Harry Potter and the Burnout Badger Author: Minanzhi


If he had never died.

If Pettigrew is caught early.

If only Cedric, Sirius, Albus, Severus and other familiar people could have a better ending.

If only everything could not be so tragic, but could go on smoothly and smoothly in the joyful and warm daily life.

Moon was looking forward to it in his heart, hoping that his little butterfly could really achieve all this.

[In the early part of this book, there will be a larger space describing daily life, and in the later part, there will also be a certain amount of space describing daily life. Readers who cannot accept more daily content and prefer to watch one battle after another, please be careful. 】

[After all, you can’t expect a current Hogwarts student not to enjoy campus life.JPG]

[Daily guarantee of 5K words, millions of words have been serialized and never interrupted, quality guaranteed, trustworthy.JPG]

★Volume [-]: Shadow of the Dark Wizard★

Chapter 1 The Boy Who Lived


"An! I'll stop them! Take Munn away quickly!"

"An! Damn it - Protego (armor protection)! Reducto (broken bones)!"

The man's voice kept ringing, irritable, anxious, and fierce... Hu Yueming could clearly feel the man's emotions. This feeling was amazing. He tried to open his eyes, but suddenly found that his body seemed very weak. No matter how hard he tried, he could only open his eyelids a little, allowing him to barely feel a little light from the outside world.

Then, the light that kept flickering and illuminating the surroundings made him realize that something was not quite right.

First of all, what the roaring man said was not Chinese, but English, but it was mixed with some words from other languages. Hu Yueming, who had always been good at learning, could understand English, but he could not understand those non-English words. Not well understood.

Secondly, Hu Yueming gradually discovered that his body... was not just a simple "weakness".He tried to move his hands and feet, but his body seemed to have undergone some... changes.For a moment, his still somewhat confused mind couldn't tell the difference right away, but he was sure that unless he underwent some kind of strange surgery while sleeping, this was probably not his body.

Then...the answer is clear.

Just when Hu Yueming's thoughts had just reached this point, a pair of sudden hands lifted Hu Yueming up, interrupting Hu Yueming's series of thoughts.

This is a woman, and she may be his mother, or perhaps the mother of a baby in his current body.Such thoughts suddenly came into Hu Yueming's mind, because through the woman's beautiful and clear eyes, which were full of anxiety, sadness and other complex emotions, Hu Yueming could clearly feel the selfless love, tenderness, and love for the intruder. of anger.

Then, a hoarse voice suddenly emerged, drowning out all the sounds, and Hu Yueming even felt his soul trembling.

"Avada Kedavra (Avada Kedavra)!"

"Do not!!!"

A woman's scream, a mess of ridicule full of sarcasm and joy, and the sound of a heavy body falling to the ground all came to his ears. At the same time, Hu Yueming's heart suddenly tightened, as if it was being tightly grasped by someone. .

Although they were strangers and had never met each other, he could still feel the emotions in the heart of the fallen man. Resentment and unwillingness only accounted for a small part, and more towards the child Hu Yueming replaced. And the attachment, regret, and endless love of the woman holding the child tightly.

Hu Yueming didn't know whether he had traveled through time to replace the child who unfortunately died in the raid; or whether he had traveled through time and been reincarnated as this child, and it was only at this moment that he awakened to his own consciousness.But at least at this moment, he suddenly wanted to be the latter.He felt that his body's instinct wanted to cry loudly, but he could not fully open his eyes. He could not judge the situation around him, and he did not know whether his crying would disturb the woman, so he tried his best to stop it. He tried his best to suppress this impulse.

He had realized how dangerous he was at this moment. The death curse he had just understood made him finally understand what kind of world he had entered.

A baby's instinct is powerful. With Hu Yueming's ability to control his body at this time, he began to feel difficult after a few seconds.Although this metaphor is not very appropriate, it is true that it is like a person trying hard to control himself from sneezing. No matter how hard he tries, it is difficult to do so.

Fortunately, in the next second, Hu Yueming no longer had to persist.

Everything around him suddenly turned dark, and a strong squeezing feeling suddenly came from around Hu Yueming, making him almost breathless.It was as if in addition to the woman's hands, there were several iron hoops tightly restraining him.Then, he actually felt that various parts of his body began to be stretched and squeezed.

Severe pain spread all over his body. Hu Yueming realized that this was probably because the woman had to force him to apparate with him. During the process of the spell, his young body seemed unable to fully withstand the devastation of the spell. Suffered some damage.

He finally could no longer suppress his urge to cry loudly. Just when Hu Yueming was still worried despite the severe pain and relying on amazing willpower, all his thoughts came to an abrupt end.

He passed out.


