But Pantalone, who always felt an inexplicable sense of déjà vu, finally realized why he had never seen this girl before, but could feel the reason for that inexplicable déjà vu.

Good guy.

In a sense, for any yellow-haired mute, this person in front of him can be regarded as an undoubted old acquaintance.

After all, in his memory, Catherine had never successfully finished a sentence.

Though he's Pantalone now, not some yellow-haired traveler with that loud, annoying white emergency food floating spirit by his side.

However, this did not prevent him from finding Catherine familiar, and it was precisely because of this that he couldn't help being stunned for a second when Sandonie introduced the name of the 'prosthetic bionic doll' in front of him.

But if you think about it carefully, it is very reasonable. After all, someone had discovered long ago that Catherine seemed to be a bionic doll in the end of winter.

Since it was a bionic doll, it was naturally made by humans.

And there is no doubt that there is only one person in Zhidong who has this ability and can do this kind of thing.

That is the "puppet" Sandonie who is the executive officer of the Fools.

The reason why he hasn't discovered this matter is probably because he has never thought about it, but when Catherine really appeared in front of him.

Everything couldn't help but become reasonable again.

Just as he was thinking about such things in his mind, Sandonie's words of introduction to Catherine couldn't help pulling him back from those thoughts to reality.

"As you can see, this is the only finished product produced by the current 'mechanical prosthetic body'. As long as you don't mind using a female body, it's not impossible to use a usable prosthetic body immediately."

Sandonie's words made Pantalone, who originally asked the question, immediately understand why Sandonie said before that if he wanted to use a satisfactory prosthetic body, he might have to wait for a while.

That is, Sandonie has not produced a special prosthetic body for Pantalone. At present, all the trial products are Catherine of other models and individuals that are shipped together with Catherine.

And the meaning of what Sandonie said to him is also very simple.

If you don't mind women's clothing, then these types of 'prosthetic bionic dolls' are not impossible for you to use, which is roughly what it means.

For Sandonie herself, this is not something worth avoiding and caring about. After all, Catherine was originally designed by her based on herself.

That's why she asked him, if he doesn't mind using a 'prosthetic bionic doll' with a female body, then she can arrange it for him now.

After understanding this point, Pantalone couldn't help coughing twice to express.

"I don't think this kind of thing is very urgent. To be honest, I am not very eager to use the 'mechanical prosthesis'. In fact, I can wait until the special 'mechanical prosthesis' is completed. Say it again."

Pantalone, who was halfway through speaking, suddenly paused, and then seemed to think of something, and couldn't help but looked at Sandonie and asked.

"Compared to this, to be honest, I have a new idea. Regarding the 'bionic dolls' you made, I would like to ask you if you have any special treatment? If not, I can borrow them if I need them."

"It's just some 'bionic dolls' that can be made easily. If you want to use these 'bionic dolls', you can use her as you like, in various senses."

Seeing the question raised by Pantalone, Sandone only answered lightly.

There was nothing in particular in mind about Pantalone wanting to use his own 'bionic doll'.

This made Pantalone sigh how easy it is to deal with the "puppet". Compared with the previous communication with the mayor, it is much more comfortable when pretending to be confused.

But I don't know why, when I heard Sandonie say that he can 'use' Catherine at will, no matter what he does to Catherine, I always feel weird.

It sounds like he's someone with special needs who buys imitation dolls.

Considering that Sandonie might ask what he was going to do with these 'bionic dolls' next, it made him consider whether he should justify himself.

But to be honest, he thinks it's okay if he doesn't emphasize it. Once he emphasizes it, he feels that there may be some serious misunderstandings.

Just when he was full of wild thoughts and divergent thinking, at this time Sandonie did indeed ask her what he needed to apply for the use of these 'bionic dolls' as he thought.

"But then again, what are you going to use these 'bionic dolls' to do? Although these 'bionic dolls' do have performances that are extremely close to human beings, and have the basic ability to communicate with normal humans. "

"But these 'bionic dolls' don't have combat power, so I'm curious what you plan to do with these dolls."

After half of the talk, Sandonie thought about it and added another sentence.

"Of course, I'm just asking casually. If this is also part of your plan, then I can pretend that I didn't say this. You can handle this matter according to your own preferences."

"...No, it's not something that can't be said."

Pantalone, who was interrupted by Sandonie's words, glanced at the girl in front of him, and organized his words after deliberation and thinking.

"To be honest, you should have attended the previous executive meeting, right? Then you should know that in my plan, there is a 'virtual currency plan' that has been announced and the policy I recently passed."

"From now on, any commercial transaction through Beiguo Bank must be settled through the 'virtual currency' issued by Beiguo Bank."

Although that plan was actually sent to him by Arechino's non-commissioned officer named Ilya.

However, since the non-commissioned officer has now been poached by him to become his own, it is very reasonable to take the plan given to him by his subordinates and claim that it is his own credit and idea, isn't it?

Having said that, Pantalone recalled his thoughts and explained his plan to Sandone.

"I've thought about this 'virtual currency plan' for a while, and plan to use the influence of the Adventurers' Association a little bit. I'm going to give these 'bionic dolls' to the Adventurers' Association."

"Using the influence of the Adventurer's Association, Catherine can help register and promote the latest policies of the Bank of Northland, so that Solstice Winter's influence in the economic field can further affect the seven countries' economies."

"On the other hand, coupled with the influence of the Adventurers Association, Catherine Fools can also obtain a wider intelligence network. After all, the adventurers of the Adventurers Association are all over the Tivat continent."

This idea came to Pantalone after meeting Catherine.

Although the essence of the Adventurers Association is a support organization established by adventurers located in the seven countries of the Tivat continent to support adventurers from different countries, the headquarters of the Adventurers Association is located in Zhidong.

That being the case, it means that there is strong operability in it.

Then, as the representative of Zhiwinter's official forces and the president of Beiguo Bank, wouldn't it be reasonable for him to contribute some funds to support the Adventurers Association?

As a supporter and investor, he needs the Adventurers Association to promote Zhidong's policy for him a little bit, and some commercial settlements required by the Northland Bank require the use of the official currency issued by Zhidong. Very reasonable isn't it?

Moreover, he only asked the Adventurers Association to cooperate with the Northland Bank in this regard, and would not intervene in the internal operation and management of the Adventurers Association.

After all, although the headquarters of the Adventurers Association is located in Zhidong, this does not mean that the Adventurers Association is a subordinate organization directly under the Fools.

So Pantalone just intends to borrow the influence of the Adventurers Association as a springboard to let his business plan cover the influence of the Seven Kingdoms. At most, he will use Catherine to provide information for the fools. In addition, he also Not planning to do anything else.

After understanding this, Sandone quickly understood what Pantalone wanted to express.

"Are you providing convenience for yourself by placing your own people in the Adventurer's Association? That's it, I probably understand what you think, it's really worth it."

"Regarding this, I will let the people below arrange to do it later."

"That would be the best."

Pantalone also showed a satisfied smile after receiving Sandonie's reply.

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