"Nash, you did a good job!" At the Ravenclaw table, Nash also received similar treatment to Garr. Moon specially added a small module on the fourth page, in which Nash filled in the Ravenclaw's words at that time. The common room entrance riddle [Note 1].You know, the little wizards of Ravenclaw have long wanted other colleges to try the treatment of having to guess a riddle every day to enter the common room.Now that this module is added to the school newspaper, they are all very happy.

The Gryffindor table was also cheering. Angelina and Nash took many photos of the heroic appearances of the little wizards on the Quidditch field, including those from the four houses. What was wonderful was that Charlie Weasley happened to be there. On Saturday, she showed off some difficult flying skills to her team members, which were completely captured by Angelina and Nash.

"Hey, Gemma, are you responsible for this school newspaper?" A senior Slytherin student came to Gemma's side. "I saw a lot of photos of our college on it, and there was even an article about our common break. Articles about the room?”

"We did this together, mainly thanks to Moon Fox of Hufflepuff, and he will finally confirm the content." Although Gemma still had no expression on her face, she was actually very happy because Moon did indeed do it. When it comes to his commitment, he will treat the four colleges equally and will never favor or discriminate against any one college.

Several Slytherin seniors looked thoughtfully at Moon, who was surrounded on the Hufflepuff table. "I remember he is from the Shafik family?"

"Yeah" Gemma nodded, said nothing more, and concentrated on eating her breakfast.

The teacher's desk was also very lively. Except for Professor Snape, the other professors had already got a copy of the school newspaper. Silvanus Kettleburn, the current professor of Care of Magical Creatures, was waving his hand excitedly. His arm that was still intact "Ha, these little guys, why did they choose unicorns to introduce magical animals! Vulgar! Superficial! If you ask me, they should introduce fire dragons!"

Several professors all rolled their eyes at his words. In fact, even Professor Kettleburn himself was criticizing and reading with gusto. Of course, he mainly read other pages.

Everything in the auditorium proves that this school newspaper is a complete success. There are even a large number of people coming over to feed Munn the copper nut, wanting to start ordering the school newspaper directly and ordering one for their families. A portion.If Munn hadn't been prepared and told them that they could go to the school newspaper office on the second floor to pick up the order form and fill it out, these little wizards would have almost disturbed Munn into class.

"Albus, I remember Moon and the others went to interview you, didn't they? Why is the front page of this issue of the school newspaper about the introduction and subscription price of the school newspaper?" Professor McGonagall whispered curiously to Professor Dumbledore asked.

Professor Dumbledore showed a mysterious smile. He looked at Moon, who was dealing with the students there, and said: "Ah, well, I think our Mr. Fox insists that the interview with me will be to a great extent. It affected the number of subscriptions to the school newspaper outside the school, so I decided to introduce the school newspaper in the first issue. In the second issue, if there were outsiders who subscribed, I would introduce Hogwarts and promote it. It was not until the third issue that my interview was officially published. "

As if feeling Professor Dumbledore's gaze, Moon turned back to look at the teacher's seat, but Professor Dumbledore had already started to taste the pumpkin juice in his cup.


[Note 1] The methods of entering the common rooms of the four houses of Hogwarts are different. If you want to enter the Ravenclaw common room, you need to accurately answer the questions on the raven-shaped bronze knocker on the door.

Chapter 71 The night is falling

The popularity of the school newspaper after it went online was somewhat beyond Moon's expectation - after all, he underestimated the appeal of such an interesting newspaper to the young wizards of Hogwarts, and also underestimated those young wizards. How much do parents want to know more about their children’s movements and daily routines at school?

According to rough estimates, the subscription volume of their school newspaper on campus is almost reaching 90.00% of the teachers and students in the school.Moreover, the number of orders from outside the school is almost twice that of the on-campus orders: parents and their friends circulate it to each other, which obviously also achieves a certain publicity effect. At the same time, Professor Dumbledore and McGonagall Professor, Professor Flitwick, and more professors including Mrs. Hooch all played an indispensable and important role. Without their recommendations, there would never have been such a large number of off-campus orders.

Of course, it can be foreseen that after the second issue of the school newspaper is released, and everyone discovers that the third issue of the school newspaper actually contains Dumbledore himself being interviewed, the newspaper's off-campus orders will definitely double again—— This is still a conservative estimate.

