In 5 minutes, under Lei Cang's full killing power, all these titans were wiped out. As he crushed Cocolia's communicator, a wonderful change took place in him.

A pair of horn-like crowns grow on the head, the right arm is swollen, under the black and red skin, there are red pulsating blood vessels,

Lei Cang felt a bit itchy on his back, before he could scratch it, a pair of broken wings tore his clothes and spread out behind his back with a 'bang' sound.

He flapped his wings, then slowly floated into the air, and after a slight stagger, he mastered the innate flying skills,

Lei Cang glanced at the time,

Two 10 minutes,

After shaking his wings, he flew towards the big black cocoon in a hurry!

At the same time, the big cocoon also changed.

It began to vibrate continuously, making a strange buzzing sound,

The Houkai Beasts in Morlaix seemed to have heard this call, and raised their heads,

Then, whether it was destroying buildings or chasing humans, the Honkai Beast gave up what it was doing and rushed out from all over the city, heading towards the black cocoon in a mighty way, even passing by humans Turning a blind eye scared many survivors.

They came to the big black cocoon mightily, like lemmings throwing themselves into the sea, rushing into it one by one, and the big black cocoon would never refuse anyone who came, how many Honkai beasts would eat as many Honkai beasts, the energy fluctuations could be seen with the naked eye The speed went berserk.

The entire city, the Honkai Beasts disappeared, and they all gathered at the big black cocoon,

The survivors appeared from their hiding places in a daze. Under the setting sun, the huge ship above the city and the big black cocoon below felt unreal.

"...So, it's over?"

"No way... I saw the big black cocoon, it seems to be a monster."

"Will those monsters still appear?"

"Paniss, Paniss, where are you?"

Before the survivors were happy, the big cocoon that absorbed all the Houkai beasts vibrated,

Then, a white monster's head came out of it and let out a roar,

Then, click click, the big black cocoon split in two,

The monster more than twenty meters broke out of its shell,

It is all white, with two thick forelimbs, one blue and one red. On the forelimbs, there are huge slits similar to eyes, which are symmetrical together, like a pair of eyes.

Tesla looked up at the sky, even the movements of his hands stopped in astonishment,

"Emperor-level Honkai Beast, Ah Shibo."

"Damn it, it's a big trouble now, Yang is still trapped in the sea of ​​quantum..."

The Honkai Beast with its thick forelimbs roared up to the sky, and the invisible sound waves scattered the clouds,

Then, it smashed it with its red right limb!The ground trembled, and the soil exploded high. The survivors nearby could not even scream, their internal organs were shattered, and they died instantly.

"Well done," Cocolia stood on the bridge of the Moonlight Throne, watched with satisfaction the red and blue A Shibo killing, and laughed,

"Hurry up and absorb the Honkai Energy. 130 million people are enough for you to enjoy slowly and evolve into a Herrscher... At that time, it will be time for me to harvest."

After Ah Shibo smashed it, the eyes-like things on his shoulders emitted laser light, which swept around. Wherever it swept, high-rise buildings broke and the ground melted. I don't know how many human beings died in it.


I don't know who shouted it first, the survivors fled desperately, trying to stay away from this monster,

Ah Shibo roared, ready to pursue, but,

At this time, a sharp-eyed survivor saw a small black spot approaching A Shibo from the air,

The two wrestled together, the little black dot was extremely flexible, flying up and down around Ah Shibo, sword lights intertwined, and Ah Shibo, who was more than 20 meters away, looked extremely clumsy, roaring and smashing around, but he still had nothing to do with him. Method,

"Look! What is that?"

"It seems to be a person... what is he doing, swinging a sword at Ah Shibo?"

"...I seem to have seen him before. He killed the Houkai Beast next to my house."

"So he's a good guy?"

"Who the hell is he... Could it be a super soldier or something..."

"I know," a student turned around—he was the one who was relatively close, and said uncertainly: "It seems that his name is 'Lei Cang'...something, I heard that he had a conflict with the student council president and dropped out of school .”

"That's it, it turned out to be Lei Cang...Mr. Lei Cang, come on! Kill those monsters! Kill them!" A girl, no matter she was on the verge of fighting, might be trampled to death in the next moment, Shouted to Lei Cang,

There is an unforgettable hatred in her eyes. The girl had a happy life and a happy family... But within a few hours, she lost everything...

There are not a few people like girls. They lost everything and left themselves alone. Some even suffered physical disabilities, and the bloody wounds had not yet healed.

Their hatred for these monsters could not be vented all over the world. At this moment, when they saw Lei Cang fighting with it, they actually didn't even want their lives. They shouted with all their strength, hoping to bring some relief to Lei Cang. encourage,

Lei Cangfei was flying in the sky when he suddenly heard the faint sound of cheering. He was taken aback and looked down, only to find that some people were shouting from below, and some even died, shouting for themselves from the building a hundred meters away.

"If you have that time, you might as well run away."

Lei Cang shook his head,

He flapped his wings, leaving scars on Ah Shibo's body continuously. Every time the blood-red sword in his hand was inserted, it would make a heart-like pumping sound.

Ah Shibo roared wildly, but he had nothing to do with the little bug that flew around and sucked his own blood.


