A mere natural disaster?

That was a super-large natural disaster that was enough to completely destroy an area!Who dares to say it’s not scary?

"Then, what should we do?"

Tallulah came to her senses and asked quickly. She really couldn't guess what her teacher was thinking. Natural disasters are not terrible, so what's so terrible about them?

Could it be said that the Golden Tree has special means of establishing a shelter under natural disasters, allowing them to survive the disaster without leaving the area where a natural disaster is about to strike?

No matter how you think about it, it's incredible.

"There's no rush, there's still a lot of time, I'll ask first and then talk."

Glancing at Bozhuo Kasti, who was charging forward with artillery fire and military attacks, Lin Lu turned to look at the narrator, you in the air, her lips trembled, as if she had said something, but Tallulah and Shuangxing, who were the closest, Not a sound was heard.

'What's going on with this natural disaster? '

'Some old thing that died on the ice sheet woke up. '

In the soul vision that they could not see, a wisp of gray mist quietly emerged, condensing into a long snake coiled in the air.

The snake's head, dotted with two dots of scarlet, looked up at the sky. The black snake slowly opened its mouth and gave an explanation.

Its true body does not exist in the material world, so it can move quickly within Ursus regardless of obstacles, and soon projects a ray of consciousness over after sensing the call of the ice sheet.

'Who woke up and made such a big noise? '

Lin Lu was a little surprised. Even the giant beast gods of the old days couldn't release a natural disaster of this scale in their victorious posture. What kind of old thing could get up so angry?Is it so prestigious?

'Besides you, Ursus has other weird things? '

'I'm special, not like those things. '

Being classified as a 'bizarre' gadget, Black Snake defended himself a little, and then explained: 'The history of this land is quite ancient. Since the establishment of the Ursus Empire, it has gone from weak to strong, and then to decline. , it’s only a thousand years. '

'The monsters on the ice sheet, the savage and bloodthirsty barbarians, the orthodox beliefs, and the ancestors of the Hippogriffs, they all once occupied this land, and fell asleep, split or died for some reason. '

'But death is just a change in the form of existence for them, and it does not mean the real end. As long as there are traces left in the world, they will one day be able to return again. '

'If I admit my mistake correctly, what is awakened this time should be what Orthodoxy believes in. '

It can be heard that Black Snake is not interested in those old-era gadgets and has little respect for them. This makes sense. After all, no matter how powerful those existences were in the past, it is the Ursus Empire that now occupies this land. It naturally Have a higher level of confidence.

'Orthodox faith?What's that?Very strong? '

Lin Lu had no impression of the religious culture in Ursus. The main reason was that religion was not very conspicuous in a country like Ursus that advocated force. It was far less powerful than the church in Lateran.

'Strong...not really, but its ability is quite special. It has the ability to control natural disasters to a certain extent'

'This natural disaster should not have come together out of thin air, but it was supposed to be condensed here before it was detonated and revealed in advance, or it was the gathering of multiple natural disasters that were about to happen, so it had such a scale. '

Chapter 229 Controlling Natural Disasters

'Control natural disasters?This is a very rare ability, but natural disasters...'

To this day, Lin Lu also has some guesses about the composition of this world. The Wolf Mother once revealed the term "false sky".

There are also 'pre-civilizations' shrouded in fog. Perhaps the seemingly normal world of Terra is not actually naturally formed, but was deliberately created to undertake a certain mission.

So, what is the nature of disasters such as natural disasters is very fascinating.

However, when there is insufficient information, there is no need to rush to find the truly correct answer. As long as the golden tree gradually grows, one day, the truth of the world will be revealed.

'Our script ends here, let's arrange a gorgeous ending for our Dukes. '

Looking away from the rotating clouds of natural disaster, Lin Lu lightly decided the life and death of the three grand dukes who stood at the top of the Ursus Empire.

'Where's that old thing? '

'I'll handle it. In addition, the two armies on the ice field belong to me. '

Lin Lu didn't pay attention to what Black Snake said about the old thing waking up from his slumber. The golden tree had grown to a certain height, and the so-called gods in this world were not that difficult for him to deal with.

If he wakes up, let him sleep again, the kind of sleep that won't wake him up.

'Yes, but I want a promise from you. '

The black snake twisted its head and stared at it with its scarlet vertical pupils.

'What promise? '

'Usas will be with gold. '

The immortal black snake, the immortal Cosiche, the shadow that looms over the empire... He has had many titles. He is good at playing with people's hearts and manipulating conspiracies. It can be said that he is much more complex than most of his kind.

However, He is also very simple, because no matter what he has done or what he will do, His purpose has never changed - the prosperity of Ursus is the only thing He cares about, and other than that, everything is a side branch. Final section.