"Moon...Moon! Moon!" The woman with beautiful blond hair looked at the child in her arms who had become so angry that the tears in her eyes suddenly became more intense.

"Hold on, Munn...Hold on..." She looked at the manor not far ahead, holding Hu Yueming carefully with one hand, and clutching the wand tightly with the other hand. She didn't even have time to wipe away her tears before she quickly He ran towards the gate of the manor.

She also wanted to stop and quickly check on her son, but she really couldn't, because those Death Eaters must know her origins, and soon, after checking other places, they would swarm over. Kill her.So she could only return to the manor as soon as possible while ensuring that the child was still alive.

It was her family's manor. Although she had been expelled from the family by her parents a few years ago, her parents were now dead and the person in charge was her brother Golov. As long as she entered before the Death Eaters arrived, her The child will definitely survive.

However, as she was getting closer and closer to the gate of the manor, two harsh sounds of "pop" and "pop" came from behind her, which immediately plunged her into despair again - that was the sound of phantom appearance. , there is no doubt that the Death Eaters are already chasing him.

Until she saw the familiar door of the Shafiq Manor in front of her suddenly retracting outwards. A figure in a brown robe stood in front of the door, holding a wand and shouting a spell in a voice full of anger.

The strange flames condensed into a huge anaconda in the air, circling and swimming quickly approaching the two Death Eaters who had just Apparated. Before they had time to use their wands to resist, they easily killed the two people. Swallow it all.Without even a scream, when the brown-robed figure waved his wand again to lift the spell, the two Death Eaters were all dead, with not even the bones left.

"An!" The brown-robed figure looked at the woman who fell to the ground due to mental and physical exhaustion. The heart that he had just let go of was severely lifted up again. Without caring about anything else, he hurriedly stepped forward and rushed forward.

Chapter 2 School Letter

When he was one year old, his magic power was rioting. When he was six years old, he rode a broomstick to pick apples from the trees for his cousins. He was handsome, mature and sensible, and had a high interest and talent in learning magic. For Moon Fox, whether it was Golov, Ann and their youngest brother Edgar all saw that a new star belonging to the pure-blood Shafik family was rising - the only flaw was that Moon was not named Shafik at all.

As the head of the family, Golov had thought of asking Munn to change his last name more than once, even though he actually had a certain fondness for his brother-in-law who unfortunately died in a Death Eater raid.However, the person has passed away after all, so even if Moon is changed to his mother’s surname, it’s not too much... right?

However, Golov would give up this idea every time, because Golov knew very well how much his sister loved the man from the far east, and after that man passed away, his sister and that man The only bond left between them is Moon.He can no longer selfishly deprive this bond just for the glory of his family.

The Shafiq family values ​​honor, but never puts it in the highest position. Otherwise, their parents would not have expelled their sister from the family in order to protect her, and they would have joined the Death Eaters as a family.

Golov stood in front of the window and looked at Moon, who was playing in the garden with several little kids under three years old, and a smile gradually appeared on his face.

It doesn't matter, even if his surname is not Shafiq, there is no denying that Moon is half of the blood of the Shafiq family. His pair of dark blue eyes, like the most beautiful sapphires, are the best proof.


"Eaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" A little kid looked at Munn while dancing and pointed at him and shouted.

Moon, who was controlling the apple to spin in circles in the sky to make them happy, stretched out his hand and tapped the tip of the little kid's nose. He smiled and said in Chinese: "It's not aunt, it's brother."

"Hey! Hey!"

"It's brother."



It was like an infectious disease that was infecting both of them. Led by one little kid, the other little kids also started screaming.Moon shook his head helplessly. There was really nothing he could do with these little brats who could only "babble".Fortunately, only he and his mother An understand Chinese at home, and no one else can understand this boring Chinese homophone.


Amidst the babbling sounds of children, a slight popping sound seemed very inconspicuous, but Moon, who noticed it, still looked back - in Shafiq Manor, there is usually only one source of this kind of sound, Those were the house elves of the Shafiq family.

"Master Moon, I have a letter from you, a letter from Hogwarts. You said before that I would read it for you, and I will deliver it to you as soon as it arrives at the Owlhouse." The elf named Buffy Blinking his big eyes, he raised the envelope in his hand to Moon.

"Okay, Buffy." Moon, who had long been accustomed to not being able to say thank you to the house elves, took the letter and smiled at Buffy, "Please help me send my brothers and sisters back to their rooms. They are already waiting outside." It’s been a long time.”

"Yes, Master Moon." Buffy bowed and snapped his fingers, and several cribs levitated, lining up behind it and leaving the garden with it.Moon on the side sat on a chair in the garden and looked at the envelope in his hand.