At this time, Le Liangpeng's distorted face appeared on the small head in the middle, as if stimulated by Lei Cang,

Ah Shibo hit the ground with a hammer and leaped high, facing Lei Cang's attack, the double hammers slammed down somewhere!

Lei Cang was in the air, seeing the ground that Ah Shibo was aiming at, his pupils shrank suddenly,

—— There was a pair of sisters there, the older one was only seven or eight years old, and the younger one was only five or six years old. They hugged each other tightly, watching the huge shadow falling towards them, their little faces were full of tears, filled with fear and despair into their hearts.


Lei Cang tried his best, flapping his wings, and flew over like lightning, trying to save the pair of sisters,

—but still a step too late,


Ah Shibo slammed down heavily, and the flying figure, like a bird with broken wings, was smashed to the ground by the huge double hammers.

"Ha...ha..." On the small head in the middle, Le Liangpeng's phantom head smiled triumphantly,

"I finally...killed you..."

Seeing this scene, Tesla felt his hands and feet turn cold.

"It's over... Lei Cang!"

"It's over..."

As desperate as she was, there were survivors, the 130 million survivors in Morlaix, seeing their only hope disappear, most of them fled without looking back, and a few of them turned gray Defeated, I don't even want to leave, it seems that I have lost the hope of life.

Only two voices, so unique in the chaos,

"Come on! Mr. Lei Cang!"

"Come on! Big brother!"

The girl stood on the building, and Ah Shibo could touch her as soon as he stretched out his hand. Even so, she was persistently shouting at the crack where her fists smashed,

For the father and daughter rescued by Lei Cang, the daughter put her little hand in front of her mouth and shouted loudly in a childish voice,

"Big brother, come on!"

The father couldn't bear to see his daughter like this, so he couldn't bear to look away,

"...Let's go, Wei Ya, he's probably... dead already,"

The daughter turned her head, her face was full of confusion,

"But papa, heroes don't die,"

"But in this world... there are no heroes. There are no saviors."

The father clenched his fists tightly and told his daughter this fact with some sadness.

"Only human beings who have been whipped and ravaged by reality over and over again..."

"But..." The daughter said blankly: "I heard the heartbeat of big brother, he must still be alive!"

"Weiya..." Father was about to say it again when he heard it.

'Bah! '

'Bah! '

'Bah! '

From the earth came a deep throbbing,

No, not the earth!

Father quickly looked under Ah Shibo's fists,

In that place, the heartbeat that was so strong that it enveloped the entire city of Morlaix was ringing out,

Not only that, the resounding became faster and faster,

Le Liangpeng noticed this,

"Damn... die..."

It swung its fists and slammed down on the ground like a drum, and even the surrounding ground was sunk by it for a few meters.

However, the attack has no effect at all, the heartbeat is getting faster and louder!

Even Cocolia on the Moonlight Throne sensed that something was wrong, and ordered to call the observation equipment,

But before her order could be passed—

A hand, a huge hand, stretched out from the ground and grabbed the arm that Ashibo had dropped,

That hand was red all over, with a black armor on the surface. It looked ferocious, and no one would associate it with words like kindness.

The devil's hand grabbed the double hammers dropped by Ah Shibo, and Le Liangpeng blushed. Not only did the fist not hit, but it was still rising little by little.

In the end, the huge monster with a height of more than [-] meters was overturned and hit the ground with a loud bang.

The huge crimson demon slowly stood up from the pit, standing proudly in the setting sun,

It has a dark red body, the body looks powerful and slender, as powerful as an ancient Greek sculpture,

The black outer armor is attached to all parts of the body, and the long curved horns on the head show its identity as a demon, but this does not bring much horror of a demon, but a sense of pride like a crown.

It retracted the right hand that overturned A Shibo, and put the pair of little figures protected by the left hand on the ground with a gentleness that did not match the devil.

The little sisters were not afraid of the devil either. After bowing to it, they hurried away.

The giant demon nodded slightly, then, looking at Ah Shibo who got up, he shook his neck, stretched out his right hand, and a blood-red magic sword that seemed to have a beating heart flew out of the ground and landed in the demon's hand.

The demon raised the blade and pointed at the opponent, seeming to be grinning,

"Come! Fight me!"

Ah Shibo roared not to be outdone, and raised his forelegs like double hammers to sweep,

The demon exhaled a scorching breath, raised the magic sword with both hands, and swung it down heavily!

Ashibo, who was more than [-] meters away, was struck by a sword, not only interrupted his offensive, but also retreated with a wail.

But this was just a hand, the demon swung the magic sword, from right to left, the magic sword hit A Shibo's face with a heavy whistling, and immediately knocked it to the ground,

Le Liangpeng in the middle of Ah Shibo has a phantom,

"Lei Cang... ah... I want... to kill you..."

The devil paid no heed, and only battle cries answered him,


Throwing the big sword into the air, the demon jumped up, swung the big sword with one hand, turned his body half a circle, and with a roar, slammed it down!


Ah Shibo let out a mournful cry, the crystals wrapping the forelimbs cracked, the carapaces were damaged everywhere, and blue blood flowed out.

It wielded its double hammers vigorously, fending off the demon, and then summoned two bolts of lightning,

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