There is no doubt that it was to deliberately guide her to accept this bet, and at the same time, it was also in response to her declaration of war against Pantalone.

Although she wasn't sure what the reason for Pantalone's actions was, she didn't intend to ignore Pantalone's provocation, even if it was just Pantalone's deliberate inducement.

She doesn't care what kind of ideas Pantalone has in mind to do it, as long as she can break Pantalone's plan, then no matter what kind of plan Pantalone has in her mind, it is meaningless to her.

If this is the case, then why does she have any reason to be afraid of Pantalone?

Looking at Pantalone's provocative eyes, Arechino took a deep breath and sneered.

"If you only have this level, then I will guarantee you a fiasco."

"Really? I look forward to seeing you do all of this."

Pantalone smiled noncommittally, revealing a meaningful smile.

Chapter 166 Necron Project and Snow Field Project (4k)

Not long after Pantalone and Arechino reached a 'reconciliation', the agreement between the two also represented a new beginning.

This means that while the 'competition' between them officially began, a secret purge also came after that.

For the vast majority of other people among the fools, they can also perceive the undercurrent of unrest behind this seemingly calm, and some of them can vaguely smell the smell of gunpowder.

Even the most ordinary soldiers of fools can perceive the turmoil behind this secret cleansing. What is hidden behind this secret cleansing that does not alarm everyone is the product of mutual games from above.

And the result of all this is actually the product and result of mutual compromise after Pantalone and Arechino signed a contract with each other and paid a part of the price for each other.

It's just that compared to what he got, in Pantalone's opinion, this is not a price at all.

To put it another way, this compromise coincided with what he wanted to do in a sense. By apparently compromising the agreement with Arechino, he was actually using this name to act.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, what Pantalone originally planned to do, under the impetus of this name, can be called smooth sailing, and he completed what he planned to do with almost no resistance.

It made him accomplish his purpose without having to set up a pretentious name, and he also took advantage of this opportunity of cleaning up.

Dadalia also helped him clean up a lot of troublesome guys, making the plan he had planned to implement smoother, which also allowed Pantalone to further consider some other things and plans.

In addition to a series of plans including the 'stigmata plan', which is regarded as the last insurance, and the 'eternal return plan' conceived by itself as an alternative plan, it includes a series of plans that have been formulated before.

Pantalone has made countless plans to deal with the remaining solutions, but after thinking about so many plans, Pantalone still doesn't feel safe about it.

He understands that more planning is needed to ensure everything, not just to conceal his true thoughts and plans.

What's more important is that when those plans are failing at the critical moment, these plans can be adopted in time and become the basis to ensure that his plan will not overturn anyway.

In other words, he intends to ensure that under the premise that all plans are guaranteed to fail, he will always have a second layer of insurance.

From this point of view, Arechino's evaluation of him in the past was indeed correct in a certain sense. The man named Pantalone was such an out-and-out failure and pessimism.

He has a pessimistic attitude towards any plan, or he assumed it from the beginning.

Under the premise that this plan will inevitably fail, the second insurance plan is prepared. It is this kind of thinking that makes Pantalone not stop all the time.

He is always thinking about what plan he should make if this plan fails, so as to ensure that the second insurance plan can be connected in time if the previous plan fails.

It is precisely because of this that even after Pantalone formulated the "Eternal Return Plan" prepared to succeed the "Stigmata Project", he didn't think that he could sit back and relax just like this.

Although the idea of ​​the "Eternal Tribulation Return Plan" is very perfect, using endless time is equivalent to having an infinite trial and error plan.

And it can also retain the experience and technology accumulated in these trials and errors, inheriting it to the next "reincarnation" is like inheriting data from the second week of playing a game, but even so, Pantalone does not think that this kind of plan will definitely be successful.

In other words, he understood from the very beginning that under this seemingly perfect plan, there is still a flaw that cannot be bypassed no matter what.

That is, even if it is theoretically possible to restart infinitely, for this Tivat world, this kind of restart is not infinite.

Compared with other worlds, Teyvat is not a complete world in the strict sense. The world they live in called Teyvat is actually on the verge of destruction.

The world of Teyvat is being destroyed, which is one of the 'truths' hidden behind the scenes of the Teyvat continent.

This kind of destruction is unstoppable. The reason why the world of Tivat has not been destroyed until now is that the process of destruction was originally reversed, so that the world of Tivat did not usher in the predestined destruction.

But this kind of maintenance is not eternal and infinite. Sooner or later, at a certain moment in the future, this eternal dream bubble will shatter.

At that time, Tivat will also usher in his doomed destruction, so the "Eternal Tribulation Return Plan" seems to be perfect, but the limit of this plan is the moment when the Tivat world can't hold on.

If there is no way to come and solve everything before the destruction of the world of Tivat, then even the "Eternal Tribulation Return Plan" that can be repeated infinitely, what is waiting behind this seemingly perfect plan is only doomed destruction.

For this reason, Pantalone, who had imagined that ending, had already begun to prepare another plan shortly after proposing the plan to deal with the bankruptcy of the 'Stigmata Project' and the 'Eternal Tribulation Return Project'.

After thinking for a long time, he finally thought of the insurance needed to deal with that level of plan, just like the idea that Pantalone believes in, he is a pessimistic defeatist.

He didn't believe that they could finally cross that cruel end, so he had to find a preparation to escape all that, as long as the continuation could be guaranteed, then he could believe that there was always a way to start over.

And how can we avoid the cruel end and ensure that we can have a plan to start again after other plans go bankrupt.

Pantalone had already figured out how to do it from the beginning.

That is--


If it is true that there is no way to cross the final end even after reaching the extreme, then there is no room for other methods. If this is the case, then only escape is the only way out.

It's just that fleeing and confrontation are in conflict, and it is naturally impossible for him to give up his vitality to prepare for the escape plan. Therefore, this escape plan itself is not actually an escape plan to give up all the preservation of fire.

To be more precise, this plan itself is related to the basis of a certain plan that Pantalone made long ago. On the other hand, this plan is also inextricably linked with the 'Stigmata Project'.

To ensure the foundation of Escapism on the basis of this plan, the most important thing is to use the system possessed by Tivat itself, that is, the power of the world tree and the leylines.

If one can use the power of the earth veins to transform life into pure consciousness and data, then one can abandon the fragile body and transform one's own life form into a permanent posture of living metal.

Compared with things like living life and real life, it is more like a 'necromancer'. In Pantalone's vision, this kind of existence is essentially the information that carries civilization. As long as the information is not lost, it can be reborn without limit.

Only such an existence can guarantee the continuation of the fire and ensure that there will be no unexpected mistakes.

From a certain point of view, this is the true idea of ​​Pantalone's "Dead Plan" in the true sense.

Pantalone doesn't believe in anything else, he only believes that only pure "dead spirits" can unswervingly implement his plan, and only "dead spirits" can break away from the shackles of flesh and blood, and go to the endless star sea to complete the real escape.

Similarly, the technology of the 'necromancer', which is not restricted by the world, will be developed without limit.

In the planned future, they will spread and evolve like a plague without limit, and finally reach the perfect revenge across everything.

For this another layer of insurance derived from Escapism, which should be applied after the final plan goes bankrupt, Pantalone called this plan the 'Space Necron Plan'!

Based on the existence of this plan, even if the final result fails, the 'necrons' carrying information will represent the existence of civilization and be reborn in another form.

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