Gal's voice was trembling as he spoke, and he sat unsteadily on the sofa by the fireplace. Milton quickly gave him a bottle of pumpkin juice to calm his shock.

"Especially one time, I had just finished cleaning a classroom, and as soon as I opened the door, Bloody Barrow passed right through my body."

"Go through it!"

Gal took a big sip of pumpkin juice, and then closed his eyes in pain. "I was completely frightened. I stood there for a long time without daring to move. I even wondered if I was going to die - you must not have been ghosted." It passed through my body. It was so terrible... so terrible... I felt as if I had fallen into an ice cellar, and my whole body was so cold that it was so cold that it reached my bones..."

The other little wizards had indeed not been passed through by ghosts. Only Artman, Milton's roommate who was very good at wizard chess, nodded with lingering fear.He has also bumped into ghosts, and he is also Professor Binns, who teaches the history of magic.One day during class, he was late and hurriedly ran across the podium to his seat. Professor Binns happened to come out of the wall, and he bumped into each other.

Ya'erlin thought about it for a while, and then suddenly asked in confusion: "Did Bloody Barro say anything at that time?"

Amid everyone's surprised gazes, Garr nodded, "I told you, he said, you should walk with your eyes on."

After repeating this sentence, Gal completely lost his voice, and slumped on the sofa in a state of dejection, turning into a "heap".

No one knew what to say to comfort Gal, but Milton rebuked angrily: "Damn it, how could he say that? Who can see him through a door!"

Whether Gal could see Bloody Barrow through a door, Moon didn't know, but Moon could guarantee that there was a high probability that Bloody Barrow would appear in Gal's dream tonight.

There is no other way but to hope that Gal can sleep peacefully tonight.


In the next few days, Gal fell into a particularly decadent state. There were psychological reasons for this. The Bloody Barrow left such a serious psychological shadow on him that day that Gal still has trouble seeing ghosts. Trembling with fear; and also for physiological reasons, Gal had not been able to get a good night's sleep for several days. He had nightmares almost every night, and he was even woken up by nightmares within a few minutes of falling asleep.

If their Potions class professor was changed to someone else, maybe Moon and the others could get Gal a potion to calm his nerves, but it was obvious that Professor Snape was eager to see Gal's performance in Potions class. It's like a guy suffering from a missing brain stem.Therefore, in desperation, everyone had to turn to the head of Hufflepuff, their lovely Professor Sprout.

If Professor Sprout can't do anything, then they probably have to carry Gal to the school doctor's office.

"Scared? Oh, poor child..." Professor Sprout touched Gal's head, his chubby face full of sympathy, "It's best to drink some milk before going to bed. As for something that can help calm you down... "

The professor stood in front of his desk and thought about it for a moment, then he took a pot of beautiful red flowers from the window sill, carefully pulled off a leaf from it, and stuffed it into a small cloth bag. "This thing should be It will be useful, take it out and smell it before going to bed, it will make you sleep much more comfortable."

With a dejected face, Gal took the bag as if he had found a treasure and held it in the palm of his hand. He quickly wanted to smell it, but was immediately stopped by Professor Sprout, "Hey, before going to bed, Gal, it's not here. You don't want to be here." Just sleep in my office until night. These are the petals of the water sparrow [Note 1], which have a very powerful sleep-aiding effect. In your current state, you will fall asleep soon after smelling it."

Gal was startled by Professor Sprout's words. They were about to go to Potions class. If he really fell asleep here and missed Potions class, he couldn't imagine what Professor Snape would do next. How to humiliate yourself in class.

He quickly put away the bag, thanked Professor Sprout profusely with his roommates, and then hurried to the Potions classroom.

"Well, it seems that some people like to enter the classroom by stepping on the dots." Professor Snape looked at the Moon and four people who rushed into the classroom at almost the last moment when the second hand coincided with the 12 o'clock position without expression, and said lightly. : "Can you please tell me what makes you so proud and confident, making you want to appear on stage at the last moment like the protagonist in a drama?"

"Is it Mr. Fuller's messy rust-removing agent [Note 2], or is it Mr. Sutton's inexplicably melted crucible at the end of last semester?"

"Or..." Snape's cold eyes turned to Moon, "It's those useless awards and excessive luck that blinded your eyes, Mr. Fox? You really... think of yourself as main character?"

At the end of the sentence, Snape's tone inevitably rose, and the sarcasm in his words almost hit Munn in the face.

Having attended Potions class for a whole semester, Moon already knew how to deal with this kind of situation. He bowed obediently and said, "I'm very sorry, Professor, we're late."

You can't explain, as explaining will only make Professor Snape continue to seize the gaps in your words to attack like a storm; you can't be harsh, as being harsh will cause Professor Snape to start humiliating you even more, and finally use it once A clean point deduction to end this conversation.