The situation is now obvious. The rise of the Golden Tree is unstoppable. The rules of this world will be reshuffled. Even He does not have the confidence to lead the decayed empire to fight against the Golden Tree. That is almost impossible. Not to mention other things, the top powerhouses and gods in the golden tree alone would completely overwhelm the current Ursus, and there were also extra-standard beings like Lin Lu. What could they use to fight?

Rather than participating in a war that is destined to fail, it is better to be on the side of the winner from the beginning. When the time comes, Ursus will still be Ursus, and for Black Snake, this is enough.

As for what the nobles of the empire and the emperor on the throne think, Black Snake does not consider it. What he sees is always Ursus itself, not any individual among them. In His eyes, there is no difference between the emperor and the nobles and the infected people who suffered cruel oppression.

'I have granted your request. '

Lin Lu glanced at him and nodded slowly. Black Snake said nothing. The body coiled in the air floated away like smoke and disappeared without a trace. The communication at the soul level ended.


Tallulah couldn't see the exchange between Lin Lu and Black Snake. What she saw from her eyes was that Lin Lu paused for a moment in the direction of the desert, and then nodded, as if communicating with something invisible. , such a weird scene couldn't help but make her feel a little chilly in the back.

"The situation is almost understood."

After finishing the conversation with Black Snake, Lin Lu smiled and touched Tallulah's head. He quite enjoyed this action. Drake's physical strength was highlighted at this time, even if he stayed in the ice field where the wind and snow roared all year round. , Tallulah's hair will not be as dry and rough as ordinary infected people, and still maintains a very soft feel.

"Next, let's see how I solve the problem."

The confrontation between Bozhuo Kasti and the army is still going on. The two sides are basically in a stalemate. Bozhuo Kasti cannot clear out all the armed and formed army groups in a short time. The group army's firepower is very fierce, but It can't really hurt the Wendigo, which can recover quickly with the help of the power of the golden tree.

This is also normal. Bozhuo Kasti's fighting style is more inclined to single-target attacks and does not master large-scale destructive methods. In fact, the furnace knights in the junction are similar.

The Furnace Knights themselves are elite troops of the Golden Tree who obey the king's orders. Their functions are often to guard important areas or to behead enemy high-level officials. Although they can also penetrate local fronts on frontal battlefields, large-scale annihilation wars are not enough. This is not what they are good at, not to mention that Bozhuo Kasti has not yet mastered all the furnace spells and is not flexible in their use.

If they were sent like this, and no one else intervened, it would probably take several days and nights to decide the winner - if the Ursus army continued to increase in number, there would still not be enough Bodrokas to kill them.

Lin Lu naturally would not let the battle continue without any use, so after taking a look at the battlefield, he took action.

The invisible force swept across the battlefield, directly covering all the Ursus troops nearby and far away, turning them into frozen statues.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Lu raised her arm, and the pale fire ignited out of thin air. Hundreds of ferocious skulls with vaguely recognizable shapes flew out from it, dragging the fluttering tail flames and flew towards the Ursus army who was frozen in place.

Death Magic·Ancient Death Ghost!

In the past of the Junction, before the golden tree ruled the world, the world was divided into two sides: life and death. The birds of death that served death wandered around the world, using pale spiritual fire to lure the dead into the world of the dead.

Legend has it that the resentful souls summoned by spells are the embers of death pulled out by the bird of death from the spiritual fire. They do not carry the power of death, but can directly hurt the soul, and under the conscious control of the user, The wraith will continue to chase the locked target until its energy is exhausted.


The ferocious and roaring skulls rushed into the crowd, following the breath of the living and biting at them. The army soldiers who had just been liberated from the confinement of time fell in pieces like wheat.

They are not dead yet. A single resentful spirit is not enough to directly destroy the armor and kill these soldiers who have undergone rigorous training and have strong physiques. However, the power they carry that can shock their souls can make them unconscious directly. that's enough.


In just ten seconds, all the troops that even Bodrokkasti couldn't deal with quickly were knocked down by a spell, and Tallulah couldn't help but open her mouth.

Although I have heard about this teacher's strength for a long time, hearsay is far less impactful than seeing it with my own eyes.

Looking at Lin Lu's ease, it seemed as if he was just doing it casually. With just a few random touches, he could instantly imprison hundreds of people and knock them down, which was easier than dusting them off.

So, what would it look like if we went all out?

Subconsciously, Tallulah looked up at the vortex of dark clouds covering the sky, connecting the two together, and then she couldn't help but shudder, and a little question arose in her heart.

Which one is stronger, teacher or natural disaster?

As soon as the idea came to her mind, the girl Drake shook her head, feeling a little funny.

How could manpower possibly match a natural disaster of this scale?

This is not a different natural disaster, but a super-large natural disaster that is quite rare in history. It has the terrifying power to destroy an entire area.

No matter what, it's impossible for humans to compare with something outside of this standard... right?