No way, if there are also hot searches in the British wizarding community, the words "Dumbledore" and "Hogwarts" will definitely be well-deserved regulars on the list.


"Very good, Munn." Professor McGonagall looked at Munn who turned a frog into a teacup with a flick of his wand, and a smile appeared on his face.Looking at her eyes, I'm afraid I feel somewhat regretful that Moon is not a student of Gryffindor.

Moon lowered his head slightly in embarrassment. The little Hufflepuff wizards next to him were already used to this. Moon was the benchmark in the Transfiguration class - there was nothing wrong with that. Their Transfiguration You can come to Munn for advice on schoolwork. As long as you have time, Munn will never refuse such a request and will even demonstrate spellcasting for them and correct their spellcasting movements and spell pronunciation.

"Hufflepuff plus ten points, um, Mr. Fox, I think you can consider introducing conversion spells in the spell tips in the second issue of the school newspaper. This simple content that should be mastered in the first grade has not There are some idiots in the third and fourth grades who haven't learned it." Professor McGonagall muttered, of course, she also knew that it would be inappropriate to ask Moon to confirm the content of the next newspaper, so she complained After that, she quickly added: "Of course, it's also a good choice to put it in the back, I just mentioned it casually."

When he heard the previous sentence, Moon was a little worried about how to explain it, but after Professor McGonagall's second sentence came out, he immediately relaxed and quickly agreed: "No problem, Professor. , I think this is a very good suggestion, and we are indeed considering adding some spell tips related to transfiguration later, thank you for your opinion."

Professor McGonagall is more satisfied, which can be seen from the smile on her face.

It was Transfiguration class on Thursday afternoon, and after that class they could go have dinner and then go back to the common room.

The content of the next course is free practice as always. Moon pointed out the tricks of casting spells to the students next to him, and at the same time wrote down the words "spell tips - conversion spell" in his notebook, so as not to Turning around, I was so busy that I forgot about it.

Yarlin successfully poked his wand on the frog's back after a few trials. His frog let out a cry of pain, turned its head and jumped off the table, and Yarlin blushed in embarrassment. He rushed out and held down the frog, which caused a burst of laughter from the students.Fortunately, at this time, Cedric finally made a breakthrough. Although his frog teacup was still green and made a "croaking" sound, at least it was a cup.

After practicing for a while, the class ended as scheduled, and a large group of little badgers left the Transfiguration classroom with their books in their arms, and went straight to the auditorium.

The weather is good today, and the Quidditch players should go to the stadium for training after dinner, and many people want to have a quick meal and have a look.

Moon walked at the end with a few roommates. When he went downstairs, he said to Gal: "Gaal, I will go directly to the office. I still haven't finished revising the front page article of the second issue. You can finish it later." Would you like me to bring me some bread and sausage?"

Of course, Gal had no problem with this, but Cedric wanted to say something to Munn - he really wanted to take Munn to dinner together and walk around the stadium after eating. Munn has been there these two days. Polishing and adjusting several important manuscripts. Even though Moon said several times that this is just because the school newspaper has just been established, the previous manuscripts are of high importance and time is relatively tight. Now that they are finished, they will be free. .But Cedric still felt that if Mu En said this, wouldn't he return to the life of being bored in the house every day?

But obviously, even if he persuaded him now, Mu En would probably go to the office to get the manuscript first.So after hesitating for a while, Cedric decided to give up the idea. He could only hope that Munn could really harmonize his words and deeds, and then be more leisurely.

In this way, the four people finally split up. Cedric, Gal and Arlin continued to rush towards the auditorium, while Moon walked to the office alone holding the book.


"It finally changed..."

Mu En stood up, stretched his waist vigorously, and felt the hunger from his empty stomach.

Gal, an unreliable guy, promised him well, but he probably forgot about it while eating.

Moon shook his head helplessly, rubbed his belly, and then arranged everything on the table neatly.It didn't matter, he wasn't that hungry, otherwise he wouldn't have persisted until he finished revising the manuscript.And he can also go to the kitchen to find food. Anyway, there is only one step away from Hufflepuff and the school kitchen.

