"In order to protect the private rights and extracurricular life time of professors, except for the president and vice president, each professor can only serve as the guiding professor of one club."

"Uh..." Moon touched his neck, feeling a little embarrassed.

Professor McGonagall seemed to have noticed his embarrassment, but she still did not consider saying some comforting words, but said bluntly: "In fact, regarding the dueling club, Hogwarts once had it, Flit." The first club organized by Professor Wei was the dueling club. I think you should have heard that he was a dueling champion when he was young."

"Like all clubs formed by professors themselves, his duel club also adopted an invitation system at that time. But Moon, you have to know that magic itself is a thing that comes with considerable risks, not to mention duels. A high-risk sport. Even though Professor Flitwick has repeatedly warned against using too many dangerous spells in competitions within the club, there are always people who can't help but break the rules, especially when they are at a disadvantage in a duel. Just like that, one day A student nearly died in Professor Flitwick's dueling club."

"Even the deliberately selected outstanding students, with a small number and tutored by professors, the Duel Club caused such a big mess. This is why Professor Flitwick later became frustrated and banned the Duel Club. , the main reason for opening your own spell club. If you open such a large-scale duel club according to your idea, have you ever thought about the consequences? "

Facing Professor McGonagall's stern gaze, Moon did not dodge, but frankly admitted his mistake, "You are right, Professor, I did not think it through. In fact, this plan did come to mind in a flash. , only considering that everyone may lack duel experience when danger comes, but ignores the huge risks involved. I will try again to see if I can think of a way to get the best of both worlds. If not, then this idea can only be shelved for the time being. ”

"You are right, but it's too early." Professor McGonagall nodded gently with pleasure, and then said slowly: "You are only in the first year, so you haven't been exposed to many contents. When you are in the senior year, you will learn more about the dark world." In the Magic Defense class, you will actually come into contact with some practical skills."

Moon agreed, talked to Professor McGonagall about something else, and then left Professor McGonagall's office.

In fact, he had thought about the reason why Lockhart later wanted to establish a dueling club, but was approved - I'm afraid Lockhart used his sharp tongue and made many guarantees, but in the end he threw them all away. Everything is in the back of your mind.

And this is probably the main reason why his duel club only held one meeting and nothing happened.

The problems Professor McGonagall mentioned do exist objectively, and they are not trivial problems. Until there is no way to ensure that everyone will not use some curses and poisonous spells that cause serious harm, he can completely forget about the idea of ​​dueling clubs. .

Moon was not discouraged by this. In fact, he was prepared for the possibility that the duel club idea would be rejected from the beginning.As he told Professor McGonagall before, this was just an impromptu attempt that he came up with, and it was not as well thought out as the school newspaper's plan.What's more, he didn't gain anything today - there were dozens of clubs, enough for them to use for many issues of the school newspaper.

Thinking of this, Moon couldn't help but smile. He hurriedly quickened his pace and walked quickly towards the common room.

After working overtime all day yesterday, he and everyone finally finished all the manuscripts for the fourth issue of the school newspaper. Today was a complete rest time, and he even decided to read less for a while.

Maybe we can play two games of wizard chess with Gal, Cedric, and Milton?Or maybe play some Gobstone?If he remembered correctly, Milton's roommate Ackerman had a trick. Who lost miserably last time and was sprayed with stinky juice by Gobstone?

No matter what, we'll talk about it when we get back.

Chapter 94 Moon’s Troubles

On the last weekend of February, the Quidditch match between Ravenclaw and Slytherin officially started. After a fierce battle, the match ended with Slytherin winning without any suspense.

There is no way. In recent years, the quality of Slytherin House's Quidditch team has been too high. Winning the championship has almost become their daily routine.Gryffindor's Charlie Weasley once led the Gryffindor team to break their monopoly on the championship. However, because the other Gryffindor players were slightly weaker, that victory also became Gryffindor's victory. Many are short-lived.

In March, Professor Kump, who had been recuperating for nearly a month, finally returned to the Defense Against the Dark Arts class - Naftali's soul invasion did not cause him any harm, but Professor Snape's shot The power of Shen Feng Wuying is a bit too great.What's more, during this period, Professor Kump was summoned by the Ministry of Magic many times to cooperate with the investigation of Naftali and the Snake King Society and accept questioning.More importantly, the professor needed to do a lot of psychological construction for himself before he could accept the embarrassing fact that "I was the one behind the scenes."

