Having said this, Shi Huaiya couldn't help lowering her voice and whispered: "I have verified it with Uncle Wei. It is called 'Golden Tree Dew Drops' and can extend the life of an ordinary person for 20 years!"


Even in the city of Adams, when he suddenly heard the explosive news, he didn't react for a while. It was only after Shi Huaiya repeated it that he came back to his senses. His smiling eyes suddenly opened, and his sharp eyes locked on that place across the screen. A golden sphere wrapped in a crystal.

"Are you sure?"

"How could I lie to you about something like this?"

Holding the drops of golden tree dew, Shi Huaiya nodded solemnly and said categorically, "I have confirmed it with Uncle Wei, and I am absolutely certain of the authenticity of the effect."


In the luxuriously decorated study room, Adams stood up excitedly, feeling his aging body and feeling as if he was in a dream.

That is a treasure that can extend your life, and it is a full 20 years!

How many 20 years does a short-lived species last?

If word of this thing spreads, it will definitely cause a bloody storm, and those old guys who are in their twilight years like him will definitely snatch it at all costs!

For some, it’s worth as much as a small mobile city!

20 years is enough time to accomplish many things.

But for such a priceless treasure, his granddaughter got it in exchange for a one-year trade contract?

Compared with a treasure of this level, that contract is nothing!

He knew that his 'old friends' spent astronomical amounts of money on various laboratories every year, just to keep themselves alive longer.

If they knew that, let alone a one-year trade contract, even if they were asked to pay dozens or even hundreds of times the price in exchange, those people would happily agree.

20 years... is really enough to drive some people at the end of their lives into madness.

They are not short of money at all, let alone exchange money for their lives.

And now, those treasures that people have been asking for so hard to obtain can be obtained so easily?

Adams stared closely at the crystal on the screen. The golden ball emitted a faint light, opening and shrinking, as if even his heart began to beat along with it.

If possible, who wouldn’t want to live 20 more years?

"Well done... Beatrix, you did a good job. I will arrange for the manpower immediately to bring you back with it... No, no, no, don't leave Longmen for the time being. That... girl of the Chen family Teacher? Did he say anything else? "

The good character he had cultivated over a long period of time finally took effect. Although his heart was beating hard, Adams quickly calmed down and began to ask for more details.

"Yes. He said he would remember our help this time and asked me to say hello to you on his behalf. He also hoped that there would be more opportunities for cooperation in the future."

"Okay! Okay! Cooperate, of course we must cooperate!"

Upon hearing the news, Adams immediately laughed and was very happy.

Compared with a dead object, of course a strong person who can take out this kind of treasure as a reward is more valuable.

After all, if you can take out one, there may be more, and no one will refuse to be associated with such a strong man.

More collaboration?absolutely okay!

What their Swire Group does not lack most is money, and their business scope covers all aspects, so they can take on any kind of cooperation!

At the same time, he also changed his mind. Facing such a person, Beatrix was not qualified. He had to act personally to show the sincerity of the Swire Group!

"Beatrix, just stay in Longmen, stay in your own home, and don't move around. I will make arrangements to go to Longmen immediately and invite that gentleman to have dinner!"

No.16 Chapter Wolf and Real Wolf

"Miss Texas, we have arrived at your designated location, Black Steel International. If you need employment, security, cargo transportation and other services, you can contact the Black Steel International office in this city at any time. I wish you a pleasant journey in Syracuse. "

"Yeah, um, okay, definitely next time."

Texas nodded perfunctorily and watched Black Steel International's vehicle start and drive away. He couldn't help but sigh and touched his pocket.

That was the pocket where she kept her wallet. Unfortunately, the wallet was now empty except for identification.

As an internationally renowned security company, Black Steel International's professional quality is indeed excellent. The journey was smooth, and the small battles they encountered were solved neatly and neatly, with almost no delay. They are better than some unprofessional small companies. Where did it go.

However, what matches this profession is the high fees they charge, which are simply unaffordable for working-class people.

In order to pay for this trip, she had to advance her salary for the next few months from her boss. She would definitely not be able to afford to hire her again.

In fact, on the way here, she had already made plans to walk back to Longmen with her legs - assuming she could still go back alive.

