There was no doubt that this was Professor Dumbledore's answer.

Chapter 125 Little Conflict

The search for the werewolf who showed up in the castle continues.

Moon sat next to Violet, paying attention to the Marauder's Map through the cover of an open book, while listening to the discussions of several classmates beside him.

"Do you think Professor Dumbledore and the others can really find the werewolf? I mean, werewolves are very ferocious, aren't they?"

Gabriel rubbed the head of the first-year furry next to him and comforted: "Don't worry, although werewolves are scary, Professor Dumbledore is the greatest wizard today, not to mention this is Hogwarts. He will definitely catch the werewolf."

The little boy nodded in understanding, but still hugged his knees, and said worriedly: "But that classmate just now looked really injured... He was covered in blood, and it looked like It’s so scary.”

Gabriel, who didn't know how to comfort his junior for a moment, could only comfort him in a low voice, but before he could say a few words, a quarrel broke out on the Slytherin side.

"Gemma Farley, do you have any problem with me? Or are you just so keen on going against me?" A tall and strong Slytherin boy stood up and glared at Gemma, who also Not to be outdone, she also stood up, but she, who was originally tall, looked much shorter in front of the big man who was nearly 1.9 meters tall.

"Yes, Nathaniel Carlo, I am indeed full of opinions about you and your stupid words." Although she was more than a head shorter in stature, Gemma's momentum was not weak at all at the moment, she frowned He raised his eyebrows and said coldly: "Until you shut that mouth of yours, I will be happy to fight against you."

The confrontation between the two quickly attracted a large group of Slytherin students to take sides. Ashley and Laria took the lead in coming behind Gemma, followed by about ten more Slytherin students who stood with Gemma.But on the contrary, more Slytherin students came behind Nathaniel Carlo, and many of them were quite familiar guys - Flint, Selwyn, Rohr...most of them were from The so-called "Pure Blood 28" are people whose families have a Death Eater background.Under their leadership, more and more Slytherins joined Nathaniel's side.

The two groups were at war with each other, and the smell of gunpowder was high. Neither of the two leaders spoke, but looking at their looks, they looked like they might pull out their wands and hit each other at any time.

There is no doubt that once this happens, Gemma will definitely suffer.

Garr poked Moon on the waist, but Moon didn't move - he was still paying attention to the situation on the Marauder's Map. Jacob Thor inexplicably stopped on the eighth floor, and not on the one where the Room of Requirement was located. Position, Moon didn't dare to look away now.But the situation on Gemma's side is also very urgent. If the werewolf is caught later, and the students themselves become as angry as the gangsters, it will become a big joke.

Moon didn't think Gemma would do such a thing in a daze, but for the group of foolish guys headed by Nathaniel, Moon wasn't so sure.

"You guys go over and help calm the situation. I'll be there in a moment - remember, don't take action first, first find out what happened and make sure it's Carlo's problem." Moon warned, "Then, if We're starting to take action, and give priority to subduing the leaders quickly. Don't look at me like that, I know you can't do it, so won't you tell the others?"

He rolled his eyes and pushed Gal's head away, "Go quickly."

Gar nodded, turned around and muttered something to Arlin and Cedric. Soon, when the sounds of swords were about to appear in the eyes of Gemma and Nathaniel, Hufflepuff A large number of the little wizards here suddenly stood up and rushed towards the area where Slytherin Academy was located.

The person taking the lead was Victor, and he should have stood up because he was this year's male student president and had the responsibility of maintaining order.Of course, in addition to the group of little wizards from Hufflepuff, several professors still in the auditorium were also shouting and walking towards Gemma and Nathaniel.

Regardless of the situation over there, if the professors come over, there is no way they will actually fight. Even Nathaniel and his group will never do such a thing.Moon comforted Fox, who was standing on the back of the chair behind him, and began to feel a little inexplicable anxiety in his heart.

Jacob Saul still didn't move - what was he doing?Admire a certain knight's armor on the eighth floor?

Professor Dumbledore and the others had arrived at the seventh floor, and they were rushing to the eighth floor without stopping. Apparently they also learned from the ghosts and portraits that Jacob had arrived at the eighth floor.

At this rate, it seems good if Jacob Saul remains still, he will be caught soon, and everyone will be happy.But just as Moon was thinking this, the damn werewolf suddenly ran towards the door of the Room of Requirement and began to wander around.

