Facing a Daxi Midu makes people feel like they are about to have a nervous breakdown. Texas will definitely not have a good time staying with that master. As a close friend, Lapland feels that he must save his old buddy, not even for a moment. There can be no delay.

Whether Texas wants to see her or not, she's going!

What if Texas is saved if we go too early?

Yes... In Lapland's mind, Texas has probably been brainwashed into a perverted murderer. She has already prepared for the worst, if Texas becomes the second one by then. Da Ximi, she took the first step to tie the person out of the dragon gate and find a good doctor to treat him.

As for the pursuit that may continue after running out...

She didn't have time to care anymore. Anyway, those guys had been cut off several times recently by that pervert Daximi like leeks. There probably weren't many manpower to pursue her non-stop anymore.

Moreover, even if she died outside, she would never want to go back and face a high-purity mental patient. That would be simply the most painful torture.

Thinking of Daximi's expression of bloodlust and enjoyment in her excitement, the white wolf girl couldn't help but shudder and ran faster.

But what she didn't notice was that in the shadow behind her, a bright red color flashed quietly, and the blurry shadow passed through the dark night and followed behind her.

It's like...a hunter who has his sights set on his prey, waiting for the best opportunity.

Chapter 11 The Wolf Hunter and the Wolf

Black is the main theme of Syracuse night.

The wolves chased the moon, and as the cold moonlight fell, shadows grew.

There is still some order in the city during the day, and that is the rule set by the big family. Gangsters are not allowed to attack civilians without authorization.

After all, someone must be responsible for production so that resources can be enjoyed. The existence of gangs is also based on civilian society, and unbridled chaos is not good for everyone.

If no one raises lambs, no matter how ferocious the wolves are, they will die of hunger and lose the supply of fresh blood. No matter how powerful the family is, it will collapse because of the loss of its backbone.

Small families only see fighting and plundering, because they cannot survive without doing so.

But the vision of the big family will not be so narrow. As the true controllers of Syracuse, they almost no longer need to worry about survival issues, but they must find ways to live a better life and make the family stronger.

Fine wine, delicious food, luxurious decorations and clothing, various convenient modern industrial products, and various resources cannot be drilled out of the ground out of thin air. Even if they are traded from the outside world, they still need to come up with something of sufficient value.

The civilians living in Syracuse were the 'lambs' they raised in captivity.

Only by taking good care of these sheep and not making them feel dangerous or difficult to survive can they produce more value.

Therefore, there are agreed-upon rules. The civilians of Syracuse can live and work normally during the day, while the gangs restrain themselves and try to maintain the order and calm on the surface. Even if they want to fight, they must try their best to find people. Human corner.

However, false peace only exists during the day. Syracuse at night is the real Syracuse.

At night here, the most primitive jungle law is followed, where the weak eat the strong.

Civilians did not dare to go out at night, and even members of small and large families had to travel together to avoid being targeted by their enemies.

However, this tacit rule is meaningless to the truly strong.

Wolf hunters are such strong men.

If gangsters are a terrifying existence that must not be provoked in the eyes of Syracuse civilians, then wolf hunters are nightmare legends spread among the upper echelons of gangs.

There are people walking in the dark night hunting wolves - this sounds like a horror story to scare children.

But when the story became reality, no one thought it was a joke anymore.

In the eyes of those who know the inside story, the wolfhunters are the most mysterious group in Syracuse. No one knows what their goal is, and no one can witness their full picture. They walk in the dark night and shadows, and are all Luper The clan's 'natural enemy' and the source of many terrifying legends.

Mysterious, powerful, and unverifiable.

In the eyes of insiders, this is what wolf hunters look like.

But for real wolf hunters, the rumors circulating are meaningless - because they don't pay attention to things other than 'wolves'.

They chase their prey, kill it, then look for their next target, and that's it.

Simple and efficient.

All wolf hunters are like ghosts wandering outside society, and Red is no different.

