The pressure is coming.

This thing that looks like a human is as strong as a monster!

The joints of Tallulah's palm holding the hilt of the sword turned white, and fire flickered in her eyes.

This was the first time she had encountered such a powerful monster, and she felt it was almost comparable to that old man.

Is he from the Ursus military?What's the purpose?

Frankly speaking, Tallulah did not feel that the integration movement was worthy of such a strong person's action.

So, are you here to find her?

With a thought, the girl Drake quietly grasped Yelena's palm. The scorching temperature even made the white rabbit who had not felt the temperature for a long time feel a little warm.

"Yelena, get out of here, I will stop him."

"Let's go? What nonsense are you talking about?"

Yelena's answer was a colder and sharper ice pick.

White Rabbit pursed her lips, and the magic fluctuations in her body suddenly increased to a terrifying level. Four huge gray-black ice crystals condensed from behind her, almost freezing the air.

She knew what Tallulah was thinking, but that didn't mean she had to do it.

Block?Block it with what?

Facing such an enemy, if she leaves here, Tallulah may not be able to hold on for even one minute!

"Nice courage."

Facing the gradually brewing destructive Origin Stone skills, Black Coat nodded slightly, seeming to acknowledge this.

Then, he took steps forward, and the invisible realm moved with him. Darkness deeper than the night enveloped it, swallowing up the suspended ice.

Clap clap clap!

A series of ice crystals hit the ground, indicating that the Originium technology that drove them had ceased.


On the long sword, the flames surged. Yelena did not leave, and Tallulah did not continue to speak.

Because...even if you want to leave now, you may not necessarily be able to escape.

Unknown spells, weird distortions and darkness, Tallulah didn't know why this thing came here, but she knew that if they didn't hit him, they would have no way to escape.

Also, she can't go.

Behind her was the camp of the integration movement. No matter how she retreated, she could only face the enemy here.

Then, let's fight!

Flames flew in the wind, and the high-temperature burning air set off scorching waves. However, faster than the flames, there was a black light that broke through the sky.


A sharp whimper, like the wind whining.

A huge halberd cut through the darkness with a shrill red light and fell like a meteor.


The halberd collided with the saber, and the thin blade naturally broke. The black coat crossed its arms in front of the body, and the fabric on the sleeves had a lace metallic luster, and there was a muffled sound like ringing a bell.

With one blow, the halberd plunged diagonally into the frozen soil, and the figure in the black coat flew backwards, staggering back under the pressure of the huge force, barely able to stand still.

"The emperor's sharp blade."

"Shouldn't be there, why are you here?"

The ground shook slightly, and a tall figure like an iron tower walked out of the darkness, holding a huge shield in one hand. The Wendigo's eyes lit up with two dots of scarlet in the night, and murderous intent spread like a violent storm.

Wendigo, and a pure-blood Wendigo who masters ancient witchcraft.

There is only one such person in Ursus today.

Without thinking, the inner guard immediately recognized the identity of the tall figure.

"I have come to find the daughter of Cosciche, who will inherit the title of Duke."

Faced with the Wendigo's question, the inner guard responded calmly without any panic.

Behind him, five internal guards also wearing black coats and strange masks appeared, with the sabers at their waists unsheathed.

Six inside defenders?

Such a scene can make even patriots who are used to seeing large battles feel shuddered in their hearts.

Six inner guards... This kind of power is even enough to capture a small city!

They wander in the shadow of the empire, representing the emperor's will, and only the emperor can command them.

Will the emperor send six inner guards to this ice field to find a duke's daughter?

As a joke, it's not funny.

Bodrokasti didn't believe a word of such nonsense.

The only explanation is that the inner guards, regarded as hands by the emperor, obeyed orders from outside the emperor.

In other words, the Empire's blade may no longer be loyal.

This result made Bozhuoka even more angry than Yelena's sudden attack.

"We don't want to fight with you, Captain."

The inner guard threw away the broken saber in two pieces and spoke in a sincere tone.

"You are a legend of the empire, the strongest spear and the strongest shield in Ursus. Your achievements are obvious to all."

"You shouldn't stay here. Such weak infected people are not qualified to accept your asylum."

"Return, Bodro Kasti, today's empire needs you and your shield guards. Based on the past history, we will create new glory for Ursus."


Wendigo's answer was concise and to the point. He was angry at the behavior of the inner guards, and even more disappointed with the decaying empire.

Even the sharp blade in the emperor's hand began to obey the orders of others. Such Ursus is so ridiculous!

"Well, I'm sorry, but my invitation is permanent."

