Even though he was very confident in his own strength, he didn't dare to take action rashly at this moment. This man was much stronger than he expected!

"You should be able to tell that I'm in a bad mood right now."


The fragments of shrapnel were trampled under her feet and ground into finer powder. Lin Lu looked up at the sky, shook her head slightly, closed her eyes, and opened them again.

In an instant, a bone-chilling chill spread, staining the air with a thin layer of blood.

The killing intent, the endless killing intent like the sea, was vented wantonly on this ruins, and even truly affected the material in reality.

In a daze, the old werewolf felt as if he had fallen into a world composed entirely of blood. Thousands of different painful howls resounded in his ears. His vision was completely filled with distorted and deformed monsters. His wild and crazy will will He was completely wrapped up, trying to get into his body from every pore, driving him into a frenzy.

Under the impact of such a vast killing intent, he had to concentrate on concentrating his energy and did not dare to relax at all, so that he could barely stay awake.

This guy...how many people has he killed?

The answer guessed based on past experience came to mind, and even the old werewolf who had killed many people couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

This is not a human being...it is clearly a demon walking in the world!The most notorious killer of Syracuse is a joke compared to him!


The sound of footsteps was like stepping on his heart, and a pair of golden pupils appeared in front of the old werewolf. The high temperature like falling fire passed over his body. He opened his eyes blankly and looked at the huge giant that was dozens of meters high. The dragon's head emerged from the spell pattern that it had never seen before, and let out a deafening roar.


The dazzling beam of light swept across the earth, and the ground cracked, rolled, and melted into flowing magma like tofu. The concrete structure covering the surface melted together with the supporting steel below.

Vaguely, the old man seemed to hear howls of pain and cries of despair coming from very far away, and the scorching heat distorted the air within sight.

The light beam dissipated, and the original ruins disappeared, leaving only a small island for landing, exposing the underlying structure with magma and molten iron flowing below. The sky seemed to be covered with a layer of dust and smoke, blocking the sunlight, as if it was the end of the world. .

natural disaster...

At this moment, the old werewolf once again recalled the fear of facing a natural disaster. It was a destructive power beyond the reach of human beings. How similar was it to the scene before him?

However, this is not over yet.

Soon, the dark sky was filled with a deep purple halo, and the space was distorted. The entire sky was filled with dense vortices, and huge meteorites emerged from them, hanging high in the sky.

They floated above the gray sky and did not fall, but this terrifying scene had already caused the old man's eyes to shrink violently and his body to tremble.

Once these stones fall, everyone will die!It is impossible for them to fight against natural disasters!

"I don't know who you are, and I have no interest in knowing. Since my lovely subordinates are still alive, I am kind enough to give you a chance."

Lin Lu put his hands in his pockets, his eyes completely turned into pure gold, and heart-stopping energy fluctuations wrapped around him, making the surrounding space tremble with every step he took.

He stared at the old man and said indifferently: "You can leave and go back to gather everyone you can find, whether it is your family or the army, it doesn't matter, and then -"

"I will destroy you."


"Hey...hey...Texas, the new boss you found is a bit too outrageous, isn't it?"

Under the golden tree, Lapland lay on the ground, feeling that every hair on his body stood up.

God knows how scared she was when that line of discipline passed by her. She was almost, just a tiny bit away from turning into ashes!

If hit by something like that, I'm afraid not even a single bone would be left behind, and maybe even the ashes would be evaporated instantly.

Before, she had been thinking about what the 'adult' that could make two lunatics admire so much was like. But when 'that adult' actually appeared in front of her, she realized that her imagination was too much. barren.

What are those!

A beam of light that can destroy the earth and melt steel with a single swipe, a rain of meteorites that covers the sky and seems to destroy an entire city. Is this really something that humans can do?

The strongest person she had ever seen in her life could only draw a sword and cut down a building. She had always thought that the limit of human beings was like that. After all, they were made of flesh and blood. No matter how strong they were, how much stronger could they get?

But this person...the new boss of Texas has simply crushed the worldview she built in the past to pieces!