Immediately afterwards, in Moon's sight, Jacob Thor's name quickly disappeared from the Marauder's Map in a few seconds. After a few seconds, Professor Dumbledore and the others also arrived on the eighth floor. .

"Fox." Moon quickly pulled out a page from the book at hand, wrote 'Room of Requirement' on it and handed it to Fox, "Go and find Professor Dumbledore."

Fox raised his wings and patted Moon's arm, as if to say he understood, then took the note in his mouth, flapped his wings and flew straight out of the auditorium.

Moon looked at the Marauder's Map again and found that after arriving on the eighth floor, Professor Dumbledore asked Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape to go towards the Gryffindor Tower, while he stayed on the eighth floor and did not rush. action.

While he mentally praised Professor Dumbledore, he finally relaxed and turned to look at Slytherin House.

Gemma and Nathaniel were still confronting each other. The professors were asking about the situation. The Hufflepuff students who were dragged by Gal and Victor to follow Victor all vaguely stood on Gemma's side. Big rise.There is no doubt that even if they really take action now, Nathaniel and the others will be the losers.

Seemingly realizing this, Nathaniel quickly gave in and sneered at Gemma twice before taking the others two steps away and sitting in a group, minding their own business, with occasional noises erupting.

Chapter 126

After a while, Gal and the others returned to Hufflepuff College one after another. Moon caught Gal and asked him about the situation.

"What Gemma said is not very clear." Gal spread his hands and shrugged. "She only said that the stupid big man Nathaniel Carlo seemed to have said some ugly words against the professors, and she happened to After hearing this, the two of them started to quarrel. We originally wanted Gemma to tell the professors who had just passed by about it, but Gemma said that there was no evidence and it was impossible for Carlo to admit it, so... emmm -emmm, let’s just let it go.”

Moon looked in the direction where Gemma was. She was holding a book and reading there, as if nothing happened before.So Moon looked at Nathaniel Carlo again. He didn't know what he was talking about with the classmate next to him, and he was laughing so hard.

Frankly speaking, it's a bit unfair to call Nathaniel Carlo a big stupid guy. That guy inherited some good genes from someone, and he's quite handsome.

"Gemma is right. Only a fool will admit this kind of thing if there is no evidence. I don't think that Nathaniel Carlo is stupid at all." Moon said with a smile: "Besides, it is a good thing that no conflict broke out. Son, now is not a good time for a student battle."


As Moon said, now is not a good time for students to fight, because there is another "battle" going on upstairs.

Jacob Thor had already thought in his mind that it was very likely that as soon as he walked out of the magical Room of Requirement, there would be a large group of Hogwarts professors standing outside.

Although he has never attended Hogwarts, through communication with Quirrell, he has basically understood everything he needs to know. He knows that the portraits in Hogwarts will tell the truth, and the castle There are many ghosts lingering there.The reason why he chose to break into Hogwarts on Halloween was because Quirrell told him that Hogwarts would hold banquets on various holidays. He wanted to take this opportunity to grab time and complete what he needed to complete. The task is completed.

When he just sneaked in and secretly watched so many little wizards walking into the auditorium in fancy clothes, Jacob's heart was filled with joy - it was simply a God-given opportunity. He never expected that this Halloween dinner would happen to be a A costume party.This meant that if everything went well and he was lucky, he might be able to walk openly in the corridors of Hogwarts, and those portraits would probably mistake him for a student dressed as a werewolf.

However, Lady Luck didn't seem to be on his side today. Seeing that almost no one was walking in the corridor, Jacob finally stepped into the confines of the castle and hurried upstairs.But as soon as he reached the second floor, he bumped into two little wizards, one of whom recognized him as a real werewolf at a glance.

He wanted to get rid of these two guys as soon as possible, but the guy who didn't recognize him as a real werewolf at first ran away.

The wolf's body gave him greater strength and speed, but it also made him unable to use the wand.

From that moment on, he knew that he would most likely end up in Hogwarts Castle today. Unless Hogwarts was full of idiots from top to bottom, he had no hope. Escape from this magical castle he's not even familiar with.

But when the door to the Room of Requirement opened again, he was still as heartbroken as a wolf.

Albus Dumbledore.

Albus Dumbledore is alive, holding a wand, with a serious face, and can even be said to be a little bit "murderous".

