of shadows! 】

[That's right, masters are immortal, which means that if you can find the Kingdom of Shadows now, as long as you can pass the trial, you can become a disciple under your seat. 】

[From the beginning to the end, I can't do without the tights that cling to my skin. I don't know if the master changes it every few days. Can you give me the rotten ones? 】


"Honey? What are you doing?"

A woman with pink hair walked in.

"It's nothing, it's just that the video was released, and it's about Master."

Cu Chulainn didn't pay attention to the woman behind him at all, his eyes were still fixed on the screen.

"What, I changed your clothes specially for you today."

Maeve from behind walked up to Cu Chulainn, shaking.

With fair skin, a tall figure, and a head of beautiful pink hair like wheat waves, she is definitely a top-notch beauty.

The clothes she wore were even more interesting. They were called clothes, but the Queen's racing suit was more suitable. The red patent leather jacket was tightly attached to the delicate skin, showing off her proud figure without a doubt.

[probably so]

"Okay, okay, even I can't cater to you every day, I'd better watch this video first, maybe I can find the weakness of that old woman."

Cu Chulainn looked around vigilantly, and when he said some taboo words just now, he suddenly felt a chill down his spine.

"That...is this the young Scathach? She can indeed compete with my figure, but she is too tender..."

Maeve stood by the screen and looked at Scathach on the screen, and found that she was not as good as the other party from top to bottom, and everything was lacking.

Whether it's the aura of the queen or the proud figure, they all lack a little bit, just a little bit.

If you have to say it, Scathach is only a little mature at this time, and has not completely faded from his immaturity.

"Damn it, I've decided to lose weight and eat more papaya!"

You can lose anything, but you must not lose in this regard.

"Really, I don't understand why you women are so angry. I was under the master at that time, and I never had any troubles in this regard. Other women

These were never discussed either. "

Cu Chulainn scratched his head, it was not the first time he saw Maeve say that he wanted to lose weight.

As soon as Maeve saw someone with a better figure than herself, she clamored to lose weight. Although it did have some effect, Cu Chulainn felt that it was better to be more fleshy.

This ending is already very good. If it was the former Queen Maeve, she might have killed those people directly.

"However, the master started hunting gods when he was around 20 years old. This is really incomparable. He is obviously a human or a pure human. How can he become stronger in such a short period of time?"

Cu Chulainn was puzzled, not knowing where he had lost.

The heir of a demigod and a human being, his strength has a high upper limit.

He was born with great strength, but at the age of 20, he still failed to kill the gods. At that time, the gods seemed to be very strong. Could it be that after the precipitation of time, they have been improved by more than one level?

Or the era in which Scathach lived was the era when the gods had just risen. At this time, humans still have the opportunity to kill the gods.

"Don't think about it, you have been dead for thousands of years, but you have lived to this day, what do you compare with others? Just live your life with peace of mind. If you can live again, why would you seek death?"

Maeve looked away.

She naturally knew Cu Chulainn's thoughts, and even in that era, everyone was proud of defeating Scathach, but no one could succeed.

"Hmph, people can't live without dreams. If they don't have dreams, what is the difference between them and the salted fish in my hand?"

Cu Chulainn fished out a salted fish out of nowhere and flipped it over in his hand.

Maeve glanced at the salted fish in Cú Chulainn's hand: "Then isn't he still a salted fish turned upside down? Can it still evolve?"

"Uh...can you stop scolding me when I talk!"

"Yes, but...haven't the food for today been handed over?"

"... Read it."

"That's what you said, then I'm not polite."

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