However, the professor didn't notice it, as if he couldn't feel the pain at all, and just looked at Arlin in shock.

Such a terrifying prophecy, such a realistic fear, made Yaerlin's whole body tremble immediately, and he became frightened along with it.

This is the Divination Professor at Hogwarts. How can her words be false?

Arlin's eyes were about to burst into tears. He looked at his three friends, but at the same time, Professor Trelawney also let go of his hand and grabbed Gal's shoulder instead, "Oh my God. ! My child! You also have a bloody disaster! A huge bad omen! A huge bad omen hangs over you!"

"...?" There was a trace of confusion in Yaerlin's frightened eyes.

Professor, is there something wrong?

Cedric and Moon, who knew the professor's "famous reputation", had already guessed what was going to happen next.

Sure enough, the next moment, Professor Trelawney almost opened her eyes to their maximum size. Through her pair of lenses, the bloodshot eyes in her cloudy eyes were quite obvious, and the proportions were slightly out of balance. This made the professor confused. It looks quite scary.

"Children! You all have a bloody disaster! All of you!"

Cedric scratched his head, feeling that the professor's prediction was more embarrassing than his own cold joke.Moon also had a look of helplessness on his face. If Professor Trelawney hadn't been so drunk, he might have cooperated, but now?

He just wanted to use his toes to dig out a Hogwarts castle on the stone bricks on the ground, and then dive into it.

"Kids, you have to find a way to - ugh!!!"

Professor Trelawney was still playing tricks, but before she could finish her words, she held her hand on the wall and vomited violently.

Chapter 33 Tonks' Acknowledgments

The farce finally ended with the appearance of Professor Sprout.

Professor Sprout, who had just finished taking care of the plants in the greenhouse, was dizzy when he saw the four Moons who were at a loss and Professor Trelawney who was vomiting into a mess.

It's so out of character - this is the only thought in Professor Sprout's mind. Yes, it's too out of character. Not only was he drunk, but he even acted like this in front of the students. If it were her, I'm afraid she would I would rather resign and find a place to remain anonymous.

However, this is Professor Trelawney, a person who drinks several bottles almost every day. Moreover, this is not the first time that Professor Trelawney has caused a scene like this.

"Okay, kids, please leave quickly. I'll clean up here." Professor Sprout sighed, and while comforting Moon and others, he used his wand to clean off Trelawney's body and clothes. "Don't worry, this is also a professor in our school. Poor guy, maybe she is in a bad mood today."

The four Moons said good afternoon to Professor Sprout, and then quickly fled the scene, fearing that the drunken professor would open his eyes and see them and continue to say "bad omen! bad omen!".


After running out of the two corridors, Arlin was the first to slow down and looked at Cedric helplessly: "Merlin's... forget it, Cedric, are you sure that the one just now is really our Divination Professor?" She looks more like a charlatan.”

Cedric rubbed his hair and said a little embarrassedly: "I'm sure, but this professor's reputation is indeed not very good. Many seniors say she's like a liar..."

Garr did not evaluate Professor Trelawney, but his reaction was more direct, "I swear, when I choose classes in the second half of the year, I will not choose Divination. She is too scary."

"Uh..." Moon looked at his three roommates, thought for a while and then explained: "I agree with your idea of ​​not taking this course, but I have to defend the professor - she is like a charlatan. Liars often do things that liars do, such as giving some vague prophecies that are completely based on chance, inference and guessing. However, this does not mean that Professor Trelawney has no real abilities at all."

Seeing the disbelief on the faces of the three roommates, Moon shrugged, "That's true. Professor Trelawney is the great-great-granddaughter of Cassandra Trelawney, a very well-known professor who has made countless achievements." A master of divination who made accurate predictions, he was once known as a 'prophet' by wizards. The talent for magic is often inherited with our blood. In other words, Professor Trelawney is actually very likely to be powerful. The gift of precognition is the possession of the so-called 'second sight'. Even after Cassandra, there has never been anyone in the Trelawny family with second sight."

"What's more, even if you don't consider these things, you should always believe in Professor Dumbledore's vision. Professor Trelawney was invited by him. If Trelawney really has no ability at all, she will not be able to really do divination at all. , if she only knows how to use words to deceive, how could Professor Dumbledore tolerate her occupying the position of Professor of Divination for such a long time?"

Gal and Yaerlin looked at each other. Finally, Yaerlin pursed his lips, "Okay, I've been convinced by you again, but that doesn't mean I will choose her class. She really scared me. Besides , didn’t you also say that the professor often does some deceiving things?”

"Whether you choose to take her class is your own business." Moon laughed. "I even agree with not taking her class. However, remember, you must at least have superficial respect for the professors."

