Carson Bull hit the scoreboard hard. If Professor McGonagall hadn't looked down and hit him on the head, I'm afraid this kid would have smashed the scoreboard directly off the referee's table.

"Gryffindor still maintains the advantage! It's great! They are all good! The handsome Wood has not been in love yet. I wonder if his outstanding performance can usher in that classmate-"

"Carson Bull!" Professor McGonagall glared at him dissatisfied. Carson's chatter stopped abruptly. He smiled and quickly continued to explain seriously, "Okay, now Samuel has the ball. Under the cover of the Gryffindor players, they rushed all the way, and all the players who came to block were blocked. There is a good chance! This is a very chance goal! Can Samuel score another point? "

"The ball goes in——"

Carson's voice suddenly stopped again, which stunned most of the audience. They all clearly saw that Gryffindor's Samuel Rhodes had indeed thrown the Quaffle into the goal, and Carson His character, he must be cheering at this moment.

The next moment, everyone understood why Carson stopped suddenly - Slytherin's seeker was raising his hands high and waving, and between his fingers, the golden snitch's pair of extremely fast wings were gradually stopping. .

While everyone's attention was focused on Gryffindor's brilliant attack, Slytherin's Seeker caught the Golden Snitch.

The energetic shouts of Gryffindor's little wizards suddenly died down, and even the lion on the lion's flag no longer opened its mouth to roar.Professor McGonagall's face darkened again, but she still knocked on the referee's table, signaling the somewhat bewildered Carson Bull to continue completing her duties.

Carson let out a breath to calm down the impact of the huge gap, and then continued the explanation in a loud voice: "Slytherin's Seeker exceeded everyone's expectations! He grabbed it in one fell swoop The Golden Snitch brought victory to Slytherin! Congratulations to Slytherin! They won the game!"

On the broomstick, Fred and George sighed and bumped fists with each other; Oliver hugged the team members listlessly, which prevented him from 90.00% of Slytherin's attacks, only allowing Slytherin to A goal was scored, but in the end they lost the game.

The Slytherin auditorium burst into cheers. Originally, apart from them, only the teachers' bench was applauding, but then, applause also came from the Hufflepuff auditorium.Under the leadership of Moon, more and more people clapped. Later, Ravenclaw also joined in, and even sparse applause came from Gryffindor.

No matter how many tricks Slytherin used in the game before or in the future, at least they finished this game in an orderly manner, and this victory was also earned through their hard work.

Moon smiled and said to the person next to him: "Since it is an honest victory, the winner should always receive the applause they deserve."


[Note 1] In the original book, Fred, George and Angelina Johnson are in the same grade, that is, like Moon, they will be in third grade when Harry comes next year.As we all know, when Harry joined the school team in his first year, Fred, George and Angelina were already members of the Gryffindor team.Unfortunately, there is no mention of when they joined the team in the original novel.Therefore, here is the original setting of the book. Fred and George, a pair of restless troublemakers, took the lead in joining the Quidditch team in the second grade. Angelina, who is also very talented, joined the Quidditch team because of Cedric He decided to join the Gryffindor team next year, the third grade.

Chapter 137 The Bird with Broken Wings

Slytherin won the Quidditch victory again. To be honest, this was not a surprising result, because Slytherin had won the Quidditch championship for several years in a row.

However, after struggling for some glimmers of victory, the Gryffindor Quidditch team failed in an instant. This is really disappointing.

Of course, it's a pity for the little wizards of Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, but they don't have much time to comfort the little wizards of Gryffindor. After all, it will be the turn to play in two weeks. They are both in college.

Moreover, after seeing the wonderful performance of the Slytherin Seeker today, the pressure instantly came to the Seekers of the two houses - although the Slytherin Seeker will graduate and leave school next year, this semester In the remaining games, they are probably destined to use all their strength to keep an eye on this formidable enemy.


