While biting into the much softer rock cake, he looked curiously at Hagrid, who had bright eyes: "Mr. Hagrid, do you like this kind of pastry?"

"What?" Hagrid came back to his senses, was stunned for a moment, then nodded, and then shook his head, "No, I'm not very picky about what I eat. I usually just make myself a pot of hodgepodge, but occasionally I also bake some small cakes for the visiting professors and students. Of course...well, I mean, I don’t actually have guests here very often, only Dumbledore comes to see me occasionally."

"Wow, can we come and sit here often? It sounds like you should have a lot of cooking stuff here. Gal happens to like to study cooking. Maybe you can also discuss it." Moon patted Gal on the shoulder. .

Upon hearing this proposal, both Hagrid and Galton laughed happily.

There is no doubt that everyone agrees.

why not?

Chapter 42 Homework, Homework and Homework

[Additional chapter note: Rockcake is a pastry with a slightly hard surface. It is usually similar in size to a larger biscuit. Dried fruits or dried fruits are added when making it.Although it is called rock cake, this pastry is not really as hard as a rock. It just looks like small pieces of gravel, and the skin is indeed harder than other pastries, hence the name. ]


The party was rescheduled for Friday. There was no choice but to do so. Apart from weekends, their current batch of Badger Academy freshmen had the fewest and most leisurely classes on Fridays.Making an appointment on Friday is definitely the best option.

Moon and the four of them did not sit for a long time in Hagrid's cabin at noon. After all, there was a highly hypnotic History of Magic class in the afternoon. Even if they didn't like it, they didn't have the guts to skip class openly.But even after just a short while, Moon's mood improved a lot, and the little depression he had before almost disappeared.

They rushed to the History of Magic classroom in a hurry. Even though the four of them hurriedly hurried, they were still 2 minutes late in the end.Fortunately, Professor Binns didn't particularly care about their tardiness, especially the portrait of Professor Binns who came to teach them today - the portrait didn't even bother to interrupt his lecture, but just glanced at the four of them. There was no response.

The four of them secretly thought that they were lucky. Arlin even stuck out his tongue and made a face, causing Alma to laugh out loud. It was not until the portrait of Professor Binns glared at her that she reluctantly restrained herself. When he came down, there was still a smile on his lips.

Next, the two-hour hypnosis journey unfolded step by step as usual.

Professor Binns was talking about an incident that happened in 1911 - the collective rebellion of the gargoyles [Note 1]. No matter from which point of view, Moon felt that this should be a very interesting course.However, according to Professor Binns, this supposedly interesting course suddenly became extremely boring.

"The gargoyles, um, in 19, um, 1911, yes, 1911, these gargoyles started a, um, rebellion. And the rebellion for a time, I mean, achieved some... …”

While Moon reluctantly stuffed paper balls into his ears, he secretly murmured in his heart, I am afraid that no matter how scary the ghost story is, it will inevitably turn into boiled water when it reaches Professor Binns' mouth. Boring chatter that creates waves in people’s hearts.

Cedric was carefully excerpting Professor Binns' lectures, yes, excerpts, because he had to ignore Professor Binns' large number of repeated words, drawl, and breathy onomatopoeia.Then try to identify some really useful knowledge points from it.

As for Gal and Yaerlin?Needless to say, they both fell asleep within 3 minutes of entering.

There is no information worthy of attention on the Marauder's Map, and the area around the Forbidden Forest is empty, not even a single person.Victor is in class, and so is Professor Kump.Professor Dumbledore was still walking back and forth in his office, which caused a strange image to appear in Moon's mind - Dumbledore in a gorgeous purple robe, listening to music and dancing alone in a ballroom dance.With his clothes and beard fluttering, the silver-haired old man enjoyed it.

Of course, this is just a little speculation.

After several fruitless searches, Moon put away the Marauder's Map and opened his own Grimoire.

He had already read the section on the Rebellion of the Gargoyles before, so he could use this history of magic lesson to try to fully understand the spell called Colorful Ball.


"Little Moon, why do Gal and the others look so listless?" Tonks pushed away Gabriel who was sitting next to Moon. Then she sat next to Mun and pointed at Gal and Yaerlin. "Have you been detained by the teacher?"

Moon automatically filtered out the outrageous way of addressing Tonks, smiled and shrugged, "Not really. If you look more closely, you will find that none of us are in a good mood. Professor Binns left a very Outrageous homework, he wanted us to write a ten-foot-long paper, and it was due on Thursday.”

Tonks looked at it again. Sure enough, except for a few little wizards such as Munn and Cedric, most of the first-year badgers were obviously not interested. Even Violet, who was sitting opposite Munn, was not interested. The happy smile of the past is gone.