"Good evening, Jacob Thor, I think you will be able to give me a suitable reason to explain why you showed up at Hogwarts uninvited and bit and kidnapped one of my students. ." Professor Dumbledore was surprisingly angry. When he saw that the previous Gryffindor student was covered in blood but had no wounds, he knew that something was wrong.Sure enough, Bert Eleanor, who was held hostage by Jacob Saul, had three wounds on his body, and his face was pale.

Jacob wanted to say a few words, but he couldn't speak now - obviously, no matter how proficient in magic he was, he couldn't make himself speak in the werewolf state.

What's more, he still had the unfortunate student in his mouth.

The werewolf hid most of his body inside the door of the Room of Requirement, with his head exposed as low as possible, narrowing the target that Dumbledore could aim at, and whimpering softly.

He knew that hiding like this was not an option, but now he was facing the famous Albus Dumbledore. If he rushed out rashly, he had no idea what would happen to him.

In this way, Jacob Saul fell into a dilemma.

Fortunately, this dilemma was quickly resolved, and Dumbledore had no intention of spending time with him here.While most of the werewolf's attention was spent on hiding himself and staring at the elder wand in the old man's hand, the old man's hand that was originally behind his back suddenly pushed forward hard, and an impact force followed. But all of them hit Jacob Thor's calf with only a slight gap underneath.

Of course, a simple push alone would not kill Jacob Thor, but it would be enough to destroy the balance of Jacob Thor's body.He fell forward, and more of his body was exposed uncontrollably.

Immediately afterwards, Dumbledore just drew a loop with the wand in his hand, and a thin silver chain suddenly formed in the air and wrapped tightly around Jacob Thor's neck - suddenly under control Under such circumstances, the werewolf inevitably opened its mouth, and the seriously injured Burt Eleanor broke away from the wolf's kiss and fell to the ground.

After wrapping around Jacob Thor's neck, Professor Dumbledore raised his right hand holding the wand, and the bright silver chain also carried the werewolf up, even while still holding it. Able to control the force to prevent Jacob Thor from completely suffocating to death.

A complete and utter crushing game. Even if it was the same magic, if another person used it, it would never be possible to have such precise control, let alone restrain a werewolf with just such a chain.

Just because he's Albus Dumbledore.

Jacob Thor waved his claws and legs vigorously, hoping that he could catch something and borrow strength, but this was undoubtedly a wishful thinking.

He held his head high, and in addition to fear, there was also a trace of happiness in his eyes.Dumbledore didn't see this scene at all, because he had already begun to check the poor Gryffindor child's injuries.

Chapter 127 Disposal Plan

Ten minutes later, Professor McGonagall came to the auditorium. First, she ordered the prefects of each college to take the little wizards back to the common room to sleep. Then, after several professors complained to her, she sent Gemma and Na directly. Saniel was each given a week of confinement as punishment for taking the lead in causing trouble.

The whole story, the beginning and the end, and who was right and who was wrong were all things that could not be verified, so Professor McGonagall simply slapped fifty bullets on each of them as punishment.

Everyone was walking back with the prefects obediently. One Gryffindor student couldn't help but asked before leaving, "Professor, has the werewolf been caught?"

"Yes, Grantham, now, go back to bed." Professor McGonagall had a straight face and did not reveal a single word, so naturally no one continued to ask ignorant questions.


When the little wizards hurried back to the common room and were thankful that they didn't have to sleep in the auditorium tonight, in the principal's office, Professor Dumbledore still had no expression on his face, but even just like this, he still felt He looked majestic and not at all as amiable as before.

"Headmaster, I think we should not report this matter to the Ministry of Magic immediately, and Jacob Thor cannot be sent to the Ministry of Magic immediately." Snape stood in the corner of the room and whispered. : "First of all, no matter what he and Quirrell are planning, it must be related to that person, and they must have some plot against Hogwarts. We must find out about this matter; secondly, , please don’t forget that Jacob Thor is the only werewolf who has received the honor of being branded with the Dark Mark by the Dark Lord.”

Snape paused, then continued: "Even without me reminding you, you should know how the Dark Lord views these disgusting guys. Low, ugly, vulgar... For the Dark Lord, Both giants and werewolves are just cannon fodder and pawns under his command. Even Fenrir Greyback, who leads a werewolf community, failed to obtain the Dark Mark that symbolizes the identity of a Death Eater, but Jacob Bu Sol has gained, and is still trusted by, the Dark Lord."

