Violet hasn't finished her sentence yet. She may have only said half, maybe only one-third, or even less.In short, the girl had thought up various excuses in her mind, as well as various words to cover up the embarrassing scene after being rejected, and even other gossip about how to change the topic if she backed down midway. .

But it was all in vain, because Moon gently scratched Snowball's ears and interrupted the girl with a smile: "Okay."

"Hmm...huh?" Violet blinked blankly, "I haven't said what I want to invite you to..."

"The answers are all the same." Munn turned his head and met Violet's eyes. Violet lowered her head in panic, but heard Munn continue to say, "You can invite me to be your dance partner. Invite me to hang out, invite me to be a model for your cards, invite me to sit in the common room and read a book together, or invite me to Professor Sinistra's place to see the new stargazing facility you mentioned. good."

"In short, the answer is, yes, I agree."

"Hmm..." Violet buried her head even lower. She only dared to look at Xueqiu, who was napping comfortably on Munn's lap, as if she was afraid that she would meet Munn's eyes again.

"That's really great." After a long time, Violet finally choked out these words.

Moon couldn't help laughing, resisting the urge to touch Violet's hair, and leaned against the sofa.

Indeed, it was great. He was still upset about what happened tonight, but now he seems to have relaxed after staying with Violet.

I have no clues and can’t figure it out, so what can I do?

He is just a little wizard, not a god, nor a God. He cannot know everything and have omnipotence, not to mention that life is full of problems and obstacles.

It's nothing more than soldiers coming to block, water and soil to cover.

As the old saying goes, do your best and listen to fate. He just does what he can do and leaves the rest to God's will.

Moon exhaled a breath, and the blockage in his chest disappeared instantly.

Just be prepared, and he is not alone. He has already sent the analysis of the first prophecy to Professor Dumbledore's desk. With Professor Dumbledore's mind and skills, there is absolutely no way that he will not make any arrangements. .With such a backing, he can do whatever he wants. After all, no matter what, there are still people who are keeping the secret.

And that man is the greatest wizard in the magic world today.

Chapter 82 The disappearing moonlight

Night was slowly falling, but none of the second-year Hufflepuff wizards stayed in their dormitories.

Because they have an astronomy class tonight.

Professor Sinistra's new stargazing facility is indeed very powerful. They can more clearly see the flow and transformation of the stars in the sky, the brightness and death of the stars far away in the endless light years, and the existences that seem to have nothing to do with them. Trajectory of travel.

These two days are when the Orionid meteor shower is heavier. When stargazing, they can always see meteors streaking across the sky.Moon deliberately paid some attention to observe the moon, but the crescent moon always hung motionless in the sky. It couldn't be said how bright it was, but it never meant to dim.The weather is also very clear, and it doesn't look like there will be dark clouds at all.

"Uranus has a total of 21 satellites. Everyone should carefully observe their orbits and draw good star maps. After the next few classes, we will assign a related homework. In the homework, I need to see the orbits of Uranus satellites drawn by you. Picture." Professor Sinister, who was wearing a dark blue robe full of patterns of stars and moons, explained: "So, don't be lazy. Stargazing after class is not as convenient as in class. Also, don't be lazy. Don’t think about finding any books to copy your homework. Most of the books you can buy still only have eighteen satellites, and those with orbital maps usually don’t have as many as 21.” [Note 1]

Professor Sinister was right. Their stargazing after class did not have the support of these large-scale equipment. They could only use their own telescopes to see - there was no way to use a huge astrolabe to instantly reconstruct what they saw. To put it bluntly, their own telescopes do not have such high definition and such high magnification.

Of course, everyone knows that what the professor said is right, but for children, they may not necessarily listen to what is right, and they may not be able to understand it even if they do. You will definitely do it, but you may not always get it right.

On the first level, some children should be removed, and on the second level, some should be removed, and so on. After the third and fourth levels, only a few people can still do it right if they follow the instructions.

What's more, more people will often be removed from the first two levels.

Of course, these lessons on observing Uranus will actually be better, because Uranus looks "very beautiful and dreamy" (this is what girls say), so most girls will rush to observe Uranus.As for whether the satellite can finally mark its position and draw its orbit correctly, no one knows.

Because no one knows whether they are having fun looking at Uranus or counting the satellites seriously.

Until the entire astronomy class was over, Moon, who was always paying attention to the moonlight, did not notice that the moon had the urge to hide itself. Instead, the Orionid meteor shower streaked across the sky more and more times.

"Take your things, little ones, and go back to the common room quickly. Don't run around." Professor Sinistra warned them, and at the same time began to walk around the classroom, watching the actions of the little wizards to avoid Who left something here? It doesn't matter. What matters is that someone will use this as an excuse to sneak away from the team returning to the common room and "explore" the castle.