On Monday, the 19th, scattered small snowflakes suddenly appeared in the sky. Moon was woken up early in the morning by the chirping of birds outside the window. When he looked carefully outside, he discovered that there was a bird that came from nowhere. The emerald green bird was lying on the windowsill, one of its wings had been bent to ninety degrees, and it was quite painful just to look at it.

Moreover, this little guy who looks like a sparrow is still covered with a thin layer of snowflakes. Judging from the snow outside, it is estimated that this bird has been lying outside for a while.

Moon glanced at the roommates who were still sleeping, walked to the window and carefully opened it, grabbed the bird through the railing outside the window and brought it in.

Although Munn tried his best to use gentle force, the injury on the little guy's wings was really serious. When Munn caught him, it still couldn't help but pecked Munn several times. Fortunately, the skin was not broken.Moon put the little guy on the bedside cabinet, whispered a spell, and brushed his fingers over the little guy's wings, as if a gentle wind was blowing by. The bird's round eyes were fixed on the wings. , found that his broken wings had miraculously recovered, becoming intact as before, as if he had never been injured.

Seeing the little guy's cute look, Mu En couldn't help but laugh. The bird also jumped up from the cabinet in cooperation. It jumped first, shook off the floating snow on its body, and then rushed towards Mu En. En nodded repeatedly, as if to say thank you, and even came over to rub his head against Moon's fingers.

Moon smoothed the feathers on the little guy's head, reopened the window, and whispered: "Okay, let's go out."

The little guy gave a soft cry, turned around, flapped his wings, and flew straight out of the window.

A gust of cold wind happened to blow outside. Munn shivered and muttered to close the window again. However, he found that Cedric next to him had opened the bed curtain at some point. He rubbed his sleepy eyes and looked at Munn, "Just now." Didn't something fly out? Debbie?"

"No, a little bird I've never seen before. It's quite cute and green." Moon smiled, picked up his pocket watch and looked at the time. "Ah, it's time to get up."

The two of them got dressed quickly. In fact, Munn usually didn't get up so quickly. He was more used to staying awake in bed for a few minutes after waking up, especially in winter.But now that everyone is up, there is no need to get back into bed.

While the two were cleaning up, Gal and Yaerlin also woke up one after another. While changing his clothes, Gal muttered: "Moon, do you think there will be a lot of people coming over today to care about you?" you?"

"Care about me?" Moon looked at Gal in confusion, "Why do you care about me? Is today a special day?"

Arlin was the first to get what Gal meant and explained: "Gall must be talking about that article, the one where you responded to those cynics and said you wanted to live with Bert Eleanor. "

"It shouldn't be... right...?"


Facts have proved that it is not only serious, but also very serious. The four little wizards have just come to the auditorium and sat down. The benches under their butts are not even warm yet. La Ruien is the first to come over. "Oh my God, Moon, you can't." Are you really going to move in with that Burt Eleanor?"

"..." Moon looked at the omelette on the fork that was just about to reach his mouth. He didn't want to eat it or not eat it for a while. He hesitated for a moment, then put down the hot omelette and replied: "It's true. , Don’t worry, there won’t be any danger.”

After finally dealing with Larian, the four people from Milton's dormitory walked into the auditorium again, rushed over before Munn could eat the omelette, and held down Munn's shoulders, "Moon! You are really Are you going to live with that Bert Eleanor?"

The fork has been brought to my mouth. Hey!It's very dangerous, you bastard!

Moon sighed and repeated what he just said to Milton and the others.

Finally, Moon took his first bite of the omelette, but when he picked up the bread, Tonks ran over again.

At this moment, Moon finally realized that he should have trusted the judgment of his roommates when Gal and the others asked him that question in the morning, and stuck a large piece of paper on the back of his robe, writing all his responses on it.

He could hardly finish his breakfast.

After finally finishing breakfast despite the inquiries of a bunch of Hufflepuff badgers, on their way to the first morning spells lesson on the third floor, they bumped into the Weasley twins again.

