This is the symbol of Queen Kallia, the magical entity of the bright moon that the Full Moon Queen Lenara glimpsed when she was young, and once conquered the entire magic academy.

All the magic in the academy is vulnerable to the full moon.

Lani also knows this trick, but what she summons is the cold dark moon, which naturally has the properties of frost, and the condensed form is smaller.

For some subtle reasons, this time, Lin Lu did not use the dark moon that Lani had mastered, but chose the full moon of the full moon queen Lenora.

The monsters in the cave were nothing to worry about. He was prepared to let this full moon from another world rise over Salt Wind City.

Chapter 2 Lin Lu: A little embarrassed

What is the nature of magic?

There are countless solutions to this problem.

The magicians of Rhea Lucalia Magic Academy have a systematic set of pyroxene magic that can explain the spells in their eyes, and the mages of Serlia Magic Town also have another unique set of spell understanding.

Switching to the world of Terra, every country has conducted targeted research on Origin Stone techniques, and various schools have also evolved.

But no matter what the theory is, in Lin Lu's eyes, the essence of spells and prayers is to first construct a basic framework, and then fill in other structures with energy, allowing the gathered energy to change and extend in the direction you want, and finally present an external appearance. spell effect.

Full Moon Magic is no exception.

Even though this spell is an extremely powerful magic that Queen Full Moon, the hero who ruled Lienia of the Lake, learned from the moon outside the sky, and is close to or even reaching the height of 'origin magic', it still does not get rid of its most basic essence.

Therefore, when you can accurately control the spell structure you construct and stabilize it, you can try to expand the structure that constitutes magic and fill it with more energy. The external phenomenon will be the original spell form. It becomes huge, and its power will also increase with the continuous injection of energy.

However, because Lin Lu was not proficient in mastering the full moon spell, Lin Lu's use of this technique on Lenara's full moon was obviously much slower than using other prayers and spells.

But it's amazing enough.

In Laurentina's eyes, the man's arms held up a bright moon above his head. The size of the moon rapidly expanded from less than half a person's height to several meters in diameter, and it was still expanding rapidly. Powerful energy fluctuations and every movement The rising sense of threat every moment made her hold her breath involuntarily, and even sounded the destructive weapons she had seen in Agol.

However, the weapons of mass destruction in the Agor army are all manufactured through technology. Each one is valuable and cannot be used easily. But now, only one person has used this spell.

This is...the leader of the Golden Tree?

It can only be said that the man who made Skadi show that expression is comparable to Agor's army based on his individual strength. This kind of strength has completely surpassed the deep sea hunters.

Thinking of the previous question, she could say with certainty that even her captain could not reach such a height.

The power of the deep sea hunter is only reflected in physical strength after all, and there is a limit.

As for this man, she could not see the upper limit for the time being. The expanding magic moon continued to expand while she was thinking, showing unparalleled oppression, as if even the air became sticky because of its existence. .

The monster that swallowed up the Bishop of the Deep Sea Church tried to use tentacles, mucus and poisonous mist to attack and destroy the spell moon. However, as soon as the tentacles came close, they were torn apart by the incredible energy condensed into them. The mucus covered them, and they were also easily decomposed. The poisonous mist that affects the nervous system cannot even be approached, and can be blown away by the aftermath of the moon spreading out.

The monster's attack was as powerless as a child's in front of the bright moon that illuminated the cave.

"He must be the strongest land man, right? Such power is too terrifying..."

Laurentina couldn't help mumbling to herself, causing Warfarin to sneer.

"It's true to say that, but where is this? What you see is just the tip of the iceberg of Boss Lin's strength. This level is far from his limit."


Laurentina, who has always been good at talking, was stunned by these words and asked doubtfully: "The tip of the iceberg? Isn't this scary?"

In her understanding, there is an upper limit to the strength of an individual, and Agor also advocates this concept. Except for special units such as deep-sea hunters, Agor's army basically relies on technology to arm itself, and through collective to show strength.

In the face of an army armed with high-tech weapons, the destructive power that a single individual can exert is quite limited. Wouldn't even the powerful Poseidon die under the collective siege of deep-sea hunters?

In her opinion, the power displayed by the current spell moon was almost the same as that of the Poseidon they had encountered. If this was not the limit, then what was?

