Suppressed whispers of pain reached Mud Rock's ears through the firelight. Mud Rock was startled slightly, and then he lowered his arms. The rock giant standing in the sea of ​​​​fire lost the support of his magic and began to rapidly disintegrate, returning to soil and rocks.

This woman is terrifyingly strong.

It turns out that the previous battle was just a joke on the other side?

Just standing on the edge of the sea of ​​​​fire, Mud Rock could feel the high temperature that slightly burned his skin through the homemade armor, and the trembling that penetrated deep into his soul, as if the flames could burn his soul out together.

If the opponent used such power to attack her from the beginning, it would be absolutely impossible for her to withstand it, even if she used ancient witchcraft, it would be useless.

Manpower is sometimes scarce, and the limit of what she can do with her own bloodline is there, and she can't get more even if she sacrifices her life.

Even if she drains all her life and integrates it into creation, how long can she persist in this fire of destruction?

1 minutes?Or 2 minutes?

Rocks will be burned to pieces, and soil will be burned to dryness. Spells are the best fuel for the flames. This is an absolute power that is completely beyond her ability. It is something that she cannot resist even with all her strength.

So powerful and terrifying...

Among all the people Mu Yan has seen, this woman is undoubtedly the strongest. Those legendary Lords of the Royal Court are probably nothing more than that, right?

boom! ! !

Just as she was deep in thought, the surging sea of ​​flames suddenly erupted, and endless fire filled all her vision. The entire land was plunged into indiscriminate destruction, and the fire flowed through it, leaving no gap.

What happens inside is no longer known from the outside.

Mudrock hurriedly retreated some distance, and then he could barely see the whole battlefield.

The orange-red flames rising from the ground rushed into the sky more than ten meters high, covering the sky and covering the earth. They seemed to be rolling in disorder, but in fact they formed a circular area centered on a certain location, collapsing inward little by little.

"Run, aren't you very good at running?"

Inside the sea of ​​​​fire that cannot be seen, W, who has become a pyromaniac and is almost integrated with the surrounding flames, stretches out her arms that are burning like firewood. The surging fire of ash becomes an extension of her will and body, twisting the twisted body. The form was torn and dragged closer, into her palm.

The spell was burned and invalidated, and the flowing body was re-fixed. The intertwined tentacles pieced together a strange body that could not even be condensed into a human form. W's palms were grasped on the pale bone head, and the flowing flames in the eyes were filled with madness. and banter.

Abandoning the fragile human body and pursuing ancient bloodlines and powerful witchcraft may sound like that, but in this sea of ​​fire, it is simply a joke.

It is impossible for any source stone to maintain its existence under the burning fire of Ashes. Without the support of magic, the blood demon who abandoned his old body is left with only a pile of rotten flesh, and it is difficult to even move.

As for those things used to resist the burning of flames, they were no different than a drop of water thrown into a high-temperature furnace and were destroyed directly.


With its head held in the hand, the Blood Demon seemed to be saying something, but because it could not control its body, it could only utter some indistinguishable syllables, unable to form a complete language, and W was not interested in listening.

You don't need to listen to know that most of them are the ravings of madmen. It is impossible to expect such fanatics who have been controlled by the so-called ancient power to surrender. They will not reveal any information at all.

The only way to get valuable information from its mouth is to find it yourself - in the Golden Tree, the dead can also talk, and they can talk more than the living.

"I'm in a bad mood today, and you're in bad luck, so take your foolish ambition and destroy it."

Grabbing the bone and shaking his head twice, W used his palms hard, and the sea of ​​flames covering the area suddenly shrank, all converging towards the Blood Demon.

From the tentacles to the bones, every inch of the blood demon's body was wrapped in flames representing destruction. The flesh and blood were quickly burned, and even the remaining ashes were burned into a wisp of smoke, leaving only the pale skull still held in W's hand. , stained with large areas of burnt black.

In the fierce fire, a faint golden light flashed from the skull, and a strange roar could be faintly revealed from it.

In a matter of ten seconds, the fiery hell sitting on the earth disappeared out of thin air, leaving behind a land of scorched embers covered with a thick layer of debris, and the scorching heat was still hovering over the ashes.

Sand, sand, sand...

Mud Yan looked up, and saw a sound like stepping on sand from the ashes. A figure carrying a blackened skull was walking over the ashes. His appearance could no longer be distinguished from the appearance.

In other words, the fact that 'she' is still able to walk at this moment is like a miracle in the eyes of the mud rock.

Dense scorch marks were all over the body. Rather than saying that it was a person, it was better to say that it was a piece of human-shaped charcoal after burning. Every time he took a step, something like fragments fell down. The only thing that remained intact was the pair that seemed to have Eyes with flowing fire.

"Hey, big guy, how about you lend me your armor? I didn't bring any spare clothes with me when I came out."

