Of course, apart from the group of Jigui-level deep seas that have the best relationship with European Qi Ji, the other deep seas don't know that their deep sea general flagship has turned into this salted fish appearance.

In their impressions, the European Qi Ji was still the cruel, cold, and desperate messenger of terror in their impressions.

If someone told them that their deep-sea general flagship was sunbathing on the beautiful golden beach, they would definitely give you a motherfucker expression.

Will European Qi Ji become this lazy salted fish? tan90° does not exist.

Of course, they didn't have time to find out if the rumor was true.

Because, the girls are here!

The deep sea in the Indian Ocean, or the Eastern Fleet under the European Deep Sea Combined Fleet, is almost the most leisurely unit in the entire European Deep Sea Combined Fleet.

They hardly need to deal with the offensive of the ship girl.

To the west is the Red Sea Fleet under Canal Qiji, which guards the Suez Canal. The human forces in the north fell with little resistance.

But in the past few years, the berths there seem to have focused on the Western Pacific Fleet, and they have hardly cleaned the deep sea in the Indian Ocean.

And the Eastern Fleet, because the European Qi Ji's focus is on Europe, has not launched an active attack on the berth here.

It can be said that the sea area of ​​the nearby generation is a relatively rare peaceful place where there are few wars in this devastated world.

So much so that it was so peaceful that the security forces belonging to the Eastern Fleet lurking in the Strait of Malacca did not notice at all. During this period of time, there were too many ships coming near the Malay Peninsula.

——Linga Bodi·Jianniang Temporary Combat Headquarters——

This is a small island on the Linga Islands that doesn't even have a name. In a wooden house on the island, there are several people who are crucial to the ship's mother.

"So far, 11 A-level admirals, 68 B-level admirals, 130 C-level admirals, and their subordinate ships have all arrived at the designated port area and are waiting for combat orders."

It was a black-haired girl who spoke, a rare girl with glasses.This gave her an intellectual beauty.

She is Oyodo, the governor's secretary ship, and she is fully authorized to participate in this European support operation on behalf of the governor.

"Very well, then, we can also start this battle meeting."

Teacher Kaga looked at Oyodo, and the other party shook his head at her to indicate that I was here to make soy sauce and didn't want to be responsible for supporting the meeting, so he took the initiative to say.

"Our joint fleet has built a temporary berth in the Linga Islands and is ready to go at any time. But now we have to face a problem."

"The question is, where do we go?"

Kaga-sensei unfolded the map.

This is a map centered on the Malay Peninsula, including the Philippines and India.

"From our current position to the Indian Ocean, there are three main routes, the Strait of Malacca, the Strait of Sunda, and the Strait of Lombok."

"As for these three key points, because of the direction of our strategy over the years, they are still in the hands of the deep sea."

"In terms of distance, the Strait of Malacca has the shortest voyage, but as one of the most important waterways in history, the deep sea forces here are undoubtedly the strongest. The second is the Sunda Strait, if we go through the Sunda Strait , the extended distance is not too much, but the strength of the deep sea will be greatly weakened. As for the Lombok Strait, there are basically only the weakest deep-sea destroyers there, but it takes a long way to go around."

The problem is very simple, now there are three options A, B, C, or you can also call them A, B, and C. A is the most difficult, but the fastest.C is the simplest, but it takes a lot of time to detour.

So, admirals, how would you choose?

If it's the admirals in the game, I'm afraid they won't even think about it, just choose A.

Being an admiral without armor is different from salted fish.

"I think we should cross the Lombok Strait."

An admiral with a sallow complexion raised his hand.

"You know, our final combat target is the European Qiji. There is no doubt that it will be the most powerful deep sea we have ever faced. Before facing her, we should try to choose a low-intensity battle to preserve our vitality. "

"I have an objection."

An admiral who was still sweating on his chubby forehead raised objections.

"The supply line is the lifeline of a large-scale battle. Once the battle line is too long, how to ensure the supply line becomes a headache. If the supply line is cut off, no matter how much vitality is preserved, it will not be possible to continue this battle without resource supplies. So I think we should choose to go through the Strait of Malacca."

"I don't think so. In fact, I just got another message after communicating with the admiral stationed in Lingabo."

A bespectacled admiral walked up to the map and drew a circle in the southwest of Singapore Island.

"The Strait of Malacca has the most elite security forces among the three main routes. In this position, the former port of Singapore also gave birth to a road-based deep-sea port, Xiaji. If we choose to cross the Strait of Malacca, we will inevitably meet people from all walks of life. Harbor Xia Ji's aviation attack."

The words of the admiral of the eyes made the expressions of the people in the headquarters suddenly darken.

Unlike the ordinary deep sea that accepted the formation of seabed resentment in the previous concept, the roadbed deep sea hardly appears on the surface of the sea.Only after the deep sea has completely occupied a certain port, can such a deep sea with the port as its prototype appear.This type of deep sea can be said to be an immovable fortress of the deep sea, with ridiculously high armor and firepower. The only disadvantage is that it hardly leaves the port where it appears.

Unexpectedly, this battle has just begun, and they will face such a difficult opponent.

"If that's the case, why don't we consider a compromise and go through the Sunda Strait?"

Admiral Eye's suggestion made the other two admirals nod.

"So, what's your opinion, Kaga-sensei?"

"Indeed, if you go through the Sunda Strait, you don't need to face the air support from Xia Ji, the harbor, and you don't need to deal with the most elite security force of the Deep Sea Eastern Fleet. It not only takes into account the difficulty of the attack, but also takes into account the shortest possible distance."

