Through the knowledge acquired from Hai Hei and uninterrupted research, the Church of the Deep Sea accumulated rich results, and one day began to induce the Poseidon.

With the help of pheromone deception and various means, they allowed the will of the large group to obtain wrong information, and the surviving Poseidon went crazy because of this.

The crazy Poseidon completely dominated the will of the large group, and his madness spread to the entire Hai Heir group, causing all Hai Heirs to fall into "existential madness."

The frantic Hai Hei began to destroy the natural ecology uncontrollably, transforming the ocean into a territory suitable for Hai Hei, and constantly spawning and evolving new forms.

The orderly expansion of the swarm was broken by their crazy will. They regarded all the oceans as their own territory, draining the biomass in the oceans to supply themselves. Before long, all the oceans except Helga fell into silence. Life is cut off.

Agor, who was in the deep ocean, was therefore regarded as an 'intruder' by Haiji, and launched a crazy attack, causing heavy losses for a while.

At the same time, a large area of ​​the coastal country Iberia was also included in the territorial scope of the sea heirs. The coastal areas that were originally attacked by only a few sea heirs were swallowed into the sea by the spreading black tide. The entire Iberia was under the influence of the will of the large group. Entering the 'Great Silence', the concept of nation is almost destroyed.

If the sleeping Isamara hadn't awakened due to the madness of the swarm, forcibly defeated the surviving Poseidon who dominated the swarm's will, and regained control of the swarm's will, Iberia might have been completely destroyed in the Great Silence.

The appearance of Isamara controlled the crazy Haihei group, shifted the fight to the war with Agor, and ended the Great Silence.

However, during the period when the Black Tide engulfed Iberia, the Haihei had already devoured many Iberians and obtained many of Iberia's civilizational achievements.

After absorbing the knowledge from the land, Isamara turned his attention to the land that he had never thought of before. He believed that there might be an evolutionary method suitable for the Haihe tribe on the land.

Because of His curiosity, the Heirs began to frequently invade the land after the Great Serenity, trying to explore the land. Under the years of harassment by the Heirs, Iberia's strength, which had already suffered heavy losses due to the Great Serenity, further declined and gradually declined. , to this day, Iberia is still a 'blank field' on the land of Terra, with little and no energy to participate in external affairs.

However, Isamara's desire to explore the land did not stop, but only increased.

After thinking about it, he devised a plan to actively expose himself to the sight of the deep-sea hunters and lure Agor to attack him.

Naturally, Agor's senior officials would not let go of the great opportunity to kill the Poseidon. They immediately gathered all the deep-sea hunters in the country and rushed to the battlefield. The god-killing battle that Skadi experienced happened.

All the deep-sea hunters were sent to the battlefield, fighting one after another. Little did they know that the passage they thought they had opened was actually the result of Isamara's initiative.

Even with such a big inner ghost, the deep-sea hunters still paid a heavy price to achieve the results expected by Isamara. Skadi approached him and killed his body, and he also He transferred his consciousness into Skadi's body through flesh and blood, and then ordered the Haihei to send the unconscious Skadi to land and not allow her to enter the ocean again.

This operation successfully allowed Skadi to avoid disaster.

After the victory in the God-killing War, the senior leaders of Agor, who thought that killing the leader of the Haihei could completely end the war, ordered the elite troops that had been lurking around the battlefield to attack the exhausted deep-sea hunters who had returned from the battlefield. Only a few Several people survived due to various accidents.

Isamara was unaware of what happened in the ocean after that, because he had already followed Skadi to the land and cut off contact with the large group. Skadi tried to sneak into the sea but was stopped by the heirs who obeyed the order. In desperation, he had no choice but to wander around the land, which also had the influence of Isamara.

——The instinct of the heir under his control is to 'migrate'. At this time, Skadi has basically broken away from the category of human beings. It only retains the human appearance and thinking under the constraints of the Poseidon's authority, and has not completely transformed into a heir. Therefore, , she will also be affected by Isamara's instinct and never stay in one place.

Until she was picked up by Lao Li in the wilderness and followed Lao Li into the dragon gate. The existence of the golden tree stimulated Isamara hidden deep in her body. Under the influence of its will, she sprinted in the direction of the golden tree desperately. , and a battle broke out with Xing Xiong and others.

After that, it was all Lin Lu knew.

This detailed interpretation of the situation in the sea contained a huge amount of information that even Lin Lu couldn't fully digest for a while. The details had to be pondered over later when no one was around.

Skadi's performance was more direct. He stared blankly at the ground, and his eyes lost color.

The truth was, after all, what she didn't want to see.

Everything she knew was false, a lie spun by the senior management of Agor.

She thought she was an Avenger and a Guardian, but in fact she was just a 'cheap soldier' ​​created by Agor to solve the Heir issue.

Even her relatives died at the hands of the Agor people, not the heirs.

