The figures in the armor of the knights in front of him were probably infected with the kind of knights who were infected with the poisonous blood in the description he got about the "dead warriors" and became those monsters called "dead warriors".

While Diluc was thinking about what he should do in this situation, the "doctor" man in front of him snapped his fingers lightly. This sudden and slightly inexplicable movement immediately interrupted Diluc's thinking.

This seemingly inexplicable move, but the first time Di Luke noticed it, he began to raise [-] points of vigilance in his heart.

He didn't think this seemingly inexplicable move was meaningless, or he didn't think "Doctor" would do something meaningless.

Especially when the other party just finished introducing the experimental results he created to himself, just when he was thinking about the purpose of the "doctor" snapping his fingers.

He quickly understood what the "Doctor" meant by snapping his fingers suddenly, he saw the man laughing lightly in the darkness, and said so.

"Since the 'Dead Man' is a finished by-product, since the big mouse hasn't been caught yet, it's okay to use your little white mouse to practice the performance of the 'Dead Man'. Let me see the results of the experiment."

After the "doctor" finished speaking, those humanoid 'dead warriors' who were surrounded by the dragon-like monster and wore the armor of the knight order seemed to have received some orders at this moment.

Accompanied by the sound of 'clicking' when the neck was twisted, it suddenly started to move at this time.

Countless golden pupils began to shine with strange light through the dark night rain, so glaring in this night and everyone exuded an aura that could threaten Di Luke.

That figure of the monster dragging its stiff body forward slowly like pieces of zombies and the dead, speaking unimaginable crazy ravings, is constantly approaching him at this moment.

Facing the figures of the 'dead men' who kept approaching him, Di Luke really wanted to run away from this meaningless battle, but his feet seemed to be filled with lead at this moment.

No matter what, he couldn't pull out his feet, so he could only watch the approaching 'dead soldiers' approaching him, and he could only sit and wait to die in such a situation.

Looking at Di Luke, who was gradually surrounded by the "dead men", the "doctor" who was watching his research results spread his hands, showing a slightly crazy and satisfied smile.

"Hehe... The experiment was very successful, and now they seem to be unable to restrain their enthusiasm. You must know that they have been hungry for a long time, hehehe... Let the others have a good 'eating' here."

At the moment when these words fell, the figures of the 'dead men' who were only walking forward slowly at this moment also showed their hideous and terrifying side at this moment.

The distorted posture covered with black demon scales and the reptilian monster-like figure all revealed the disgusting saliva-flowing claws and teeth at this time, and the sharp claws extended from the twisted finger bones with distinct joints.

At this moment, the originally stiff and slow movement suddenly increased to an unimaginable extreme speed, but in an instant, the figures of many other "dead men" who were still a long distance away from him, at this moment, like ghosts, cut through the sound in the darkness and approached him.

The imminent crisis forced him to use up the last remaining physical strength, and he clenched the two-handed sword in his hand, which was already a little unsteady, when he planned to fight the monsters in front of him desperately.

Suddenly, a force that Diluque had never thought of suddenly appeared, and burned the figures of the monsters that were attacking him in an instant.

The flames shrouded in the rainy night and evaporated the countless splashes of heavy rain, and what was evaporated and swallowed together was not only the rain, but also those twisted monsters with hideous postures.

Even those monsters with incomparably powerful power called "dead warriors", when faced with a force, seemed to have seen something that frightened them, and they began to feel fear and want to retreat.

But the sudden terrifying flame was so frightening, it only took a moment to burn all the figures of the 'dead warriors' involved in that force, and in just a few breaths, those figures called 'dead warriors' monsters were swallowed up by the black purple flames.

Compared with the terrifying power shown by this flame power to the 'dead man', this force seems to have consciously bypassed him and only aimed at the 'dead man'.

This unprecedented mysterious and ominous power is undoubtedly unprecedented for Diluc.

While Diluc was shocked by the sudden appearance of the mysterious power, Diluc even saw the face of the executive named "Doctor", showing a somewhat surprised expression.

Before Di Luke could think about where the power of this mysterious flame came from, he suddenly felt that under the black curtain of black fire, he suddenly felt someone grabbing his wrist.

Just when he was still amazed at who the master of this power was, he suddenly saw a figure that made his eyes widen and felt extremely familiar.


"Don't talk too much, just follow me!"

Before he could finish speaking, the figure suddenly pulled him away.

When the black fire used as a cover and cover dissipated in the heavy rain, everything that was reflected in the eyes of the "doctor" at this moment.

The Diluc who should have been standing there has long since disappeared, and even the many 'dead men' who were standing beside the "Doctor" have disappeared more than half.

Only the burnt residue left on the ground and the remaining traces washed by the heavy rain tell others the proof of the existence of those burnt things.

As soon as he saw that force, he understood what the real body of that force was. He was very familiar with this force. In a sense, this force was created by his hands.

And now this power created by his hands was actually used against him, which made the "doctor" have a disgusted expression on his face.

"That power... So it's that mouse... I didn't have time to recover that thing, but I came to the door by myself, this is really desperate..."

"Forget it, since I'm in a hurry to die, then I'll take care of you in advance."

Chapter 132 Don't look back, keep running! (4k)

Walking through the rainy night, the figure of Di Luke kept running, avoiding the pursuit of the monsters from the endless group of "dead men" behind him. The middle-aged man who was pulling the figure of his beloved son had a slightly overdrawn pale look on his face.

If at the beginning, Di Luke just felt that the other party seemed familiar, then at this moment, Di Luke has completely confirmed that the figure of the middle-aged man who is pulling him away is his father——

Cripps Legenfind.

But after realizing that the real body of the man in front of him was his father, this not only failed to answer the doubts in Di Luke's heart, but instead created more confusions in his heart that he could not understand.

He didn't understand why his father, who was supposed to be just an ordinary person without even the eyes of God, displayed such powerful power, even he was as insignificant as dust in front of that power.

Logically speaking, his father shouldn't have such an unusually powerful power, and what puzzled him even more was the strange and ominous atmosphere revealed in that powerful power.

This made Di Luke realize that the power possessed by his father might not come from a very safe source.

Especially after seeing that his father seemed to be using that power, the strange paleness revealed on the other party's face.

It seemed as if he had suffered a backlash for using a power that mortals shouldn't use, which further confirmed his thoughts about the power possessed by his father in his heart.

What he encountered and what he saw created countless doubts in his heart, and what made him even more confused was why his father appeared in this weird place.

These countless questions accumulated in his heart, after seeing his father, he finally couldn't help but let out the confusion in his heart, hoping to get the answer he wanted from his father.

"Father, what's going on here... How come you are here, and where is this place? I've been looking for you for a long time, but I haven't found any trace of you?"

"Haha... It's a long story. The reason why I can't get out is because I'm trapped in this 'world', so I can't go out and contact other people directly. I can only use some special ways to convey information."

"I originally thought that the person who got this letter would be Grand Commander Falga, but what I didn't expect was that the person who got that letter would be you. When I saw that you were going to be "doctor", I had to save you. "

While pulling Diluc, Cripps answered Diluc's question while looking back at Diluc's confused face while breathing chaotically.

Diluque did not explain to his father that Grand Master Falga did get the letter.

It's just because the Grand Commander Falga is not convenient to handle this matter, so he left this matter to himself to handle.

Probably, the head of Falga did not expect that there are so many hidden things in this seemingly insignificant matter.

Di Luke's thoughts were lingering in his mind at this time, thinking about the words that Krips explained to him, he couldn't help asking his father.

"Father, what do you mean by this 'world'? What secret did you discover about the Fools, so that the executive officers of the Fools will chase you down?"

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