Just admit your mistake obediently and listen. Maybe when he is in a good mood, the ridicule will be over.

Just like today.

Snape sneered, obviously quite disdainful of Munn's admission of mistake, but he did not continue to pursue the victory, but turned around and wrote on the blackboard mercifully - this meant that Munn and the others could return to their own. The seat is on.


[Note 1] The water sparrow is an original concept of this book and does not exist in the original work.

[Note 2] Rust remover is an original concept of this book and does not exist in the original work.There may have been something similar, but only briefly.

Chapter 15 Milton's Crucible

"Hey, Gal, are you okay?" Milton sneaked up to Gal's side without fear of death and muttered.

Gal nodded listlessly. It wasn't that he had any objections to Milton, but he really couldn't raise his spirits. He was already tired and had just been ridiculed by Professor Snape. If it hadn't been for the Potions class, he would have been there long ago. Just fell asleep.

"Huh, that's good. Did you get anything from going to Professor Sprout just now?" Milton stuffed a rhizome of an unknown plant into the crucible. Moon next to him was about to stop him, but it was too late. .

He sighed and quickly turned his head away.

"Poof -" Milton's cauldron made a muffled sound as if it was full of food, and the sound sounded like farting.At the same time, there was a thick dark green fog and an unbearable stench.

Several Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw girls retched, covering their noses and slapping their hands repeatedly. The remaining little wizards also looked frightened, making vague gestures to escape.

Milton, who was standing in front of the crucible, and Gal, who was sitting next to him, suffered a great disaster, although this "difficulty" was caused by themselves.The powerful stench knocked Gal out of breath. Milton also turned over from the stool and began to lie on the ground coughing hard.

Professor Snape's face was suddenly blackened into ashes. He pulled out his wand and swiped it down. The door to the classroom suddenly opened, and the dark green fog was swept away as if swept by a strong wind, and everything was smooth. They poured out through the open door, then gradually faded away.

"Milton... Graves." After cleaning up the classroom, Professor Snape walked up to Milton with a cold face. "Twenty points from Hufflepuff. In addition, you'd better hope that the person next to you This Mr. Fuller has not suffered any permanent trauma from your potion, otherwise, I guarantee that you will never be able to enter Hogwarts... in the future."

After saying that, he turned around suddenly, and the edge of his black cloak swept Milton's face away, startling Milton again.At the same time, Professor Snape clicked the wand in his hand above Gal, and Gal's unconscious body seemed to be tied with a strap, flying gently, and walked out of the door with him.

"Gravers, collect your things and go to Mr. Filch to receive a week of confinement, and wait for your follow-up notification. Others, what are you doing in a daze? Have you finished mixing your potions? Before get out of class ends. I will be back, and by then, if anyone’s potion has not been mixed..."

"At your own risk."

"Bang——!" The door of the Potions classroom slammed shut again, and Milton slumped on the ground with an ashen face, and put away his things in confusion.

Moon walked to him helplessly and patted his shoulder, "Hey, Milton, don't worry, you won't be kicked out of school. Gal was just too weak recently, so he was fainted by the overly irritating smell. It'll be over and everything will be fine."

What he said is indeed true. The star orchid rhizome that Milton just added to the pot will not make his potion toxic. It will only destroy his pot of potion and release a large amount of stinky gas. No way, that's what happens when you heat the star orchid rhizome and the mushroom leaves [Note 1] together.

After hearing this, Milton finally came back to his senses. He nodded gratefully to Moon, hurriedly put away textbooks and other things, and walked out of the Potions classroom with his head lowered.

"Poor Gal..." Cedric and Moon watched Milton walk out of the classroom, looked at each other again, and then said with emotion: "I hope he can sleep well this time."


Professor Snape has always been a punctual person, and with twenty minutes left before the end of get out of class, he rushed back in time and began to examine everyone's potion preparation process with a straight face.

Everyone's potions were average, which made Professor Snape very pleased.Firstly, he could find faults, ridicule, and blame these stupid students who couldn't even understand what was clearly written on the blackboard; secondly, this also proved that the damn Moon did not help others prepare magic. Medicine, you know, this kind of thing is absolutely intolerable to him.

But what he didn't know was that 30.00% of the potions in the classroom actually had the help of Moon.Moon didn't help them make the potion perfect, because it would definitely make Professor Snape unhappy, but Moon could at least prevent the contents of their cauldron from turning into a disaster.

Finally, the get out of class ended successfully. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, went up to the stage one by one to hand over the potions, and then hurriedly left the potions classroom.

It was Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw's second class on Thursday morning, and as soon as Potions class was over, they could go have lunch and have fun all afternoon.That's right, there are no classes on Thursday afternoons for Hufflepuff second years.