Students' explorations are often written as "exploring" and pronounced as "making a monster".

After everyone had packed up their things, Professor Sinistra watched them leave the classroom and then walked downstairs of the astronomy tower.

The little wizards of Hufflepuff actually don't like to take astronomy class, because not only does it have to be held very late, but it is also on the tower. They have to climb down from the top floor to the basement. Back in their warm and cozy common room.Along the way, the little badgers chirped and chatted, not daring to be too loud, lest they wake up a portrait or a ghost and come over to scold them.

Seventh floor, sixth floor, fifth floor, fourth floor...

When passing by the window in the corridor on the third floor, Munn still looked out the window as before, but just this one glance made him freeze on the spot and forget to move forward.

Walking from the fourth floor to the third floor, in just one or two minutes, the sky quickly became dense with dark clouds, and the wind whistled loudly, as if someone was howling loudly in the middle of the night - and that corner was always The first quarter moon hanging in the sky began to be obscured by dark clouds little by little.

"When Orion's glory streaks across the sky..."

"When the face of the crescent moon gradually disappears..."

"The gray-white God of Death walked out of his lair..."

"I want to take away the dying life..."

That prophecy quietly flowed through Moon's heart. He swallowed, and the premonition that something bad was going to happen in his heart became stronger.

"Hey, Moon, what's going on? Let's go?" Cedric was the first to notice Moon's stagnant steps. He curiously walked to Moon's side and glanced out the window, but there was nothing outside. It was so dark that it was difficult to see clearly in the distance.

"Huh? Ah, it's okay, let's go." Moon took a deep breath, tried his best to put a smile on his face, and followed Cedric and the other little badgers.

Cedric could tell that something was wrong with Moon, so he tugged on Moon's sleeve and asked softly while there was still a little distance between him and the others: "What's wrong? You don't look good."

Moon's face did not look good, and his smile was very stiff, but this was not because his acting skills were not superb enough, but because he was very upset right now, and even his heartbeat was inexplicably faster.A strong premonition was constantly lingering around him, like a silent call that kept reminding him: "Something bad is coming."

This feeling is very bad, very bad. You know something bad is coming, but you don’t know what bad thing is, and you don’t know what it is about. Yet you have to be reminded, reminded, and reminded again and again.

He shook his head, tried to adjust his breathing, and whispered to Cedric, "It's nothing, it's just... I feel like something is going to happen."


[Note 1] There are 27 satellites of Uranus that have been discovered so far, but from the beginning of Uranus 27 to 1990 Uranus, they were all discovered after 1997 (Uranus 27 was discovered in 2003, and 25 Discovered in 1986), but there is a special case, namely Tianwei 1990, which was discovered in 21.In other words, theoretically speaking, at this time in the book in [-], Muggles have only discovered sixteen satellites, so wizards who are given special means to observe stars and are more interested in stargazing are counted. [-] satellites have been discovered.

Chapter 83 Choices

Two o'clock in the morning, in the principal's office.

"Is that so?" Professor Dumbledore looked at the two professors standing in front of his desk, and Randall Dempsey, who was wearing pajamas but had no sleep on his face, only endless anxiety and panic. His expression was dark, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Professor McGonagall was also wearing pajamas. She seemed to have been woken up not long ago and was still a little tired. However, she still acted as capable as ever. When faced with Professor Dumbledore's question, she just nodded and tried her best to remain calm. He said calmly: "Yes, Principal, we received the news from St. Mungo's. It is true. Randall Dempsey's mother is seriously ill. According to their description, I'm afraid the situation is very serious." optimism."

"But -" Professor Snape, who had been standing nearby, still wearing his large black cloak, suddenly interrupted Professor McGonagall, "Headmaster, I don't think Mr. Dempsey should be allowed to leave the Hall at this time. Gwartz went to visit his mother, and filial piety is very necessary, just in case you don't know, I must say. Just before coming to your office, I received a letter from Mr. Dempsey's father, I'm afraid, The notorious dark wizard was transferred to prison by the new minister who was not very bright, and wanted to interrogate him and execute him directly."

"Forest Dempsey, who was not willing to wait for death, had successfully escaped from the train that was escorting him, and detonated the train, killing nearly forty Muggles."

Professor McGonagall's originally puzzled and angry face was completely stunned. She had been thinking about what outrageous reasons Snape would use to prevent Randall Dempsey from visiting him. He said he was seriously ill, but in fact he was already critically ill and was about to visit him. deceased mother.But now that Snape's words came out, Professor McGonagall was immediately speechless - Snape would never have made up such a reason just to prevent Randall Dempsey from visiting his mother. That said, it's true.