In fact, there was, but it had been burned by the fire so long ago that even the ashes could not be found.

W walked out of the ashes-covered battlefield carrying the remaining skull of the Blood Demon, and waved to the mudstone not far away while enduring the burning pain that penetrated his bone marrow.

She wasn't worried about being exposed. After all, there was nothing to see in her current appearance. What else could she look at when her whole body was burned to carbon?Even if you are dressed neatly, it may not be as tight as the layer of coke on your body now.

This time she really tried her best. In order to resolve the battle as soon as possible and prevent the one-sided fool from being dragged down by the blood demon, she directly used the taboo power that she could not fully control. She could only move because of the power in her body. The golden tree is blessed with support.

Without the vitality of the golden tree, he would have been declared dead in any hospital with just this body.

However, the power of blessing has been weakened to the limit after the explosion just now. I am afraid that it will be difficult to even move later. The injury is so serious that it will be difficult to recover in a day.

"You, don't move yet, I'll think of a solution right away!"

Hearing W's request, Ni Yan hurriedly waved her hand, threw the hammer to the ground, and approached cautiously. She even had the illusion that a gust of wind could blow the charcoal block in front of her that could barely be seen as a human figure. How could she dare to do that? What big move?

The reason why the other party turned into such a tragic appearance was entirely because of her. The guilt in Ni Yan's heart had reached its peak. What does a mere piece of armor mean?

'My armor is filled with spells. If I put her in it, I can stabilize her current state through spells. Then I will go find a doctor...'

As I was thinking in confusion, the mudstone stopped about two meters away from W, and I didn't dare to move forward.

She pressed both sides of the helmet with both hands, and the bulging armor shriveled up as if it had lost support.

The helmet seemed to be connected with the armor. With the movement of Mud Rock, the entire upper body of the clothes was taken off together. What finally appeared in front of W was the image of a girl who did not match the appearance of the armor at all.

There are two slender black sharp horns extending from the back of the head to near the forehead and pointing to the sky, a long white hair hanging down to the waist, and bright red eyes full of worry and remorse.

She pursed her lips tightly and looked very guilty. Her upper body was only wearing a black vest that exposed her belly. Her thin body was more than a circle smaller than the armor.

The armor on her upper body came off, and the girl stepped out of the armor standing on the ground like a chicken out of its shell. Her lower body only had a pair of black shorts, and her two long straight white legs were exposed to the air, which was very cool.

There were several circles of black bandages wrapped around her right arm, and obvious Originium crystals could be seen on it and on the right side of her lower abdomen, clearly revealing her identity as a person infected with the mineral disease.

"Wait a minute, I will spread the armor on the ground, fill in the spells, and then put you in it. I, I will take you to the doctor as soon as possible..."

The girl whispered, her voice was very different from when she was wearing armor, slightly hoarse and soft.

"Don't bother me. Don't look at me like this. In fact, I'm still - hiss!"

W took a deep breath and did not dare to move his body anymore. His shining eyes moved up and down, taking in the full view of the girl in front of him.

This result was something she didn't expect. She originally thought that someone who could wear this equipment must be a simple-minded muscled man with well-developed limbs, but it turned out to be the opposite.

Not to mention her, who would have thought that such a big armor could contain such a small girl?

From the height point of view, he seems to be about the same as her. He is not that tall and not strong. The contrast is too strong.

"Stop talking!"

Mud Yan was slightly startled. He wanted to reach out and touch W, but he didn't dare to actually touch it. He seemed to be in a dilemma, as if he didn't know where to start.

In fact, W's current appearance is too terrifying, full of cracks like burnt charcoal, and debris is still falling down, as if it may break into a pile of pieces at any time, and it feels wrong to try to support it.

"Don't be afraid, just come over and help me normally, let me lie down in your armor and relax, wait until she comes... Okay, no need, she is already here."

W tried to make the sound with the smallest movements to avoid aggravating the physical pain.

But she stopped mid-sentence and turned her eyes in a certain direction.


A ghostly shadow appeared out of thin air, a corner of a white cloak fluttered in the wind, and a Sakaz woman with purple horns on her forehead suddenly appeared behind W, using her body as a support to hold her up.


Mu Yan clenched his fists nervously, instinctively wanting to take action, but was stopped by W urgently.

"Don't be nervous, she is my teammate."

W comforted him, turned his neck at a very slight angle, and complained: "You came so fast, Askaron, you stepped on me accurately and appeared after I solved the battle."

"If I were you, I should shut up now before it hurts to the point of gasping for air."

Behind W, Askaron rolled her eyes, pulled her free arm behind her, and the white cloak took off her body, wrapping W's charred body.

Immediately, she turned to look at the girl who was standing there at a loss, and asked doubtfully: "An unexpected gain?"

"That's right. If you had come earlier, I wouldn't have fought so hard."