In the auditorium, Arlin stuffed apple pie into his mouth and asked vaguely, "Hey, should we go see Gal later and bring him some dessert?"

Moon turned over a page of the book and responded casually: "You can go see him, but go later, he may not wake up if you go too early. Forget about desserts, what can Gal eat and what cannot he eat these days? , it still depends on Madam Pomfrey’s opinion.”

Moon's words were half right - Garr really couldn't eat desserts these two days. Madam Pomfrey gave him some extra soothing potions and some body conditioning potions, allowing him to stay in the school infirmary for two days. God, get well.There was nothing he could do. Several days of insomnia and panic had a great impact on Gal's body.As for the half of what Moon said was wrong, it was because not only did Garr not wake up at this moment.

At night, when Moon, Cedric, and Arlin rushed to the school doctor's office, Gal was still asleep, sleeping soundly and even snoring.

The three little wizards looked at me and I looked at you, and they all felt dumbfounded.

"Forget it, let's go back first. It's a good thing that he can sleep a little longer... I really don't know why Gal is so afraid of Bloody Baron." Munn shook his head helplessly, and pulled Cedric and Arlin together. He was about to go out, but the curtain of the hospital bed next to him suddenly opened a gap from the inside, and a little head quietly slipped out from inside.


Hearing the familiar voice, Moon quickly turned around and looked, and sure enough, it was Randall Dempsey.


[Note 1] Star orchids and mushroom-shaped flowers are original concepts of this book and do not exist in the original work.

Chapter No.16 Please help

"Hey, Randall?" Moon was a little surprised. "Why are you here?"

Randall completely opened the curtain of the bed, revealing his current appearance - one arm was hung by gauze on his chest, and it looked like it was at least a fracture.

"I fell down and fell down the stairs before, and my left hand was broken." He rubbed his hair with his good hand and said with an embarrassed smile: "The boy in the next bed Is he your roommate? I saw it when the dean brought him over."

Of course he was lying, and Moon discovered this immediately, but he didn't think directly exposing Randall was a good choice.As for what happened to his hand, since Randall would deliberately lie, the answer is obvious.There is no doubt that Randall had conflicts with his classmates.

"That's right, Randall, that's our roommate." Moon nodded. He wanted to give a few words of advice, but immediately gave up.It was not his place to say these words. If Randall chose Slytherin, he would be doomed to endure more suffering. He could help Randall for a while, but he could not help Randall forever.

What's more, unless he hits it personally, he has neither reason nor way to help Randall.

Randall had no intention of asking Moon for help. To be honest, just those words that Moon said on the Hogwarts Express had already made Randall quite grateful to Moon.At this moment, he just heard Munn's voice and wanted to say a few words to Munn.

Therefore, after chatting for a while, Randall waved goodbye to Moon and the others and watched them leave the school doctor's office.

After walking out of the school doctor's office, a thought suddenly flashed through Moon's mind.

"Well, Cedric, Arlin, you go back to the common room first, and I'll go to the school newspaper office."

Cedric and Arlin didn't know what Moon was thinking. Of course, they had nothing to be curious about. Moon would often run to the school newspaper office or library on a whim. For his three roommates, This is not a rare thing at all.So the two of them nodded and left. Before leaving, they didn't forget to tell Munn to remember to go back early.

In fact, the reason why Moon wanted to go to the school newspaper office was very simple - he certainly didn't want to write an article to accuse Randall of being bullied, and he didn't know the complete story. What's more, he wrote such an article inexplicably. Randall will be bullied even worse.But he can find someone else to help take care of Randall.

For example...

"Gemma? Ha, thank God you're still here." Moon opened the door of the school newspaper office and immediately saw Gemma Farley sitting at the table checking articles.

Gemma looked back at Moon in surprise. Although she didn't reply, the puzzlement in her eyes clearly showed that she was curious about Moon's purpose.

"Well... I have something to ask you. Do you remember that your college has a very famous freshman this year? Randall Dempsey?" Moon closed the office door and walked to sit next to Gemma.

"Remember." Gemma answered Moon's question concisely and concisely. She always disliked convoluted expressions.

Therefore, Moon said bluntly: "I would like to ask you to help me pay more attention to him when you have free time."

Gemma's pretty brows suddenly furrowed. She stared at Munn, as if waiting for Munn's explanation.

"Well, I just went to the school doctor's office. My roommate Gal had an accident today. As a result, when I was in the school doctor's office, I met Randall Dempsey. He was injured, quite seriously. His left hand was mostly It's a fracture. Although he said he fell down the stairs, I can tell that he is lying. It should be because of his special status that he was bullied by his classmates. If it was done by someone from another college, I feel There won’t be any rumors, so it’s more likely that someone within Slytherin House did it.”

Moon spoke out his thoughts completely, and Gemma immediately fell into a brief thought.