After an initial period of growth, the school newspaper of Moon and others soon began to develop steadily.The number of new readers is not large, but fortunately it has been growing at a tepid rate, and the income brought is enough to keep a group of young wizards happy for a long time.During this period, they added new news content related to various clubs in the school. Those clubs liked to cooperate with them, especially the Wizards Chess Club, which had always been tepid in the school, and Gobstone, which was even more unknown than the Wizards Chess Club. club.

The publicity of the school newspaper can bring them more attention, let everyone know them better, and make more people want to join them. For these clubs, nothing is more real than this.Not to mention cooperating with interviews and providing news, even if they are required to pay fees to the school newspaper, some clubs are very happy.Of course, Moon insisted that they couldn't accept this money - short-talking and soft-handed, this kind of precedent should never be set.

In mid-March, due to the steady growth in the size and readership of the school newspaper, they received article support from their first professor.Professor Sprout found them and expressed his willingness to provide a research article on Dracaena [Note 1] and asked them if they wanted to publish it in the school newspaper simultaneously.Of course, Moon and others were very happy. From the beginning, their school newspaper had such a special column in their plan.

Not surprisingly, Professor Sprout's academic articles brought them a new wave of growth, and some readers who paid more attention to academic content also began to pay attention to the Hogwarts school newspaper.Moreover, Professor Sprout made a good start. Since her article, more Hogwarts professors and senior students are willing to publish their articles in the school newspaper simultaneously. This is real. It has increased the value of the school newspaper.

There were no upsets in the Quidditch matches in March and May. In the March match, Hufflepuff lost to Gryffindor by a considerable score difference; in the two matches in May, Hufflepuff lost to Gryffindor by a considerable margin; Letlin easily defeated Hufflepuff, and Gryffindor also narrowly defeated Ravenclaw.In the end, Slytherin won the Quidditch House Cup this school year with an excellent record of victory.

In this ordinary campus life day after day, Moon's first grade gradually came to its final end - the final exam.


"Oh my God, Munn, help!" Garr walked to Munn with two rolls of parchment. "Is it the devil Aymeric or the weirdo Yurik [Note 2]? I'm going to be driven crazy by these two people. I dropped it. Also, I can’t always memorize the recipe for the potion to treat boils. Do you have any ideas..."

"I don't have any good ideas, Gal, because I can't engrave these things on your brain." Moon closed the book helplessly and looked at Gal, "You can only memorize them yourself and find a way to remember them. Oh my god. ...Evil's guy is a bad guy, Oddball's guy is a funny guy, what's the difference?. Would you call a guy who carried out a reign of terror an 'oddball'? [Note 3]"

"Okay..." Garr sat on the soft sofa opposite Moon in distress, scratching his hair vigorously. "What about the fire-making spell? You can help me practice this, right?"

"..." Moon lowered his head feebly and sighed, "Let's go to the school newspaper office and let me see how you cast the spell."

After finally getting a positive answer, Garr jumped up happily, pulling Moon with him and rushing out of the Hufflepuff common room.

He is not a special case. During the period before the final exam, many first-year wizards from Hufflepuff came to Munn to ask about key knowledge that may be tested in the exam, as well as the essentials of spellcasting movements and vocalizations. Wait, there were even people who wanted to ask Munn to help make a cheat sheet - but in the end, Munn firmly refused.

Not only Hufflepuff, but also some Gryffindor little lions also sought the help of Moon under the leadership of Angelina and Doreen, of course, only a few.Because the vast majority of lions are not afraid of final exams at all. To be precise, they continue to have fun as usual while talking about their fear of final exams.

This is probably the bravery and fearlessness of lions.

On the way, Moon and Gal bumped into Violet and her roommates who had just returned from the Owl Cabin.After learning the purpose of Moon and Gal, the four little badgers also followed the two of them. A group of six people hurried to the school newspaper office and began the final training before the final exam.

In fact, Moon is not averse to helping these classmates.He had already learned the content in the first grade by heart, because there was nothing difficult in it, most of it was very basic content.He is talented enough, studies hard enough, and his memory and practical ability are quite good. As long as Professor Snape doesn't pick on him, he is almost destined to pass the first-year final exam with straight A's.Therefore, helping a group of classmates in his free time is actually a very good leisure and entertainment activity for him.