Even from a blood perspective, Hai Hei was now her compatriot and relative.

The three views she had established since she was a child completely collapsed at this moment, leaving her not knowing how to deal with herself or who to hate.

Hate Hai Hei?Haiji actually did nothing, not even taking the initiative to attack Agor. All the power she has now comes from Haiji.

Hate Agor?After all, that is her hometown, and the source of everything cannot be placed entirely on Agor.

So, the Church of the Deep?

This was indeed a target that she could hate. They were the ones who led the Haihei to attack Agol, and they were the ones who created the Great Silence.

All disasters that happen in the sea all come from them!

However, she can't go back to the sea now. Even if she hates it, it is of no use.

"how do you want to do it?"

Naturally, Skadi's strangeness could not escape Lin Lu's eyes. If you think about it for a while, you can understand what this girl is struggling with.

"I have no idea."

After uttering a few words sluggishly, Skadi buried her head on her knees, and a huge feeling of emptiness enveloped her, leaving her at a loss.

"Since you don't know, then stay in the Golden Tree for now. There is no need to fight or do anything in particular. When you figure it out, you can do it."

The world collapsed, returned to nothingness, and returned to reality from the spiritual realm. The time outside did not pass long.

Skadi remained motionless in a daze, as if he hadn't recovered yet. Lin Lu had a fist-sized ball of light on his hand, and Isamara's consciousness resided in it.

If nothing else goes wrong, after being assimilated by the big golden tree, he will never be able to get rid of the control of the golden tree. Once the assimilation is completed, Lin Lu plans to put him back into the sea and seize control of the will of the sea heirs from above. Next, put some of the heirs under the control of the golden tree, and then destroy the others, completely erasing the threat of the golden tree from this world.

"I think you should have a good sleep and rest now. Don't think about things that you can't understand for the time being."

"You are still very young and have a long future ahead of you. There is plenty of time to find the answer."

Casually throwing the light ball containing Isamara into the golden tree, Lin Lu looked at Skati, who was still motionless like a wooden man, and sighed.

It's understandable, after all, after experiencing such a big setback, it can't be recovered in a few words.

He had no good solution to this situation and could only wait for Skadi to come out on his own.

This time may not be short, but the golden tree does not lack a place to stay and a pair of chopsticks.

Taking the girl's arm, she took her into the house, pressed her on the chair in the bedroom, and pointed out the location of the bathroom and toilet. Skadi was still like a wooden sculpture, letting her play with it without any movement at all. Lin Lu rubbed it Rubbing the center of his eyebrows, he felt a slight headache, so he had no choice but to offer some guidance.

"You have to find the long-term goal by yourself, but I can find one for you as a short-term goal."

"You heard what Isamara said just now. Aren't there still a few deep-sea hunters who survived and ran to land like you?"

"The ideas that Agor instilled in you are false, the truth about Haiji is false, and the past experiences are also false, but those life-and-death battles are always real, right? Those battles that I fought side by side with you , they all really exist, and there is nothing false about the relationship between you, right?"

"They are still alive and may be hiding somewhere on the land. They may try to return to Agor in the future. What will be waiting for them then?"

"So, should you find them before they return to the sea and die in vain?"

"That's right, Captain..."

This time, Skadi finally made some movement, and his empty eyes flashed with sparkle.

Lin Lu is right. Everything can be fake, but the experience of fighting side by side is real. Those comrades are all kept in the dark just like she was before. Agor's senior officials regard them as tools and use them up. You can discard it at will.

If the surviving deep-sea hunters return to the sea and Agor, what they will face will never be praise and commendation, but the swords of the guards!

They were lucky enough to escape from the conspiracy. They had already died once and should not be killed by their compatriots again!

Search, she wants to search, find those people, and tell them the truth!

And, Isamara…

"I have separated Isamara's will from your body. From now on, all your actions will no longer be affected by him, and will all be dominated by yourself."

"What about Hai Hei?"

Thinking of Lin Lu's method of defeating the gods, Skadi couldn't help but feel a little hope.

He is so strong, and the golden tree is so strong that even Poseidon is no match for him. Is there a way to solve her problems?

No matter what, she always felt that she was a human being, not something else, and she didn't want to become a heir.

"Hai Hei? I haven't fully thought about Hai Hei's question yet - do you want to ask about the Hai Hei transformation in you?"

Lin Lu was about to answer when she suddenly realized that Skadi seemed to have no reason to care about the relationship issue. She might be concerned about something else.

Based on what Isamara said, it might be the Haihe blood in her body?

This is understandable. After all, after being a human for so many years, it is really difficult to accept someone suddenly telling you, "You are not a human being."

Moreover, most of the Haiji are weird things, but no one with a normal mind would want to look like that.

"Yes, it is."

Skadi pinched the corner of his clothes nervously, with an expression that seemed to say: Doctor, can I still be saved?

"Well, let me think about it..."

