But let Narita Bairen stick to his own ideas and let her participate, the risk is too great.

After thinking about it, Maru Shansky could only say to her: "I see, it seems that Xiao Bairen also has a reason why he can't give in. If that's the case, why don't you ask the person concerned for their opinion?"

After listening, Narita Bairen narrowed his eyes.

"How did you find out."

that person's true identity.

"Do you want to know?"

Narita Shirato nodded.

Taking out his phone, Maruzenski clicked on a photo.

The angle of the photo is very strange, it seems to be leaning on the shoulder and taking it quietly.

In the center of the image, there is a black shadow that is so blurred that it cannot be seen clearly.

Maruzenski smiled.

Unable to be captured by the camera, in the whole world, maybe only she can do it.

Narita Bairen narrowed his eyes.

"Then how did you know her name?"

"How did you know...of course it was when I introduced myself."

"Is that why she told you so bluntly?"


"Didn't you conduct a competition beforehand?"

"No." Maruzenski blinked, "Is there anything strange?"

"It means that even if there is no competition, in her eyes, you are worthy of being named. Is that what you mean..."

Narita Bairen kept talking.

"Xiao Bairen?"

"Hmph, I'll let her know who can take on her opponent, not Tamamo Cross, not Oguri Hat, and not you, Maruzenski."


What is the opponent, I don't understand what Narita Shirahito is talking about.

"I'll ask her to clarify."

After finishing speaking, Narita Shirahito left here in a big stride, leaving Maruzenski who didn't know what was going on in place.


"Steel iron shoes, for strength training."

As part of the exam, in addition to learning how to arrange training time and training items, there is another most important thing.

That is to observe the state of Ma Niang.

Senior trainers will adjust the training time according to the physical condition of the horse girl on the day to achieve the best training effect.

Before the formal training, the trainers will let the horse girls jog a few laps on the pasture. During this process, they will observe the horse girl's stride frequency. If their frequency is more messy than before and they cannot control the rhythm well, then It shows that their physical condition is not good and they need to reduce the amount of training appropriately.

Judgment criteria require years of experience to achieve.

So those newcomer trainers who follow the gourd and draw a scoop, don't understand the meaning of the senior trainers asking Ma Niang to do seemingly redundant things.

When self-training is required, the girl who is a part-time trainer for the "friend" of the Manchester cafe is completely different.

The demands of Sunday Tranquility are all by the standards of a veteran trainer.

When I came to the training ground, while observing the horse girl, I also had to take into account the movements of the trainers.

To be honest, the difficulty is a bit beyond the mark.

The trainer of the teahouse is not a newcomer, but it can't be said that it is very experienced. Because the other party showed a conscientious attitude during the trials, Sunday Tranquility willingly handed over the teahouse to her.

But now, he found that half body has a better talent than imagined to teach the other party, and the knowledge required to master is also gradually increasing.

How many months have passed since the first trainer was qualified and now he is working hard towards a senior trainer?

To be honest, the girl doesn't think she is a genius, especially in terms of learning, sister Ghost doesn't know how many blocks she will leave behind.

The efficiency of cultivating that child is not much higher than hers.

Don't let yourself become the existence of teahouse, teacher and friend.

But... it's true.

The only one who can make teahouses communicate without any grievances may be yourself.

Years of companionship is incomparable to the friendship established in a short period of time.

Perhaps for the teahouse, she is not used to the attention given by the green grass seniors.

How long this state will last, the girl does not know, but she will spare no effort to help the other party according to the agreement.

Silently recorded what the cafe trainers did, and observed the behavior of the senior trainers.

His gaze shifted to those horse girls again.

"Run with long strides, slow down the pace, and move forward with ease..."

Now the girl can pretty much know how to train Ma Niang.

It is not only a contestant, but also a trainer, who adjusts the state for himself.

According to this momentum, she will be able to enter the state that Sunday Tranquility said that she can distribute the rhythm of the game at will.