"No matter how you think about the possible return of the Dark Lord in the future, if such a thing is going to happen, Jacob Thor will definitely know something. His value is also... self-evident."

"I don't think so." McGonagall glanced at Snape with dissatisfaction and said sincerely to Dumbledore, who had his back to the two of them: "Headmaster, a child was bitten by a werewolf. This should not be done. , let alone concealed, we must confess to his family. And this confession also means that Jacob Thor’s trespassing must be explained to the public. In this case, the Ministry of Magic will definitely send someone. Take Jacob Saul away. Unless we hide the matter of Elinor's child first, but this is wrong no matter what."

"Perhaps, we can infer that Jacob Thor has not been caught yet." Snape completely ignored McGonagall's eyes, but still proposed a solution to the problem.

"A werewolf that broke into the castle and bit a student has not been caught after a whole night. Severus, you want to bring shame to Hogwarts and Professor Dumbledore." "?" McGonagall looked at Snape in surprise, as if she couldn't imagine that he would say such a thing, and then she said: "What's more, I have already told the students that Jacob Thor has been captured. We got it."

Snape lowered his head slightly, took a half step back, and leaned against the wall.He still didn't say anything to Professor McGonagall. It was clear that their thoughts were completely different. He was thinking about more practical things, but Professor McGonagall was thinking about reputation, Hogwarts, and students.

McGonagall didn't speak again, but looked at Albus Dumbledore quietly, waiting for his decision.

"Burt Elinor was bitten by a werewolf. His parents must be informed, and immediately." Dumbledore's long, thin fingers gently rested on the window sill. "Minerva, go there yourself." Well, let’s discuss the follow-up matters with his family by the way - if I remember correctly, Eleanor... he should be Bereton’s child?”

"Well, his father was Brayton Eleanor, a young man from the Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters. He died together with his wife in the hands of Dolohov." Mag nodded sadly, "His family is now Only an uncle is taking care of him.”

Dumbledore was silent for a few seconds, then slowly said: "Go."

Mag agreed, turned around and pushed the door open to leave.

After McGonagall left, and after a while, Dumbledore suddenly spoke again without warning, "Have you moved everything out of that room?"

"Well, it's in my office. Do you want to bring it over?" Snape said calmly, as if Dumbledore had not accepted McGonagall's point of view by default.

"No, you can check it for me." Dumbledore pondered for a moment and then said: "Together with Moon, that child's prophecy talent... is indeed very good. Maybe he can be of great help."

"Okay, is there anything else?"

"At the Ministry of Magic, I will come forward to at least buy a day or two so that we can have a chance to get some information from Jacob Thor."

Snape raised his head and looked at Dumbledore in surprise, as if he had heard something extraordinary, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

He didn't ask what he said next, but Dumbledore naturally understood his surprise - according to his usual style, Dumbledore was never willing to talk to the Ministry of Magic on such matters that were not very necessary. Fight over things.

If the previous incident with Randall had not happened, the method of dealing with Jacob was actually very simple. As long as Dumbledore said hello, Fudge had no reason to disagree with them interrogating a damn werewolf first.But the problem is that only a few days have passed since Randall's incident, and the relationship between Dumbledore and Fudge is still on the fire.

So at this time, Dumbledore's so-called "coming forward" obviously meant that he and Fudge would have a big argument about this matter.

But facing Snape's surprise, Dumbledore did not explain. Instead, he chuckled and asked, "Severus, am I getting old?"

Snape felt a little speechless at this question. Isn't that old? You have lived for more than a hundred years. If this is not old, what is old?Does it have to be compared to Nick Lemay?

Chapter 128 rumors

Early the next morning, everyone felt that the atmosphere at Hogwarts seemed to be a little different.

What exactly is the difference?It seems that there is no difference, the classes are still the same, the students are still the same students, and the professors are still the same professors.

But everyone could see the worry on the faces of the Gryffindor students. Everyone knew that a werewolf broke in last night and bit a Gryffindor student.

Even if the werewolf is caught, who can guarantee that there won't be a second or third one?Who can guarantee that the next person bitten will not be you?

"How could they think that?" Cedric frowned, not understanding everyone's argument. "It was just an accident, and it couldn't happen every day. It was indeed an accident when a student was bitten. It’s a very bad thing, but doesn’t it mean that all of us are in danger?”

"You're right, Seid." Gal nodded solemnly. "I mean, really speaking, the possibility of you being attacked by a werewolf at home is even greater, isn't it?"