"Wow! Moon, cool!" Fred or George stepped forward and hooked Moon's shoulders - his move was a bit awkward because he was not tall, and Moon He is also the tallest among his peers [Note 1] - In short, he struggled to hook Munn's shoulders, his eyes were full of envy, but he was definitely not envying Munn's height. "Think about it. , it’s really exciting to be able to be in the same room with a werewolf.”

The other twin who stood still, probably George, smiled and responded: "Indeed, if it is possible, we would also like to join in and give it a try."


[Note 1] According to the original description, the Weasley family can be roughly divided into two body types, one is slender (preferring Mr. Weasley?), and the other is short and fat (preferring Mrs. Weasley?). ), both Charlie and the twins are the latter. In the first film, the 13-year-old twins are as tall as the 11-year-old Ron, and in the fourth film, Ron seems to have surpassed the twins in height, so even though the movie The actors who play the Weasley twins are very tall, but in fact the twins are not very tall.

Chapter 138 Question

[Supplementary Note] In fact, George and Fred can be tentatively distinguished through some small details: Fred is relatively more extroverted. Of course, this does not mean that George is an introvert, it is just a relative comparison; Moreover, Fred is often bolder and prefers to do and speak first, while George is often the one who follows, answers and explains; in addition, Fred is also the more interesting one. In the Gemini jokes, Usually Fred was the one who told the story first, and George was the one who picked it up.

[Supplementary Note 2] I suddenly remembered that I forgot about the note about Wolfsbane Potion, so I will add a note at the front. This is to prevent book friends from having to go back and read it again.In the third part, Professor Lupine once mentioned that "the medicine that Professor Snape prepared for me was invented recently." The "medicine" here refers to Wolfsbane Potion, but Professor Lupine also said this. At the end of the third part, and judging from the fact that Professor Snape was able to configure Wolfsbane potion for Professor Lupine at the beginning of the third year, this potion was most likely not invented in 1993, because collecting materials and boiling magic potion Potions take time, and making the potion must have started before Harry's third year started.Therefore, the "recently" in Professor Luping's words is more like "in recent years." In this book, the invention of Wolfsbane potion is set as nearly two years, but this setting does not belong to the original setting, because the original setting There is no mention of the exact time when Wolfsbane potion was invented.


"How about it, Munn, do you want us to move in with you two?" Fred, who was holding Munn's shoulders, winked at Munn. "Think about it, how fun it will be then? We can go together. Sneak out of the dormitory and no longer have to be afraid of Filch, he will definitely run faster than anyone else when he sees a werewolf."

"..." Moon blinked, and for a moment he couldn't tell whether the two brothers' purpose was to "become cool" or to "use Burt Eleanor to scare Mr. Filch."

"Ahem, don't think about it." Moon, who was not entangled in the twins' purpose, said helplessly: "I can't promise you this, and Professor McGonagall will definitely not agree - more importantly, I also I don’t live with Eleanor every day, I only come out to live with him around the full moon night.”

"Only a full-moon night will do." The twins still didn't give up, but they obviously knew that their ideas were unreliable, so they just pulled Munn and muttered a few words, and Fred let go. Hooking Moon's arm, "Hey, what a pity, we still thought we could have adventures with the werewolves."

"Maybe we can also go on an adventure in the Forbidden Forest."

"I don't know if Eleanor can defeat the monsters in the Forbidden Forest."

"The premise is that there are really monsters in the Forbidden Forest."



The more Moon listened, the more speechless he became. It is estimated that if Eleanor knew the little thoughts of these two people, he might not be able to help but bite them to death first.

Fortunately, the time for class was getting closer and closer, so the twins thought for a few more words before waving goodbye to the four of them. Moon exhaled as if he had been reborn, and when he looked around, he found three people. The roommates all snickered.

After everyone rolled their eyes, Moon dragged the three of them and hurried upstairs - if they didn't hurry up, they would be late.