In the intertwined shadows of moonlight and neon lights, bright red clothes flashed quietly. The wolf hunter in red skillfully covered up his tracks and followed the prey silently, with the dagger in his hand like two sharp knives. The fangs were sharp and sharp, but he still didn't make a move.

'Can she be considered a wolf? '

Hong has never thought too complicatedly, but she also has her own judgment and will not attack anyone other than her prey.

For the first time, the gray-white tail swayed in front of him, and Hong felt a little hesitant about his ability to distinguish prey.

This man had a strong wolf smell, almost indistinguishable from a real wolf.

But she doesn't have the qualities of a wolf.

Very contradictory.

However, with many years of hunting experience, Hong quickly made a judgment—capture the target first, and then make a more in-depth identification.

It seems to be a wolf, then...

Red, cut out.

Then, under the cold moonlight, a cold light suddenly appeared.


The body of the white wolf running under the moonlight tensed up instantly, and an unprecedented sense of crisis surged into his heart.

Without any time to think, the white wolf rolled on the spot, his swords unsheathed and colliding with the fangs that cut through the dark night.


The sword and dagger intertwined, sparking a series of sparks.

The power carried by the dagger was not very large, and Lapland's strength was enough to withstand it. However, the sense of crisis that followed caused her body to stiffen suddenly, and she almost fell to the ground.

The petite figure in red clothes appeared in front of her, and the suppression of her blood rushed towards her face. It felt like encountering a natural enemy. Every muscle in her body could not help but tremble, her brain became sluggish, and her blood boiled. Cool quickly.

The brave and skilled White Wolf Killer was thrown out like a rag doll and hit the wall, causing a cloud of dust and smoke.

Will die, really will die.

His sluggish brain frantically alarmed, and Lapland tried hard to control himself to get up from the ground, but in the end he couldn't even lift a finger.

"The smell of wolves."

The hood attached to the clothes was pulled open by the high-speed airflow, revealing gray-white hair and slightly trembling wolf ears.

The expressionless girl's figure flickered and appeared next to the white wolf in an instant. She leaned down, her small nose twitched slightly, and kept sniffing Lapland.


Lapland's pupils were dilated, his body was shaking violently like a spasm, his wildly beating heart almost overwhelmed all sounds, and even breathing became extremely difficult.

Not to mention getting up to fight, she couldn't even hold the weapon in her hand. She collapsed on the ground and watched the girl in front of her do whatever she wanted with her.

The slightly worn black trench coat was torn open with rough techniques, and the shirt underneath was also lifted up, revealing her fair belly.

The wolfhunter girl in red put a dagger in front of her trembling neck, lowered her body and smelled from her chest to her stomach, then to her thigh, and then stretched out her other hand to touch it.


This scene is too fascinating. Feeling the small hands sliding back and forth on the skin, the white wolf, who has adapted a little bit, blushed, and his face became distorted due to excessive exertion.

He obviously had the strength to kill her easily, but he didn't take action. Instead, he paralyzed her on the ground, moved his hands up and down, and smelled her with his nose. Where did this pervert come from?

The key is that the suppressive force from the depths of her bloodline has always been there, and it is difficult for her to even lift her fingers, and she is completely unable to resist!

For a moment, Lapland felt that this city was too dangerous, with endless perversions.

Could it be that she did not die in the pursuit, but was tortured and humiliated by a female pervert here?

"You are not a wolf."

Just when she was about to explode with shame, the girl in red suddenly retracted her palm, said something expressionless, turned around and left.

But after only taking a few steps, she stood still and looked towards the end of the street.

"As I said, Miss Lapland, you just need to stay in my bar and there won't be any problems. Why did you run away? Could it be that my hospitality was not attentive enough?"

The black leather shoes reflected a hint of neon color in the distance. A blond Luper man wearing a crisp suit appeared at the end of the street with a steady pace, carrying an elegance that was incompatible with the surroundings - if you ignore the two handfuls he was carrying The words dripping blood and long sword.

Red blood dripped along the blade, leaving traces on the road.

