

Therefore, the time agreed upon with Saint Dongxu was Chenshi, which was around eight o'clock in the morning.

But early on, Cang Zhiyin was already waiting for Guran outside the hotel.

When Gu Ran arrived, he found that Cang Zhiyin had probably been waiting for a long time. The saintly lady was standing there without much energy, yawning lightly, and her soft lips seemed to be a little dry.

"Sister Zhiyin~~~" Gu Ran waved her hand and greeted Cang Zhiyin.

Gu Zuo, Gu Suxiao and Qu hung behind Gu Ran.

"Sister Guran..." Cang Zhiyin forced a smile.

Lady Saint's originally graceful and singing voice seemed to be a little hoarse, as if her melodious singing voice was damaged due to overwork.

Looking at Cang Zhiyin's slightly weak expression and listening to the Holy Lady's hoarse voice, he couldn't help but worry and said, "Sister Zhiyin..."

"Is there really no problem?"


"It's okay." Cang Zhiyin forced a smile and explained, "I just... can't figure it out..."

"Can't figure out what?" Therefore, he was really worried about Cang Zhiyin's situation.

Logically speaking, it shouldn't.

The Fox Lady back then was not as... imaginary as the saintess looks now.

Even the shadow of a candle that keeps singing and singing every night, its voice is not so hoarse.

Thinking of some of the particularly special attributes of the saint that I once described in the scroll.

While gradually understanding, Gu Ran looked at the Holy Maiden with even more worried expression.

However, the girl's worried and concerned eyes made Cang Zhiyin feel like he couldn't face the girl's expression.

She obviously... obviously just forgot to take a bath because she had been comprehending picture scrolls for too long.

My own work and rest are extremely regular, too late at night, and I accidentally passed out... I slept on the edge of the bathtub, so I didn't have a good rest, and I didn't replenish water.

Why did my younger sister show such a look of 'I seem to understand'.

"OK OK--"

"We'd better get on our way as quickly as possible."

Feeling that she could no longer face the girl's gaze, the Hollow Saintess subconsciously wanted to look past the girl's gaze, and dragged Guran away.

"Sister Zhiyin, don't worry—"

"I called a car and it arrived soon."

"Sister Zhiyin..." Guran took out a kettle from the Lingbao space, "It's better to drink some tea to moisten your throat first."

The toes in the girl's cloth shoes were almost curled up and clutching at the soles in shame.

God knows why when I face Guran's sister, I always feel that there is nothing I can do about Guran's sister.

The Dao Heart, which should be like a clear mirror and still water, is a piece of 'magnificent waves', which cannot be suppressed at all.

Cang Zhiyin could only hold the kettle that Guran handed over with both hands, and sip it in small sips, as if she was going to drink all the tea in the kettle, she didn't even dare to put down the kettle, and looked directly into Guran's gaze.

Across the street--

A monk holding a sign that reads "Six Desires Are Satisfied" is preaching.

"Don't Dongxu Holy Palace care about it?" Liran looked at the monk opposite and asked gently.

After all...whether it is "full nature preservation" or "six desires are suitable", the teachings of the other party can almost be said to be completely opposite to Dongxu Shengfu.

Is it really good to let this teaching grow wantonly on the land of Dongxu Shengfu?

"Holy Mansion..."

"I have always only disciplined people in the holy mansion." Cang Zhiyin replied in a low voice.

Gu Ran nodded lightly, "That's it."

It's just... Seeing the gaze of the cultivator opposite who suddenly raised his head to look at him, a not-so-good premonition suddenly rose in his heart.

In his eyes——

It seems like there is murderous intent.

Could it be that I am really that unlucky, accidents will happen wherever I go.

This time... there is a reason left by my side.

I shouldn't have anything to be afraid of... right?

part.220 The bird in the cage, once again ushered in her cage [one update]

Seeing the ferocious aura in the other party's eyes, Gu Ran took a step forward and gently held the hand of the Dongxu Saintess.

Cang Zhiyin's body, who was suddenly held by Guran, trembled subconsciously. She tried to break away from Guran's hand, but the girl's tenderness and the warmth between her fingers finally made her give up. Thoughts of struggling.

Smelling the breath belonging to the girl beside her, Cang Zhiyin felt dazzled for a while.

It is not the same as the many beautiful situations that Guran imagined.

As a saint of the Dongxu Holy Palace, Cang Zhiyin has never been exposed to anything similar to the pictures depicted in the Guran picture scrolls since she was a child.

Therefore, the picture scroll given to her was charming and alluring.

But...Cang Zhiyinkong held the picture scroll, feeling embarrassed and sad, but he didn't know how to flirt with flowers in the mirror.

I could only let the shame spread in my heart, and my knees seemed to be twisted together. I leaned beside the bathtub and gently stirred the petals on the water, trying to lean on the porcelain surface on the edge of the bathtub to cool down my shy and blazing skin. .

It wasn't until dawn, seeing that the time agreed with Guran was approaching, that he hurriedly got up from the fainting, changed his skirt and hurried over.

Being grabbed by Guran, Cang Zhiyin didn't even want to resist anymore.