But if this is really the case... then Randall...

Randall lowered his head silently, and no one could see his expression. They could only see that his fists were tightly clenched together, and even the veins on them were exposed.

"Oh...poor child..." Professor McGonagall raised her hand to touch Randall's head, but she put it down again shortly after raising it. This always strict professor didn't know what to do at this time. Whether such an action can really have a comforting effect.

Professor Dumbledore sat there quietly, looking at Randall. After a few seconds, he finally said: "I think we should listen to Randall's thoughts, right?"

Randall did not answer or raise his head, but still maintained his previous posture. Obviously, his mind was very confused, and for a moment, he didn't know what to do.

He really wanted to see his mother, who was his only remaining relative.Even though the relative had been living in St. Mungo's, it had actually been several years since he had been able to provide him with the care a mother should have.

But anyway, it was his mother.

However, the fear of Forest Dempsey, his own biological father, prevented him from making up his mind to go to St. Mungo's.

He knew that Forrest, that villain, that scumbag, that dark wizard who had done countless unacceptable evil things, would definitely kill his mother and then kill him again.

These were the words he said darkly during the trial.

At that time, Forrest didn't growl, roar, or break his voice. He just used his usual cold tone and low tone when he showed his true face, and said frankly, "If I can get from Az When Caban leaves, I will kill my wife first, then my son, and finally, I will send everyone here today to death one by one. So, everyone, pray, because your Ministry of Magic will not If you are willing to sentence me to death, your lives will be in the hands of the dementors in Azkaban."

To others, this is a fantasy, a nonsense that makes people laugh out loud.Since Azkaban was guarded by dementors, how many prisoners have escaped from Azkaban?

But to the young Randall, those words were almost engraved into his bones.Unlike others, Randall knew very well that his father, that disgusting beast, always meant what he said in this regard.If he said he wanted to escape from Azkaban and kill these people, then he would definitely try his best to escape from Azkaban and escape from that hell on earth, and then implement his ideas one by one.

Unless he died in Azkaban.

Now, Forest Dempsey is not dead, he has escaped.

There was a long silence in the principal's office. Professor Dumbledore looked at Randall Dempsey, Professor Snape looked out the window, wondering what he was thinking, and Professor McGonagall looked at Professor Dumbledore, seeming to hope that Professor Bullydo can make a decision quickly.

Where's Randall?He was still looking at the floor as if a Forrest Dempsey might pop out of there and give him a heart-pounding blow.

Of course there wasn't a Forrest Dempsey there. There was nothing there, so Randall was willing to keep looking there.

He couldn't make a decision.

And he didn't dare admit it.

Moon's assessment is correct. Randall is a shy, shy, stubborn, and a bit hot-blooded fool. They will always get entangled in this kind of thing. After being entangled for a while, they suddenly wake up. , make some "decisions that follow your heart."

What does it mean to follow your inner decision?

It’s a decision that most of the time is made without thinking at all.

Their decision to follow their hearts does not mean following their inner thoughts to make their own choices after careful consideration.But as soon as my mind got excited, I thought, okay, let’s do it.

Just when Randall's mind was finally about to heat up, there was a sudden knock on the door of the principal's office.

"Ah, please come in." Professor Dumbledore raised his hand, and the wooden door slowly opened inward.Except for Randall, the two remaining people in the room, Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall, looked out the door - none of them knew that Professor Dumbledore had called someone else.

The next moment, as the wooden door opened, under the astonished eyes of Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall, Moon walked in. He also looked at the four people in the room with some confusion, and finally locked his gaze on On Professor Dumbledore.

"Principal, are you looking for me?"

"Yes, Moon, I'm afraid I have to listen to your opinion on some things, after all..." Professor Dumbledore seemed to be talking to Moon, but in fact he gave Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall a Answer "You made that prophecy."

Chapter 84 Destiny

As soon as Professor Dumbledore said these words, the other two professors in the principal's office were all confused.

Moon?prophecy?What are these and what?

Before Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall could clear their minds and ask questions, Moon had already asked Professor Dumbledore with joy: "Professor, you are saying... the first prophecy has been fulfilled. Already?"

The expressions of the two professors became more exciting.

The first prophecy?What is the first prophecy?Does this mean there is a second and third story?

Compared with Professor McGonagall's simple ignorance, Professor Snape's mood was a bit more complicated - what he was most worried about happened. Professor Dumbledore finally developed Moon Fox into a " "Little Secret Agent", he would definitely not be surprised if next year or the year after that, Professor Dumbledore has a sudden idea and takes Moon Fawkes into the Order of the Phoenix.It's just... this respected principal sees that he doesn't even choose the age of the people he employs now, so when a certain young savior comes to Hogwarts next year...