Professor Flitwick still maintained his gossipy heart, but as a professor, he still put his instructions first. When class was about to end, he came over and told Moon several times, asking him to ensure his safety. It's safe. If it doesn't work, just ask the professors for help.

In comparison, Professor Snape seems much more of an asshole.

"Moon...Fox." In the dark Potions classroom, Professor Snape stared into Munn's eyes. Although he did not continue to speak, Munn roughly understood what he meant and stood up quickly.

"Answer me -" Seeing Munn stand up, he turned around suddenly, took out his wand, and left the phrase 'wolfsbane potion' on the blackboard. "In the formula of wolfsbane potion, which ingredient plays the role of The main role of a werewolf in maintaining his sanity?”

Moon was a little stunned. If it were another professor, he would definitely say, 'Sorry, Professor, I don't know, we haven't learned this part yet, and this is obviously advanced knowledge that goes beyond the scope of the curriculum.'But he was facing Professor Snape now. If he dared to answer like this, there was no doubt that Professor Snape would only make a series of sarcastic remarks at him.

So, Moon had no choice but to reply: "Sorry, Professor, I don't know."

For Professor Snape, those last words were the source of his firepower. If he only said something he didn't know, the professor's firepower would be slightly weaker.

"Huh? I thought that 'all-knowing' Mr. Fox should be proficient in all the knowledge required in Potions class. Obviously, his 'all-knowing' is not really 'all-knowing'." Professor Snape sneered. , the corners of his mouth almost reached his eyebrows.

Moon didn't know whose grandma's house his so-called 'knowledge you should know in Potions class' had strayed to. It might have been Merlin's grandma's house. [Note 1]

"Then, let me ask a simpler question, Fox, please tell me, how long does it take to boil the Wolfsbane potion?"

"Sorry, Professor, I don't know." Moon seemed to be an emotionless repeater.

"Ha..." Professor Snape suddenly strode up to Moon. Judging from his posture, it seemed as if he wanted to rush over and strangle Moon to death. "So, please tell me, if I put a second-year student What would happen if a wizard was locked up with a werewolf who hadn't taken the wolfsbane potion?"

"..." Moon restrained his urge to say, 'Sorry, Professor, I don't know.' If he said this again at this time, Professor Snape would probably really strangle him to death. "I think it might change." Become another werewolf and possibly die.”

Professor Snape looked at Moon's sincere expression, and the sneer on his face gradually turned into his usual indifference. "If you answer wrong, there is almost no possibility of you becoming another werewolf. The chance of death is 99%, because in the face of When it comes to fresh flesh and blood, a werewolf who has completely lost his mind cannot restrain his extreme desire for flesh and blood."


Professor Snape waved his wand and wiped away all the 'Wolfsbane Potion' on the blackboard.

"You'd better hope that each of my wolfsbane potions can be completely cooked successfully and be extremely effective. Of course, I can't guarantee this, because when I think of being able to send away two guys who are annoying me at once, I I’m very happy.”


[Note 1] "XXXXX went to his grandma's house" is a Northeastern proverb. I don't know if there is such a saying in other places. This sentence is more versatile. It can be "went to his grandma's house" or "XXXXX went to his grandma's house". It can be "it tasted so bad that it went to his grandma's house", which is not only versatile but also easy to use (laughs).

Chapter 139 Alcoholism

Professor Snape's words obviously just wanted to scold Moon severely - there was no way he could not mix the Wolfsbane potion. Although this potion was not easy to make, with Professor Snape's ability, if he wanted to mix it, It can definitely be done easily.

So why did Professor Snape say this?

The deep responsibility of love?

When he thought of these six words, Moon couldn't help but shudder.impossible!Absolutely impossible!

The main reason is that just the three words "deep love" are very annoying. He is not Harry Potter, he does not have a mother named Lily, and he does not have the same green eyes as Lily. Why should he?Just because Professor Snape was teaching him dark arts?The problem is that Professor Snape did not teach him this voluntarily, and he has not been there a few times in total. Every time he goes, Professor Snape frowns so hard that his head can be crushed.

