
"Let me take a look. If you want this, this and this, give me a pack of lemon snow candies." Moon said as he handed the money to the old shop owner.

He first walked around twice, and then came to the store to buy a bag of candy and three pineapple popsicles. It seemed that several minutes had passed. According to his own estimation, even if the two people hadn't finished talking, at least they should. have ended their "emotional blowout" phase.

But when he returned with popsicles and candies, he was helpless to find that two people, one big and one small, were hugging each other, and judging from the state of Harry's eyes facing him, it was obvious that Harry had just cried. .

It would be okay if it was just like this. At worst, he would take the popsicle and go for a spin. If that didn't work, he could just eat his own popsicle first.But the embarrassing thing is that Harry has already seen him.

So he could only watch the two of them quickly loosen their hands and adjust their emotions, while resisting the urge to dig out the Hogwarts Castle with his toes and walking slowly over.

"So, where have you been talking?" Moon, who returned to his seat, handed the popsicles to the two of them and asked, "Is there anything else that I haven't had time to say?"

Sirius leaned back in his chair - he didn't cry, but he looked very emotional, with a little excitement and excitement. "Ha, I have told him everything about Harry, and of course, about me. It's your own business. You can introduce yourself to him again, and introduce Hogwarts by the way. After all, I...well, I'm a bit outdated."

"Indeed, after all, you have graduated from Hogwarts for more than ten years." Moon curled his lips, "Let's eat the popsicles first. While eating, we will tell Harry about Hogwarts. After we finish eating, let's Let’s go straight to Diagon Alley so we can have lunch after we finish shopping.”

Of course, the two of them had no objection to this, so the three of them sat on the park bench, gnawing on popsicles and chatting sporadically.


"I've bought all the textbooks, all the robes, telescopes, scales, crystal bottles, crucibles..." Harry and Sirius faced the large and small packages in front of them, counting them, and thinking about the next stop. where. [Note 1]

Sirius put the small bag containing the Galleons back into his pocket. Because it was him and Moon who came to deliver the notice to Harry this time, Professor Dumbledore did not give the key to Harry's parents' vault. Instead, he planned to wait until Harry went to school before giving it to him.

"Are you sure you have bought all the textbooks, Harry?"

"I should have bought them all. The boss handed them over in a bundle." Harry scratched his head, checked the list on the admission notice again, and then said with certainty: "It's all here."

"Then it's time to take you to buy wands." Sirius pointed to Ollivander's wand shop diagonally ahead. "Come on, let's go directly there."

Harry watched Sirius wave his wand, and everything was the same as before, and he followed them obediently. He couldn't help but take another look with interest - even though he had seen this scene several times. .

Ollivander's wand shop was as old and quiet as ever. The two of them had just entered, and Moon followed behind.

"Hey, Moon, you just..." Harry looked at Moon's empty hands curiously, "Didn't you go shopping?"

"Yes, I have already finished the shopping. I happened to see you guys walking in." Moon said with a smile, and then gestured to the front, "Here, Mr. Ollivander is here."

Harry, who hadn't heard any footsteps, was startled. He quickly looked back. Sure enough, an old man was standing not far behind him. A pair of light-colored, almost silver-white eyes made Harry feel sad. It was a little creepy - he could hardly see any life in it.

"Good afternoon, gentlemen. Oh, Black, yes, I saw the news of your release from prison, the belated truth... and Mr. Fox, is your wand okay?"

Moon responded and took out the wand, which was tightly wrapped in a wand protective cover, from the inner pocket of his clothes. "I think it's not bad, sir."

Mr. Ollivander gave a soft "hmm" and then turned his eyes to Harry. "As for this, ah, yes, Harry Potter, I know I will see you soon, but You arrived later than I expected... Your eyes are exactly like your mother's, but you look more like your father... Yes, Mr. Potter, I remember them, well... very clearly."


[Note 1] In the original book, Harry met Draco Malfoy for the first time in Madam Malkin's Robe Shop, but because he did not come to Diagon Alley until mid-August, he did not meet him. When he arrived at Malfoy, not only that, he didn't even see much of his future classmates.