The problem was that Garr asked him the same questions almost every day.

This was the root of Moon's distress when facing Gal.


[Note 1] Dracaena, angiosperm - monocot class - Liliales - Agaveceae - genus Dracaena, is a plant that actually exists in reality.

[Note 2] Emeric the Evil and Uric the Oddball are two people that freshmen often get confused with. oddball - weird, weird.

[Note 3] The demon Aymeric once implemented a reign of terror in southern England for a period of time in the early Middle Ages.

Chapter 95 Gal’s Bravery

As it turns out, Gal is a huge liar.

In the history of magic exam, he not only differentiated between the demon Aymeric and the weirdo Ulric, but he also successfully got an E.He didn't stretch his hips during the Charms exam. Although most of the spells were mediocre, it was enough for him to get an A. His outstanding performance in casting the Levitation Curse even earned him a special award from Professor Flitwick. Give him an E. [Note 1]

Comparing the two courses that he struggled with before the exam, it was the astronomy course that he had always been confident about that gave him a heavy blow.He marked Jupiter and Venus incorrectly, Mercury and Uranus, wrongly marked a lot of satellites, and made a mess of the orbits of Jupiter, Mars and Venus. In the words of Professor Sinistra, Gal It's not even as good as drawing three donuts on it.Therefore, he finally received a T in his final exam in astronomy, and for the next two days, he was nicknamed "Troll Gar" by the Hufflepuff badgers.

Of course, Gal passed every subject except astronomy.

The test results made Gal happy for a long time. Although being called Troll Gar made him very unhappy, at least he passed all other exams. As for astronomy...

He believes he will be able to make a comeback.

Gal's test scores were the worst among the four in their dormitory. Arlin got three E's, but he got a P in History of Magic. He gave the wrong answer to the 1709 Wizards' Convention - in his writing, that The timeline of the Wizarding Conference jumped to 1907, and the inventor of the automatic stirring crucible was born 300 years earlier by him. There was also content related to the goblin rebellion. He wrote several names wrong.Apart from that, he got A's in all the remaining subjects.

Cedric is the No. 2 first-year Hufflepuff, even among the top first-year students at Hogwarts. He got four O's, namely Transfiguration, Charms, History of Magic and Herbology. He also got E's in all the remaining courses.As for No. 1, there was no doubt that he was snatched away by Moon. All his subjects were O, and he completed the answer sheets and practical exercises of each course perfectly. He was praised by the professors as "the standard for the final exam" Answer".

The final exam will be in the first week of June, and the results of each subject will be released one after another in the second week. In the third week of June, they will leave Hogwarts on the Hogwarts Express. Come back home and enjoy your summer vacation.

Before going home, they had only one last group activity left - the final dinner, just the day before taking the express train home.

That is tonight.


"I actually don't think there's anything." Gal chewed a gummy candy, sat by the lake, and mumbled: "I mean, astronomy isn't that important anyway, right? The trajectory of Venus won't affect it. We use magic, and when I use the softening spell, I don't need to recall in my mind where the damn moons of Jupiter are."

"This kind of thinking is wrong."

Several young wizards looked back and found that the people coming were the brothers Victor and Adam, and the person who had just objected to Gal's opinion was Victor who was walking in front holding a textbook.

He put down the book in his hand, sat next to the four little badgers, and said with a smile: "Astronomy is a subject closely related to magic. Divination, herbalism and even potions all involve astronomy, the laws of star movement, and cycles. , trajectory-related content, and even transfiguration. And if you learn ancient magic texts, ancient magic, large-scale magic and other related content in the future, you will also know that it is inextricably linked to astronomy. ."

Gal was dumbfounded for a moment. He looked at Victor suspiciously, probably wondering if Victor was tricking him.

But Moon's approval made him quickly realize that Victor obviously didn't lie to him.

"Victor is right. If astronomy was as useless as you say, it wouldn't be in the Hogwarts curriculum."

"Well, but—"

Gal seemed to want to defend something, but was interrupted by Adam, "Speaking of which, you should have seen the giant squid?"

The fact is that when they saw Adam's playful smile, the other three little badgers except Moon became very angry.