Moon held the bag and yawned first, then shook his head and said: "Anyway, it is a fact that a werewolf broke in, and it is also a fact that someone was bitten. If you want to accuse Hogwart from this point It’s not wrong if there is a security vulnerability in Ci. It’s inevitable for everyone to be worried. After all, they are just a group of children. If a classmate is bitten, it is understandable to worry that the same thing will happen to them. What’s more... where is this? There will be more exaggerated ones in the future, just wait and see.”

Several roommates didn't quite know what the "more exaggerated things" Munn said were, but they all believed Munn's words without exception, because Munn never made mistakes in these matters.

Sure enough, another day later, rumors about Hogwarts and Professor Dumbledore began to appear in the newspapers. There were also many articles angrily criticizing werewolves. Some people even criticized the inventor of Wolfsbane potion. stand up.

No matter what the point of view, there will probably be some people who agree with it and some people who will oppose it, especially at Hogwarts.As more and more news related to this incident appeared in the newspapers, a student finally couldn't help but take the lead and said: "I think the professors should at least give us an explanation on this matter-why? A werewolf broke into the school, and according to what the Daily Prophet said, it was actually a Death Eater!"

That was a Hufflepuff student, so Moon and others who were having lunch naturally heard these words.Gal quietly moved next to Cedric and asked what Death Eater meant. Arlin looked at Munn in confusion and asked, "Won't you refute him, Munn?"

Moon, who was eating an omelette, swallowed the omelette in a hurry and said with a sigh, "Do I look like someone who has to refute everything?"

"Uh..." Yaerlin scratched his eyebrows and smiled, "Isn't he criticizing the professors and the school..."

"He's right." Moon curled his lips. "The professors should indeed issue a statement explaining why werewolves broke into the school, what measures the school took to deal with it, and where the security incidents occurred. How to remedy the loopholes and subsequent decisions. I often refute some things because those things are wrong and wrong, but why should I refute the correct things? It does not mean that professors are always on the right side. No one Always be right, Arlin."

"Professors should also have their own considerations." Gabriel, who had just eaten and was about to leave, heard Moon's words and couldn't help but defended, "Maybe they still have some problems to deal with, so they haven't There’s no time to make such a statement.”

"In any case, it is an indisputable fact that the professors have not issued a statement that should be issued as soon as possible. Since it is a fact, there is no problem if someone raises questions about it. He did not speak excessively, and he did not make unwarranted insults. It was just It's okay to express your own opinions and correct doubts. If professors are busy with something and can't get away from it, they should issue the statement as soon as possible and explain the reason for the delay in issuing the statement. This is also Due responsibilities." Moon explained.

"Ha, if you ask me, we should go home quickly, werewolves!"

While Moon and the others were chatting, a voice suddenly came from the other side of the Slytherin table, a deliberately louder voice said, "If I stay here any longer, what if I get bitten by some monster too?" "The boy said while deliberately pretending to be a werewolf and moaning.

Immediately afterwards, Nathaniel also responded with a smile: "Huh, if this kind of thing really happens, my family will never let this shabby school go - if you ask me, the monster is quite long. The brain knows who to bite and who not to bite.”

Arlin patted Munn on the shoulder and pointed towards the Slytherin table, "Mounn... Why do I think what they said seems to be fine... but inexplicably does it deserve a beating?"

Moon sipped the pumpkin juice and shook his head, "What they call venting their emotions and malicious ridicule. They are not worried about the dangers in the school, but they are using this incident to make trouble and mock the school, and by the way, they make themselves look cool." Same. As for the way of identification, do you see that they are worried at all? Every sentence is alluding to 'Hogwarts is a bad school' and 'Gryffindors deserve to be bitten'. It works. There were no words or suggestions, but instead they were full of incitement and ridicule. Also, did you notice that Nathaniel has been looking in Gemma’s direction? He is still here to find the scene last night. "

"Then there's no need to refute this?" Yaerlin asked hesitantly.

"No need, they are just deliberately talking rubbish, just like farting. No matter how you present facts and reason to refute them, they will always be just as arrogant and rude, so there is no value in refuting them." Moon, who finally finished his lunch, wiped his mouth and said with a smile: "To deal with this kind of person, what you should do is either ignore him, dump garbage on them in the same way, or directly look for opportunities. Give him a hard slap and let him learn to shut up from now on."

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