Chapter 15

"I can even recall the time when they first came to Ollivanders, looking for the wand that would choose them - one made of willow, ten and a quarter inches long, and one wand that would choose them. Made of mahogany, eleven inches long, they fit them very, very well..." Mr. Ollivander said, getting closer to Harry.

Harry wanted to take half a step back, but first of all, Mr. Ollivander's words really attracted him, and secondly, he also felt that it was a bit impolite to step back directly, so he restrained himself before raising his feet. idea.

Until Mr. Ollivander's fingers touched the scar on Harry's forehead.

"Hmm... Is this the scar? I think so, that's right. It's him. The wand he uses is also sold here. It's made of yew, thirteen and a half inches, and has a phoenix tail feather core. ...I'm really sorry." Mr. Ollivander retracted his hand and took out the tape measure from his pocket - as soon as he saw this thing, Moon subconsciously reached out to his nose, but fortunately he quickly Then I remembered that he was not here to buy a wand today.

Harry's process of purchasing a wand was as long and troublesome as in the original work. It took him a long time to try and get it, until Harry and Sirius became a little impatient, and Mr. Ollivander finally took out the wand. The holly wand that was destined to belong to Harry.

Before leaving Ollivander's wand shop, Sirius paid seven gold galleons. Mr. Ollivander bowed and sent them out, mumbling to himself "Wonderful, so wonderful."

So, when they finally got a little further away from the shop, Harry immediately asked in disbelief: "So, my wand and my... enemy are... I don't know how to describe it, twin brothers?"

"At least that's what it sounds like from Mr. Ollivander." Sirius seemed to see the faint resistance in Harry's heart, so he patted his shoulder hard, "Don't think nonsense, Harry. Maybe this is your destiny, just like day and night, although they are always connected, they are always distinct. Maybe you are destined to use this wand to stand in the light and defeat Voldemort."

After hearing Sirius's words, Harry felt much better.

Ollivander's wand shop was the last stop of their trip to Diagon Alley. After leaving Diagon Alley, Moon thought about inviting Sirius and Harry to have dinner at Shafik Manor. , but after hesitating for a moment, he gave up the idea - Harry had received too much new knowledge today, so let him relax.

So, the three of them found a restaurant nearby to have dinner. During the dinner, Moon also gave Harry the birthday gift he bought for Harry: a silver broomstick pendant. Just twist the broom head 90 degrees, and the inside of the broomstick will appear. It will emit a soothing aroma that helps you sleep; if you twist the broom head 180 degrees, this gadget will start flying up and down in a small circle.

Although Harry still doesn't have a very intuitive concept of flying broomsticks, he still likes this little thing. In his words, this thing is just like Diagon Alley, it is simply "too magical."

Sirius also bought gifts for Harry, and he bought them exactly according to Moon's recommendation. However, because he bought them early, all these gifts were put back at his house, ready to be handed over to Harry when he went back in the evening.

Yes, although Moon said at the time that he was inviting Harry to live at Shafiq Manor, in reality, Harry would go to live with Sirius.

There's no reason to stay at your senior's house instead of going to your godfather's house, right?


After dinner, Sirius took them back to No. 12 Grimmauld Place, where they celebrated Harry's birthday together, accompanied by Moon.This made Harry extremely happy. This was the first time in his life that he had celebrated his birthday so solemnly - even if it was just a make-up and not a real day, it still made him laugh all night long.

Sirius also presented the two gifts he had prepared for Harry: the greeting gift was a snowy owl, Harry thought about the name for a while, but finally decided to postpone it; the birthday gift was a broomstick, which is the most popular nowadays. Awesome Nimbus 2000.Yes, Moon finally recommended Sirius to give Harry a broomstick. The reason was very simple. He couldn't think of any other gift for Sirius to give Harry. He might as well just get a broomstick. He would need it sooner or later anyway, before school started. , Sirius can also take Harry to play, so that the two of them can go out and cause trouble.

When everything settled and it was already very late, Sirius sent Moon back to Shafik Manor, then thanked Moon properly before finally leaving.

Overall, from Moon's point of view, today's merits are almost complete. If I have to make myself uncomfortable and think about what I still have shortcomings...

That's probably because he didn't see Kreacher.

It is estimated that Sirius had already predicted that Kreacher would never look good when he saw Harry, and would probably curse him, so he simply locked up Kreacher.Otherwise, Moon still wants to get in touch with Kreacher.