No... It's better to say, sniffing the faint fragrance of the girl's body, the body that tensed up for some reason yesterday, slowly relaxed.

When the monk across the street saw Guran step forward and grab Cang Zhiyin's hand, the hostility in his expression disappeared.

He took a deep look at Gu Ran, and finally left resolutely amidst the sighs of the crowd's failure to retain him.

It's as if... the only object of his hostility is Cang Zhiyin who is beside Guran, and he doesn't want to implicate anyone else.

Even if the other party has clearly shown that he wants to stand with Cang Zhiyin.


The 'carriage' pulled by two thunder rhino horses came from the direction of Jiuzhou Passenger Transport Center.

Lei Xi, who was wearing extremely thick leather armor, came running, as if the ground was trembling.

Therefore, looking at the glittering glass-like thunder crystals on the streets of Lei Ze, I always feel that the ground seems to be crumbling and about to be crushed.

That was the 'carriage' that Man Yingying prepared for them to travel.

The vehicle towed by two Thunder Rhinoceros from Nascent Soul Realm.

The frame is also covered with the iconic moiré decoration of Imperial City.

In Man Yingying's words, when her sister-in-law travels, she must put on the posture of the imperial city.

So they got into the car with Cang Zhiyin.

The girl driving the car was someone I had seen at the auction house in the Imperial City...the girl from the Imperial City following Man Yingying.

Lei Xi drove Guran and the others and ran all the way to the other side of Leize, in the direction of Dongxuan Mountain.

Behind them, the direction that the man who showed hostility towards Cang Zhiyin before left.

A group of guys wrapped in cloaks watched Lei Xi's departure direction.

"The Saintess of Dongxu has returned to Dongxuan Mountain."

"at the moment..."

"It's the best time for us to follow up."

"But... people from Lingyan Mansion—" The man who had shown hostility towards Cang Zhiyin hesitated a little before, "If Lingyan Mansion is also involved in this dispute..."

"Even if we overthrow Dongxu Shengfu and liberate Southeast China, I'm afraid it will be difficult to move an inch in these nine days and ten places."

"What's more...that's Master Tianyu."

"But now is the best time, the awakening of the Thunder Beast is a once-in-a-century opportunity—" Under the cloak, a pair of dark brown eyes watched the direction of the carriage leaving.

"Not at this time, let's wait for when."

"As for... Master Tianyu."

"don’t worry--"

"Someone will help us hold her back."

He turned his head slowly.

Among the people also wrapped in cloaks, the curvy woman clutched the things in her hands.

"rest assured..."

"Leave it to us."

On the carriage, Gu Ran still held the hand of Dongxu Saintess.


It was the saintess of Dongxu who still held onto Guran's hand.

Although Guran took the initiative to grab the hand of Dongxu Saintess at the beginning, but after that, it became Dongxu Saintess who has been holding Guran's hand tightly.

She even seemed to have forgotten the fact that she was still holding Guran's hand, and she held it tighter and tighter.

Even Gu Ran felt the nervousness of Saint Dongxu.

The wet and greasy sweat oozes slightly from the girl's palm, and slowly spreads on Guran's palm.

I just knew that... Saint Dongxu's nervousness was definitely not because of the strange man across the street just now, but because of other things.

Other...things that prevented the Hollow Saintess from resting.

Sitting opposite Guran and Dongxu Saintess, Gu Suxiao's eyes were wide open.

Although the carriage pulled by Lei Xi is spacious, but... under the many decorations, the seats on all sides can only accommodate two people.

She could only watch helplessly as the shameless saint! ! !Clutching his senior sister's hand tightly, he still looked ignorant.

Gu Suxiao's cheeks were about to turn into the shape of a puffer fish, so angry that Gu Ran wanted to poke her.

"That person seems to have a deep prejudice against Sister Zhiyin." Gu Ran said softly.

The Hollow Saintess didn't seem to be able to recover from the convulsions and fainting last night. The girl's eyes were in a trance for a moment before she slowly said, "In Southeast China——"

"There are many people who have prejudices against Dongxu Holy Palace."

That's actually a very normal thing.

The concept of Dongxu Shengfu, to destroy human desires by reasoning tomorrow, is something that many people cannot accept.

Although the so-called heavenly principles of Dongxu Shengfu are completely different from the heavenly principles that many people think.

The desire to be completely destroyed is also completely different from the broad desire that many people think.

Right is not good or evil, right is the law of heaven, and wrong is the desire of man. Good is the law of heaven, and evil is the desire of man.Generally speaking, it is also the concept of educating people's thoughts, abandoning people's selfish desires, and making people do good.


To feel that you are wrong, just think about it.

But Dongxu Shengfu never cared about other teachings outside the mansion, allowing the seeds of hostility towards Dongxu Shengfu to grow, only when they challenged Dongxu Shengfu, they would take action, with strength and reason, Naturalize the opponent.

This resulted in Saint Dongxu becoming accustomed to that kind of unkind gaze.

"But..." Cang Zhiyin still frowned suspiciously, "Recently..."

"That kind of voice seems to have indeed increased."

Dongxu Shengfu is strict with oneself and lenient with others.

According to common sense, there should not be so many voices against Dongxu Holy Palace.

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