Chapter 277

Although it is said that the other party is ugly.

But living a life is simply not up to the standard of beauty.

Besides, I am quite old, and I don't want to find those young and beautiful girls.

After all, these little girls are all after their own money.

The second aunt found a rich old master, so naturally the first thing she did was to divorce the second uncle.

The second uncle has long been very tired of the second aunt, but he can't find a more suitable woman.

Besides, there is also his own son.

A fierce quarrel broke out between the two, and everyone thought that the second aunt was simply a loose woman.

Actually looking for a man behind the second uncle's back.

Li Guoqiang was waiting to see the joke, and of course Sha Zhu was also watching the joke behind his back.

In the entire big yard, the two had a falling out and copied all the furniture in their house.

The people in the compound pointed and pointed, thinking that Second Aunt was really shameless.

The second aunt didn't want to stay in the big yard any longer.

Anyway, I am temporarily renting a house outside, and after I marry the old master, I will have a big house to live in.

The second uncle is now a lonely person, and he can't hold his head up in the big courtyard.

Li Guoqiang also laughed a few words from time to time.

Of course, the people in the yard laughed at the Second Uncle all the time, thinking that the Second Uncle had grown old and become a waste.

He became a green hat king.

The second uncle couldn't lift his head, and was also asking about this matter, which old man made him wear a cuckold.

After inquiring for a while, I realized that it was actually a master chef of Li Guoqiang Restaurant.

So I found Li Guoqiang, thinking that Li Guoqiang had an inseparable relationship with this matter.

Li Guoqiang actually has nothing to do with this matter.

This was caused by Shazhu.

Li Guoqiang does not want to betray Sha Zhu so far.

After all, there is no conflict of interest between the two of them. If they betrayed Sha Zhu, it would appear that they are not individuals.

But what I didn't expect was that Shazhu had betrayed Li Guoqiang until now.

When the second uncle found Li Guoqiang, Li Guoqiang naturally would not admit this matter, nor did he betray Sha Zhu.

The second uncle was looking for Sha Zhu.

"Sizhu, what do you mean? Why did you introduce a boyfriend to my wife? Is this something people do?"

The second uncle asked angrily.

"When you laughed at me and framed me, didn't you think about how I felt? So you deserve it."

Silly Zhu has always been a quick talker.

Now that I have money, I feel that nothing is a problem.

As long as you dare to fight against yourself, what can you do if you destroy the other party?

The second uncle is usually not afraid of anything, but the only thing he is afraid of is those desperate people.

Of course there are those rich people.

What the second uncle admired most in his life was the rich and those who fought desperately.

After seeing Shazhu's aura, the second uncle knew that he would never get any advantage no matter what.

But I thought of a way, that is to punish Li Guoqiang first.

Punish Li Guoqiang first, and then punish Sha Zhu.

Since Li Guoqiang is to be punished, it is necessary to unite with Shazhu.

"I misunderstood you silly Zhu about this matter, I was too impulsive, but should the two of us unite to deal with Li Guoqiang?"

The second uncle calculated.

Silly Zhu thought it was a good card.

The second uncle can be regarded as a relatively authoritative person in the courtyard.

If it is possible to mobilize the people in the courtyard to deal with Li Guoqiang, that would be a way.

Li Guoqiang is now seriously threatening himself.

After opening a restaurant, let the flow of people in your restaurant decrease infinitely, while the flow of people in your own restaurant increases infinitely.

Sha Zhu now doesn't even want to think about how Li Guoqiang persuaded him before.

Up to this point, he is completely to blame.But Shazhu didn't think so, thinking it was all Li Guoqiang's fault.

Sha Zhu immediately reached a reconciliation with the second uncle, saying that he would not interfere in this matter. If the uncle wanted to get his wife back, then it would be fine.

Now the second uncle suddenly has another idea. Since his wife is going to betray him, he doesn't want to reunite again.

Then just find another young girl by yourself.

The second uncle, an old pervert, is now eyeing Sha Zhu's restaurant.

Of course, the most important thing is to get rid of Li Guoqiang first.

So now I came up with a bad idea, which is to exchange the things in Li Guoqiang's restaurant.

If it were to be exchanged, Li Guoqiang would not know about it at all, and it would be fine to let the waiter in Li Guoqiang's own restaurant do it.

It happened that there was a waiter in Li Guoqiang's restaurant, and now he felt wronged in Li Guoqiang's restaurant.

