The cold winter is indeed a lifelong enemy.

Just after climbing the stairs and stepping into the corridor on the second floor, Moon suddenly heard a familiar, cursing voice.Such a variety of curses can usually only be spit out by Peeves at Hogwarts.Munn, who was afraid of being pestered by Peeves again and told some tidbits about Professor Snape and Madam Pomfrey, did not dare to show his face. He quickly stopped and huddled behind the wall and listened.

"#¥%#%...¥¥Severus Snape! #¥¥&%&...¥%!!!¥%...¥%...&¥...!!!"

Peeves's voice was getting farther and farther, and it sounded like he was walking towards the other end of the second floor. Although it was difficult to repeat Peeves's strange curses, Moon was very sure that he was in the series of swear words. Professor Snape's name was heard.

Did he ask Professor Snape to deal with it?

Before Moon could think about it carefully, Peeves' voice suddenly stopped and was replaced by a flattering and flattering tone, "Ah! Professor Snape! Why are you here again? Peeves I thought you had left."

"Did you just scold me, Peeves?" Professor Snape said in a low voice, and even a fool could hear the coldness in his tone.

Although Peeves is fearless and dares to slap anyone except Bloody Barrow and Professor Dumbledore, this does not mean that he likes to talk in front of an angry professor. People squirt at each other.especially……

It sounds like Peeves was just punished by Professor Snape?

"No, no, why would Peeves scold you? You are tall and mighty, with a strong body, thick black hair, and handsome facial features——"

The voice stopped suddenly, and Moon, who was hiding and eavesdropping at the top of the stairs, looked strange. They were obviously sincere compliments, and they could be used on Professor Snape...

For a moment, it was really hard to tell whether these words were compliments or curses.

All I can say is that are really Peeves.

For the next ten seconds, there was no sound from the corridor. Moon didn't dare to wait any longer. He was thinking of running away and coming back later, lest Professor Snape try to go this way and kill him. Catch him right.Finally, when I turned around, I heard Professor Snape's voice from behind, "Huh, isn't this the 'know-it-all' Mr. Fox? You look like this, are you planning to change yourself into a 'know-it-all' person in the future?" A good reporter who doesn't listen'?"

Moon was helpless, complaining in his mind about why Professor Snape didn't even make any movement when he walked. He turned around with a smile on his face and was about to speak when he saw Professor Snape holding a The jar contains Peeves, who looks like he's been petrified.

Peeves' eyes were still rolling, and he winked crazily at Munn, but Munn couldn't get his meaning at all.

Who knows what those eyes rolling all the time mean? Hey!

"Hey, Professor, you taught me the right lesson. It was my fault. I will try my best to correct it in the future." Munn, who knew that you should never talk back to Professor Snape, otherwise he would only get more and more irritating, tried his best to be sincere. said.

Professor Snape looked at Moon coldly. Five seconds later, he waved his sleeves, thrust the jar containing Peeves into Moon's hand, and then strode down the stairs, leaving only the words " This Friday, [-]pm.”

It seems that this should be the start time of the next black magic course.

Moon looked at Professor Snape's back, shrugged helplessly, and looked down at the jar containing Peeves in his hand.

What does it mean?Let him release Peeves?

Before Moon could figure out how to open the jar without a lid, Peeves' arms suddenly shook, followed by his head, and then his whole ghost began to move freely again.

At this time, the jar in Moon's hand was smashed by Peeves with a rounded arm and a punch. Then it melted into pieces, as if it had never appeared at all.

Peeves, who grew up when he saw the wind, quickly returned to his usual size. He glanced at Professor Snape, who had disappeared, and cursed several times. Until he had enough, he said with a playful smile: "Ha, there is no spell in the world that can trap Peeves! Not even Severus Snape!"

When Peeves said this, Moon thought that this guy in front of him was Peeves who could make the entire Hogwarts have no idea about him - except for Professor Dumbledore, he would never take orders from anyone, even if Professors as capable as Lupine and Snape could only teach Peeves a small lesson at best.

In other words, maybe he just used those words to "flatter Professor Snape" on purpose.

"So, were you trying to find the truth about Professor Snape's lover and accidentally exposed him?" Moon asked tentatively.

Peeves' face turned red all of a sudden. He looked at Munn with dissatisfaction and took out two big dung bombs from nowhere - this guy always seemed to be able to pull out strange things from all kinds of messy places. Weird stuff, God knows how he did it.