Lin Lu pondered for a moment and held out two fingers. This problem was actually not difficult for the Golden Tree to solve. As for the solution, it depends on what Skadi wants to choose.

The Isamara brought by this girl will bring immeasurable benefits to the Golden Tree, so Lin Lu does not mind meeting some of her requests that are not too excessive, even if they are a little too excessive, it is not impossible to consider.

A big benefactor always has some privileges, although she doesn't seem to be self-conscious about it.

"I have two plans here for you to choose from, both of which can solve the problem."

"The first one is to abandon your current body and use the power of the golden tree to rebuild a pure human body. It will be exactly the same as before you accepted Agor's experiment. If you do this, you will still be human and you will not have any heirs. The price of remaining power is that you will lose your current power and become an ordinary Agor, just like before you became a deep-sea hunter. Of course, the golden tree can help you become stronger quickly, but it will take some time."

"Secondly, the reason why you are at risk of becoming a heir is essentially because Agor's method is too crude. It is purely a violent transplant without considering your lifespan and safety. Fortunately, Isama Pull out your hand to restrain it, your current problem is not serious, it is not hopeless."

"Choose the second option. I will arrange a doctor for you to carry out a deeper and more perfect transformation with the golden tree as the leader. Let the blood of Hai Hei be completely integrated into your body, and there will never be any loss of control again. Risk, maybe the power can become stronger. With the blessing of the golden tree, you don't have to worry about being affected by the will of a large group of people. The price is that you are no longer a pure human being, but a semi-human being. Half human and half heir."

Both plans have their own advantages and disadvantages. The core issue is how much Skadi cares about human identity.

"Me, I choose the second one!"

Skadi was also struggling, hesitating, and finally clenched his fists and made a choice.

She actually had no choice, because she still needed this power.

If you choose the first one, you will certainly have a pure human identity, but what about next?After losing her strength, how can she find her surviving comrades?How to prevent them from returning to the sea?

Not to mention stopping deep-sea hunters like her, after becoming an ordinary person, even walking on this dangerous land is difficult.

"Then the second one, single cells are really good."

Nodding slightly, Lin Lu couldn't hold it back and sighed softly.

Otherwise, single-threading sometimes does have advantages. If this happens to someone as calculating and complex as Lao Wei, how can it be recovered in a short time?

But this one felt much better immediately after I found an acceptable reason for her. It seemed like she could only have one thing in her head at the same time. This was really...

Tsk, after thinking about it, Lin Lu felt that it would be somewhat impolite for her to comment too deeply.

"You should have a good rest and choose the second option. I will arrange it for you soon. I will come to you tomorrow morning and take you to treatment. Before that, sleep well and stay energetic."

Having done what she had to do and made her choice, Lin Lu patted Skadi on the shoulder and walked out of the room.

He didn't notice that behind him, the girl who was clinging to her clothes quietly raised her head and stared at the departing figure, as if there was light shining in her eyes.

There is gratitude, confusion, and awe.

The more color is longing.

Chapter 2 A false alarm at Yumen Pass

"I feel restless, a storm is coming..."

At the top of Yumen City, Zuo Xuanliao stood on the city wall. He climbed up and looked into the distance. The light of the golden tree spread out from the city, illuminating hundreds of meters outside the city. Beyond this, there was deep darkness.

In the desert, the wind and sand are constantly blowing, and you can't see very far away. If it weren't for the light coming out, even the distance of a few hundred meters would be swallowed up by the night.

A few days ago, the evil alien species was hiding in the darkness, peeking at the Jade Gate.

Now, the evil spirits have dispersed, and the people in the city gather together to celebrate the New Year.

It stands to reason that most of the crisis at this border has been resolved. Even if there is another evil attack in the future, the imperial court will surely be able to spare its hands and send elite support.

Even the old Heavenly Master's sea-fixing needle has returned to the city, no matter what he thinks, he should be relieved.

However, Zuo Xuanliao's worry did not weaken at all.

Today was New Year's Eve, and the city was bustling with activity. He had planned to have a drink, but he couldn't sit still in his room, so he came to the top of the city alone to look at the scenery outside.

Once outside, the restlessness in my heart became more intense, as if something was about to happen.

He had not experienced this uneasy feeling in many years. The last time was a few days ago when the evil spirit came to his side.

Could it be that the evil spirits that retreated are coming back tonight?

The more he thought about it, the more anxious he became, making him, a border general, unable to control his own aura.

"But what's the matter?"

The wind was still blowing, and the old man waving the cattail leaf fan quietly appeared beside Zuo Xuanliao, smiling and asking softly.

He looked at the sky, then at Zuo Xuanliao, raised the old cattail leaf fan in his hand and waved it casually, saying: "Let's disperse."

In an instant, the wind suddenly stopped and the dust subsided, revealing the blocked starry sky. Even the light of the golden tree seemed to shine farther away.

A fan swings by, and the wind and sand recede.

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