Generally speaking, children of this age should be in their youth and should have their own life, their own friends, their own social circle and their own hobbies. Even people like Chen will have sex with normal women during their breaks. Children go out shopping and buy all kinds of snacks, comics, games, clothes and so on.

But to the wolf hunters, she had nothing.

Finding the target, then killing it, and then rushing to the next target, this is the whole meaning of her life.

Such a person can no longer even be called a human being, but a weapon, a tool specially forged to eliminate real wolves.

The culprit who did this is simply crazy.

Why can't we let adults do what we want to hate? Instead, we put this burden on a child and deprive them of all the happiness and life they should have as human beings?

There is no cure!The sin is unforgivable!

Just seeing Hong's look, Lin Lu felt her blood pressure rise suddenly.

Like Amiya, it's okay. She just had her body modified, but at least her way of thinking is still normal.

But in Hong's case, she has obviously been completely brainwashed, and she doesn't even have the ability to think normally. I don't know how long it will take for her to normalize.

However, Lin Lu was ready to give it a try. In order for Hong to return to normal, she first had to get rid of her obsession with hunting the 'real wolf'.

This thing is not easy to do. At least Lin Lu has nothing to do now. He has no means to tamper with a person's memory and thinking. Maybe Theresa can?

In short, you have to try it first before talking about it.

It doesn't matter even if Theresia can't do that. She just needs to bring people back to Longmen and then make subtle changes.

Unlike Syracuse, which is full of Lupus, although there are Lupus in Longmen, the probability of a real wolf appearing is still very small. If you can't see it, your hunting instinct will not be triggered.

"Texas, I'm going back to Longmen, do you want to come with me?"

After making up her mind, Lin Lu looked back at Texas, who was lying on the chair. Anyway, he would definitely use the golden tree to teleport back, and he didn't mind bringing one more person with him.

It doesn't matter if there are one, two or three - in the realm of Longmen, Boss Wei pays for all consumption, so there is no need to worry about energy consumption.


Hearing this, Texas raised his head, glanced at Lapland, and hesitated.

She actually wanted to follow him back to Longmen, otherwise she wouldn't have the money to go through Black Steel International's channels, so she would have to go back to Longmen by herself, and she didn't know how long it would take.

But it doesn’t feel right to just go back like this.

It took a lot of effort and a lot of foreign debt to come back here, only to have to leave after not staying long?It seemed that this time she was not suffering from an ordinary blood loss, and she had not had time to say a few words to Lapland.

If possible, she still wanted to try harder to persuade Lapland to leave Syracuse. If this continued, there was no guarantee that Lapland would not be hunted down again because of a certain mission.

But not every time, someone will rescue her.

"Why are you looking at me? You can leave if you want. I don't need you to take care of me. We have already parted ways long ago, and you don't need to take care of my affairs."

Noticing Texas' gaze, Lapland rolled his eyes, looking nonchalant.

This guy is soft everywhere, only the knife and mouth are hard.

"It's okay to stay for now."

Lin Lu didn't know much about the love-hate relationship between these two awkward guys, and she wasn't prepared to get involved. It was obvious that one of them was in danger and the other one came thousands of miles away, but they still pretended to be nonchalant when they met. Who cares? Look, he didn’t want to get involved in this kind of thing, so he waved his hand and said: "You can stay here for a few days first, and I will come back in a few days. Then I will take you back, or you can do it yourself You can go back at any time, don’t forget your current identity?”

"Identity? What is my identity?"

Texas blinked, and then reacted belatedly. He raised his hands and clenched his fists. Those soft and white palms now contained far more power than before, and all of this was It comes from the golden leaf used for 'saving lives'. What is it?

She was confused, so she asked directly.

"That is the blessing of the golden tree. With it, you are mine."

This may be a bit ambiguous, but Lin Lu didn't care about these details. After thinking about it, she briefly explained: "That blessing is the proof of our golden tree. It can provide you with basic strength increase and high-speed recovery ability. Then, Every creature you kill increases this power, and... there are things I can't say yet, but you will know later."