Gar walked to Munn's side, bumped him with his shoulder, and then quickly ran away with a playful smile to avoid Munn's counterattack. "Oh, I know, I know. I respect my teacher. Let's go. Hurry back to the common room." Let’s go play chess.”

"Ha! You're done! Gal Fuller! I'm going to stab you in the head with this sword!" Moon pretended to pull out the non-existent sword, deliberately glaring at him. Gal, who ran away first, chased after him.

Soon, Arlin and Cedric also joined the fighting group, and the four little wizards ran back to the common room while playing.


On rainy weekends, there will inevitably be more people in the common room. After all, there is a warm fireplace, soft sofas, and a large group of students engaged in various entertainments.

Of course, there are sometimes little wizards secretly drinking low-alcohol beer in the corner.

Although the management of Hogwarts is already very strict, it is difficult for some contraband in the school to enter Hogwarts through formal channels - there is no security check here, but magic is sometimes much easier to use than security check.

However, there are always more solutions than difficulties. No matter how strict the school's management is, there will always be some "supernatural" little wizards who will come up with something that is relatively less forbidden.The professors have good plans, and the little wizards have bridge ladders.According to Angelina and Doreen, the little lions of Gryffindor once even bought several bottles of extremely high-alcohol spirits and held a small party in the common room.As a result, someone accidentally spilled wine into the fireplace, and the flames almost set the entire common room on fire.

This statement is probably some exaggerated artistic processing, but when it comes to having a party in the common room with strong alcohol, Moon feels that the Gryffindor boys have probably really done it.

As soon as they returned to the common room, Moon and the others saw Tonks huddled in a corner drinking beer. Her face looked extremely pale at the moment, as dark as a burnt cake baked by Hagrid.

Of course, Tonks couldn't really turn her face into that color. She was still a girl after all, but at this moment, this was how she felt.

Gal and Arlin went back to the room to get the wizard chess, so Moon pulled Cedric close to Tonks, intending to ask her what happened.As soon as he got closer, Tonks turned around and stared at Moon, gritting his teeth and said: "Ha, Moon, the method you mentioned is indeed effective. I really have to thank you."

Moon quickly realized that Tonks was probably talking about how he asked her to go to Professor Snape a few days ago to humbly ask Potions questions, because it was the first time since that day that he saw Tonks. Sri Lanka.In other words, it was the first opportunity to talk to Tonks who didn't run away so fast.

Could it be that...Professor Snape really hates Tonks so much that he is not even willing to answer questions?

Shouldn't it be...

Chapter 34 Bathroom in the Castle

To be honest, Severus Snape is definitely not a good professor, or in other words, he is not even a qualified professor at all.

He humiliates and suppresses his students, and even uses some malicious and cruel words, and it's not because the students have made mistakes - you know, even if you don't talk about the original works that Moon has read, just look at the situation he is in now The same is true in real-life Hogwarts.Ridicule, ridicule, sarcasm...the professor used almost all possible means to unleash his malice on the students.

However, it is also necessary to admit that Snape is indeed a master of potions, and he is familiar with all kinds of potions knowledge at his fingertips.And when the little wizards have questions, although he often talks a lot of rubbish first, he will always answer them.

Even if there is only one answer, there are a hundred rubbish words.

Moon looked at Tonks doubtfully, thinking that Tonks would not be so unlucky, when Tonks suddenly deflated like a balloon punctured by a needle, lowered her head and said: "You It's true, Snape did answer every question I asked, but... every time I asked a question, he would humiliate me severely... Oh... Merlin's beard, I would rather I've never been to his office."

Now Moon completely understood. Tonks had indeed been enlightened, but at the same time, Professor Snape had broken her defense.

He sat helplessly next to Tonks. After much thought, he couldn't find any good way to comfort her, so he could only remain silent.

Tonks turned to look at him, then rolled her eyes, "I really wanted to strangle you just now. If it weren't for your suggestion, I would never have set foot in Snape's office. But the problem is, then I There is no way to guarantee your NEWT Potions score."

Moon pinched her fingers, thought for a while, and said, "Think on the bright side, you are one step closer to your dream - just think of it as paying for your dream."

Tonks took another sip of beer and muttered, "Do you usually encourage yourself like this?"

"I don't usually encourage myself," Moon responded, "but if I need encouragement...yeah."

"Okay." Tonks put down her beer and stared blankly at the ceiling. "Then do you think I should go find Snape - if I still have questions."

"Then it depends on how much you want to be an Auror, how much you hate Professor Snape, and whether you can find another alternative." Moon turned around and waved at Gar and Arlin who were calling him. He waved his hand to let them play first, and then continued: "The choice is always in your own hands."

Tonks' eyes slowly moved from the ceiling to Munn, they looked at each other, and then said suddenly, "Why do I feel that what you said is so old-fashioned."

Moon curled his lips, "Is it possible that I always speak in an old-fashioned way?"

