
Huge knocks sounded one after another, and got closer and closer. Under the gaze of the bishop, the boulder blocking the entrance of the passage shook suddenly. There were dense cracks on the surface, and a faint golden light came out from the gaps.

Immediately, he no longer hesitated and pressed the emergency communication device.


The next second, the huge stone exploded and shattered into countless rubbles, and golden light shone in the smoke.

'It's those two deep-sea hunters! '

In the damp cave, the dust from the broken stones quickly dispersed, revealing several figures walking out of the passage. Bishop Yanfeng squinted his eyes and recognized the identity of the person immediately. Wasn't it the same person he had captured before? Is the experimental subject that arrived still the hunter who suddenly broke into the research room?

As for the Felin and the Blood Demon who followed them, they were just insignificant characters in the eyes of the bishop and were simply ignored.

So, they really chose the stupidest way and squeezed out of the dead passage?

Bishop Shiofeng had reservations about what kind of thinking would lead to such a choice.

In the current situation, the reasons no longer matter, nor does it matter how they did it. The most important thing is to find ways to delay time.

It will take some time for the biological weapons in the pool to complete their initial transformation, and the guards will arrive soon. Before that, he must hold back the two deep-sea hunters to prevent them from affecting the experimental process.

This matter is a little troublesome.

The deep-sea hunter who suddenly broke in was very powerful, which had been verified in the previous research room.

Bishop Yanfeng didn't feel that his body could withstand that level of brute force attack.

"Disgusting monster."

After dispersing the angle of the furnace on his shoulder, Skadi saw the large pool in the middle of the cave, with a slight frown on his stern face, showing a trace of disgust.

After knowing the truth, she hated this kind of thing deeply, not to mention that it was something created by the Deep Sea Church, which made it even more disgusting.

Before Kelsey and Laurentina could say anything, she took the first step, picked up the Otaubis sword and rushed forward.

Miss Hunter's idea is very simple, the monster must be killed.

So, all she had to do was rush over and smash that thing into a puddle of flesh, preferably together with the bishop.

"Deep Sea Hunter."

Gollum~ Gollum~

Bubbles emerged from the sticky puddles on the ground, and dark red tentacles grew from them, twining towards Skadi.

Bishop Saltwind stood in front of the pool, raising his remaining arm to control the movements of the tentacles. Black-green spell energy entangled and gathered around his arm, making his voice become somewhat distorted.

"If you still care about ordinary people in this city, you'd better stop now."

"There are tens of thousands of people living in Salt Wind City. You don't want them all to die today, do you?"

"Believe me, you can't save them if you continue to move forward."


The tentacle was cut off by the big sword, and a black-green energy ball shot out, hitting Skadi's body and knocking her back several meters.


She didn't answer, but her actions said it all.

Although he was only a dozen meters away from the bishop and could kill him with just one sprint, Skadi did not do that.

The bishop's threat still took effect.

Just as he expected, Skadi could not ignore the life and death of all the residents of Saltwind City.

"Scadi, kill him."

Just as she was hesitating, a dark green crystal monster swept out from behind, followed closely by Kelsey's voice, which was chillingly cold.

The bishop can threaten Skadi with the lives of the residents of Saltwind City, but this threat is ineffective against Kelsey.

She doesn't think that the Deep Sea Church really has the ability to decide the life and death of tens of thousands of people. If it can kill a bishop, it is worth paying some price.

When necessary, she never lacks cold decision-making, just like the Doctor during the Tower of Babel.

After killing the bishop, many people may die, but without the bishop's leadership, they can truly save this ailing city.

If a good opportunity is missed because of temporary good intentions, what awaits the residents of Saltwind City will be an even crueler hell.

"Damn you!"

Skadi was still hesitating, but Kelsey had already controlled Mon3tr and rushed forward arrogantly.

The spells cast by the bishop that can affect the sanity will not take effect at all if they fall on the crystal monster.The entangled tentacles were easily cut off in front of the sharp jointed limbs.

Under Kelsey's indifferent gaze, the dark green sword light cut through the air, cut through the dark black robe, and almost split the bishop into two.

'There is no other way but...'

With strong hatred and unwillingness bursting out in his eyes, the bishop glanced at Kelsey with gritted teeth, fell back, and fell directly into the pool behind him.

This is an approach that only exists in theory, and he wouldn't want to do it if there were more options.

But now, he has no choice. If he wants to survive, he must take a gamble!


The body wrapped in black robe fell into the pool, and was instantly entangled by countless small tentacles. The flesh and blood shriveled, and even the bones were dissolved in the pool water, leaving only a tattered black robe.