This woman did a good job at first, but was instigated by a guest in a restaurant to do some shameful things.

Turn the Moutai in Li Guoqiang's restaurant into fake wine.

In other words, the civet cat is replaced by the prince.

Li Guoqiang absolutely does not allow such a thing to happen, and of course he is going to teach the other party a good lesson.

The woman cried and shouted that she was framed by others.And there is a seriously ill father to support, so I was confused for a while.

After Li Guoqiang dealt with the mastermind who changed the wine, he also thought that this woman was indeed bewitched.

Going to give her a chance.

However, Li Guoqiang's refusal to pursue the matter increased the arrogance of this woman, and she was ready to take revenge on Li Guoqiang.

But I haven't been able to find any opportunities, because Li Guoqiang is very smart.

In addition, the other waiters are very inclined to worship Li Guoqiang, so they will not give this woman any chance at all, and they are supervising this woman all the time.

However, when the second uncle found this woman, he felt that he had a chance.

That is to say, replace all genuine products of Li Guoqiang with fake ones.

In this case, Li Guoqiang's restaurant is completely wrong, and a bureau will naturally be set up to frame Li Guoqiang.

But the woman said that she has no such ability at all now, because everyone is staring at herself.

Of course, there is only one person who can solve this problem, and that is Qin Huairu.

Qin Huairu has always been a master at coming up with bad ideas.

Sure enough, the advice given was to make this girl gain everyone's trust again.

Doesn't it mean that this girl is not trusted by everyone now, and is being followed everywhere?

Then do something that shows your face.

This matter will be arranged by Qin Huairu.

Li Guoqiang's restaurant has always been very dull because the security guards are very responsible.

But what I didn't expect was that something happened, and this thing was perfectly solved by this girl.

A little thief actually broke into the hotel in the middle of the night to steal something.

It was discovered by this girl, and then reported to the supervisor's manager, who caught the thief.

Of course, this thief was arranged by Qin Huairu.

And deliberately caught by this girl.

Now the girl has been trusted by Li Guoqiang, and other waiters also look at this girl with admiration.

Li Guoqiang believes that no one makes mistakes, as long as they change.

This girl is now desperate, and Li Guoqiang rewarded the girl for fighting the thief bravely.

Of course, now this girl also has the conditions to commit crimes.

The other girls no longer put their eyes on the woman.

So the girl was ready to help the second uncle after she met the conditions to commit crimes in the hotel again.

The next day, the second uncle brought a few bottles of fake Moutai.

"Girl, these fake Moutais are very fake, they can be said to be the level of liquor for a few cents, you just drop the bag!"

The second uncle said.

"No problem, but how much will you pay me if this thing succeeds?"

The most important thing to do these bad things is of course for money.

And everyone is very aware of this matter, it is very risky, if someone is caught, then this woman will have to pay a very high price.

Because it's the second time it's happened.

The second uncle took out 5000 yuan from the bag and gave it to the woman.

It means that if the truth is revealed, the girl can escape in advance.

Even if it is impossible to escape in advance, Qin Huairu will find a way to solve this matter.

Definitely won't let her have any problems.

Although 5000 yuan is nothing to this girl, it is just a small thing to do.

And if it succeeds in the future, there will be follow-up rewards.

The woman transferred the fake Moutai to the real Moutai very smoothly.

The things in Li Guoqiang's hotel are sold very fast.

Therefore, Li Guoqiang did not notice the details of the replacement of the fake Moutai, and felt that the woman had changed her ways.

But what I didn't expect was that the second uncle brought Qin Huairu and Sha Zhu to his hotel the next day.

As soon as he sat down, he said he would like to drink Moutai, and now that he has made a fortune, he doesn't care about money at all.

Li Guoqiang knew that the other party was not a kind person, but it was impossible not to give him the consumption in his restaurant.

So those fake Moutais were brought up.

Shazhu is not very connoisseur of wine at all.

But it is obvious that these Moutais are fake, because they have been marked.

Li Guoqiang is currently very wary of the people in the courtyard, but what he didn't expect was that all the people in the courtyard came to his restaurant.

Although very annoying to them.

But there is still a minimum of etiquette, after all, these people are here to eat.

However, what I didn't expect was that the uncle directly ordered the waiter to go to Moutai for himself.

This made Li Guoqiang very puzzled.

Did the people in these big yards get rich?

I haven't heard that these people in the courtyard are doing any big business.

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