The content of the proposal discussed in that negotiation and diplomatic handling was naturally made public, and Zhidong made some policy changes regarding Mond's debt in Zhidong itself this time.

The most important of these are nothing more than those few items, due to some changes in Zhidong's latest national policy.

Some commercial and economic settlements of Zhidong must be settled with a special currency "imaginary currency" issued by Zhidong, including Mond's own debts to Zhidong, which also need to be settled and regulated through "imaginary currency".

On the other hand, considering that Mond itself is unable to produce such an amount of cash flow, Zhidong will provide Mond with "imaginary currency" to regulate the macroeconomic regulation of Mond's market in order to be a friendly country of Mond.

In short, the Northland Bank will lend a sum of money to Mond, in order to facilitate the regulation of Mond's economy, and then inject part of the capital flow to restore Mond's economic bloodline.

But this is not how much kindness Pantalone has, nor is it that he is a philanthropist.

Instead, after lending money to Mond so that Mond can earn more money, and then use the money earned from the borrowed money to repay the debt, in other words, this approach is nothing more than a left-handed and right-handed behavior.

Although it seems very simple, such a simple method is enough to create great wealth for Pantalone.

At the same time, under this premise, through the "imaginary currency" system and the Mora standard remittance standard system, it provides effective credibility for the "imaginary currency" of Beiguo Bank.

Mond, who lacks sufficient cash flow, cannot repay a sufficient amount of physical currency, so he must rely on the "imaginary currency" issued by the Northland Bank to maintain the economy, making Mond itself unable to break away from the deep binding of the "imaginary currency" system.

It's just that for the vast majority of Mond people, they can't actually feel this, which makes them find out that the Northland Bank will lend them money while they are in debt, and they can't help but feel sorry for the kind Pantalone. The master unexpectedly expressed his deep gratitude in such a reasonable manner.

You must know that half of Mond's physical industry and supply chain are now in the hands of that master Pantalone, and they can still rely on their old business to make a living, all thanks to the benevolent Master Pantalone merciful.

In other words, all their current industrial chains are contractually leased to them by Beiguo Bank.

It’s good enough to be able to continue to eat, so what kind of bicycle do you need?

Hurry up and thank the benevolent master for being willing to give them a bite of food.

The so-called human nature is just like this. When you push a person to a dead end, that person will only think about the determination to bite off a piece of meat from your body and die together even if he dies.

But at this time, you suddenly leave a way to survive, so no matter how harsh the oppression and exploitation are, that person will only think that it is a very good thing to be alive, so naturally he dare not think too much.

The current situation of the Mond people is exactly like this. On the one hand, the debts from the Bank of Northland and Zhidong weigh on them like a mountain, making all of them breathless.

On the other hand, Zhidong and Northland Bank still extended a helping hand to Mond at this time, helping Mond who owed so many debts to tide over the difficulties. How can this not be grateful?

Under such circumstances, naturally, no one would be dissatisfied with Master Pantalone, who was the envoy of Solstice Winter.

Although in fact, there are still a very small part of the Mond people who are full of martial arts and have noble free will in their blood, shouting that they should resist this kind of oppression from fools on Free Mond.

But such people are still a minority after all. The fools who are the envoys in Mond only need to tell the Mond official that they are extremists who disturb the law and order and disrupt the diplomacy between Mond and Solstice Winter, and they will be able to catch them all. .

Because of this, there is no way for these few Mond people to cause any disturbance.

After all, although Mond is indeed a free city-state.

But freedom is something that cannot be eaten.

Between freedom and eating, most ordinary people in Mond had to choose the latter under the beating of reality.

Such a result itself is not unexpected, it is better to say that it is very reasonable.

Compared with those warriors who risked everything for freedom in the pioneering era when martial arts were abundant, for the Mond people who are used to living a peaceful life in an era of comfort, it's all over.

If I had to say, it was the only thing that caused a little disturbance during this period.

Then probably the sinner of Lawrence, who was the representative of the old nobles, actually became the middle person in charge of contacting Mond with Solstice of Allies, and even joined the Knights.

This incident caused an uproar among the people of Mond.

Countless people couldn't help resisting this, and some of them even made troubles directly to the Knights.

You must know that one of the culprits who made Mond become like this is Lawrence, who is the representative of the old nobles, and the sinners of the Lawrence family, who are sinners, have now become the middle person in charge of coordinating Zhiwinter and Mond's political diplomacy?

Even joining the Knights, this kind of thing is undoubtedly unacceptable to most Mond people.

But in the end, all this had to calm down under the official order of the Knights and the Winter Mission.

Because as the envoy of Solstice Winter, the foolish diplomatic rhetoric made those who had extreme protests and objections to it, suddenly became speechless after reading the diplomatic rhetoric.

In this regard, the diplomatic rhetoric given by the fools is also very simple.

Considering that although Zhidong is a friend of Mond, it is a taboo at the national level to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, so in order to coordinate the relationship between Zhidong and Mond.

After careful consideration, we chose Lawrence, who was born in Mond, as the intermediate person in charge of the diplomacy between Solstice and Mond. On the other hand, it was also for the purpose of coordinating and balancing the old nobles of Mond and the current Mond official power.

After comprehensive consideration, Lawrence, the old aristocrat, the representative of the Fools of the Solstice Mission, and the descendants of the Lawrence family who were born in Mond are the most suitable representatives in the middle to coordinate and balance this relationship.

This diplomatic rhetoric made the other people who wanted to play rough, all of a sudden, like a discouraged ball, all of a sudden.

Since Solstice Winter and the Knights have officially approved this decision, it is impossible for them to say anything more even if they have opinions. After all, the members of the Lawrence family have all the above-mentioned identities.

From the perspective of political correctness, there is indeed no more suitable candidate than Lawrence.

Whoever opposes all of this is opposing political correctness.

Maliciously sabotaging the friendly relationship between Solstice and Mond.

With such a hat on, even if someone wants to make trouble again, they have to weigh whether they can bear the big hat of destroying the relationship between Zhidong and Mond.

This makes it okay even if there are many people who are dissatisfied, but in the end they can only admit it with pinching their noses.

After all, the current Lawrence in a sense represents the identity of the Envoy of Solstice Winter, no matter how much they resist all this, it is impossible to openly oppose something.

The result of this is that although they can't do anything to Yula, basically all the Mond people will stay away from her after seeing Yula.

This makes Yura can't help but cause a certain amount of distress, no matter where she goes.

All Mond people would try to avoid contact with her after seeing her. If it wasn't for the scouting knight named Amber that they met not long ago to mediate, then she would probably have difficulty moving an inch in Mond.

Unlike the others, the enthusiastic scouting knight treated her as well as everyone else.

Especially after hearing about her, instead of pushing her away like everyone else, he extended a helping hand to her with a warm smile.

"I believe that other people just have some misunderstandings about you. As long as you explain it clearly to others, then others will be able to understand you like I do."

The enthusiastic girl named Amber said to her with such a smile.

The kind of enthusiasm that can mingle with anyone, like a girl like flames.

It couldn't help causing waves in her contradictory heart sealed by ice, which made her unable to calm down for quite a long time, but if she had to call that feeling specifically.

She can only say that she felt very happy when she was with that girl.

When she was with Amber, she could always put aside and forget her identity as a descendant of Lawrence, not as a descendant of the Lawrence family, but just as a good friend of the girl named Amber.

This caused her mentality to undergo some significant changes from the very beginning, and such changes naturally cannot be concealed from the eyes of Pantalone, who is Yula's nominal adoptive father.

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