But the deeper they went into the dungeon, the more frightened they were.

There seems to be disaster in the distant and unknown below.

Immediately, Bei Mu and Yu Zao looked at each other, and the meaning was pushed out, and reported the matter to the First Emperor.

It is believed that the leaders of other countries have also noticed the existence of terrifying creatures in the dungeon.

Even so, the Celestial Dynasty still opened the entrance to the dungeon.

This is an opportunity in itself. If you don't seize it now and just stick to your stance, you will only fall behind and be beaten.

So as long as it is an opportunity, the Celestial Dynasty will not let it go, especially with such a large population base, enough for them to grow up in a short time


During this period, Tamazamae was transferred to Ryukyu to guard.

Before Ryukyu has completely stabilized, there is no time to return to Sakura.

It was also because of Yuzao's Fari Gaochao that he was entrusted.

In fact, Beimu is more suitable, but considering that Beimu is not an official staff member, it is not a priority.

However, Bei Mu did not escape the fate of the people who were appointed.

After going to the Hunter's Association, he was appointed as the president of Sakura's Hunter's Association, in charge of the dungeons in this area.


After Bei Mu got home at night, he heard Ilya and Mei You discussing the wand.

This aroused his curiosity, could it be that these two magic wands were still made by Gem Weng?

It seems that no matter what, no matter which world it is in, it is a magic wand made by Gemstone Weng.

Bei Mu didn't delve into this point.

Just sighing in my heart, the trick to prevent Illya and Miyu from taking the test was broken.

With the strength of the three of Illya, they can completely pass the assessment of the Hunter Association.

The Hunter Association is divided into fifth-class monsters according to their strength and weakness, and naturally they are also divided into fifth-class hunters.

ABCDE five levels, each level will be subdivided.

For example, the strength of Illya and Meiyu is about C.

Until A-level, they all belong to the category of normal humans, and it can be said that they are not full of heroic spirits above humans.

There is also an EX on the A-level, as long as it is given this badge, it means that it must be a heroic spirit.

The president of each Hunter Association branch is a heroic spirit.

Increased the credibility of the Hunter Association to the greatest extent.

In order to ensure the safety of all the people, Emperor Shihuang did not lower the assessment content of the Hunter Association but was very strict.

It is impossible to fish in troubled waters and pass the assessment. You must go through all the proper procedures to become a real hunter.

And Ilya and Miyu will definitely go to Sakura's local Hunter Association for assessment.

At this time, the two of them still don't know Bei Mu's identity, but they can use the identity of the president to test them well.

For these few people, Bei Mu really broke his heart.

On the other hand, Alice Faier, this housewife is very well-behaved, she almost stays at home all day long, only occasionally calling to check the company's situation.

The current doll technology is quite developed, even Alice Viel can be present at the scene in person at home.

"It's so late, why don't you go to sleep?" Bei Mu smiled slightly, interrupting the conversation between the two of them.

"Oni-chan!" Illya couldn't wait to run over, wanting to tell about Ruby.

However, because I was too excited, my tongue got a little knotted, and in the end, Meiyu introduced the ins and outs.

When she learned that there were dungeon entrances in various cities this afternoon, Ilya couldn't hold back her desire to investigate, so she dragged Xiao Hei out.

Seeing this, Meiyu could only follow, but the three of them were hit by two walking sticks as soon as they went out.

Take a closer look, isn't this just ruby ​​and sapphire?

When ruby ​​and sapphire touched the palms of Ilya and Miyu respectively, the two wands greeted them as if they had come alive.

Only then did the two realize that it was really ruby ​​and sapphire.

However, these two wands fell into sleep due to the extreme lack of magic power, and they had to wait for some magic power to be replenished before they could wake up.

Because of the contract with the two wands, the bodies of Illya and Miyu have also been strengthened, and they can feed back their own magic power to the wands.

It's just that the two don't know how to operate it now.

Bei Mu didn't intend to help either, this work was done by two magic wands.

After confirming that the wand was not in any danger, he no longer cared about it.

As for Ilya's desire to apply for the hunter exam, then let her go, as long as she doesn't delay her studies.

It will be the school season in two days, and at that time, I'm afraid it will be too late for Illya to exercise.


Conquer the king's palace.

A large number of troops stood in front of them, some of them seemed to have experienced many battles, while others were afraid of the aura of the conquering king and did not dare to raise their heads.

But the Conqueror stood at the door on the podium, giving an impassioned speech.

"The world has changed. It is not only a disaster but also an opportunity. Since the current sea of ​​stars is not ours, if we can touch it, then occupy this land. Keep going down and inward. One day the entire dungeon will be belongs to us!"

Those who listened to the words were excited, which may be the reason why many soldiers chose to follow the King of Conquerors.

However, the King of Conquerors is not as big and three rough as it seems on the surface.