Taking out his pocket watch and looking at the time, Mu En realized that it was almost nine o'clock.

At first, he just wanted to come over and finish the front page article of the second issue of the school newspaper that will be released next Monday, but after finishing the revision, he thought that it was too late to come here, so he might as well finish the interview with Professor Dumbledore. Get rid of it.

I didn't expect it to be so late all of a sudden. If I ran into Filch on the road, I'm afraid he would have to explain again.

Thinking of Filch, Moon quickly packed his backpack, hurriedly left the office with his belongings and ran downstairs.

Chapter 72 Changes

"Ha! I caught you! Instead of staying in the common room at night, you run around in the school!" Filch raised the kerosene lamp in his hand and shone it brightly on Moon's face, and the remaining firelight reflected Looking at Filch's slightly cloudy eyes, he looked very eerie.

Munn sighed. He had just turned the corner on the second floor when he was bumped into by Filch and his Mrs. Norris.

"Mr. Filch, it's me, Moon. I was just busy correcting the manuscript in the school newspaper office, and it's only nine o'clock now. I believe that even if you take me to Professor McGonagall or Professor Sprout They won't impose any punishment on me there." Seeing Filch's smug face, Moon could only explain helplessly, "If you don't believe it, I am willing to go find these two people with you. A professor.”

The corners of Filch's mouth trembled. It was obvious that he was aware of this, and he knew more clearly that Moon was indeed in charge of the operation of the school newspaper.

But if he just let Mu En go like this, it would make him feel somewhat frustrated.

"Hmph, okay, then I'll take you to Professor McGonagall to see what you have to say, you little first-year kid..." Filch muttered, having a good idea in his mind.

Although he obviously couldn't really put Mu En into confinement, he could make Mu En suffer a little, such as standing in the corridor for a while.

"Come with me, there is one more person, I will take you to find Professor McGonagall."

Since Filch said so, Moon naturally had no choice but to carry his bag and follow Filch upstairs helplessly, heading towards the depths of the corridor in the other direction on the second floor.

"A Ravenclaw and a Hufflepuff don't make people worry at all. You students who don't learn well will only wander around at night. Isn't it enough for you to run around during the day? You go everywhere to cause trouble for others. ..." Along the way, Filch muttered crazily. Fortunately, he didn't know how to curse, and Moon was happy to listen to someone chattering there.

But, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff?The chances of getting into trouble in these two houses are much lower than those of Slytherin and Gryffindor...

But just after turning the next corner of the corridor and arriving at a corridor decorated with many picture frames and stone piers, Filch's uninterrupted voice suddenly stopped.

Moon looked at Filch inexplicably, and saw that his face was shocked at first, then became angry, and soon became furious, "Ha! Ravenclaw! You're so clever! You thought you couldn't find me if you ran away." You?!"

These words made Munn react immediately. Filch probably caught a Ravenclaw student first and asked him to wait here for some reason, but the Ravenclaw student took advantage of Filch Erqi just slipped away without him.

Wait, Ravenclaw?

It can't be such a coincidence...

Moon was thinking about how to secretly take out the Marauder's Map and take a look at it, when he heard Filch continue: "Nash Blade! I'm going to find Professor Flitwick right now."

ha?Nash?Nash Blade?

Moon was completely dumbfounded. Why did Nash come out in the middle of the night with nothing to do?

Just as he was dumbfounded, through the window glass on the second floor, he suddenly saw a figure wearing a black robe running quickly towards the Forbidden Forest on the grass outside, and there was a person in his hand.

Nash?No, Nash has brown hair, not...bright blond...

Moon didn't care so much, and quickly rushed to the window, trying his best to look over there - the person being held hostage was not Nash, it was Violet!

At this moment, a crashing sound came from the brown wooden cabinet next to a stone pier statue.

Filch wanted to scold Moon who suddenly ran to the window. At this time, he heard movement from the cabinet. He was startled at first, and then walked over in confusion, but before he took two steps, Then he was grabbed by Moon.

Moon didn't want Filch to miss the scene outside the window - only if Filch saw it with his own eyes could he understand that the situation was really urgent and that someone outside was really kidnapping students and breaking into the Forbidden Forest.If Filch went to look at the cupboard and didn't see the scene outside the window, he would be in big trouble.