However, she found that she was wrong, very wrong.

The wings of the Furnace unfolded from behind, taking Lin Lu deep into the sky, and got into the thick clouds in the blink of an eye.

Natural disasters are very common on this land, but what is going on inside the natural disaster clouds is an unsolved mystery for all countries in the world. Any detectors and spells will be strongly interfered within a certain range close to the clouds, thus Failure, all scholars who study natural disasters have never actually observed the inside of clouds.

However, Lin Lu could ignore these obstacles. Relying on several layers of superimposed spells, prayer defenses and his extremely powerful body, the violent energy lingering around the clouds could not stop him. He penetrated deep into the clouds, and as far as he could see, there was a strange and bizarre scene. scenery.

Although they appear in the public eye as clouds, in fact, natural disaster clouds are not regular dark clouds, but aggregates of high-concentration energy. Breaking through the appearance of clouds and fog on the outside, the interior is completely a sea of ​​energy, with turbulent flows interacting with each other. Collisions and dense explosions can be seen everywhere. If a piece of steel is thrown into it, it will be crushed in an instant.

Logically speaking, the gathering of such a large amount of violent energy should have triggered a violent explosion, but that did not happen. The sea of ​​energy inside the disaster cloud maintained a delicate balance despite its violent nature, making It didn't pour directly.

In terms of the intensity and intensity of the energy, it was actually impossible for Lin Lu to protect himself with just magical protection, but he had a more convenient method - the fire of annihilation.

The flame that can burn gold has the property of burning all life and energy. It can also be directly ignited with the spell of flame. It is not a problem to use the energy inside the disaster cloud as firewood.

Then, Tallulah, who was on the ground, saw a sight that she could not describe in words - the sky was on fire.

With a certain point as the center, the flame spread to the surroundings at a very fast speed. In a few breaths, it grew from a small point to a large spot, and it was still spreading rapidly.

Viewed with the naked eye, orange-red fire replaced the rotating dark clouds, turning the thick clouds covering the sky into a rotating sea of ​​flames, like a flaming hell suddenly descending and hanging upside down above the earth.

A deeper depression rushed over my face, as if even my breathing became hot and hot.

Tallulah knew that it was her imagination. The burning sky was far away from the ground.

However, when the entire sky is burning, it is really difficult not to have an immersive feeling.

"Teacher, did you ignite a natural disaster?"

She turned her head, trying to find someone with whom she could communicate, but facing the burning cloud of disaster, Yelena also fell into a state of stunned silence and could not recover for a long time. Ordinary infected miners were even more unbearable, and could hardly stand upright. Sustained, one after another fell to the ground.

"That's his power."


The snow mist rose, and Bozhuokas fell beside the girl, seeming to be sighing and telling the established facts.

Such power has far exceeded the realm of humans and reached the realm of legendary gods.

The wars he has encountered and the powerful enemies he has faced all pale in comparison to this kind of power.

When a person is so powerful that he can control large-scale natural disasters at will, even if he wants to rewrite the order of the world, who can stop him?

"If manpower can fight against natural disasters, then——"

Tallulah opened her mouth to say something, but stopped suddenly.

If manpower can fight against natural disasters, will ore disease disappear from the world?

The answer is of course no.

Source Stone is the foundation of modern industry. No country will give up such a convenient and easy-to-use energy source.

As long as there are still interests, the tragedy of the infected will never disappear. Are all the miners in the mines really infected people imprisoned?

Of course not. Some of them were captured refugees before entering the mine, and some were framed civilians. After entering the mine, they were forced to become infected.

"What you think may not be impossible to achieve."

The hoarse and low voice of Bodrakastir rang in Tallulah's ears, waking her up from her silence.

"A powerful force can control natural disasters, so to others, he is a natural disaster."

"Natural disasters make countries retreat, so he can do it."

Is this talking about the golden tree, or is it talking about her teacher who is deep in the sky?

Tallulah didn't know who Bodrokas was talking about. She stared at the sky filled with flames, feeling that her whole body was going to burn with it. Maybe, this land would be the same?


In the cloud formed by the condensed high-concentration energy, Lin Lu maintained the burning of the Ash Fire with one hand, and the free palm lit up with a light blue light.

The concentration of energy diluted by fire makes the construction of spells possible.

This time, what he used was not some advanced magic, but crystal magic that was rarely used in the border area.

One of the pyroxene magics of Rhea Lucaria Magic Academy, it is a technique owned by magicians called the Crystal Sect. They are explorers of the wisdom in stones, specializing in the subtle thoughts of the crystallization group, crystal magic. , also comes from this.

This kind of magic can condense the energy floating in the air into solid spell crystals, which can be used to kill enemies. In the junction area, the pyroxene crystals condensed can be turned into rough source stone crystals in the world of Terra.

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