"The army's garrison is expanding outwards, but there is no intention to move. It should be just a temporary change of garrison."

Yelena shook her head slightly, a trace of worry flashed in her eyes.

Due to her Originium skills and severe ore disease, her facial nerves are no longer able to support the changes in her expressions, so most of the time she looks cold and distant from strangers.

But in fact, the seemingly cold snow monster princess has the hottest heart.

Yelena has always seen Tallulah's situation. She doesn't understand why Tallulah shows an almost pathological paranoia when it comes to infected people, and wants to take all the pressure on herself. .

Does she want to carry thousands of people forward alone?

If this continues, it won't take long for the individual named Tallulah to be crushed.

Yelena wanted to grab Tallulah by the collar and scold her severely, telling her that no one could carry everyone forward, and she was not the nanny of those infected.

In this world, if you want to survive, you have to rely on your own efforts. Although it is cruel, this is the reality.

However, Tallulah wouldn't listen.

She was like a different person when it came to the infected.

"In that case, it would be best."

The body was filled with unspeakable fatigue. Even Draco would feel unable to do his job after days of hard work. Tallulah's fatigue was obvious.

She forced herself to cheer up, think about every possibility, and try to avoid the worst ending.

She wasn't good at thinking like this, but she had to do it.

"If the army group has no intention of entering the ice sheet, then we can choose a closer place to set up camp without having to go too far. This kind of climate... it is too difficult for everyone to move around."


Hearing what she said, Yelena fell silent.

The fists under White Rabbit's sleeves were clenched, and he finally couldn't bear it any longer.

"Tallulah, this time the station relocation must reach the location we surveyed and cannot stop in the middle. Do you think this is a joke?"

Although his tone didn't fluctuate much, anyone could see the anger that was almost overflowing.

Facing Yelena like this, Tallulah unconsciously took a step back and wanted to say something, but was blocked even faster.

"I don't know what kind of mentality you have when directing the infected people and directing the integration movement, and I don't want to know."

"That's your business what you think. I just need to see the results."

"Everyone must move to the designated location before nightfall. If someone does not want to obey the order, then the snow monsters and shield guards will no longer provide shelter to them, and I will expel them."

"Do you think this is just playing house? What we are facing is the most elite army in Ursus! The integration movement is no stronger than an ant in front of them! If you want to survive, you must prepare for the worst. Your indulgence will lead everyone into the abyss, and I will not allow that to happen."

"...I, I know."

Faced with White Rabbit's questioning and ultimatum-like speech, Tallulah closed her eyes in pain, took a deep breath, and made a difficult decision.

She knew that Yelena was right. If she wanted to survive, she had to prepare for the worst.

If the ice field is compared to hell, then the Third Army is the god of death in hell. As long as they are caught by the tail, or if there is any oversight, everyone will be buried under the artillery shells.

No one can stand up to the Empire's most elite troops in a place like this, least of all the Integrated Movement.

Therefore, they can only be cautious and cautious.

Yelena's anger is not without reason.

Knowing that a strong enemy is on the side, but still taking chances, and changing the reserved location without authorization because of concerns about the physical fitness of certain people, this kind of behavior is really looking for death.

Tallulah could understand this, but it was precisely because of this that she felt even more painful. If possible, she did not want to give up any of her compatriots.

"I'm not kidding, you better keep your word."

With a cold snort, Yelena, who rarely showed strong emotional changes, turned and left, leaving only one sentence that drifted to Talulah's ears along the cold wind.

"After the relocation is completed, I will wait for you at the training ground. We haven't sparred for a long time."

Feeling angry, angry, unhappy?

Then, just fight the culprit.

Yelena's thoughts were simple and crude. She just wanted to beat Tallula up, that's all.

After all, what bad intentions could the White Rabbit have?

Chapter 69 Playing with fire means being...

"You want to duel with Tallulah?"

The sun sets and the sky dims. Darkness always comes earlier in the snowfield than in other places.

The Wendigo holding a halberd stood on the high point of the snow-swept hill, staring at the nascent camp below. The battle-scarred metal armor was draped on his body, like a tall tower standing in the wind and snow. .

The weapon from the Ursus military has long since lost its power source without maintenance and cannot provide any assistance to the wearer, leaving only the defense of the metal mechanism itself.

However, the Wendigo's strength is enough to carry this heavy armor that can crush ordinary people after losing power, and it can still move freely.

Severe mineral disease eroded his body, and the Originium crystals blocked his throat, making even speaking a laborious task.

Even so, the Wendigo, who has experienced countless battles, has never put down his weapons and shields. His presence is enough to make people feel at ease.

It seemed that no one ever thought he would fall.

"Dad, has anyone ever told you that the way you speak can easily be misunderstood?"

The white rabbit, who looked unusually petite next to the Wendigo, raised her eyelids. She couldn't make a rich expression, but her complaining tone and eyes clearly showed her mood.

"a lot of."

Bodrokas uttered two words for Meng. He was always not good at dealing with his daughter, and he had never been able to speak eloquently.

He is better at speaking with weapons than words, but that method is obviously not suitable for communication between father and daughter.