"Strictly speaking, you are now my employee. This power comes at a price, do you understand?"

"I see."

Such a powerful ability is what many people dream of. Texas is very aware of the value of this power and does not reject it. If it is Lin Lu... she does not hate it.

"Very well, I like smart people."

Lin Lu nodded with satisfaction, extending a blue magic blade from her fingertips, easily cutting the rope binding the wolf hunter girl, holding her in her hand like a kitten, and at the same time took out a golden leaf. Pressing on Hong's head, the binding ability blessed by the golden tree took effect immediately, forcibly blocking all Hong's actions, leaving her to only stare at Dashimigan.



Daximi put down the tray in her hand, stood upright with a snap, and then bent down respectfully, as if listening to the instruction.

"You, go to the Lucchese family later and tell them to collect all the information about the wolf hunters as soon as possible, and then send it to me. If you don't find it, go find it. Just say it's my wish."

"Yes, I will definitely do it!"

Upon hearing this mission, a hint of joy flashed in Daximi's eyes, she raised her head with a red face, and patted her chest in assurance.

Giving orders to the Lucchese family, one of the twelve families, was something he had never dared to dream of before!

But now, he just can!And he walked in openly and trampled under his feet those who looked down on him before. Even the new patriarch of the Lucchese family did not dare to disrespect him!

what is this?

This is status!His coveted position!

"W, please stay here for a while and watch them finish the area around the Golden Tree. If someone wants to play tricks, you know what to do, right?"

After giving instructions to Dashimi, Lin Lu looked at W, who was lying on the table bored.

When it comes to trust, among everyone present, only W can be completely trusted. She will never and cannot betray the Golden Tree, so it is safer to leave such important matters to her.

"Huh? You still want to stay here?"

W scratched his hair, looking a little reluctant, but he didn't refuse.

"Okay, then I will watch them here. If anyone dares to cause trouble, they will be buried under the golden tree as fertilizer."

"Then I'll leave it to you. Just treat it as a few days of rest. There will be tasks assigned to you later, so be prepared."

"Of course that kind of thing can happen anytime, anywhere!"

After hearing that there was still a mission, W suddenly became excited and felt quite impatient.

For her, being idle is a difficult thing to accept. It is better to have tasks to do, which can make her feel that her existence is valuable and meaningful.

"Well, let's rest for a few days."

Carrying the motionless and stiff wolfhunter girl, Lin Lu nodded and walked straight out the door.

As soon as Lin Lu left, both the respectful Daximi and the complex-faced Texas breathed a sigh of relief. Lapland's performance was the most obvious. His whole body softened and he collapsed on the sofa.

Even if Lin Lu didn't do anything, being in the same room with a strong man who could summon natural disasters with a wave of his hand was a stressful thing in itself.

In particular, they were not very familiar with Lin Lu, and they didn't know Lapland at all. Who knew which words might cause that person's dissatisfaction?

Just because someone is willing to talk kindly and communicate pleasantly does not mean they have the right to be arrogant.

In that kind of task, any look or movement may lead to irresistible disaster for them, and normal people would feel a lot of pressure.


Seeing how relieved they were, W, who was lying on the table, sneered and said jokingly: "Are you afraid of this? This is not okay. The members of the Golden Tree can't be so embarrassed. With your shallow knowledge, you don't even know who you are. What exactly did you get?"

"But it doesn't matter, you will always know in the future, and then you will know how lucky you are today."

"However, I have to say something upfront. Even if we are considered companions now, if anyone dares to do something secretly behind Lin Lu's back... Haha, you'd better pray not to be discovered by me, otherwise, I will kill you at all costs. you."

Standing up straight and playing with a small Originium bomb in his hand, W showed a dangerous smile, looked around, raised his legs and walked out of the office.

She didn't feel the need to communicate with these people. Even though they were both members of the Golden Tree, she only obeyed Lin Lu's orders.