After about a few seconds, she nodded slightly and agreed to Moon's request.

Just when Moon thanked her and was about to leave, Gemma suddenly asked softly: "What if it was Randall Dempsey who caused the trouble first and took action?"

Moon himself had anticipated this possibility before - Randall always looked shy, but in fact he was very stubborn and had his own ideas.Therefore, the conflict is not necessarily initiated by others. It is possible that someone else caused a quarrel first, but Randall took action directly. This situation is not completely impossible.

Therefore, he gave his answer simply, "Just handle it as you normally would."

Gemma has always acted fairly, which was evident from the conversations that took place before and after Tonks' duel with her last year.At the same time, Moon didn't think Gemma would be the kind of person who would recognize a label and easily fixate on others.

After Moon gave his answer, Gemma said nothing more and continued to work on the manuscript.Moon didn't plan to stay any longer. Most of the preliminary work he was responsible for had been completed, leaving only the final touches on the weekend.What's more, Gemma will not accept him. After all, this arrogant lady has always completed her own work independently. She will only ask others for advice and help when she is sure that she can't solve it.

But this night was destined to be uneventful. As soon as he left the door of the school newspaper office, he bumped into Professor Quirrell.

Professor Quirrell was startled by Moon (he was not pretending this time). He took half a step back and almost shrank behind the corner. Then he probably remembered that he was a professor, not a thief. Putting on a weak smile, he asked kindly: "Moon Fox, I, I didn't remember your name wrong, did I? Why, why are you still out so late?"

"Ah, Professor Quirrell." Moon bowed and responded politely: "I am the person in charge of the school newspaper. This is the school newspaper office. I have just done some work on the school newspaper and am about to go back to the common room. Where’s the room?”

Professor Quirrell suddenly realized - of course he was pretending. He had obviously known about Munn being the person in charge of the school newspaper for a long time. This poor acting skills made Munn want to laugh.However, on the surface, Moon still had to continue to cooperate.

"Haha, it's really awesome. Then, I won't bother you anymore. I, I, I have to go back to the office. I still have some homework to finish." Professor Quirrell smiled and said from Mu. En passed by, and before leaving, he did not forget to wave to Munn.

Moon naturally waved goodbye to him. When he could no longer see the professor, he immediately thought about the memory of the original work.

No.17 The Room of Requirement

What does Quirrell come to Hogwarts for? There is no need to recall this. The main reason for coming to Hogwarts is the Philosopher's Stone.

But the problem is that this is not Harry's first year, and Quirrell has not yet put on a big hat and has not been possessed by Voldemort.

Either the Philosopher's Stone has not been handed over to Dumbledore for safekeeping, or it is still lying quietly in the underground vault of Gringotts...?

Thinking of this, Moon was suddenly stunned.

Obviously, now Quirrell has become Voldemort's servant, but Voldemort has not yet possessed Quirrell - so, when did Voldemort get into the back of Quirrell's head?According to the original description, when Harry and Quirrell met for the first time, Quirrell didn't even wear the scarf.But when he officially arrived at Hogwarts, Quirrell's scarf was wrapped around his head.

It was during this period, the day Harry and Quirrell first met, that Hagrid took the Philosopher's Stone from Gringotts and brought it back to Hogwarts.

In other words, it is very likely that from that day on, Professor Dumbledore invited all the professors to set up a level to protect the Sorcerer's Stone. Quirrell learned the specific location of the Sorcerer's Stone and learned about the many protection methods of the Sorcerer's Stone. Worried that he would not be able to steal the Philosopher's Stone independently, and with the appearance of Harry, he found his master Voldemort and let Voldemort get into the back of his head.

It wasn't until Halloween that year that Quirrell tried for the first time, but was blocked by Professor Snape.Professor Snape also began to suspect Quirrell, but did not find enough evidence.Dumbledore also added a line of defense to the Sorcerer's Stone since that time - the Mirror of Erised.

That way, everything would make sense.

And if we follow this logic, Voldemort and Quirrell may have learned through some means that Dumbledore has a magic stone in his hand, so they let Quirrell return to Hogwarts and continue to serve as the Defense against Dark Arts. Professor of magic class, to explore the true location of the magic stone.

In other words, Quirrell has probably found the Philosopher's Stone at Hogwarts.

Moon knocked on the wooden barrel at the door of the common room and returned to the common room. After casually chatting with the other little badgers in the college, he got into the bed of the dormitory.

He wanted to see Quirrell's whereabouts - this guy would never return to the office as he said.

"I solemnly swear that I have done no wrong—"

The ink stains were rendered little by little on the map, gradually forming the entire map of Hogwarts.

While there was no one in the dormitory, Moon's eyes quickly roamed back and forth on the Marauder's Map, searching for Quirrell's name.

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