After devouring the bishop, the slowly squirming mass of flesh seemed to have been pressed on the accelerator button. Large pieces of flesh and blood grew wildly, and the body expanded rapidly. The flower-like shape directly 'bloomed', forming a flower that is more than ten meters high. A huge white flower, with root-like tentacles growing out from under the stem of the flower, dragging the huge body slowly, and in the center of the petals is a mouthpart full of sharp teeth.


A harsh scream sounded from the mouth of the newly transformed monster, and invisible fluctuations covered the entire cave with the scream. Both Kelsey and Skadi felt their brains buzzing and roaring, and Warfarin even held her hands. The head took two steps back.

By the time they reacted to the monster's sudden deformation, the flower in the center of the pool had been completely formed, with white petals made of flesh and blood nested layer by layer, releasing madness wantonly and flamboyantly, and root-like tentacles emerged from the bottom of the flower's stem. , supporting the huge main body of the strange flower that almost reaches the top of the cave.

Chapter 238 Kelsey: I think someone is watching a show

"Bo Hai Reaper? No, no, not that big..."

Laurentina, who was further back, did not take action. Although Warfarin used blood magic to extract most of the medicine injected into her body, allowing her to wake up, the effect of the medicine still existed. Even with blood magic, It is impossible to accurately extract all the drugs that have been integrated into the blood, and some of them will inevitably remain.

The small amount of sedative medicine left was not enough to make her fall into a state of unconsciousness, but it could make her physical condition decline, and her physical fitness and reflexes were greatly reduced. It cannot be said that she has completely lost her fighting ability, but it is undoubtedly much worse than in her heyday. Much worse.

Therefore, she did not step forward rashly. If something went wrong due to her poor physical condition, it might also affect Skadi.

The monster that had swallowed the bishop's body was writhing in the pool, and its thick purple-black hand was raised high, causing the floor of the cave to shake slightly.

In just a moment, the flower-shaped head supported by the hand split from one into two, and its size grew a bit again, and it was already on the verge of touching the top of the cave.

Laurentina was very familiar with this look. When she was in Agor, the deep-sea hunters often dealt with this kind of monster.

Although Haiji's evolutionary ability is very powerful, there are not actually many types of appearance.

Those fixed appearances have evolved over a long period of time and are suitable for the needs of the sea descendants. Basically, there will not be many obvious changes.

The most common one is the 'Deep Sea Runner', which is the name officially collected and defined by Agor. Its specific shape is like a long mouth with two legs. Most of the 'Phobia' mentioned by the outside world refers to of this kind.

Their destructive power is not very strong. They are extremely numerous and often appear in groups. They rely on their sheer numbers to suppress and attack the enemy. It is not difficult to deal with them. Any trained deep-sea hunter can easily deal with them.

In addition, 'deep sea spitters' are also very common. They have a structure similar to a closed flower, move slowly, and are good at long-range attacks. They often hide behind the sea heir groups and attack by spitting slime water arrows.

Then there are the 'Undersea Sliders'. Their structure is similar to that of spitters. They rely on more flexible tentacles that serve as legs and feet to move. Their heads have also changed from closed buds to open petals. Their destructive power is much higher than that of runners. Many, its attacks will also cause slight 'mental damage'.

This is also the official definition of Agor. Haiji's attacks often contain substances such as neurotoxins. Once the surface of the body is scratched, the nerves in the body will be corroded by the toxins, ranging from physical discomfort to coma on the spot. , or even a direct risk of death.

In Laurentina's eyes, the monster in the pool that occupies almost half of the cave space is very similar in appearance to the 'Bohai Reaper' in the Haihe group.

The Bohai Reaper is one of the evolved versions of the Slider. The petals that make up its head are denser and more threatening. Moreover, after being attacked, they can enter a 'fighting' state, and their movement speed is greatly increased. The self-explosion method continuously releases a very high concentration of neurotoxins into the surrounding area.

These monsters often die on their own after entering a combat state for a period of time, but before death, their attacks become extremely violent, and even experienced deep-sea hunters sometimes find it difficult to deal with them.

However, the size of the Bohai reapers is generally about the same size as that of a normal person. The one in the cave is much larger. Such a huge size is rare even among Haihe's group, because it needs to be supported. Such a huge body requires too many nutrients, and usually only those giant aquatic creatures on the sea floor that are polluted by sea heirs can maintain a body far beyond that of ordinary people.

"Hold your breath and step back first!"

The purple-black tentacles were swinging wildly, emitting a large amount of light green mist. Laurentina saw this and quickly warned.

Those green mist are the neurotoxins emitted by Haiji. If it is inhaled at such a high concentration, the body cannot cope with it under the existing conditions. By then, no matter how powerful it is, it will not be able to use it.

Skadi is an experienced old hunter who has experienced countless battles. She mainly said this to Kelsey and Warfarin.