There are psychological analyzes for many things, especially the comprehensive analysis of the battle situation.

Moreover, the King of Conquerors can be regarded as a generation of Mingjun, at least the country does not have too many flaws and the people's livelihood is in chaos.

It's just that gathering troops like this and forcibly attacking the dungeon, isn't it a bit too hasty?

Or maybe it's a good thing to do.

But after investigation, the underground city.Some monsters often appear in the first few floors, and the level of these monsters is not low, and they will reappear after death.

That is to say, the monsters on each floor will - refresh.

It sounds like you're playing a game, but that's the reality.

The dungeon appeared out of thin air, just like the cataclysm a few years ago

The same as the current Heroic Spirit.

There is no sense of incongruity.

At that time, when the heroic spirits descended on a large scale, all the people in all countries were imagining whether they could get along with these heroes. In fact, the later getting along has already explained everything.

Until now, human beings can also be counted as heroes, and everyone has the possibility of becoming a hero.

The King of Conquerors has also planned quite well this time. He is ambitious to expand the wilderness with his army of heroic spirits in the front, while the rear is filled with recruits, that is, people who are specially trained as heroic spirits to join the army and participate in this battle.

In this way, the overall strength of the team can be steadily improved, and eventually an army that is not weaker than the vanguard can be cultivated.

And the King of Conquerors has put aside his ambitions to conquer the dungeon.

This style really fits the Conqueror's approach very well.

Wherever the army passed by, the monsters would undoubtedly die.

Veterans respond to the Conqueror's needs with high spirits, and this intensity infects the recruits.

Even if they are afraid of the unknown future, they are also full of enthusiasm because of this emotion.

Everyone is in high spirits, and they are bound to kill the sky!

Chapter 241 Chapter 238 "The Field of the Sacred Round Table - Camelot" begins!

From the new Hunter Association in Fuyuki City, Illya walked out of it a little bit excitedly.

Behind her were Miyu, Black, and Karen.

The four held medals and the rewards they had just exchanged from the Hunter Association in their hands.

This is the first time that Ilya has been paid through her own hands.

Although the card in her hand was thin and light, in Illya's eyes, it was worth a thousand gold... In fact, this card was indeed worth a thousand gold.

After the hunter association was officially opened yesterday, Ilya and the others couldn't wait to register as a hunter.

Although Bei Mu wanted to stop it, Yi Liya passed the assessment by relying on her own strength.

Not only that, but the other three girls also passed the assessment at the same time.

Now the four children instantly became Bei Mu's biggest headache.

Although Bei Mu is in the same class as them now, the age gap will make Bei Mu subconsciously take care of Ilya.

However, after seeing the strength of ruby ​​and sapphire, she felt relieved after being touched, and asked Illya to go to the dungeon to explore.

And school starts tomorrow, and today is the last time for Ilya to come back from the dungeon.

After school starts, I shouldn't go in and out of the dungeon so frequently.

It was only after Bei Mu took over the job of the president of the Hunter Association that he realized that he had been tricked.

After all, this position has just emerged, and an organization like the Hunter Association has just been established, and all orders need to be perfected.

This made Bei Mu extremely busy in the past two days, dealing with all kinds of miscellaneous things.

This kind of thing is not big, but it is not small.

In the end, Bei Mu still planned to go over everything in person to avoid mistakes.

After sending Karen home, Ilya also returned home, and heard from her mother that her brother would not come back for dinner tonight.

Inevitably, there was a sense of loss in my heart.

But after hearing that these days are over, it will be back on track, which makes me feel a lot more comfortable.

This is a sudden shake of the mobile phone placed on the table.

Ilya picked up the phone and looked at the banner above, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she handed the phone to Xiao Hei and Miyu.

"A new video is going to be released, or is it tonight?"

Paying attention to the emergence of new exposure videos has become the focus of national discussion.

With the release of every exposure video, heroic spirits will appear.

And now a weak country needs a strong heroic spirit to protect it.

Even a powerful country is eager to have a few more heroic spirits, so there is no need to know too many people in the exposure video.

Maybe we can get the cause and effect of this catastrophe and the last catastrophe from the exposure video.


Ilya is discussing with Chloe and Miyu whose video will be exposed this time.

However, the news that popped up on the mobile phone poured cold water on everyone.

It was a text message from the school, requiring everyone to write a review.

Illya naturally objected to this evil behavior of the school.

Looking at his body, he was quite honest, sitting quietly beside the TV with a notebook, waiting for the exposure video to play.

Before that, the three girls played poker for a while, and then chatted with Alice Fell and Guinevere.

Tasted the dessert of Shimosajo Aiga's new creation.

Play around with the maid for a while, and finally sit in front of the screen and wait for the video to start.


At eight o'clock in the evening, under the great anticipation of everyone, the video playback began.

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