Teacher Kaga said so, but there was no smile on his face.

"However, have you thought about it. The Linga Islands where we are now are within the aviation strike range of the harbor Xiaji. Once we start the offensive, the frontline harbor Xiaji in the Sunda Strait is indeed out of reach, but Linga as the headquarters Bodi, I’m afraid it will be bombed into the old site of Lingabo.”

"So, our first goal has appeared. We will deploy elite troops to shut up Xia Ji of Harbor. At the same time, since we want the elite to deal with Xia Ji of Harbor, then the United Fleet will follow behind the elite troops, and we will directly face the Strait of Malacca Make a breakthrough!"

"I say so, do you have any opinions?"


The other admirals looked at each other, then nodded together.

ps: Unexpectedly, poi has a second update!

Volume 286: Chapter 20 [-]. Public travel poi

After the battle plan came out, the admirals stationed at the Linga berth took action one after another. The first-class admirals brought their strongest ship girls and rushed to the place where Qi Ji was in the harbor to execute the beheading operation.The second-level admirals started the frontal breakthrough in the Strait of Malacca, and on the other hand, they also attracted part of the firepower for the first-level admirals who were in charge of attacking the harbor Qiji.

And what about the Class C admirals?

They stayed in Lingapor and called 666.

According to the original plan, they will be responsible for maintaining the route and logistics supply tasks after the attacking force arrives in the Red Sea.

In other words, before the attacking force occupied Sri Lanka and established a temporary berth, the only task of the C-level admiral was to transport supplies back and forth between the Linga berth and Japan.

And that was after a period of time after starting the strategy. Now, the C-level admiral really doesn't have any special tasks.

So, what are our dog Admiral Ayumi Mitani and her girls doing now?

This is an unknown island in the Linga Islands.

Like most Linga islands, there are beautiful beaches and coral reefs.

"Admiral-san, isn't it good for us to poi like this?"

"Is there anything good? It's because there are no tasks from above, and it's not that I've neglected my duties."

"But, but this way there is always the illusion of being on vacation poi."

"Say it so!"

Mitani Ayumi pointed at the blonde secretary ship,

"Haven't you honestly changed into a bikini?"


Well, because the third-rank admiral has no mission for the time being, Ayumi Mitani and her ship girls are enjoying a rare holiday.

It's like being on a freelance tour.

"Left, go to poi to the left!"

"Admiral, move a little to the right."

"Admiral, this is almost the position!"

Three blond girls with the same childish faces were playing a watermelon game with Ayumi Mitani, and they gave instructions from time to time to correct the direction of Ayumi Mitani.

Migu Ayumi staggered and approached the coordinates given by the three ship girls.

"Okay, look at mine!"

Mitani Ayumi, whose eyes were covered by white cloth strips, raised the wooden stick in his hand high, and then dropped it suddenly.

Unlike the imaginary crisp sound, the wooden stick seemed to be sucked by something.

"What the hell?"

Ayumi Sangu pulled down the white cloth that covered her eyes.

What imprinted into the eyes was a pair of ice blue pupils.

The wooden stick in his hand was held by the silver-haired young girl.

Apparently, Mitani Ayumi was tricked by his ship mother, and the coordinates they gave were not watermelons at all, but the silver-haired education ship of their guarding mansion.

"Yo, good afternoon, Верный."

Sangu Ayumi was mentally prepared to be trained. ,

You must know that this silver-haired education ship, although it looks like a primary school student, is actually a very strict teacher, and its combat effectiveness is also in the forefront of its own tutelary mansion.

The only downside is that I like to drink.

No, it cannot be regarded as a disadvantage.It is said that the people of the fighting nation, the more alcohol they drink, the higher their combat effectiveness.

In other words, drinking is actually buffing yourself.


Верный nodded slightly, and let go of the wooden stick in Ayumi Mitani's hand.

It seems that he didn't intend to care about the fact that Ayumi Mitani almost hit her.

Sangu Ayumi turned around immediately, showing a super fierce expression.

"You bastards, did it on purpose!"

"Where there is nothing, it is obviously the dog admiral, you can't tell the left and right poi."

"Admiral, senior Yuli ordered me to do everything, please don't hate the big mackerel."

"Admiral, Ellie, I am innocent!"

"Questions and answers are useless! Eat me!"

Sangu Bumeng raised his stick and chased after him.

The three ship girls immediately laughed and fled in all directions.

"Admiral dog, do you think you can catch up with my speed poi!"

The blond secretary showed a grimace, and then ran away in a flash.

Indeed, as a ship girl, it can be regarded as the fastest destroyer. How can the speed of the blonde secretary ship be caught by Ayumi Mitani, a human being...

Then, we can only...

"Admiral, see you later!"

The big mackerel saw the blond secretary ship run away, rolled its cute big eyes, and jumped back into the water.

She is a submarine, and it is like playing with it all day in the water.

It's impossible for Admiral to dive into the water.

Well, there is one last goal left.

"Hey, this is too despicable!"

The only one left was Andrea. As a battleship, she was not as fast as the blonde secretary ship, and she couldn't use the water escape technique like the big mackerel, so she could only run as hard as she could.

Seeing the three blond loli running away, only Andrea was left, and Ayumi Mitani rushed towards Andrea without saying a word.

"Wake up, Ellie! This is the admiral's confession of love to you!!!"

"I don't need this kind of love!!!"

The two of them chased around the beach like this.

Not long after, the blonde secretary ship hiding in the distance and the big mackerel hiding in the water stuck their heads out and looked at each other.

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