But this undoubtedly made Tonks even more puzzled. "What's the point? Isn't it always outrageous for Professor Binns to leave homework? It's not the first time he has left such a ten-foot-eight-foot paper."

"But we have an astronomy class later, and Professor Sinistra will definitely have an assignment. Professor McGonagall also said in the last Transfiguration class that we will be asked to write an article about turning a match into a needle in this class. Transfiguration experience, so that’s three homework assignments. If this continues, our first graders won’t have time to make the flag for our college’s Quidditch game.” Arlin stuffed a piece of potato into his mouth angrily, and looked at that Zi seemed to want to chew up all the homework of the three professors.

Tonks patted Arlin on the shoulder dumbfounded, "Is it just such a small thing? Don't worry, today is only the 18th, and the Hufflepuff game No. [-] has just started. Even if you work hard to catch up on your homework, you still won't be able to do it next week." You have a full week to design your flag."

Arlin seemed to reluctantly accept Tonks' statement, but at this moment, Gal suddenly said slowly from the side, "What if we are given a lot of homework next week?"




A group of people looked at each other, and for a moment they were all speechless.

When Gal got what he wanted, he forked two more large pieces of lamb chops onto his plate, and then started eating them with a sad face.

In fact, this was not the only thing he was worried about. In addition to having a lot of homework that would have an impact on them making the "support" flag, it might also delay their visit to Hagrid on Friday.

There are large fruits and vegetables, and you can cook at will. Such a great place, Gal really doesn't want to miss it again.

Moon and Cedric looked at each other and had the same idea in their hearts.

Judging from everyone's depressed mood, they probably had to contribute their own homework for them to copy...


[Note 1] Gargoyles, also known as gargoyles and gargoyles, are animal-shaped decorations carved on the ends of building water pipes. Some are large, some are small, some are ferocious, and some are grotesque.Gargoyles often mentioned in some Western fantasy novels or ghost stories, many actually refer to these gargoyles.

Chapter 43 Friday gathering

If Monday is the most hated day for first-grade badgers, then Tuesday and Friday are their favorite two days besides weekends.

The reason was simple, there wasn't a lesson they hated all day on Tuesday, and their flying lesson with the Ravenclaws was that afternoon.This means that they can come to the grass outside the castle early after lunch to enjoy the warm sunshine for a while. After class, they can also enjoy riding a broomstick and roam in the sky.

Not to mention Friday. Although they need to be baptized by Professor Kump's robot recitation teaching method on this day, as long as they survive those two hours, they can make their own arrangements for most of the next entire day. Because they only have that one class on Friday.

It's a pity that the little badgers couldn't be in high spirits this week.

There was a heavy rain on Tuesday afternoon, and their flying lessons were forced to become theoretical lessons in the castle. In Milton's words, is there really any "theoretical knowledge" in broom flying? Can it be said?

It just depends on your talent (* ̄︿ ̄)!

They were a little happier on Wednesday. Professor Sprout took them into the forest. Of course it was not the Forbidden Forest. Hogwarts did not only have the Forbidden Forest, and Professor Sprout would never take them like this. A group of first graders went to class in the Forbidden Forest.

But it would also be great to take herbal medicine classes somewhere other than the greenhouse.

In that class, Professor Sprout first took them to find a place where daisies grow, and then took them to see jumping toadstools and white tree fungi growing in the wild, which they could not learn in the first grade. content.When get out of class was about to end, they were lucky enough to find a few bubble pods on the edge of the forest. Unfortunately, they were all in a growing state and not yet fully grown.

This herbal medicine class really made the little wizards a lot happier. After discovering the jumping toadstool, almost everyone had a smile on their face - suffocating things happened soon after, and the class was about to end. At that time, Professor Sprout left them another assignment: let them go back and write a paper about daisies.

In fact, this homework is not much. The homework given by Professor Sprout to the first-year wizards is usually no more than five feet. But for these little guys, when it is not a lot of homework, After doing more or less other tasks, it all adds up to a disaster.

As a result, everyone's mood, which had just improved slightly, fell hard again.

As a result, even on Friday, the first-year badgers in the Hufflepuff common room all looked heavy.

They are all writing/copying homework like crazy.

The History of Magic homework was handed in yesterday, but it has taken up almost all of their after-school time in the past few days, and right after that, next Monday they have to hand in the Herbology and Astronomy homework, and next Tuesday they have to hand in the Transfiguration homework. Technological homework...

Seniors in the upper grades are helpless in this regard. Some of them also have to do homework. Even those who don't have homework can only give pointers to the little guys who haven't borrowed homework to copy and have no creative inspiration at all.

In contrast, Moon and the others who were rushing to Hagrid were obviously much less stressed.

Thanks to the help of Moon and Cedric, two academic gods who were not stumped by homework at all, Gal and Arlin completed (copied) their history of magic homework very quickly. After finishing class in the morning, they Finished (copied) my astronomy homework in the common room again.In this way, the two of them only had two homework assignments: Herbology and Transfiguration.