In fact, her size was not needed, and the smoke didn't look like a good thing. Neither Kelsey nor Warfarin were newbies, so they naturally wouldn't come into contact with them rashly, and immediately began to retreat.

As for Mon3tr, who was fighting with the two tentacles at the front, he did not come back. It is not an organism in the traditional sense. The entire body is made of crystals and is not affected by neurotoxins.


Skadi, who Laurentina expected to retreat immediately, did not move either. She was holding the Otaubis sword, pursed her lips, and there was no expression on her face.

A faint golden glow lit up from behind her, forming a prayer pattern of the furnace. Several meters long golden wings took shape in the golden glow. Once incited, a violent wind wave was set off, blowing back all the mist. , floated to the other end of the cave.

The Wings of the Furnace!

From the prayer she received from Lin Lu, she only learned these two tricks, and they were still a bit green and not very flexible in using them. Fortunately, there was no problem with normal use.

With the power provided by the wings behind him, Skadi rose into the air, swung his sword and rushed towards the monster's huge body like a meteor.


A sharp scream resounded through the cave, and thick tentacles gathered together, trying to pull Skadi down from mid-air, but in front of the sword that emitted a faint light, all the tough tentacles were cut off by the blade.

One of the monster's heads suddenly turned, and a large amount of mucus spurted out from the petal-shaped head.


The wings dispersed, and Skadi stopped in mid-air, avoiding the spray of mucus by a hair's breadth. He stepped on the top of Mon3tr's head, used the force to jump up, and used the sword in his hand to turn into a thorn, aiming towards the center of the monster's head. Plug it in.

Avoidance, she doesn't need that kind of thing.

At this moment, the only thought in her mind was to kill this monster.

Honest people can also get angry, and being angry is even more terrifying.

After knowing the truth, the combination of the Deep Sea Church and Haiji directly stepped on the minefield in her heart. No matter what, it must die!


The blade of the sword was inserted into the center of the petals, creating a huge gap. The explosive force directly crushed the mouthparts full of sharp teeth and the surrounding flesh and blood.

But this kind of injury is not fatal to the monster with two heads. Instead, it makes it more violent. On the contrary, Skadi, such a radical attack caused her to expose her back, and several thick tentacles with sharp The whistling sound came down, completely covering her rear.

At the critical moment, two blood belts penetrated through the gaps in the tentacles, wrapped around Skadi's waist, and pulled her back. Mon3tr waved his jointed limbs and blocked the two tentacles with his body, forcing one open enough for people to pass through. channel.


The body made of crystals exploded suddenly, and dark green spell waves spread, causing the monster's movements to stop.

The fine crystals circled and danced, returning to Kelsey and regrouping into diamond-shaped crystals. Skadi was also dragged back by Warfarin's magic bond and landed next to Laurentina.

"Scadi, calm down!"

Seeing that the hunter girl who had just landed was about to rush forward, Warfarin and Kelsey held her shoulders down and yelled at her.

This is not the way to act recklessly. If you charge forward like this again, how many attacks can you withstand no matter how strong your body is?

Kelsey observed attentively and found that in the gap between them working together to pull Skadi back, the petal head that was mostly shattered by the sword had completed most of the repairs and became whole again.

Obviously, this monster has a strong self-healing ability, and it is not a wise idea to compete with it for consumption.

Thinking of this, Kelsey took out two dark metal cylinders from the pocket he carried with him and said coldly: "Look for an opportunity to put fire into its mouth and burn it directly."

The cooperation with Yanguo has been going on for some time. The special props provided to Yumenguan to fight against evil spirits were first produced by Nian. Now they are basically taken over by the Engineering Department, and some optimizations have been carried out, and the original functions have been improved. Iterative upgrades.

The props forged in [-] provided the engineering department with an idea. After mastering the specific production methods, the engineering department was able to incorporate more types of power into it, instead of just being limited to black flames.

Before coming to Iberia, Kelsey had prepared some in advance, and they came in handy now.

The 'fire' in her hand is the latest product developed by the Engineering Department. It can burst out a large amount of ash-extinguished flames in an instant. It is most suitable for destroying living things, especially large ones. If they don't burn them completely, The flame will not go out.

So what if the vitality is strong?The Fire of Ashes is specially designed to deal with such resilient things!

As long as they find an opportunity, these two fire seeds can burn the monster directly, which is much more efficient than attacking with brute force.

"hold head high!!!"

However, Kelsey had just made a decision and had not yet taken action. The monster waving its tentacles violently suddenly stopped, curled its tentacles back under its body, turned its huge petal head, and turned to their position. It seemed a bit calm. .

The unexplained neighing seemed to spread with some obscure fluctuations. Laurentina's expression suddenly changed as she held the big saw.

"It's calling for companions!"

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