It has been a whole school year, and they already know that the giant squid is not some "magical Hogwarts legend", but a real creature that exists in the lake. It has even been seen by many people. The big guy can even appear in the weather. Come out and bask in the sun when the weather is nice.Gemma also told them that there is a "Lake Wall" in the Slytherin common room, which is made of glass. Through that glass wall, you can occasionally see the figure of a giant squid swimming by.

As a result, the mystery Adam told about was so mysterious that he deceived them for a long time.

However, everyone still shook their heads together.

Yes, they are so unlucky. They have been attending Hogwarts for a year, and they have heard the legend of the giant squid from countless people - but they have never seen that interesting big guy once. .

Even Violet happened to see the tentacles of a giant squid extending out of the lake during a walk.

Adam was also stunned by the reactions of the little badgers. Unexpectedly, none of the four little wizards had ever seen a giant squid.

He quickly showed a malicious smile, moved next to Gal, and said pretentiously: "Do you want to see a giant squid?"

Gal reflexively leaned back and stayed away from Adam, but soon asked with longing, "Do you really have a way to see the giant squid?"

"Of course!" Adam clapped his hands and said with a smile, "As long as I throw you down, you can see that the giant squid will save those little wizards who unfortunately fall into the water."

He originally thought that Gal would complain about him, complain about something, and satisfy his curiosity, but in the end...

"Okay." Gal stood up happily. "I happen to not be able to swim. The giant squid will definitely save me."

Now it was Adam's turn to be dumbfounded.

OK, what the hell?Is this little guy so brave?Is he really a Hufflepuff and not a Gryffindor?

Damn it, junior, did the Sorting Hat sort you into the wrong house?

Just when Adam was still a little at a loss, Gal had already started to take off his wizard robe, but soon he stopped again. "Hmm... Why don't you take it off? Will it look bad?" Doesn’t it look like you accidentally slipped and fell into the water?”


[Note 1] Hogwarts exam scores are divided into: O-excellent, E-good, A-pass, P-poor, D-very poor, T-extremely poor.Of course, it can also be understood as: O-excellent, E-exceeded expectations, A-pass, P-fail, D-terrible, T-Troll.

Chapter 96 Academy Cup

"Wuhu!" turned into a drowned rat. The dripping Gar was hung high on the lake by the tip of an tentacle that was as thick as an ordinary small tree. His face was completely devoid of any fear or panic, instead it was full of excitement. Excited and excited.

Moon, who was sitting by the lake, was filled with emotion. When this guy first met Hagrid, a large human about three meters tall could scare him to the point of shrinking. Since he became familiar with Hagrid, this guy has become more and more frightened. The guy is getting bolder and bolder.

If he had been hung up by the giant squid's tentacles like this before he met Hagrid, then Gal would have performed "Soprano" live by now.

Besides them, there were many other students on the shore of the lake. Although there were many people in Hogwarts who had seen giant squids, everyone would still be excited every time they saw one. There was a lot of discussion, and of course it was the same at this time.Amid everyone's shouting, Gal was carried by the giant squid's tentacles and slowly moved to the shore, and then gently put down - as if to comfort or encourage Gal, the giant squid actually knocked him with its tentacles. Knock Gal on the head.

Moon held up his camera to record all the scenes - they had a special leaving issue to publish tonight, and Moon planned to go to the school newspaper office later to post this scene at the end of the semester. in a newspaper.

After returning to the earth, Gal first shook off the water on his body, and then began to run happily towards Munn and others, smiling like a little plum holding a water gun [Note 1].

He walked all the way around half of the lake, and when he came back he excitedly told everyone: "It was so fun! It was so fun! I want to go down there again! But the water choked me a bit, and that big guy pulled me out of the water. It got up too fast.”

"Do you have any other feelings?" Yaerlin looked at Gal with burning eyes, seeming a little eager to give it a try.

Gal frowned, thinking about it, and after a few seconds he said, "Well, it also smells a bit."

No one knew what Gal was talking about. It might be referring to the lake water or the giant squid, but this did not prevent everyone - including Victor and Moon from laughing too.



The school auditorium, which was originally noisy and chaotic like a vegetable market or a promotional supermarket, gradually became quiet under Professor Dumbledore's call with amplifying spell.