Moon thought about this problem for a long time, and finally thought of a very reliable possibility.

Professor Snape obviously doesn't like werewolves. First of all, the "Marauders" who had always been against him in school [Note 1] Lupine in the small group is a werewolf, and he almost died in the Shrieking Shack [ Note 2].In addition, he himself does not think highly of werewolves. Although he has abandoned darkness and turned to light, Professor Snape obviously still has similar thinking methods and concepts to most dark wizards on many things. In his eyes, werewolves are inferior to others. group.

This time Bert Elinor will return to Hogwarts. If Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall take the first and second place respectively, Moon's contribution is obviously second only to them.The return of Burt Eleanor not only means that another Gryffindor werewolf student will come to Hogwarts (this will undoubtedly remind Professor Snape of Remus Lupin), but also means that... Professor Snape had to follow Professor Dumbledore's order to brew wolfsbane potion for the werewolves he hated.

This is exactly what Professor Snape would berate himself for in class.

After thinking about this, Moon couldn't help but silently wish Burt Eleanor.

No matter how great his influence is, he may not be able to stop Professor Snape from discriminating against a certain young wizard in class. Therefore, Elinor can only ask for his own blessings.

In any case, it was much better to go back to Hogwarts and endure both good and bad looks than to be put in a "cage" by the Ministry of Magic.


The first time everyone in the school newspaper office met Burt Eleanor was on Wednesday.

I have to say that Adam was right, this guy did look a little shy.Of course, shy is just a more conservative and gentle way of saying it. If we were to describe Elinor's current state more accurately, it would be inferiority complex - just like when she first came to Hogwarts and endured a lot of criticism. Same as Randall.

Wood also secretly told everyone that although he and Eleanor didn't have much interaction before, they had had several contacts. After all, they were both Gryffindor students.At that time, Eleanor was much more cheerful than she is now.

Everyone ate some snacks and joked for a while, and then introduced and assigned Eleanor his work.With Moon's advice, the little wizards in the school newspaper office did not show any care for Eleanor, but tried to treat him as an ordinary classmate.Sure enough, the effect was very good. After only an hour or two, the smiles on Eleanor's face became more and more popular.

Because Moon and the others had to take an astronomy class in the evening, the four people in their dormitory and Violet didn't stay in the school newspaper office for too long. They hurried back to the dormitory to get their textbooks and prepared to go to the auditorium to prepare dinner. Solve it.

As a result, just as they reached the entrance of the auditorium, they met Fred and George again, and as soon as they saw them, George pulled Fred and rushed over.

At first, Moon thought that the two of them wanted to go with him and Eleanor to prank Mr. Filch on a full-moon night, and he even thought about how to politely reject the twins. As a result, But George directly asked, "Hey, Moon, I remember you have a good relationship with Hagrid, right?"

Fred also added, "He is the gamekeeper of our school."

"Uh, that's right." Moon nodded.

"Then I think you'd better go and see him. He was crying and drank a lot. When Fred and I saw him from the window, he was holding a huge wine glass and drinking it into his stomach. Filling it."

"And his house smelled like alcohol, we could smell it without even going in."

"That's it. He even cried loudly, as if there was something particularly sad."

"Oh, by the way, you must never mention that we showed up, otherwise Hagrid will definitely guess that we two slipped into the Forbidden Forest again."

"Yes, he didn't even notice that we entered the Forbidden Forest."

"This is really abnormal."

The twins bombarded Munn and the others with words, and then, the two hands patted Munn's shoulders together, "Go, remember not to say that we told you. "

Next to them, Gal, Arlin, Violet, and Cedric were all confused by Fred and the others - these two people spoke too fast, and the words came out like a barrage of words. After throwing it out, even Munn was a little dizzy. Fortunately, they didn't need to figure out too many things. After all, there wasn't much key information in this long string of words, there were only two main ones:

One, Hagrid is drinking;

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