"You must be aware that we will take away the Daughter of Cosiche, and there is nothing you can do to stop us."

This sentence is a fact, even someone as powerful as Bozhuo Kasti has to admit it.

The six inner guards are already an extremely powerful force, even comparable to a brigade.

Faced with the siege of six inner guards, even he could not escape unscathed, and the possibility of dying here was very high.

Moreover, the combination of interior defenders is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

Wendigo, who had fought alongside them, knew very well how terrifying these monsters were.

However, this is no reason to give up.

Bodrokasti has never been afraid of combat, either before or now.

Even if the Origin Stone is flowing in his blood, the crystals are blocking his throat, and ore disease is spreading in his body, his shield is still strong and his halberd is still sharp.

"Yelena, take her and leave."

White Rabbit received his second request of the night, and the two requests were almost the same.

A tall figure stood in front of them, standing like a mountain. Bozokas took out the halberd stuck in the frozen soil, and the red light became more and more dazzling.

Huge amounts of Origin Stone energy flowed through the body, and bursts of white mist spewed out from the gaps in the power armor that had lost its function.

At this time, Bodro Kasti was like a volcano waking up from its slumber.

The children are still too immature to face the existence of the inner guard, so the old guys have to stand up and do something.

A team of six inner guards can rival an army, and it is almost impossible to kill them.

However, if you just drag them here, there is no way to do it.

There is even the possibility of dying together.

Having died in battle, Bodrokasti had long been aware of this.

It used to be for Ursus, but now, it's for the infected.

Chapter 71 The Wendigo stands tall on the earth

The arrival of the Inner Guard caused unprecedented chaos in the Integration Movement camp. After Tallulah briefly explained what the Inner Guard was, the chaos became even crazier.

The strongest enemies that the infected people at the bottom of society have ever seen are the patrols from Ursus. Just ordinary soldiers make them extremely afraid.

The inner guards are the sharp blades that belong directly to the emperor. They are powerful men who can rival the army alone. They are not at the same level as ordinary soldiers. Even the most blind and ignorant people can understand what this concept is.

Therefore, they are afraid, panicked, and eager to escape.

The chaos is getting worse and worse, and it is already out of control.

Tallulah did not conceal the existence of the inner guard, but just watched quietly, her heart gradually sinking to the bottom.

As Yelena said, the current integration movement is indeed a mob and cannot produce decent combat effectiveness.

However, it didn't matter, because since she chose to disclose the truth, she never thought about running away.

What's the point of running away with a monster like that chasing you?

If Mr. Patriot wins, then there is no need for them to escape. If not, they will be quickly caught up even if they escape.

Tallulah braced herself after Yelena forcefully pulled her back.

She immediately explained the current situation to everyone and told them that those who wanted to leave could leave now, and those who did not want to leave had to rush to the battlefield.

She had had fantasies before, but the ruthless reality still crushed that beautiful hope into pieces.

Tallulah held the sword in one hand and looked into the distance.

There, the shield guards and snow monsters who had been repairing in place had reorganized their teams under the leadership of Yelena and were heading towards the battlefield.

No one is afraid of the existence of the inner guard, but their faith outweighs their desire for life.

They marched, they rushed.

In comparison, the infected people in the integration movement were far behind.

However, Tallulah did not blame those people, she just watched them snatch supplies and then fled in panic.

Everyone has the right to choose, and she respects the choices of the infected.

However, loss is inevitable.

"Sister Tallulah, me, where are we going to join the war?"

The childish voice brought Tallulah back to reality from her depression. She turned her head and saw two little boys standing next to her. One was holding an old ax in both hands, and the other was holding a simple wooden crossbow.

It can be seen that they are very scared, trembling with fear, and just barely maintaining their composure.

"Ino, Sasha?"

The flaming pupils reflected the trembling figures of the two people, and the white-haired dragon girl was a little stunned.

These two children were picked up by her personally, and they were one of the few children in the integration movement. On the harsh ice fields and frozen soil, even adults could not guarantee their own survival, and it was even more difficult for children to survive.

"Aren't you going to leave?"

"Sister Tallulah! We are not white-eyed wolves like them!"

The gray-haired boy named Sasha's face turned red, he held the ax tightly in his hands and shouted loudly.

"Yes, Lord Tallulah, where is Lord Patriot? Let's go help him quickly!"

"Yeah, I'm not a coward without balls!"

More and more voices gradually gathered.

Only then did Tallulah realize that many people had gathered behind her unknowingly.

Many of them were wearing shabby clothes and carrying crude tools as weapons, with fear almost on their faces.

However, they still gathered together and planned to rush to the battlefield.

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