"Look out the window! I'll get the cabinet!" Moon said hastily, and then ran towards the cabinet. Filch glanced out the window with a frown, and saw that the figure about to run into the Forbidden Forest - there was also a figure between him, this This scene made Filch almost unable to hold the kerosene lamp in his hand.

Moon also came to the cabinet at this time. Looking at the lock hanging on the cabinet, he gritted his teeth and took out the wand.

"Alohomora (Alohomora open)!"

The lock popped open with a click and fell to the ground. Nash, holding the camera, fell out of the cabinet with a bang. He was still tied with two coils of rope and had a blindfold on his face.

"Someone attacked me, it was Ian Madden! Ian Madden from the sixth year! He kidnapped Violet Evelina from Hufflepuff! Leave me alone! Go and save someone! I'm fine Son!" Nash, who couldn't see anything, was in a panic and completely failed to recognize that the spell just now was Moon's voice. He just shouted "Hurry up and save people!"

Moon pulled off his blindfold, used another force to loosen the rope that tied him, and then quickly turned to Filch, who was still stunned. "Mr. Filch! There is no time to be stunned. ! Take Nash to find the professors for help! I’ll go find Hagrid and ask him to arrest people in the Forbidden Forest!”

Filch finally found the backbone. Even though it was only a student like Moon who spoke, he quickly realized that he should go to Hagrid and let the two little wizards go to the professors, but still Before he could yell, Moon had already rushed out quickly.

Are you kidding, just Filch's legs?By the time he got to Hagrid's hut, the daylilies were cold.

Although he always likes to be bored in the room and read books on weekdays, this does not mean that Munn lacks exercise. He has always maintained the necessary physical training. After all, even for wizards, excellent physical fitness is the root of everything.

What's more, after all, he is always the king of children who wants to play with seven or eight children. How could it be possible to miss four crazy runs and fights?

Quickly walking through the corridor and running down the stairs, Moon did not put away the wand, but kept holding it tightly in his hand.He ran through the gate in two or three steps, and at the same time quickly changed his direction, heading towards the place where he just saw Ian Madden running towards.

He could vaguely see that the lights in Hagrid's cabin were still on, but he couldn't tell if Hagrid was still in there at the moment—

Now, he could only pray that Hagrid didn't go out.

Chapter 73 The Crow's Mouth

"Hagrid! Hagrid! Hagrid are you there?!"


The old wooden door was pushed open, and Moon quickly took two steps back to avoid being slapped in the face.After the door was opened, Hagrid's bearded face was revealed, with endless confusion on his face.

"Moon? Merlin's beard! Why are you outside at this time? Go back quickly, I don't want you to be in solitary for breaking school rules." As Hagrid said, he looked around and reached for it. Drive Moon away.

"Now is not the time to discuss whether to take confinement or not, Hagrid." Moon finally took a few breaths. "Huh... someone broke into the Forbidden Forest. It's Ian Madden, a sixth-year student from Ravenclaw. He also kidnapped my classmate, the little girl named Violet. I have asked Mr. Filch to find the professors. You must enter the Forbidden Forest as soon as possible to find that person."

Hagrid was still a little confused at first, but when he heard what was going on, he immediately reacted, turned around and went into the house, grabbed the oil lamp, and put the little red umbrella into his pocket, "I'm going into the Forbidden Forest right now. Here, Moon, hurry up—"

"I'm not going back. Don't worry. I won't go in with you stupidly and drag you down. Go in and chase the person. That's that direction." Munn pointed to the forbidden forest. "He entered near that opening. Leave some marks along the way." , be more conspicuous, I will wait here for the professors to come, and then go in with them to find you."

This arrangement was obviously much more thoughtful than what Hagrid had just thought. Moreover, if Munn hadn't mentioned the mark, Hagrid would have forgotten all about it.

He slapped his forehead in annoyance, then nodded quickly, stopped talking nonsense, whistled, and strode into the forbidden forest with his teeth.

Moon's hanging heart finally relaxed a little, but he still did not completely relax his vigilance - no one can guarantee that Ian Madden will not go around in a circle and sneak out of the Forbidden Forest quietly. If he does appear, In this situation, but his wand is in his pocket, it would be fun to let people relax their vigilance. The result is equivalent to directly putting a hostage in Ian Madden's hand.