A real natural disaster is nothing more than this, right?

The city defense artillery bombardment, which they had to rely on luck to survive, was just a toy that could be grasped easily by that man. His one casual move caused at least several kilometers of city blocks to instantly melt, as well as those meteorites... If they all fell, would any of the city's above-ground buildings really remain intact?

How could such an unreasonably powerful monster really exist?

"...This is also the second time I've seen him take action. The first time it was quite normal."

The scorching temperature poured into his nose, and the doomsday scene reflected in his eyes, Texas didn't know what to say.

Thinking about it now, when they first met, that kind of fighting was not even a small fight for Lin Lu, right?

For strong people who can destroy urban areas with a raise of their hands, and may even be able to destroy cities, their kind of fighting is probably no different from children's play.

Staring at the large meteorite floating in the sky, Texas even felt like he suddenly realized something.

It turns out that this is the most real appearance of the world?

What they thought was a brutal fight was actually no different from the fight between ants.

The rules and laws they have to worry about have no binding force on the truly strong.

Just like now, Lin Lu can do whatever he wants in the Lucchese family's city without any worries, because no one can punish him.

Not even the owners of this city, the Lucchese family, can do that.

The so-called Twelve Families of Syracuse are no different from a group of rabbits in front of powerful men who can compete with natural disasters. They may not even have the courage to take action again.

"Ha, let me tell you, as long as the boss comes here, everything will be fine!"

W laughed so excitedly that if the injury hadn't been too serious, she would have even wanted to jump up and dance.

She didn't expect Lin Lu to be able to do this. It was simply... amazing!

Trampling on the face of the so-called Twelve Families, destroying their cities and streets openly, standing in front of the parties and letting them assemble their troops, it is so satisfying to think about it!

Moreover, even if they did this, the Lucchese family would probably not dare to let go of any bullshit!

If she hadn't joined the Golden Tree, she wouldn't have dared to do this kind of thing!

"Yeah, it's really getting better..."

Not sure if it was an illusion, Lapland stared at the sky, always feeling that the big rocks were falling little by little and were about to hit the top of his head.

Staying in such an atmosphere, she couldn't help but shrink her neck and move her body closer to the golden tree. Only then did she feel a little sense of security from the warm light shining on her body.

Compared to the calmness of Texas and that crazy woman, she was actually very panicked, but she didn't show it. Who made her the only outsider here?

Everyone else was the boss's subordinates, and she was just a pitiful, weak and helpless little white wolf. She trembled just looking at the boss's methods.

I don’t know if their organization in Texas still accepts people...

Thinking wildly in his mind, Lapland turned his head and saw Daximi lying on the ground in the direction of the golden tree, mumbling words with a fanatical look on her face. She suddenly felt that she didn't have a chance.

Chapter 22 What mortals cannot contend with...

"Gather together everyone you can find, whether it's your family or your army, it doesn't matter, and then——"

"I will destroy you."

With heavy footsteps, the old werewolf walked in a daze on the burning block, the smell of burning filling the air.

Upon entering, there were ruins and broken walls, the flat streets were separated by deep cracks, and the steel structures used as supports were twisted and bent, turning into a mess.

Stumped limbs, broken arms, dried blood after being burned, and... fragments of clothes scattered on the ground, as well as broken weapons.

Everything is like hell.

The organized city guards, the elites of the family, the temporary partners... were as fragile as clay sculptures under the light of destruction that penetrated the sky and the earth, and would collapse at the first touch.

Flesh and blood cannot withstand such impact and high temperature. Most people will not even leave any residual limbs, and will be instantly vaporized by the high temperature that is enough to melt steel and rock.

What exquisite swordsmanship and powerful spells are all meaningless in the face of absolute destruction.

That is simply not something that humans can fight against.

The battle between gangsters cannot reach this level.

Even if they use bombs and powerful guns, the limit they can achieve is to destroy a few houses and damage a few layers of roads.

Such tragic scenes would only appear on large-scale battlefields between countries.