"Are you questioning Peeves's strength? Ha! Peeves is not as useless as you. Even eavesdropping would be caught by that oily Snape! Useless Moon! Let me tell you! Peeves has made a breakthrough! A breakthrough!"

How could Moon not see that Peeves was being harsh?But be brave, he was not going to have a dung bomb battle with Peeves in the corridor.

Chapter 113 Lu Wei is lost

Peeves certainly didn't make any breakthroughs - let alone breakthroughs, he didn't even make any progress at all.

Therefore, after Munn said a few casual words, Peeves slipped away in despair.

After Peeves left, Moon finally breathed a sigh of relief, ran to the school newspaper office, and began to review the manuscript to be published tomorrow.

There haven't been any major events happening in Hogwarts recently, or to be more precise, there are actually no major events that "can be mentioned in the school newspaper". At most, there is only the sudden visit of an Auror worth mentioning, but this None of the things involved behind the incident could be made public, so the final manuscript was just that. Moon glanced at it casually and finalized the final look of the next issue of the school newspaper.

After getting everything done, it only took less than half an hour in total. Looking at the light snow falling outside, Moon muttered "The weather is terrible", then rubbed his hands and prepared to go back to the common room.

If possible, he hoped that he could enjoy the fireplace or his own bed for a while longer. As long as nothing else happened today, he would rather stay in the common room until it gets moldy than go out again.

He even wanted to eat lunch and dinner huddled on the soft sofa in the Hufflepuff common room.

Just when he was still thinking about which books he would read today, a figure outside the window suddenly caught his attention.

It was Hagrid. For the first time, he was not holding a tin bucket or any tools in his hand, but was walking towards the castle empty-handed.He seemed a little cramped, and he kept looking around cautiously while walking.

Just when Moon was wondering what was wrong with Hagrid, Hagrid also saw him through the window, raised his hand and waved to him, and pointed in the direction of the castle.

Moon thought for a moment and felt that Hagrid might want to ask him to go to the first floor, so he waved his hand in the same way, nodded, then wrapped his scarf and hurriedly left the school newspaper office.

Sure enough, when Moon arrived at the foyer on the first floor of the castle, Hagrid was already waiting for him.

"What's wrong, Hagrid? What's the matter?" Moon looked at Hagrid with a troubled face curiously. In his memory, Hagrid rarely seemed like this.

"Ah... that's it." Hagrid looked around again, then pulled Mu En to the corner of the hall, and whispered: "Listen, I'm in big trouble this time, I know Mu En Well, you always have a lot of solutions, so I wanted to ask if you have any solutions... Do you remember what I told you a few days ago about the werewolves and giant wolves that appeared in the Forbidden Forest?"

"Well... In order to stop them and guard the Forbidden Forest, I moved my pets elsewhere to the area where they often hang out. Oh, don't get me wrong, the effect is very good, Lu Wei really helped a lot After moving Lu Wei over, the giant wolves have never been able to cross Lu Wei's territory again." Hagrid patted his chest proudly, and Moon felt a little more clear in his heart - He had previously estimated that Hagrid's so-called "secret weapon" was probably the three-headed dog Luwei, and now it seemed that was indeed the case.

"Since your 'Luwei' is very good, then the big trouble you are talking about is..." Moon looked at Hagrid suspiciously. Hagrid laughed, scratched his head, and then stretched himself. The plush coat on his body was obviously meant to make him appear as relaxed as possible.

But he failed completely. The worry that could not be hidden in his face and eyes made him look not relaxed at all.

"Okay, I have to say...well, Lu Wei ran away." Hagrid finally lowered his head and said feebly: "Oh my god, he may think that I feed him too little, or it may be simple. I'm just having fun. Anyway, when I brought his snack this morning, Lu Wei was no longer in the open space. I tried to track it - really, I really tried, but it Then it’s gone, poof! It’s gone.” [Note 1]

Hagrid spread his hands, and with his knotted hair and beard, as well as his plush coat, he really showed Moon what a "little bear spreads his hands" is.

Moon looked completely dumbfounded at this. He never expected that such a thing could happen - how could such a big dog with three heads disappear?

It can’t be that the long legs run away...

No, Lu Wei already has legs, four of them.