"I didn't want to duel with Tallulah, I just wanted to have a fight with her."

Yelena followed her father's line of sight and looked at the busy people in the camp, sighing inaudibly.

"Dad, Tallulah's condition makes me uneasy."

“Innocent, ideal, unattainable, desirable.”

Bozhuo Kasti's language is very concise, and it often takes a lot of effort to understand, as if he is deciphering a code. However, Yelena does not have such troubles. She has long been used to it and can understand it.

"There is nothing wrong with naive ideals, and she is not the only idealist. Isn't that why we joined in?"

Standing here, Yelena can easily see Tallulah busy in the camp.

Under her pressure, Tallulah finally forced everyone to move here, but this was not enough.

She admired Tallulah's ideals and didn't mind adding her own strength, so they came here.

Otherwise, the Yeti and the Shield Guards would have no reason to hang out with this rabble.

They are better off without integrated movement.

The current integration movement is completely scattered, a complete burden, and has almost no combat capability.

How can such a group be qualified to attract snow monsters and shield guards to join?

What they have always been interested in is Tallulah.

It is difficult for the earth full of pain to breed the fruit of innocence, but if it does appear, people can't help but want to get closer.

Tallulah is that fruit.

She dwells on this ice sheet with naive ideas and almost impossible ideals, fighting for the future of the infected.

However, it now seems that this beautiful quality may also be a fatal flaw.

"Tallulah... she always thinks the best of people. She doesn't even want to believe that someone would steal food and leave secretly. She..."

Yelena scratched her hair irritably and did not continue.

If Tallulah's 'sins' were to be counted in detail, she could tell them from now until dawn.

However, there is no need for that. No matter how much you complain here, it will not help and will not make any changes to the reality.

"Maybe fight her, but knock her awake a little bit?"

"In short, she must change, otherwise, one day everyone will die in her innocent ideals."

That being said, Yelena's tone of voice was not firm at all.

She didn't have any confidence in changing Tallulah's mind, she just made a unilateral decision to do that.

Because... Tallulah's behavior was so abnormal. She seemed to have no evil side of human nature at all. Only the purest good existed in that body.

Perhaps in some places, it is not an exaggeration to call such a person a saint.

But this is the ice field of Ursus, a country that has issued strict laws on infected people.

Evil is the main theme here.

In the land of sin there is no room for the fruits of goodness to grow.

Whether you believe it or not, the cold reality is real and cannot be fought with illusory ideals.

Blind kindness will only push the integration movement into the bottomless abyss, and eventually it will fall to pieces.

"If you want, do it."

In front of his daughter, Bodrokasti could rarely say no. Even though he knew that Yelena's physical condition should not frequently use Originium skills, he still could not refuse.

And he also felt that what Yelena said made sense, maybe a battle could change Tallulah's mind.

Using combat instead of verbal communication is what he is best at doing, and he feels that this has a high success rate.

Therefore, he did not stop.

Yelena is also suitable to be Tallulah's opponent. They can also exchange ideas and influence each other during the battle.

...If it were him to do this, it would only beat Tallulah to the point of being autistic, and might even leave some scars that are difficult to heal.

That is not communication, but a unilateral beating.


"The sooner this happens, the better. There's no point in waiting any longer."

Yelena nodded, stared at Tallulah in the camp, and suddenly asked: "Dad, is it time for the big bear to come back?"

"The distance is not far. Seven days is enough. Today is the end."

Bodrokasti's helmet shook slightly, as if he was nodding.

Even if you are in an ice field, understanding the outside world is essential. If you are trapped in a corner of the wilderness and completely isolated from the outside world, it will be like being trapped in a cage, without even knowing that the crisis is approaching.

Therefore, every once in a while, the Snow Monster Team will send a person to the nearest city to collect intelligence and bring back some precious materials that are difficult to obtain.

Such as salt and sugar.

The person responsible for this kind of task is usually Big Bear, whose physical characteristics among the snow monsters are closest to those of non-infected people. He is an experienced veteran and is familiar with this.

Calculating the time, he should indeed come back today. The nearest city here is Chernobog. The journey is not too far. Seven days is enough for the round trip, excluding the time for purchasing supplies and collecting intelligence.

"If I'm not done yet when he comes back, let him go to my tent."

Yelena turned and left, pinching her pocket without leaving a trace, where she stored a few candies, her homemade candies.

As the effects of oriopathy deepened day by day, only this weird-tasting candy that was so difficult for ordinary people to swallow could give her a little taste of what it feels like to be a normal person.

Maybe this time, add more chili and liquor?

Silently calculating in her heart, Yelena gradually quickened her pace.

There's still plenty of time after the sugar thing, now it's time to get down to business.


"You came?"

After driving the last fixed stake into the frozen soil, Tallulah put down the hammer in her hand, her fair face stained with some dust and a trace of blush.

Even though Draco has a strong physique, his physical strength is not unlimited. After a long day of work, fatigue is inevitable.

The white-haired dragon girl lifted up the hair hanging around her ears and looked behind her, where the expressionless white rabbit had been standing for a while.

Of course she knew Yelena's purpose, but she still chose to finish the work at hand first.

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