The old man stopped at the end of the street, his nose twitching, and for the first time he felt like vomiting.

He had seen such a scene when he was young on the battlefield that divided the Gallic Empire. Under the bombardment of artillery fire and spells, ordinary soldiers fell in large pieces like writing erased by an eraser on paper.

He never thought that one day he would see the same battlefield again in his city, and the opponent would be only one person.

This shouldn't be their battle.

The originally blue and clear sky was now covered in gray, with large and small whirlpools occupying every inch of space that could be seen. Under that, there were pieces of suspended boulders.

Hundreds, or thousands?

The old werewolf didn't know and couldn't count them. He only knew that once those things fell from the sky, the city's surface buildings would shatter and collapse in an instant, turning into a piece of scorched earth.

There is no hiding, it is impossible to hide.

Activate all the city defense cannons and hit them one by one. The broken stones will still fall into the city and destroy everything.

Moreover, even if they smash all the meteorites to pieces, so what?

What they see now is just a spell that the man summoned casually. He doesn't even need to charge up or connect to any large-scale spell auxiliary device!

In the past, natural disasters could destroy cities, but cities could also choose to avoid them.

But when natural disasters are in the hands of individuals and become something that can be used at will, how should we deal with them?

There was no other way. No matter how unwilling to admit it, the old man knew that he had to face reality. Not only him, but everyone in the city had to face reality - they could not defeat a strong man who controlled natural disasters. , the killer they are proud of may not be able to bear the murderous intent of the other party and will die of mental breakdown.

Assemble the elites of the family, assemble the city defense troops stationed in the city, and then attack them in one go?

Of course he can do that, and he has enough status to do it.

and then?

Then the troops they gathered would be swept away by the destructive beam, turning into ashes burned by high temperatures and blending with the dust on the ground.

And all of this could have been avoided!

Just because of an impromptu attack and a dirty demon guy, they were faced with a life-and-death crisis!

If we could turn back time, if we had known that there was a strong man standing behind that demon guy who could easily cause natural disasters, he would never have appeared on that battlefield!

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world, and time will not go back to the starting point. It is too late to say anything now.

For the survival of his family, he must find a way to calm down the strong man's anger.

"Mr. Gaetano!"

Cars drove by from outside the block. The blond Luper man jumped out of the car, looked at the destroyed block, opened his mouth in disbelief, and shouted in a daze.

"Tommy, who activated our city defense guns?"

The old werewolf Gaetano closed his eyes, opened them again, and asked in a deep voice while suppressing the anger in his heart.

If he could, he really wanted to kill him with a knife. Even the key to activate the city defense cannon would be stolen. Why should such an idiot lead the family?

It's a pity that he can't do this now. The death of the apparent leader of the Lucchese family here will cause greater turmoil. In the face of irresistible disasters, stability is necessary.

"It's...a spy from the Sicilian family..."

Staring at the bloody eyes full of violent murderous intent, Tommy shuddered and replied in a low voice with an ugly expression.

"Idiot! You can't even play with a woman!"

Gaetano's chest rose and fell violently, and he asked again: "What about Norman? What happened to him? Why is a real wolf allowed to lead people on the street openly? Don't you know that we have attracted the attention of hunters?" Are the werewolves paying attention?"

"What? Norman ran out?"

Tommy was stunned for a moment, and his expression became angry.

"It wasn't my order, he didn't get my consent at all!"

"You, trash!"

After hearing this, Gaetano took a deep breath, and finally couldn't hold it back. He kicked Tommy in the abdomen, knocked him to the ground, grabbed his collar and pulled him in front of him, his face looking as ferocious as a demon.

"Now, immediately, immediately, bring me the spy, the person guarding the city defense cannon, and everyone related to Norman, otherwise everyone will die! Do you understand!"

"Yes! Yes! But Mr. Gaetano, shouldn't we think of ways to escape from the scope of the natural disaster now..."

"Waste! Idiot! Open your eyes and take a good look. Is this like a natural disaster? This is a spell used by a strong man! If you can't calm down his anger, there will be no Lucchese family in the future!"

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