"Hey, that makes sense." Tonks grinned, looking like a fool, not knowing what was so funny about it.

Moon glanced at her angrily, "You can figure it out on your own, I'm going to read a book."

"Go ahead, go ahead." Tonks waved her hand and picked up the remaining half bottle of beer. "Don't bother me here. Let me be alone and think about my future."

"...?" Moon couldn't explain what he thought was strange for the moment, but Tonks' words sounded really strange.

It's a bit like that husky that jumps around every day and crazily demolishes the house suddenly collapses in the cage and says to you, "I want to study how to pull the sled faster."



Tonks didn't stay slumped in the corner for too long. After drinking the bottle of beer, she waved her hands and slipped back to the dormitory. She was probably afraid that Gabriel would talk about her after returning from the date.

The chess game between Gal and Yaerlin lasted for a long time. Anyway, it was just rookies pecking each other, and the two of them were having a great time going back and forth.Cedric offered them a move at first, but he soon lost interest. As usual, the two bad chess players didn't make any progress at all. Even a dabbler like Cedric would find their chess game boring. downright.

Therefore, when he got to the back, Cedric simply followed Moon and ran to the sofa in front of the fireplace to read a book.

It wasn't until dinner time that Gal and Arlin reluctantly put away the wizard chess under the urging of Moon and Cedric, and agreed to come back after dinner to continue fighting.To an uninformed person, they might have thought it was a mutual sympathy between two wizard chess masters.

When they arrived at the door of the auditorium, the four of them met some girls from Violet's dormitory. After chatting for a while, they found out that these little girls had been soaking in the Hufflepuff bathroom all afternoon, enjoying themselves. A hot bath filled with bubbles and flower petals.

In Hogwarts Castle, in addition to classrooms everywhere, there are also quite a few bathrooms - there is a boys' bathroom on the seventh floor, a girls' bathroom on the second floor, and a prefect's bathroom on the sixth floor. There are two additional bathrooms on each floor, such as the famous "Moaning Myrtle Bathroom" on the third floor.Putting aside these, each of the four colleges has a bathroom, and the faculty and staff also have a special bathroom. Altogether, there are more than a dozen. [Note 1]

Of course, there is a gap between washrooms. Among these washrooms, only the boys’ washroom on the seventh floor, the girls’ washroom on the second floor, the prefects’ washroom on the sixth floor and the exclusive washroom of the fourth college are available. The ones for bathing, and the others are just for students to go to the toilet and wash their hands between classes.

Generally speaking, except for prefects, male and female student union presidents and captains of the Quidditch house team who go to the prefects' bathroom to take a bath, most young wizards will give priority to taking a bath in their own college's bathroom, just like Vale Lite and the others are the same.Only when the room is full, everyone will reluctantly go to the seventh and second floors to have a "shuffle" with the young wizards from other colleges.

According to Gabriel, scuffles often broke out in the boys' bathroom on the seventh floor, the two incompatible houses of Gryffindor and Slytherin.

Therefore, for more than a year so far, Moon and the others have never been to the boys' bathroom on the seventh floor - they were accidentally injured by a naked battle between a lion and a snake. Thinking about that scene, it was extremely sad.


[Note 1] The only things mentioned in the original work are the boys' bathroom on the seventh floor, the girls' bathroom on the second floor, the prefects' bathroom on the sixth floor, the Weeping Myrtle bathroom on the third floor, and the "Stuck Montague's toilet" on the fifth floor. "The bathroom where it is located.The so-called "two additional restrooms per floor" here are inferred based on the content of the original work, which is similar to one boys' restroom and one girls' restroom on each floor.The bathrooms of each of the four colleges are purely original, and there is no mention of the castle in the original novel.

Chapter 35 Walking

During dinner, the rain outside gradually stopped, and Violet asked Moon to go outside for a walk.

Munn naturally agreed readily, and the naive Gal even shouted to go with him, but before he could say anything, Arlin and Cedric held one shoulder down, and when they both said in unison, "No, you "I don't want to" gave up being the "third party" who intervened with a look of grievance.

Violet's three roommates couldn't help laughing as they watched, but Gal himself was very confused.

He couldn't figure it out. He just wanted to go out for a walk with Moon. Is there anything wrong with this?Merlin's boots, what a rare opportunity?Moon rarely goes out for a walk with them.

After eating and drinking, Gal was reluctantly dragged away by Arlin and Cedric. Accompanied by the laughter of Violet's roommates, he would look back at the embarrassed Moon from time to time. Violet and Violet looked like the resentful and confused little daughter-in-law.

Moon shuddered violently and began to use his strong willpower to stop himself from looking in Gar's direction.

too frightening.