Just when Moon was thinking about this, suddenly, a sharp wind whistle came from behind him, followed by the whisper of a curse.

What is a crow's mouth?What do you mean by a good spirit that doesn’t work but a bad spirit?

Moon wished he could slap himself twice on the mouth, but now was obviously not the time to do that.

He didn't dare to turn around and look - mainly because he didn't have time. The enemy had obviously launched an attack. Turning back to look stupidly was almost like trying to get a spell in vain. Although he didn't understand clearly what the spell was, all idiots knew it. It's definitely not going to be a "clean slate."

Without caring about his demeanor or image, Moon pounced forward and fell directly to the ground. This allowed him to successfully dodge the first spell and gave him the opportunity to roll around and look towards The person who initiated the attack.

The loose black robe, thin and gloomy face, high forehead, high nose bridge, and brown hair curled and hanging down gave this man a bit of melancholy.

This was none other than Ian Madden, and at this time, the wand in his hand had pointed at Moon again.


Munn heard the spell clearly, which made him excited. He quickly waved his wand and shouted: "Protego (armor protection)!"

Under the protection of the Iron Armor Curse, Ian's Crushing Curse did not achieve very good results, but now that he is on the offensive side, and Munn is almost lying on the ground, with great difficulty in moving, this has given Ian even more Considerable advantage.Therefore, Ian's wand kept going, and the spells came one after another. Before Moon could even resist, Ian shot a disarming spell and knocked the wand away.

Reality is not like acting in a movie. Ian will never be complacent and give up the attack just because Moon's wand was knocked away. When dealing with the enemy, the only thing to do is pursue the victory. How can there be so many idiots asking for trouble?Even if there really was, Ian was definitely not one of them. He watched Munn's wand fly to the side, his face finally showed a hint of triumph, his right hand sank, and the spell of the Petrification Curse was blurted out.

At this moment, the grass on the ground suddenly entangled Ian's ankle and pulled him aside violently—although the strength was not particularly strong, Ian was still staggered. The spell was also directly swallowed by him.

He quickly stood up straight, lifted his feet vigorously and tore away the unfrozen grass that bound him, and then looked around vigilantly.

Something is wrong!

Ian, who had found nothing, suddenly found that the grass on the ground was still wrapping around his feet, and there was a sound of wind coming from behind——someone sneak attack? !

He didn't care about Munn who hurriedly climbed up to pick up the wand. He waved the wand hard, throwing out countless sparks to break open the dense grass, and at the same time protected himself with an iron armor spell.

As a result, he was knocked out the next moment.

It wasn't anyone who attacked him, but a slightly thick tree trunk.

After picking up the wand, Moon was thankful in his heart that the grass and tree command technique from the "Magic Book" saved his life, while pointing the wand at Ian who was lying on the ground, "Petrificus Totalus (Petrificus Totalus)!"

Ian, who had been hit hard by a tree trunk, was still in pain, but the danger behind him obviously required him to care more than the physical pain.He followed suit, rolling over on the ground just like when Munn dealt with him before, while dodging Munn's petrification spell, he counterattacked with a stun spell.

The activated vegetation of the Grass and Tree Command Spell has a limited range. Although Ian took a heavy hit at this time, he was already out of the attack range of the activated vegetation.Moon maintained the home court advantage, but could not go any further. He and Ian could only continue to use magic spells to attack each other.

But this does not mean that Moon has no other options.

He first thought of the spell of Blood Tongue's Command, but quickly rejected it directly - this spell needs to be stronger than the opponent's willpower to be released smoothly, but Ian doesn't look like a weak willpower or defensive mind at all. Lax guy, Blood Tongue's order can fix Gavin, a big fool, but it may not be effective against Ian Madden.

There are also some more damaging spells. Although they can definitely help him deal with Ian, they are very likely to overkill him, such as punching several holes in him and blasting out several craters. What.Firstly, it would be difficult for him to explain after using it, and secondly, if someone was killed, the subsequent trouble would be even greater. Therefore, it was absolutely impossible for him to use these spells unless his life was in danger.

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