She had no idea or imagination about this.

"Scary? You have never seen a real big scene."

Warfarin crossed her arms and felt inexplicably superior when looking at Laurentina.

She heard Kelsi briefly talk about some of Agor's situation. It is said that these guys hiding in the deep sea have their eyes high. They think that their own technology is the strongest and look down on the countries on the land. Now it seems that it is nothing more than that. Well.

Does this feel surprising and scary?

Then if a real big scene is presented in front of you, your jaw will drop?

Although she has never seen the scenes where Lin Lu took action personally, she has seen the records in the Golden Tree!

In terms of knowledge, she has completely surpassed this Agor who has never seen the world!

"If you weren't worried about the residents of Yanfeng City, do you think Mr. Lin would use this little magic?"

"He is the leader of the Golden Tree, a being who stands at the top of the world. With all his strength, he can directly wipe this city off the ground, leaving no trace behind."

"The level you see is nothing at all. There are so many people in our Golden Tree who can do it, we can't even count them."

"This...wipes the city from the earth? What is that..."

Laurentina's pupils dilated slightly, and her whole body was in shock.

That kind of description should be a fairy tale, right?

Perhaps Agor's most powerful forbidden weapon can also do it, but that is the ultimate weapon created by gathering the power of Agor's entire country. When will it be the turn to compare it with the strength of an individual?

Doesn't that mean that this man can stand on an equal footing with Agor on his own?

How is that possible?

Golden Tree, what kind of terrorist organization is it?

What a terrifying army it would be to have a group of people so numerous that they couldn't count, who could use this kind of magic?

For a moment, she felt like her homeland was being compared.

After being shocked, she had some doubts. Could this exaggerated statement be deceiving her?

Looking at the composition of Skadi's team, this should be just a temporary team sent out to perform a certain task, right?

If Lin Lu was really that powerful and the Golden Tree was really that terrifying, how could such a completely out-of-standard boss respond so quickly to a field team's request for help?Shouldn't someone else be sent here?

Immediately, she raised her question.

"Is this... because our boss is more active?"

Hua Falin didn't quite understand why Lin Lu appeared immediately after receiving their request for help. The problem in Salt Wind City did not require the strongest person from the Golden Tree to take action personally. If she couldn't figure it out, That was all she could answer.

"What kind of organization do you think the Golden Tree is? How big is our sphere of influence? There are many powerful people in the Golden Tree, but they all have their own things to do. Especially now, we are in a state of preparation for war, and only the leader has enough I can take action in time when I am free.”

"The situation in Yanfeng City is of great concern. The leader attaches great importance to this place, so he took action personally."

"Your vision is too narrow, Argor, and you cannot understand what real power is."

Kelsey, who had been silent, gave an explanation. Warfarin was so shocked that she turned her head and looked at her. Her eyes seemed to say: Kelsey, what are you doing? You were not like this before!

"How much do you know about Agor?"

Laurentina was a little unconvinced, but she couldn't come up with a strong rebuttal. She could only say something stiff and turned her head away, not looking at this mainlander who had a deep prejudice against Agor.


Suddenly, there was a roar of collision from the top of the cave, which attracted everyone's attention.

Unknowingly, the bright moon had swelled to the point where it almost filled most of the cave, crushing the monster that had swallowed the bishop into incomplete minced meat. It rose like a real moon and forced its way out of the top of the cave. The hard rock wall floats upward.

The moon is getting bigger, and the hard rock is being squeezed and torn like cotton, and is being dissolved into straight channels.

In Laurentina's dull sight, the expanding magic moon floated straight out of the cave, allowing her to see the city buildings and the sky outside.

Tens of meters?Or hundreds of meters?

The moon that flew out of the cave expanded at an alarming speed as if it had broken free from its restraints. It was like a real celestial body suspended in the sky. The suffocating pressure came to the face, making it difficult for deep-sea hunters with rich combat experience. The feeling of breathing.

It was as if the moon had really fallen from the sky. Just by looking at it with your eyes, you could feel the indescribable pressure.

'It's broken, it seems like it's gone...'

They remained in the cave and did not notice that Lin Lu, who was floating upward with the moon, twitched the corners of her mouth slightly, and the arm that controlled the spell trembled slightly.