Just as the girl was looking at the teahouse where she was practicing side-to-side weight-bearing jumps on the grass field, Sunday Tranquility patted her on the shoulder.

"someone is coming."


The girl replied casually.

Isn't the weight of the shoes a bit too high, won't it hurt the muscles if you jump like this?

"It seems to be coming here."

"Probably passing by."

There are quite a lot of people on the training ground.

She didn't care, her mind was all on observation and training.

If the weight is reduced and the frequency is increased, will the training effect be better?

And the horseshoes can also be brought out at night, so there is no need to always use the method of mock games to train.

"I think she should be coming for us."


I have been listening to Sunday Tranquility talking non-stop since just now.

She has already used the binoculars as a mask to block in front of her face, as if refusing people thousands of miles away, who came to disturb her so blindly, Xiaolin Liqi?

Raising his head, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a fierce and pretty girl with a thick headband and a white nose sticker walking towards him.

Narita Bairen! ?How could it be her!

From far away, one could smell the terrifying arrogance emanating from her blood.

excuse me……

The girl turned to leave, only to hear a loud 'bang', and a large indentation appeared on the grass.

Not far away, Narita Bairen, across a distance of tens of meters, came in front of him in an instant.

The yellow eyes, like a beast, looked at the girl in front of him.

"long time no see--"

Quiet Sunday.

Chapter 125 Let me introduce someone to you

There was a sound like an explosion on the ground, which attracted the students to stop and watch.

got caught...

Standing in front of him, Narita Bairen gave off a terrifying aura of 'no matter where you go, I will chase you to the ends of the earth'.

How did she find it? Could it be that there is some kind of telepathy?

In Treisen, girls will still restrain themselves a bit, unlike on the field, showing their posture as much as possible.

It stands to reason that it would be difficult to be discovered with such an unobtrusive way of acting.

There are also many horse girls with binoculars on the training ground. It is not her privilege to observe others.

How can I find it accurately and impartially.

"I didn't expect you to be so close to me..."

On the court and off the court, the girl's aura is completely different.

"If it wasn't for this thing, I would have been fooled by you."

As he said that, Narita Bairen took out his mobile phone, and in a photo of the training ground, only the girl's body was a strange black mist.

That's how it is...in this way.

This feature of not being able to be photographed is not only a way to erase her traces, but also a means to find her.

It seems that Narita Bairen's head is more brilliant than expected.

"Maruzenski told me."

You can find traces of each other through photos.

She hugged her shoulders, and calmly lowered the image of the girl who had finally raised it up in her heart.

"But these are irrelevant." Putting away the phone, Narita Bairen looked at her with burning eyes.

"I have been looking forward to it, and I can compete with you again."


The girl was silent.

It's a bit sudden, but...

"Roar." Sunday Tranquility beside him made a voice with great interest.

Even if she has seen it many times, when her half body shows this ability, she will feel admiration from the bottom of her heart.

What kind of talent is needed to achieve such extreme imitation?


The heart beats suddenly.

The opponent's body completely lost the panicked look just now.

The body that was originally obsessed with everyone exuded a sharp feeling like a sharp blade.

Those bright golden eyes stared coldly at Narita Bairen, and the other party's aura suddenly changed!

This guy--!

Narita Shirahito's eyes widened, and the surrounding air became icy cold under the gaze of the other party.

That's right!This is what she looks like!The absolute powerhouse who disdains everything!

The fighting spirit was instantly aroused by the opponent, Narita Shirahito's body trembled continuously, and every muscle was screaming excitedly.

Like a wild beast, hearing the neighing of another wild beast in the jungle, the body trembled and geared up.

"I don't mind, I will compete with you now—"

Regardless of whether there are spectators or not, no matter where, as long as there is the presence of the other party, no matter where it is, it is definitely an extremely passionate battlefield that cannot be missed.

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