Thinking of this, Moon couldn't help but feel a little numb. "Hagrid, I think no matter how many ways I have, you shouldn't ask me about this matter. I can't help you go to the Forbidden Forest to search for this matter." You'd better ask Professor Dumbledore——"

"Huh? Ask me? Do you have anything to ask me about?" The old man's voice sounded softly from the side of the two of them. Hagrid and Mu En, the older and the younger, were all frightened. Fortunately, Mu En Well, it's the one closer to the wall. Otherwise, just from Hagrid's two steps back, the wall of Hogwarts would have received a heavy blow today.

"Professor Deng, Dumbledore?" Moon looked confusedly at the well-dressed headmaster standing near the castle gate. He didn't understand why the old man came back from outside so early in the morning.

Hagrid blinked his beetle-like black eyes, squeaked twice and said frankly: "Professor Dumbledore, I'm sorry, I seem to have made things more troublesome - Lu Wei is missing."

"Ah, is that so?" Professor Dumbledore patted the snowflakes on his body and looked sideways at Moon. "Then you are right, Moon. It is indeed better to approach me for this matter."

Hagrid's face turned red all of a sudden, and he tugged at the corner of his clothes hard, "Professor Dumbledore, I just think you have been too busy recently, and I think if we can solve this matter, maybe we don't need to trouble you... …”

This is not shirking responsibility or anything like that. Hagrid has never wanted to deceive Professor Dumbledore. After all, that is the person he respects the most. What he is saying now are all his true thoughts.

Both Professor Dumbledore and Moon knew this very well.

So Professor Dumbledore did not blame Hagrid. He slowly and methodically cleaned up the snowflakes on his body, and then smiled at Hagrid, "Okay, Hagrid, don't be so panicked. I understand. Come with me." As for you, Moon, do you want to go back to bed to catch up on your sleep? Or are you interested in coming along to help?"

"Me?" Now, Moon was even more confused.


[Note 1] Poof here is a modal particle, usually used to express something very sudden and bizarre. Here it is similar to "pop and disappear", likemagic!

Chapter 114 Breakthrough Progress

Until he followed Professor Dumbledore and Hagrid to the principal's office, Moon didn't understand how he could help.

What can he do?It can't be a divination for Lu Wei, right?

"Ah, sit down and wait for me for a moment. You guys can chat first. I have to change into looser robes. God, I've been very busy this morning." Professor Dumbledore waved his hand. He pulled out two chairs and motioned for the two of them to sit down, while walking towards the back of the office. "The weather is really not good today, isn't it. Oh, by the way, do you want something to drink?"

Hagrid sat down with a little uneasiness, as if he was still worried that Professor Dumbledore would blame him, and repeatedly stated that he would not drink anything.After thinking about it for a while, Moon asked for a cup of hot cocoa.

The principal's office was quite warm, but he still needed something warm to ward off the cold.

The old man snapped his fingers, made a cup of hot cocoa for Moon, and then disappeared behind the door.

Moon took a sip from the cup and felt that the atmosphere seemed a bit awkward. He thought about it for a moment, then turned to Hagrid and asked: "So...Hagrid, did you find nothing in the place where Lu Wei lost it?" No traces?"

"Well..." Hagrid was a little frustrated. "I went to see Lu Wei last night. He was fine at that time. Do you think it's because I didn't bring him enough meat last night and he was unhappy? ?”

He sat in his chair and twisted his body uneasily twice, then took out a handkerchief from his arms and blew his nose loudly.

"Uh...Does Lu Wei usually run around?" Moon automatically filtered out Hagrid's unreliable guess and asked another question.

Hagrid turned sideways and looked at Moon with a frown, "Huh? Normally? I...I don't really understand. I mean, Lu Wei is a dog, isn't he? He always gets into a good mood sometimes. Wandering around, but running so far away from the place I chose for it like this time? Emmm—emmm, that’s never happened before.”

"Has it never happened before?" Moon stroked the cocoa cup in his hand thoughtfully, and a possibility popped into his mind.

It was also at this time that Professor Dumbledore finally changed his clothes and walked out from behind wearing a loose dark red satin robe. He also put a beautiful little woolen hat on his head and adjusted the angle of the hat as he walked. "Ha, it seems you had a good chat?"

Moon couldn't help but roll his eyes while he lowered his head to drink cocoa. What an outrageous opening statement. We only talked about a few words in total. With Hagrid's voice, you probably didn't miss a word.

Unlike Moon, Hagrid quickly adjusted his sitting posture and nodded, "Yes, Professor Dumbledore, we had a good chat."

Munn's eyes almost rolled up to the Himalayas. If someone could see it from a suitable angle, they might think that Munn was possessed.

But soon, he sat upright.