One on Saturday and one on Sunday, just right.

So now, they were happily running towards Hagrid, who was holding two huge peppers.

Hagrid was also very happy. While Munn and the four of them looked at them with dumbfounded eyes, he put two peppers under one arm and raised his free hand and waved twice.

"Hey! You're here! I thought you guys would be late."

"We thought so too, until Gal couldn't wait to drag us out of the common room." Moon pointed at Gal, feeling somewhat amused in his heart.He was the one who was most afraid of Hagrid at first, but now he has become the one among the four who gets the most excited when Hagrid's hut is mentioned.

"Haha, I guess Gal really wants to show off his skills to me, huh?" Hagrid smiled at Gal, his messy beard tilted up slightly, looking a bit amusing.

Gal nodded vigorously, ran to Hagrid's side first, and pulled him towards the dirty and messy large "hut". The other three laughed and quickly followed.

At this moment, looking at Hagrid's huge and sturdy back, a good idea suddenly came to Moon's little head.

As we all know, throughout the entire HP series, Hagrid has always been the most "strict" person.His mouth is like a zippered bag, tight and solid, never leaking secrets, but it's a pity that the bottom of this bag is leaky.

God knows how many troubles Harry and the others would have caused if Hagrid didn't have that mouth.jpg

But right now... I might as well take advantage of this.

While thinking about the plan in his mind, Moon apologized to Hagrid quietly.


As soon as he entered Hagrid's hut, Gal immediately picked up the oversized spoon.He originally wanted to wash the pot, but Hagrid's pot could almost fit his whole body into it, so it was a bit difficult to ask Gal to wash it.

Gal couldn't do it, and of course there was no hope for the other three, so the task of washing the pots was handed over to Hagrid, while Moon was responsible for washing the vegetables. Arlin and Cedric didn't know how to do this kind of Muggle operation. In the end, So each person took two big teacups and went to wash them (play with water).

"I thought wizards used magic to do this." Gal said with interest while wiping the spoon with a cloth: "So wizards also have to wash the dishes themselves?"

Hagrid scratched his chin, leaving a lot of white foam on his beard. "That's not true, but I...for some reasons, I can't use magic at will, so I usually do it directly."

Moon looked at the complete set of wooden tableware here except for the pots, and thought to himself, no wonder these are all made of wood. It turns out that Hagrid usually washes the cups with his own hands...

However, Gal's words reminded him that because he was still young, he had never been in the kitchen before - and there was no need for it. Whether at home or in Hogwarts, the house elves were responsible for filling the dining table.Therefore, more or less, he has forgotten that he does not need to do these things himself at the moment.

While scolding himself for being stupid in his mind, Moon took out his wand and waved lightly at a pot and pan, "Scourgify!"

After a soft sound of "Fu~", the tableware that was originally stained became as clean as if it had been cleaned by a skillful housewife.

Chapter 44 Hagrid's Mouth

Facts have proved that Gal not only likes and can eat, but also surprised everyone when he really showed his skills.

To be fair, most house elves are very skilled and their cooking skills are no worse than those of ordinary human chefs, but Gal's cooking skills are not inferior to those of house elves in the slightest.Although it was just a simple pot of mutton and bean soup, Moon, a guy who has never been used to British soup, was full of praise.Gal and Cedric also said it was just about the best soup they had ever tasted.

Gal became shy for the first time in response to the compliments given by several people. He waved his hands with a blushing face and said it was just trivial, while happily promising to cook more special dishes for everyone to taste next time.

If anyone had a problem with the soup, it was Hagrid.

Don’t get me wrong, although he often makes some weird food, that’s because Hagrid is not good at cooking, and his understanding of cooking and delicious food is also a bit poor. In addition, he is not picky about food at all... okay , I have to admit that this is a bit outrageous, but Hagrid's taste buds are not wrong. At least he admits that the soup made by Gar is better than him.

Hagrid's opinion of this pot of soup was that it was too little. Moon had one-third of the bowl (it was Hagrid's large bowl), Arlin had one-third of the bowl, and Cedric and Garr had their own servings. After eating half a bowl, when Hagrid arrived, there was only one bowl left in the pot.

The little wizards left all the meat to him. Considering Hagrid's size and constitution, this little food was still not enough to eat.More importantly, he felt that Munn and the others ate too little. They should at least have one bowl per person.

Therefore, rather than saying that Hagrid has a problem with this pot of soup, it is better to say that he has a problem with himself.If he hadn't just tried to stuff the chicken and the half horse leg into the pot, he would have been able to help more.You know, the reason why there is not enough food is entirely because the pot is too big. If there is too much food in it, Gal will not be able to cook it or master the condiments.