The envelope is made of thick fine kraft paper without stamps. There is a conspicuous "H" in the center of the shield coat of arms, with lions, eagles, badgers and snakes surrounding the "H".The address below was written in emerald green ink: Mr. Moon Fox, Shafiq Hall, in the countryside outside Peterborough, Cambridgeshire.

Looking at this letter, the joy in Moon's heart began to emerge unconsciously.

He carefully opened the envelope and decided to keep the letter for later - even though he was not a die-hard fan, he had read a dozen books, a dozen movies and many fanfics. , the title of lover is absolutely worthy of its name.

The first page of the letter reads:


Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Witchcraft and Wizardry: Albus Dumbledore (President of the International Federation of Magic, President of the Wizarding Association, first-class magician of the Merlin Sir Order)

Dear Mr. Fox:

We are pleased to inform you that you have been admitted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.Attached is a list of required books and equipment.The semester is scheduled to begin on September 31st.We will be waiting for your owl to bring your reply before July [-]st.

Sincerely, Deputy Headteacher (Female) Minerva McGonagall.


After folding the first page of letter paper and putting it back into the envelope, Moon opened the second page of letter paper:


Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

[Uniform] First-year freshmen need:

1.Three sets of plain work gowns (black)

2.A plain pointed hat (black) for day wear

3.A pair of protective gloves (dragonhide or similar)

4.One winter cloak (black with silver buckle)

Please note: All student clothing must have a name tag

[Textbooks] All students need to prepare the following books:

Standard Spells, Elementary, by Miranda Goshak

A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot

The Theory of Magic, by Adebe Waughlin

The Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration, by Emory Switch

A Thousand Wonderful Herbs and Mushrooms by Philly Dasbor

Magic Potions and Potions.By Arsen Niggig

Monsters and Where They Come From, by Newt Scamander

Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Defense by Quentin Limb

[other equipment]

a wand

A large pot (made of pewter, standard size 2)

A set of glass or crystal vials

a telescope

a brass balance

Students may bring an owl or a cat or a toad.

Parents are reminded here that first-year students are not allowed to bring their own broomsticks.


"Hogwarts..." Moon folded the second page of letter paper and put it away, suppressing the inappropriate impulse to cheer, and put the envelope into his pocket.Because he knew that his mother and Uncle Golov were coming this way.

Of course, the reason why he knew this was not because he heard the footsteps or because they made any other sounds, but because Munn sensed their emotions.

Yes, this is Moon's innate talent, and it's also the reason why he became the official nanny for those little kids who were no more than three years old and couldn't even speak clearly - he was a natural Legilimency By.Not only that, even if he is not looking at others, as long as he is within a certain range around him, he can vaguely feel the other person's emotions. Sometimes it is very clear, and sometimes he can only feel a rough feeling. After several experiments, , he found that the clarity of this emotional perception seems to be related to many factors.

Chapter 3 Moon Fox

Being born a Legilimency is a rare and powerful talent, but at the same time, in a sense, it is also a "curse".

The reason is that these born Legilimens often cannot control themselves and will passively receive the thoughts of others, unlike self-trained Legilimens who can read them in a targeted and conscious manner.

The same goes for Moon. Although he has the profound knowledge of the Shafiq family as a source of knowledge and the guidance of Uncle Golov, who is absolutely superb in magic, he can still only do it after these years of unremitting efforts. Try to restrain your unconscious Legilimency when your mood is stable.As for the emotional perception that seemed to be derived from Legilimency, he was completely helpless and couldn't even restrain it.

There seems to be no problem. This kind of emotional perception is not as easy to offend others as Legilimency, and others cannot notice it at all.But if you walk into a banquet or a noisy street with this ability, you will find that dozens or hundreds of vague, clear, simple, and complex emotions flood into your mind. , how much pressure it will cause on your brain.If the head is compared to a CPU, Moon can say without hesitation that when he first went to Diagon Alley, his CPU almost burned out.

Fortunately, the human brain is not really a CPU, so after discovering this, Moon began to exercise his endurance step by step. Now, even if he suddenly comes to a place with an explosion of people, he will still There will be some discomfort, but at least my brain won't be "burned off".

And after ignoring, or "solving" all the above troubles, such a talent - of course it is still very good, at least Moon will never complain about having such a talent, he is not stupid.

"Mom, Uncle Golov, did Buffy tell you?" Moon stood up from the chair and turned to look at An and Golov who were walking towards him.

"Yes." Golov nodded. "It seems you have read the letter?"

"Yes, I have read it." Moon smiled and walked to An's side. "I will go back to the room to write a reply to them later."

"Do you really want to go?" An raised her hand and gently touched Moon's cheek, while arranging the scattered black hair on his forehead. "Mom is still... a little worried."

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