Syracuse is not a place where you can come and leave whenever you want, especially for someone like her.

The black market bounty has indeed been withdrawn, but the hatred will not disappear along with the bounty. You may be recognized by your former 'old friends' wherever you go. If that happens, no one dares to say that you can survive the whole body. retreat.

But despite this, she still came.

I say let it go, but I do think so in my heart, but how can it be so easy to let go of past experiences?

Days and nights in the black market, missions against the enemy together, just a few months are not enough to make those memories fade. She must admit that Lapland still occupies an extremely important place in her heart. In this position, it is absolutely impossible to watch her die.

So she came, even if returning to Syracuse this time might invalidate all her past efforts.

Putting on the mask and pulling up the hood, trying to hide her appearance as much as possible, Texas took a deep breath and set foot again on this land that left her no good memories.

What poured into her nostrils was the same familiar smell as always. It may or may not be there, but she just smelled the faint smell of blood permeating the air.

Compared with the bustling Longmen, the city streets of Syracuse are much quieter. There are very few people coming and going, and no one is joking with each other on the street.

The doors on both sides of the road are open, and occasionally you can see the inside scene through the glass or curtains - the owner of the shop is sitting in the innermost position, staring blankly at the door. Texas knows that they are Most of the hands under the counter held weapons, or were about to hold weapons.

Syracuse is such a place, where the strong are respected and the weak are eaten by the weak. This is even more vividly demonstrated in the territory of the Lucchese family.

They advocate force and only like to use fists and swords to speak. The capable are superior and the weak are inferior. Whoever is stronger is the right one.

Living in such an environment, no one dares to let down their guard easily, even during the day when there are rules and regulations.

After all, what Syracuse lacks most is lunatics.

Those who violate the rules may be eliminated later, and that will also happen later. If you are not vigilant enough, you never know when you will lose your life. Everyone living here understands this truth.

How can we ask them to smile in such a depressing atmosphere?

After seeing the freedom, openness and prosperity of Longmen, Texas only felt that the city was deformed and terrifying. Everyone was wary of each other and regarded each other as potential enemies.

Barbaric, violent, backward, ignorant, and incompatible with modern civilization.

That's why she didn't want to stay here, she tried her best to run out, but ended up going in circles, and now she's back here.

'When we find Lapland this time, we must get her out of Syracuse. '

Although he was walking in a busy city, it felt like he was walking in an underground black market, as if even the sunlight was a bit colder. Thinking about his future plans, Texas touched the chest of his windbreaker and felt a little more at ease.

There was a leaf placed in that position, which was said to be able to save her life at a critical moment.

If possible, she hopes to never have to verify how effective it is.


"What exactly is the wolf you're talking about?"

In the office on the second floor of the bar, W occupied the main seat behind the desk, which was also the largest and most comfortable chair in the room. He poked the girl's waist with his finger and asked curiously.

The petite wolfhunter girl had her bright red coat taken off and placed on the table. Her hands and feet were tied up, leaving only a close-fitting sweater and tights of unknown material, which made her look even smaller.

Next to her, fragmentary weapons such as throwing knives, daggers, blades, and short needles were densely packed on half of the table.

On the surface, it's hard to imagine how she could pack these things into her clothes and still fight flexibly without hurting herself.

"Wolf, that's wolf, red, it needs to be cut off."

Even though she was tied to the table, the girl's emotions were still very stable. In other words, she didn't know what fear and fear were at all. There was nothing but prey in her light brown eyes.

She tilted her head and her eyes were firmly fixed on Daximi's body, which made Daximi feel a little chilly.

He was really confused and had no idea where he had offended this guy.

Call him a wolf, and then rush to cut him off. This reason is simply inexplicable. In Syracuse, where Ruper walked everywhere, who is not a wolf?

If nothing else, isn't the 'White Wolf Killer' just staying there?

That guy is much more famous than him in terms of popularity and bounty amount. Okay, so why are you just staring at him and not even looking at Lapland?

"Your name is Hong?"

W rolled his eyes, feeling that he had gained something, and continued to ask: "If the wolf you are talking about refers to Luper, are those two over there your targets?"