W leaned on Askaron's body, squinting at the mudstone with his eyes, complaining and explaining: "She was targeted by the blood demon, saying that she has some dirty blood, which should be useful."

Chapter 217 Gold and Royal Court

The breeze blew through the ashes, raising misty sand and dust. Mud Rock used the Origin Stone technique to manipulate the earth and rocks to build a semicircular earth house on the spot. It was buckled on the ground like a bowl. It was not exquisite, but it was enough to provide some shelter from the wind. of.

Inside the earthen house, Mud Rock hugged his knees and leaned against the wall, pursed his lips, and looked carefully in the middle. W lay flat on the ground smoothed by the Origin Stone technique, still retaining the appearance of charcoal, and Askaron squatted next to him. , holding a bottle in his hand, which contained a shimmering golden liquid.

"Don't move around. I don't have much dew on me, and I will use up half of it here."

With one hand pressed against W's neck, Askaron's movements could be described as rough. He directly pulled out the stopper from the bottle and poured it into W's mouth.

The blood demon can be very difficult to kill by relying on blood spells. The members of the golden tree can also achieve similar effects, especially when you carry golden tree dew drops with you. As long as you drink it in time, unless you are crushed into pieces in an instant, fragments, otherwise even being penetrated through the heart would not be considered a fatal injury.

W's condition at this time looks very tragic, but in fact it is not life-threatening. Only her flesh and blood on the outside has been burned to a crisp, and the golden power that has not been completely burned is still flowing from the blessing, maintaining The vitality inside the body.

Even if no one cares about her, just put her on the ground, and she will be able to bounce around again in a day.


The dew drops that flowed into the mouth were swallowed with difficulty, and the effect was immediate.

The dew drops containing rich vitality not only provide sufficient vitality for the remaining flesh and blood, but also replenish the blessing of the golden tree, which has burned most of its power, with enough energy to make it run quickly again. The two are superimposed, It plays the role of one plus one being greater than two.

In Mu Yan's shocked eyes, a golden glimmer visible to the naked eye seeped out from the cracks in the charred flesh that covered his body like charcoal.

crackling~ crackling~

Pieces of burnt flesh fell off, revealing the new white skin underneath.

In just a few minutes, the dead charcoal was replaced by brand new flesh and blood, and W returned to his normal appearance from a piece of charcoal lying on the ground.

Mu Yan didn't know how serious W's injuries were. In her opinion, that state was basically just one step away from smoke. But now, a seriously injured and dying person recovered right in front of her eyes, and it only took a few minutes. Time is simply a medical miracle.

She hadn't read many books and hadn't seen many spells. Everything happening in front of her was beyond her scope of cognition.

'That must be a very precious thing... Their relationship is really good. '

His eyes fell on the bottle with some liquid left, Ni Yan thought silently in his heart, and couldn't help but feel a little envious.

It's not that she covets the treasure of the flesh and bones of the living dead, but she envies the relationship between these two people.

Although she didn't have much knowledge, she could imagine how valuable and sought-after a drug with such effects would be if it were put out there. It would be a second life.

Even such precious treasures were shared without hesitation, which shows how good the relationship between these two people is. Simple friends are no longer enough to describe them, they are life and death friends who can be entrusted to their backs.

She also wants to have such a good friend...

However, one can only think about it. She is just an ordinary mercenary wandering around. Friendship is quite a luxury for a Sakaz mercenary.



Mu Yan came back to his senses, subconsciously raised his hand, caught the thrown glass bottle, and exclaimed a little. In the bottle, you could still see the floating liquid flowing in it, even through the glass. Feel the rich vitality contained in it.

This, why?

The girl was holding a small bottle and didn't know what to do for a while.

Why throw such a precious thing to her?

"Drink it. When you used witchcraft just now, you must have consumed a lot of life force. This thing can replenish your consumption."

W, who had fully recovered, stood up from the ground wearing Askaron's cloak, shook off the blackened residue on his body, took the clothes from Askaron, and murmured as he put it on.

"That kind of ancient witchcraft is not something you can use casually. The way you use it is too crude. I really don't know how you survive until now... Your clothes are a bit tight on the chest."

"Some of them look good. Who made you grow so big?"

Askalon glanced at W's bulging chest and rolled his eyes. She had a spare set of clothes with her when she came out. How could she have the right size?

"Is it my fault that I'm so tall? How many people have begged me but I still can't get it!"

"whispering sound."

Askaron didn't want to talk to the smug W at all. He turned to look at the wall and saw the girl holding a glass bottle looking at her with a hesitant expression.

"Drink it."

She could tell what Mu Yan was thinking at a glance. It was indeed rare for a Sakaz to have such a temperament.

"This guy rarely values ​​a person. He can make her use desperate moves for you. There is no need to worry about a few foreign objects."

"This, this is too expensive, I can't use it..."

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