It wasn't until the figures of the six Gals disappeared outside the auditorium door that Violet tightened her robe and stood up from the bench.Moon quickly stood up, put on his backpack, and followed Violet out of the auditorium.

"Wow... it's still cold, but the air is a lot fresher." As soon as she left the castle, Violet took a deep breath, then smiled and started to talk.

Moon glanced at the thin robe he was wearing, and began to feel glad that he was a wizard - otherwise, he would have started to debate whether he should be a hero and take off his robe and put it on Violet. .

Now, all he needed to do was to pull out his wand, tap Violet on the head, and cast a warming spell on her.

Violet felt her body temperature gradually begin to rise, relaxed her arms happily, and then looked at Moon curiously, "What kind of spell is this? Professor Flitwick probably didn't teach it during class?"

"A little trick that can make the body temperature gradually rise. I learned it from an old book in the library. By the way, have you finished Gemma's painting?"

"Not yet, but it's coming soon. I think it will be done tomorrow or the day after tomorrow at most."

The steps of the boy and the girl were very slow and small, and dewdrops were still hanging around the weeds that had just been washed by the rain. The more they walked forward, the more water droplets they took away from their shoes, and even the wide robes The hem gradually became wet, but none of them took it seriously.

Without the cover of dark clouds, the moon began to show its appearance in the sky. Under the bright moonlight, the stars looked much dimmer.There are only a few particularly tenacious ones that persist in hanging in the sky and emitting light.

Because it had just rained and the weather was a bit cold, there were not many people outside. Occasionally, those who walked by from a distance were mostly in pairs like Moon and Violet.

At this time, there was no difference between the colleges, but a tacit understanding - go your own way, and no one should get close to anyone.

"Do you think Gabrielle and Laryn will be walking outside as well?" After walking for a while, the girl suddenly asked another strange question.

In fact, this question is not surprising at all. On the contrary, it is a straight shot. After all, the relationship between Gabriel and Laryn is already well known among the little badgers of Hufflepuff.

Moon blinked, and after hesitating for a moment, he turned his head and looked into the girl's bright eyes, and said casually: "Probably, it's probably like what we are now."

The little monsters in their hearts began to roar, and they rushed towards the palms of their hands along the blood flow.

Although the rain has stopped, the wind is still blowing from time to time. The branches and leaves in the forest collide and rub against each other under the caress of the wind, making a rustling sound.Looking from the grass to the direction of the Forbidden Forest, you can see the smoke coming out of the chimney of Hagrid's hut, and his broad and tall figure is reflected in the window, as if he is holding something to tease the dog.

Although in fact the surroundings are not quiet at all: the sound of the wind, the sound of trees, the occasional laughter and conversation from other people walking outside, and even one or two high-pitched dog barks from Hagrid's hut. .

But Moon and Violet always felt that the surroundings were extremely quiet, as if there was nothing there, and they were the only two people left on the huge Hogwarts campus.

No one felt embarrassed, and it seemed pretty good to just keep walking slowly.

When they were approaching the Quidditch pitch, Violet looked at the flower beds on the roadside and suddenly said: "Shall we go sit there?"

"Okay." Munn answered simply.

The two of them found an empty flower bed, dried the edges, and then sat down.There were originally flowers in these flower beds, but due to the season, the flowers inside have withered now.As for what those flowers should be, it was obvious that neither of them cared much at this moment.

"I heard that there are werewolves in the Forbidden Forest?" Violet folded her handkerchief and put it in her pocket while saying, "Fortunately, we didn't encounter them last semester."

"I heard that there are, but the dangerous things should be in the deeper parts of the Forbidden Forest. Hagrid usually patrols the Forbidden Forest to ensure that they do not cross the boundary." Moon nodded, and then added : "Otherwise, as you said, it would indeed be very dangerous if we encountered a werewolf in that situation last semester."

Violet was about to continue the conversation when suddenly, there was a rustling sound coming from behind the flower bed. The two turned around and found a pair of little children hugging each other tightly at the edge of the woodland not far from the flower bed. The couple was also looking here, probably hearing their conversation.And judging from their messy hair and clothes, it was obvious that the two of them were definitely not just hugging each other.

The four pairs of eyes looked at each other, each feeling a little embarrassed.

"Ahem..." Munn pretended not to see it and turned away. Violet seemed a little at a loss. In desperation, Munn had no choice but to hold her hand, get up and lead the girl away again. .

Seeing that he had walked dozens of steps and reached a position where he could only vaguely see the other party's figure, Moon breathed a sigh of relief and let go of Violet's hand - until now he realized What on earth did she do? Violet's fair face was now stained with two obvious blushes. She looked like she was tipsy after drinking.

"I..." Moon opened her mouth to explain and apologize, but Violet immediately turned away and whispered: "I'm fine, I'm just a little cold."

She was probably explaining why she was blushing.

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