Daximi casually shook off the blood on the knife and pointed the tip of the knife at the expressionless girl in red, a trace of excitement and madness flashed in her eyes.

"My intuition tells me that you are a good prey... So, can you stay a little farther away from my distinguished guest?"

"Be careful, huh~huh~ something's wrong with her!"

When the girl turned around, the suppressive force of blood that caused the body to lose control instantly disappeared. However, the body that was suppressed to the limit was still unable to regain its ability to move in a short time. Lapland could only lie on the ground, laboriously Sound reminder.

Although she really hates this pervert, but after all, the other person is her savior. If she has to choose one of the two, she definitely hopes that the winner is Daximi.

"Shh~ don't talk, Miss Lapland, I can feel... this sweet taste. If I sacrifice her, I can become stronger. I can't wait... can't wait!"

Gray mist rose from around her, and Daximi's expression became crazy and distorted. Not only did she ignore Lapland's warning, she took the initiative and slashed at the girl who lowered her body and assumed a beast-like hunting posture.

"Wolf, it's different."

There was still no emotion on the wolf hunter's face. She raised her hand and waved the knife indifferently, as if announcing the destined outcome.

"The wolf I haven't seen before, red, cut it off."

Her body flashed like a ghost, pulling out a blurry afterimage in the air, and the sharp long knife scratched her clothes without making her hesitate for a moment.

A predator only sees prey.

The knife collided with the dagger, and Daximi felt that the disgusting aura appeared on the girl's body, making his body feel uncoordinated for a moment, and then was immediately expelled by the power of grace dormant in his body.

However, when masters compete with each other, the difference is huge.

After a pause of less than a second, the girl, like a real wolf, tore apart the flesh and blood with the jet-black fangs she held in her hand.

Blood blooms in an instant.

At the critical moment, Daximi suddenly exploded and used the handle of the knife to block the blade that was slashing towards his neck. The hazy smoke spread out, completely covering him.

tick... tick...

Blood flowed along the wound and dripped on the ground. Daximi's body trembled a little, and the stimulation of being on the verge of death caused his remaining sanity to break.

The bloody smell floating in the air was greedily sucked into the nasal cavity. The wolf holding the two swords raised his head stiffly, his eyes blood red.

He roared like a wild beast in his throat and rushed forward again.

Sparks bloom in the night.

"What is that……"

From Lapland's perspective, it didn't look like a human battle, but two wolves fighting in a primitive and savage way.

She was prepared for Daximi's madness. After all, that guy was no different from a madman.

But that unknown girl actually had incredible power in her petite body. Even without the weird suppressive power of her blood, she still fought evenly with the crazy Daximi with the dagger in her hand, and even took a slight advantage. Upside.

Moreover, compared to the crazy Dashimi, she is simply terrifyingly calm. Even if the blade cuts through her body, even if the tip of the knife passes by her cheek, her indifferent face does not waver at all, like a tireless, An infallible weapon of war.

Even the top killers in the black market cannot do this.

After all, people are human beings, they have their own thoughts, they will get hurt, they will get hungry, but this person in front of her... she really doesn't care at all.

It seemed that she only had the identified prey in her eyes, and everything else, even her own life, had to be compromised for it.


Lapland can only use these two words to describe it.

This is simply a monster that abandons all human emotions and aims purely at killing.

After her body regained her strength, she wanted to step forward and help Daximi, but even though she was dozens of meters away, the feeling of suppressed blood was still looming over her. As expected, as long as she got close, she would fall again. If you lose your ability to fight, you can't help at all.

Such a damn weak feeling!

The white wolf girl felt extremely depressed. For the first time, she realized that she was so weak and powerless. The enemy was right in front of her, but she couldn't do anything!

"The one with blond hair, the weapon is a pair of swords, um, target confirmed."

Suddenly, a shadow fell from the sky without any warning, muttering incomprehensible words, which startled Lapland.

At such a close distance, she didn't notice anyone above her at all?

Are there so many monsters hiding in this city?

The white wolf girl looked up, but only saw a figure from behind.

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