"I will also go to the Lucchese family to warn those pedantic old guys not to do unnecessary things and cause trouble to Sir and Sir W."

After saying that, Daximi couldn't wait to open the door and go out. There were not many opportunities to show off his power in front of the Lucchese family. He had been looking forward to this moment for a long time!

So what if the fox pretends to be the tiger's power?

He, Daximi, wants to feel proud today and trample under his feet all those who look down on him!

Even the leader of the clan has to look at his expression, which is exciting to think about!


In a blink of an eye, there were only two people left in the huge office.

Unlike W and Dashimi, Texas and Lapland don't have much to do, anywhere else to go other than staying here.

The two looked at each other and fell into a long silence.

After a long time, it was Lapland who couldn't bear the silence and was the first to speak up to break the awkward atmosphere.

"Hey, Texas, do we become companions again? When you left, did you ever think that such a day would come?"

"Don't say anything meaningless, Lapland. I don't have that much time to talk nonsense with you here."

Texas raised his head expressionlessly and looked straight at the white wolf huddled on the sofa, which made Lapland a little hairy.

"What do you think? With Lin Lu's existence, you can completely break away from your past life. No one can stop you. So, do you still want to continue living in this quagmire?"

"A rotten quagmire? Yes, for you now, this is indeed a rotten place that can't get any worse."

Lapland opened his mouth, subconsciously wanting to say something, but after seeing Texas's expression, he felt a little bored.

Yes, her former companions can now stand on high ground and judge her, a wild dog in the gutter. They are no longer in the same world.

With a new boss, Texas can survive openly and openly in a prosperous place like Longmen, living under the sun.

But what about her?

So what if I get this power?

She is an infected person...

Will Longmen or other cities allow an infected person to enter?Even if you think about it with your toes, it's impossible.

With this identity, she is destined to hide in a dark corner under the sun. Otherwise, what else can she do?

Give up your job as a killer and find a place to live peacefully?

Do not make jokes!

That kind of future does not belong to her at all.

She could probably understand what Texas meant, but she didn't want to do that or break up her friend's current life.

Now that you have the opportunity to stand in the sun, you should live as a human being. For people like her, it's better not to cause trouble.

There should be a place for wild dogs. If you can't get it, why do you want it?

Smiling self-deprecatingly, Lapland looked at the dazzling black crystals on his thighs and unconsciously twirled them with his fingers.


In the dull eyes of the black wolf and the white wolf, the Originium crystal that was supposed to grow from flesh and blood actually fell off with a light touch of a finger and rolled to the ground.

Chapter 32 Wolf's Repayment

Ore sickness began to appear after the effects of Origin Stone were discovered, and then expanded to a large area with the popularity of the Origin Stone industry.

After infection, the Source Stone will combine with human body cells and exhibit crystallization characteristics outside the body. In other words, the crystals exposed by the infected person are actually part of their body and cannot be removed at will. of.

Once the stability of the crystal is destroyed, the crystallization will spread to the surroundings, so it is not possible to look like a normal person by removing the crystal.

But what's going on here?

Both pairs of eyes were focused on the dark crystals that rolled to the ground, and they looked at each other, speechless for a moment.

How could a crystal rooted in flesh and blood fall down so easily?This is not scientific at all!

Lapland still has some understanding of her illness. After all, she has to know how long she can live. However, she has never encountered a situation like the detachment of crystals outside her body, and has never heard of others talking about it. .

It was only then that she realized that her body seemed to be... much more relaxed?

Although there is no professional instrument for testing, as a soldier, he still has some idea of ​​his physical condition.

Ore disease not only brings great strength and shortened lifespan, but is also accompanied by unbearable pain.

This kind of pain and burden is not only manifested when mineral disease attacks. If the disease is severe, it will also have an impact on daily life.

But now, the oppressive pain and depression seem to have disappeared without a trace.

But... how is this possible?

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