A very subtle hint of worry flashed across Snape's eyes, and soon disappeared completely.

"Yes, it has come true - at least I think so." Professor Dumbledore took out a photo and placed it on the desk, motioning for Moon to go over and take a look.Moon walked to the side, glanced at the photo, and recognized the guy with gray hair and haggard face in the photo. It was none other than Fury, the leader of the Dark Wizards' secret society, the Decay Moths, and Randall's father. Dempsey.

However, he didn't look very energetic in the photo. In addition to his gray hair and haggard and thin face, his eyes were quite cloudy, without any energy at all, and even his expression looked dull.

It seems that just from the hair color, this guy can barely match the "gray-white Death", and right now Randall is looking dumbfounded in the principal's office, and Professor Dumbledore is making straightforward predictions It has probably been fulfilled, so there is no doubt...

"Forrest Dempsey escaped from prison?" Moon frowned slightly. "What about the last sentence of the prophecy?"

Professor Dumbledore sighed softly, glanced at Randall who was standing motionless next to him, and said softly: "We received a notice tonight that Mr. Dempsey's mother is seriously ill. St. Mungo's wants to know. Mr. Dempsey, would you like to go over and take a look."

"So... that's indeed true..." After receiving the answer, Moon was not immediately relieved, and his brows furrowed even more tightly - he had not forgotten that his first prophecy was aimed at Si. The entanglement that will arise between Professor Nepp's injury and himself.But now it seems that this is almost entirely Randall's family matter, and it has nothing to do with Professor Snape's injury, Professor Snape himself, or himself.

Moon temporarily suppressed the doubts in his heart, looked away from the photo, and asked Professor Dumbledore: "So... Professor, when you said you wanted to listen to my opinion, you meant..."

"Now we are faced with a small problem. Forest Dempsey said during his trial that once he escaped from Azkaban, he would kill his wife and children one by one. And everyone who participated in that trial. Now that he has escaped from prison, it has become a dilemma whether Randall should go to St. Mungo's to visit his mother." Professor Dumbledore said frankly: "In any case, it is only natural for a child to visit his seriously ill mother, but if Forest Dempsey is watching, the severity of the situation will obviously be different."

Moon's first thought was to ask Professor Dumbledore to take Randall to St. Mungo's, and even accompany him throughout the visit. It would be even better if he could finally bring Randall back with his mother. .

But as soon as this idea came up, he killed it in his heart.

This is too unrealistic, regardless of the differences in the medical environment between St. Mungo's and Hogwarts school infirmaries, and regardless of whether Professor Dumbledore has the obligation to spend so much energy to deal with such a troublesome matter, The most important thing is that Hogwarts itself is not at peace now. After all, Professor Dumbledore is too busy. Once he is found to have left Hogwarts and Quirrell takes this opportunity to start causing trouble, there will be big trouble. .

Can other professors accompany me?

Thinking of this, Moon suddenly had a flash of inspiration and realized the connection between this prophecy, Professor Snape, and himself.

Because of him, Quirrell might not have been happy in the past two months since school started this year. Maybe even his plans were forced to change again and again. For example, werewolves and giant wolves suddenly appeared in the Forbidden Forest. It is a product of the butterfly effect.

Then, Professor Snape was injured due to a sudden threat in the Forbidden Forest. The subsequent impact was probably that Professor Dumbledore originally wanted Professor Snape to escort Randall, but now Snape The professor's injury has not fully recovered, so it is obviously impossible for him to undertake the task of escorting Randall.

In this way, the prophecy indeed revealed the entanglement between Professor Snape's injuries and Moon himself.Things that were originally beyond the reach of eight poles became entangled together inexplicably.

So...if that's the case, could his second prophecy, the two "uninvited guests who are not in the already woven web", actually refer to himself and the werewolf in the Forbidden Forest?

Or is it him, plus Randall Dempsey?

Moon suddenly thought, what kind of life would Randall be living at Hogwarts now without his presence?Being bullied, looked down upon, and looked down upon by everyone every day?Or, might Randall have already thought about leaving Hogwarts, or even thought about passing away because of his mother's serious illness?

Destiny has so many possibilities, and that is why this thing called "destiny" is so magnificent, mysterious and deeply fascinating.

Because of this, he should not be too obsessed with what the prophecy reveals and what is hidden behind the prophecy.

Moon shook his head slightly and began to think about countermeasures. He did not bring up the topic to the school's professors, because out of emotion and reason, or focusing on the current form and reality of Hogwarts, the professors were not suitable. As the candidate to accompany Randall to St. Mungo's for several days.

In this case, there is only one choice left.

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