"He is a wolf, red, cut it off."

"Well, there's no way to ask."

After asking several more times, Hong still stared at Daximi without blinking, so W had no choice but to give up on asking anything.

All this guy thinks about is cutting off Daximi. He doesn't care about anything else and doesn't answer. He's like a hopelessly brainwashed tool. He doesn't even have his own thoughts. Know how to perform tasks.

Even the Sakaz people, who have always been despised as 'tools', would not act like this. Such a performance makes her even more of a dead soldier than a dead soldier. She doesn't even care about her own life!

Faced with such a difficult target, W is really at a loss. Compared to interrogation, she is better at solving problems directly and in one step.

"What, can I go to the bathroom?"

Lapland looked aside for a long time, feeling uncomfortable all over.

Being in a room with two obviously mentally disturbed lunatics made her feel very insecure. If possible, she still wanted to leave this ghost place and run far away.

"Miss Lapland, I shouldn't have neglected you. Why do you always want to escape from here?"

W didn't say anything, and Daximi couldn't help it anymore.

He asked himself that he had not done anything out of the ordinary these days, that he was provided with delicious food and drink, and that he had killed several batches of killers. He even spoke in a pleasant manner. How could he, the protector, turn into a villain-like character in the end? ?What's the point?

"I didn't want to run away, I just wanted to go to the toilet, really use the toilet."

Lapland argued vigorously that she could not answer this question.

After all, Daximi had saved her life, provided her with valuable medicines, and entertained her for several days. It was really unreasonable for her to always think about running away.


W waved his hand to stop Daximi who was still about to say something, and leaned lazily on the back of the chair, as if he didn't care.

But before Lapland could take a step, the following words rang faintly in his ears.

"However, I can't guarantee whether you will be injured by some gadgets when you leave this room. This is Syracuse. It is reasonable for the floor tiles to explode or something, right?"

Reasonable bastard!

Lapland was roaring crazily in his heart, but on the surface he remained calm, pretending not to hear.

Judging from the performance of the battle, this woman who plays with bombs should be quite strong. She may not be able to fight. Of course, whether she can fight or not is not the point. The key is that she cannot do it.

She is a killer, yes, but she is not an unreasonable lunatic. She would never do anything like this to her benefactor. This woman has a close relationship with Daximi, so she cannot take action.

"Actually, I don't understand, why are you running? But that's not important, and I don't want to know. Anyway, the mission I received is to protect you two. In order to avoid failure of the mission, you can't leave my sight for the time being."

W lay on the chair and spoke lazily, while two grenades were turning back and forth in her palms. Lapland's eyelids jumped as she watched, making her even more convinced that this guy was an even more abnormal lunatic than Dashmi.

Who in their right mind would hold a bomb in their hands and play with it!

W didn't care about what Lapland was thinking and didn't bother to guess. Anyway, Lin Lu meant to protect these two guys. This was the only thing she was responsible for. As for the idea of ​​the mission target, it was not her responsibility. within the scope of attention.

Of course, she had another thing to do here, and that was to find a place to plant the golden tree, but this matter was more troublesome. It was not easy to find a safe place in a place like Syracuse, and she didn't ask herself The ability to treat local gangs as if they were nothing.

W still has a strong idea of ​​how powerful a gangster family that can rule a city is. She just looks a little crazy, but not stupid.

Therefore, planting the golden tree will have to wait until she fully understands the situation here.

'This bar is definitely not suitable. If you want to plant trees, it's better to have a bigger place. Maybe you should find a bigger yard first? '

Thinking about it this way, W felt that his idea was correct, at least there was no problem with his thinking, so the only thing left was...


The mercenary girl suddenly raised her head and looked in a certain direction. She seemed to sense a flash of familiar aura?

"The smell of wolf..."

Hong, who had been staring at Daximi, also raised his head at the same time and looked in the same direction. His small nose twitched slightly and a bright light flashed in his eyes.

"Texas! This feeling...it's unmistakable, it's Texas!"

Lapland was even more excited. He jumped up from his chair and placed his palm on the hilt of his sword, trembling slightly with excitement.

If it weren't for these two guys, she would have wanted to rush out right now.

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