While secretly thinking about going back to find a smaller pot, I can follow Gal's instructions and use a big pot next time, so that everyone can have something to drink.Hagrid raised the bowl in his hand, raised his head and lowered his head, and drank half a bowl of soup.

Gal and Arlin were still arguing. Anyway, there was never a day when they didn't argue - at least Moon and Cedric had never seen such a day.And when it comes to quarrels, the two of them always come up with something new.For example, right now, the two of them are arguing over whether they can eat the "Morning Flame" that Professor Sprout brought out that day.

Is there really any need to make a fuss about this thing?

Munn and Cedric both had dumbfounded expressions on their faces, but Hagrid listened happily. He had never seen Gal and Arlin quarreling, and it was quite novel to see them once in a while.

"By the way, Mr. Hagrid, that day I came to you because of the Forbidden Forest. It was the time I saw a man in black sneaking in - did you catch the man in black behind you?" Moon's little face was full of curiosity, as if he was really asking casually.

Just as Moon thought, Professor Dumbledore may have already informed Hagrid privately, asking him to keep silent about this matter.So as soon as Moon asked this question, Hagrid looked at him helplessly.

"Well... Moon, I can't tell you about this. Professor Dumbledore specifically told me not to tell you about someone in the school breaking into the Forbidden Forest... Oh! Merlin's beard !My damn mouth!”

Although he had already guessed that Hagrid would reveal the information within a few words, Moon still didn't expect that Hagrid would self-destruct...so quickly?

A strong feeling of annoyance was coming from Hagrid's body, which made Moon's apologies begin to well up in his heart.He quickly jumped off the stool and walked to Hagrid, trying his best to comfort Hagrid, "I'm sorry, Mr. Hagrid, I shouldn't have asked you this. I'm really sorry. You don't have to blame yourself too much. Look, even if you Having said that, I still don’t know who that person is, right? Professor Dumbledore also told me about this matter. He just hoped that I would not be emotionally involved in this matter privately. I told him You promise, I will never get involved, okay?"

Hagrid's mood began to change with Moon's words. Yes, when Dumbledore asked him, he did say that the reason was that he did not want to involve Moon.

And he didn't tell who that person was.

Hagrid's mood came quickly, but it also went away quickly.As soon as the words came out, he didn't blame himself so much.

"Okay, now that you say so." Hagrid sighed, "You first-year brats, it's best to stay away from these dangerous things."

Seeing that Hagrid's mood had stabilized again, Moon looked at him apologetically, and then sat back down in the chair with great effort.

Although Munn can't say that he can do anything to guys like Gavin, he won't feel any psychological pressure even if he makes them suffer a lot.But using people like Hagrid who cared about him and treated him well, even if it wasn't for any evil or selfish gain, would make Moon feel quite guilty.

After learning the news he wanted to know, it was not only to liven up the atmosphere and let Hagrid put all the emotions behind him as soon as possible; but also to prevent the two living treasures Gal and Yaerlin from quarreling for a while (yes) , the two of them quarreled again soon after the conversation between Moon and Hagrid), and Moon began to bring the topic to magical animals intentionally or unintentionally.

Sure enough, as soon as he talked about this, Hagrid immediately started talking non-stop.He first talked about fire crabs, a thing that couldn't be called cute at all. After a while, he started talking about three-headed dogs. Although they are also dogs, this thing may not be enough for people to pack three teeth together. Gap between teeth.

However, looking at Hagrid's beaming expression, Moon felt that he might have raised Lu Wei by now [Note 1].

After talking about the three-headed dog, Hagrid began to talk about the magical creature he was most interested in and loved the most, the dragon.To be honest, when Hagrid was talking about fire crabs earlier, except for Moon, the remaining three little badgers really had no interest. But when he talked about dragons, they immediately became excited and asked questions one after another.So, they talked about the dragon until the end, until they left.


[Note 1] An interesting fact is that although the name of Hagrid’s three-headed dog is translated as “Luwei” in the Chinese translation, its English name is actually “Fluffy”.In other words, if translated literally, Lu Wei's name should actually be "Maomao".

Chapter 45 Peeves

Anyone who loves magical animals has a common problem - they seem to find everything they look at cute, even if the magical animal can bite off a person's head in one bite.Hagrid is like this, and I heard that the current Professor Silvanus Kettleburn of the Care of Magical Creatures class is also like this. He is quite reckless. He has enjoyed about sixty probations so far, and he only has An arm and half a leg were removed.

Even so, he is still keen to get close to his little cuties from time to time.

When they left Hagrid, it was already close to dinner time. Munn and the four of them walked along the playground towards the castle. Halfway through, Cedric suddenly pulled Munn's sleeve and asked in a low voice: " Moon, are you investigating the incident where Professor Sprout was injured?"

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