Probably because the exciting summer vacation is approaching, at this last dinner before leaving school, everyone is talking freely with the classmates around them and excitedly discussing summer vacation plans.This forced Professor Dumbledore to use the Amplifying Charm to stop everyone from speaking temporarily and listen to the respected headmaster say a few words.

"First of all, congratulations to everyone for another successful school year. As usual, we will announce our Academy Cup winner at the end of this school year."

As he spoke, Dumbledore clapped his hands gently, and the decoration in the auditorium suddenly changed. Silver and green banners hung from above, a giant snake with its head raised above it, and the candlelight decoration began to become more Gothic. , the shelves are surrounded by small metal snakes, and even the tableware on the table has some Slytherin-style patterns.

There were cheers from the long table belonging to Slytherin House. At the teacher's table, Snape showed a rare smile and shook hands with Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick beside him.There were inevitably many dejected students on the long tables in other houses, and some boos could even be heard at the Gryffindor table - but according to Don, who was sitting not far to the left of Moon, According to Kess, the situation this year is much better than in previous years.

"Very good, very good. Congratulations to Slytherin." Dumbledore also praised him. After waiting for a while, until the sound in the auditorium became quieter again, he pressed his palms to signal everyone to be quiet, and then continued. Said: "In addition, today we have to announce some special circumstances."

"I believe that students who have paid attention to the school newspaper will know that this year, a big event happened in our school. A dark wizard broke into our school. But you don't need to panic, that black wizard The wizard didn't accomplish anything, but was successfully arrested the same day he broke into the school."

When Dumbledore said this, almost everyone looked at the Hufflepuff table, or to be precise, at Moon.

This made Moon couldn't help but sit up a little straighter. He also picked up a napkin and wiped the corners of his already clean mouth. Tonks was lying on the table and snickering crazily.

"Yes, just two days ago, the Ministry of Magic finally officially announced the punishment of the dark wizard. He was sentenced to life imprisonment for his major mistakes. And we can finally make a decision on the arrest. A student with outstanding contributions, Moon Fox from Hufflepuff, will be commended, which is our 'Special Contribution to the School Award', to encourage and praise his bravery, fearlessness, extraordinary ability and wisdom."

Most of the students in the auditorium applauded, but as soon as they started, Dumbledore pressed his palms again with a smile. Apparently, he hadn't finished speaking yet.

"At the same time, we would like to give some additional recognition to Mr. Moon. The school newspaper planned and created by him has not only been a great success, but he has also established a complete and excellent structure to make this school newspaper The newspaper can exist and operate for a long time. For this reason, I will award him the second 'Special Contribution to the School Award' this school year. In addition, every student on the founding list of the school newspaper, including those from Hutchison Gal Fuller, Arryn Sutton, Cedric Diggory, Nymphadora Tonks, Violet Evelina from Patch, and from Gryffindor Angelina Johnson, Doreen Dawson, Nash Blade from Ravenclaw, Gemma Farley from Slytherin, each of them will win ten points for their house."

"That is to say -" Dumbledore waved his palm gently, and shining gems began to fall from the four containers containing gems at the door of the auditorium. "Hufflepuff House will increase by ninety points, and Gryffindor will increase by ninety points." Twenty points, Ravenclaw and Slytherin each add ten points. Although this does not change the winners of the House Cup this school year, it does make some changes in the ranking of house points. Congratulations to them!"

There was thunderous applause, not only for their own house, but also for Moon, the excellent and kind little Hufflepuff badger. Apart from the jealous, how many people would not like it?


[Note 1] Refers to Leonardo DiCaprio, an actor, also known as DiCaprio, who has a famous emoticon of holding a water gun. Recently, the photo cannot be posted. If you are interested, you can search it.

Chapter 97 The Eve of Farewell

[Additional Note] Some people may have some doubts about the extra points at the end of the previous chapter, mainly because Hufflepuff-Moon's two "Special Contribution to the School Awards" will receive twenty points each, except The other five people besides him (Gall, Arlin, Cedric, Tonks, and Violet) each received ten points, which is 20+20+50=90.Moon did not receive extra points on the school newspaper's first-year list because the award the school newspaper brought him was the "Special Contribution to the School Award."


It's a pity, this is the unanimous evaluation of the results of the House Cup by Hufflepuff students.

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