Facts have proved that it is better not to make dangerous changes to spells that you are not familiar with. Otherwise, if you make a mistake, even a little bit may cause a chain reaction, causing the entire spell structure to lose stability and go out of control.

The Full Moon Spell, which had expanded to dozens of meters in size, was now losing control. He had to constantly fill it with energy to maintain the stability of the structure. But if he allowed the spell to expand without limit, it would eventually reach a point he couldn't help. Given the level of control, by then, most of Yanfeng City may not have been razed to the ground by the full moon that erupted.

If it were on other battlefields, forget it, just throw the spell out, such as in the case of Yumen Pass. The enemy would be killed anyway, so there would be no need for stability.

But this is inside a city where tens of thousands of people live. He is not here to destroy Yanfeng City. If this spell is thrown away, won't the residents of the city collectively ascend to heaven?

If he changed the spell he was good at into Dragon Feast Prayer or Origin Magic, he wouldn't have made such a low-level mistake. Why didn't he use the full moon spell in the first place?

However, although the spell was a mistake, it was not impossible to solve it.

Lin Lu was not too panicked. He also had a very useful way to deal with it - shake people!

Kelsey and the others can sway people, so naturally he can too.

Since I can't control this spell anymore, let someone who can control it do it!

So, under the rising full moon, a golden mist floated up, and a bright red appeared in the glow. Lani suddenly appeared under the moon, blinking her eyes in a daze. She was wearing a He was wearing an apron and holding a spatula with half a vegetable leaf in his hand.


Lani, who had just appeared, looked at the dilapidated city beneath her feet, and then looked up at the growing full moon. She wondered aloud, with deep confusion in her big eyes.

This, what's the situation?

She was learning how to cook from Mrs. Wenyue at home, why was she suddenly pulled over?

"Hold your words and help me, I can't handle this thing anymore!"

Lin Lu pointed with her chin at the still-expanding full moon above her head, feeling a little sweaty on her forehead.

"...You always like to make such dangerous attempts. You are obviously not good at using this kind of magic, and you still modify it randomly."

Lani took a second to think, then figured out the current situation, and couldn't help but sigh.

Sure enough, it's hard to change your nature. When you were in the border area, you used to like to do some unorthodox sex activities. Now in the new world, it's still the same.

It is said that one learns from one's mistakes. How can one still remember to eat and not to fight?

Have you forgotten how many times you have failed before?

Could it be that it is expanded like this spell...

"Who is that?"

Laurentina, who was looking up at the sky in the cave, also saw the red-haired girl suddenly appearing in the sky. She patted Skadi's arm and asked in a low voice.

"She is the leader's wife and one of the strongest members of the Golden Tree."

Warfarin answered this question for Skadi, and was a little puzzled. Why did she have to bring someone over at this time? Could it be that the strength of her own leader cannot solve the problem in Saltwind City?

Impossible. What problem can't be solved by just smashing that big thing on your head?


After thinking about it, she made a fist, smashed it on her palm, and analyzed: "Boss Lin must have a deep meaning when he does this!"

"A strong man from the Golden Tree?"

Hearing what Warfarin said, Laurentina immediately felt convinced.

Such a big shot must have his own ideas. It is normal for them not to be able to understand because they are not strong enough.

Although the strong man's dress is a bit... hard to explain, strong men always have something unique about them.

I wonder how powerful the leader’s wife who suddenly appeared is?

Her questions were quickly answered.

Although the red-haired girl's arm in the sky was slightly raised, the sky in Salt Wind City changed.

The dark clouds that originally covered the sky were instantly covered up, and in their place was a bright night sky filled with stars.

Under the night, a large dark moon occupying most of the sky rose slowly.

Chapter 241 The Dark Moon Arrives

There are two moons in the world of Terra. Whenever night falls, the two bright moons, one large and one small, will hang high in the sky, spreading a little light on the earth.

It is said that a long time ago, in the distant past, there was only one moon in the sky, and the other one appeared later.

There are legends that it was a creation of the gods.

However, whether there is one moon or two, they all have a common characteristic - they are extremely far away from the earth, so far away that when viewed from the ground, only a fist-sized light and shadow can be seen.

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