Complaints are complaints, and there should be no lack of politeness.

"Uh-huh." Professor Dumbledore glanced at Moon with a hint of teasing, as if he noticed the secretly rolling of his eyes just now. "So, Moon, do you have any ideas?"

"I think I can probably be of some help - if you allow me to enter the Forbidden Forest." Moon cleared his throat, which was a little numb from the hot cocoa. "According to Hagrid, it was obvious that someone had Lu Wei was taken away, of course, I think this matter is a bit dangerous, you'd better ask two more professors to go in with us."

"Oh? Do you think you can find the lost Lu Wei?" Professor Dumbledore's eyes suddenly changed from teasing to surprise, which made Moon stunned again. Don't you think I might have a way? Did you just ask me to come here?

However, he did not originally think that he had any way to help Hagrid, because he did not know how to find a lost big dog, and the ambiguous answer given by the divination method obviously could not help. To what specific busy.It wasn't until Hagrid said that Lu Wei never ran around that he had a general idea. Maybe he could indeed be of some help.

And since he could help, he didn't mind helping his good friend Hagrid.

"Well, it's possible, but it's just possible. I don't dare to guarantee it." Moon shrugged.

"Well, let's forget it. This matter is rather urgent, so it's better to be on the safe side." Professor Dumbledore thought for a while, and finally said to Hagrid: "Hagrid, you go back first, I will meet you later." I’ll help you think of other ways to get Lu Wei back to where he belongs before tonight.”

Hagrid agreed, stood up and left. When he reached the door, he rubbed his hands again, looked back at Professor Dumbledore, and said apologetically: "Sorry, Professor, I will pay more attention in the future."

"Okay." Professor Dumbledore simply smiled at Hagrid, and then watched Hagrid walk out of his office.

Moon held the cup of hot cocoa and looked at Professor Dumbledore doubtfully, waiting for the old man's answer. Ever since the old man showed up today, every word of this old man has made him confused and at a loss.

"Well, Moon, I guess you must be wondering what I'm up to now." The old man tilted his head and looked at Moon, with a smug smile on his face. "Maybe you are extremely curious now. .”

Moon nodded speechlessly. Is this the bad taste of the elderly?

It's so boring!

Professor Dumbledore smiled mysteriously, took out a piece of parchment from his pocket, and handed it to Moon, "Look at this."

Munn took the parchment without knowing what was going on, opened it and glanced at it twice, and then his face suddenly became extremely weird, "This is..."

"Yes, it's what you think. In fact, that's why I called you here today - I asked a house elf to leave a letter for you before I went out this morning, but I think you probably left a letter for you in the morning. I was in such a hurry that I missed my letter." Professor Dumbledore crossed his arms and rested on the armrests of his chair. "What do you think?"

"I think your judgment is correct, Professor Dumbledore, and it is almost completely correct with my previous guess. There is definitely a shadow of Voldemort behind this matter, and not even a little bit. Professor Quirrell should be Even more so - that is to say..."

The eyes of the old man and the young man met each other, and there was a different kind of brilliance at the same time.

"If we can verify this, then we have enough reasons and don't need to wait for them to take action first." Professor Dumbledore nodded slightly and completed what Moon had not said. "It's just...a pity Quirinas."

"He was a good kid."

Chapter 115 Professor Dumbledore’s real intention

Quirinus Quirrell was a good boy—is the point of this sentence about Quirrell?Is it about being a good boy?

No, the point of this sentence is that originally, he was "originally" a good boy, but now...

At least for Moon, he would definitely not hesitate to send Quirrell to Azkaban, or simply kill the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor who had already turned his side to Voldemort.

The problem is that……

The old man and the young man looking at each other realized at the same time what the other wanted to express: this matter is not yet suitable to be viewed with such optimism.

Moon lowered his head and glanced again at the parchment that Professor Dumbledore had just handed over.


Where should the story begin?

I'm afraid we have to push our sights back for a long, long time, until Voldemort has not yet fallen, and is powerful, with a large number of dark wizards under his command.

Although there are a large group of purists, dark wizards and villains who do all kinds of evil under his command, Voldemort's core subordinates are very clear-the Death Eaters who have been branded with the Dark Mark by him, and he himself is also very clear about it. One thing, that is, the Dark Mark must be firmly in his own hands, and must be given strictly, and cannot be given casually to those who join his forces.

Of course, by the time when Voldemort's arrogance was at its peak, this rule was no longer important, but it had almost become the default and there was no need to change it.

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