But, anyway, now he also knows the location of No. 12 Grimmauld Place. There will be many opportunities in the future, so he is not in a hurry.

When they walked into the manor, all the brothers and sisters were already asleep, but An was still sitting in the hall reading a book, presumably waiting for Moon.

"Mom, haven't you rested yet?" Moon took off her coat, walked to the sofa and sat down, saying softly: "Huh, I really ran all day today."

An closed the book and put it aside. Then he raised his hand to straighten Moon's hair and said with a smile: "I can't sleep, so I came down to read a book. Wait, have you had dinner?"

"I have eaten. It was eaten in a Muggle restaurant. It tasted quite good. We can also eat there if we have the opportunity in the future." Moon obediently let Ann do his hair and responded, "I saw Harry today. Potter, the Boy Who Lived."

An's hand paused, but only for a moment. Then, she said softly, "That is also a child who is suffering... If you can help him in school in the future, please help him more." ”

"Yeah, I know." Moon waited until An took back her hand, then leaned back and leaned on the back of the sofa. "Mom, have you been drinking?"

An noticed Moon's worry, smiled and shook her head, "I just drank a little, a glass of red wine, just while I was reading, to help me sleep."

Chapter No.16 Sirius getting in the car

“9号……10号……”哈利看着车票上的站台号,一时间有些傻眼“我怎么没见到9又 3/4 站台……”

Sirius was so amused by Harry that he couldn't help but laugh again. He greeted the large group of people behind him and quickly pulled Harry to the entrance of Platform 9 and 3/4.

Yes, a big crowd.

Moon, Hesper, Quaid, Golov, An, Edgar and other members of the Shafiq family, Cedric and his father, Yarlin and his mother, Gal and his parents, and others There are also Percy, the twins, Ron, Ginny and Mrs. Weasley of the Weasley family, as well as Violet who is alone.If you include Harry and Sirius, there must be at least 20 people in this huge group.

In fact, only a few members of the Shafiq family were supposed to come with Harry and Sirius, but a few days before the start of school, Violet sent a letter to Moon, which included a few In addition to the photos taken by Violet Zhang in France, she also has a small request - her mother needs to stay in France for a while because of something, and her father can't get away for the time being, so she sent a letter to see if she can come. Sometimes I go to King's Cross Station with Moon.

Of course Moon had no objections to this, and the rest of the family had no objections either. Goroff even went to France himself to bring Violet back—yes, Violet last night He lived in Shafiq Manor, sharing a room with Hesper.

After receiving the letter, Moon suddenly thought of something else - anyway, he was already taking his whole family to the station with Harry, Sirius, and Violet. In this case, then Why not just call more people?

So he wrote another letter and asked his three roommates to come and ride together.When they arrived at King's Cross Station, they met the Weasleys at the station gate again...

Sirius and Harry were walking at the front, and Sirius was currently muttering to Harry about the magic at the entrance to Platform 9 and 3/4; a few adults were walking at the end, chatting about their mess, their parents' shortcomings, and the rest. A large group of children were walking in the middle. Moon was holding Dana, and Hesper was holding Olanda. The remaining two younger brothers and sisters who had followed were hiding in the arms of Golov and Ann. Owen was there. While pestering Cedric and the Weasley twins, shouting and asking questions, except for Harry, who was dragged away by Sirius, Percy was the most unsociable and always stayed on the edge of the group of children.

They haven't gone in yet because someone hasn't arrived yet.

A few minutes later, seeing the time getting shorter and shorter, Professor Luping, finally wearing a brand new robe given by Moon, hurriedly walked into the station and came to the side of everyone.

"Huh, I almost misremembered the time..." Professor Lupine smiled bitterly, nodded at Sirius first, and then said hello to everyone - he didn't feel too much about seeing Sirius or Harry. Excited, because he has been to the Black family's old house many times in the past half month.

When everyone arrived, everyone immediately felt relaxed and entered the station one by one.To be honest, because there were so many people and the people carrying luggage were all children, they were indeed a bit conspicuous in the station.Fortunately, it was a station. People were coming and going in a hurry, and not many people would stare at them. Otherwise, everyone would have rushed into the station uncomfortably.

After entering the station, the little wizards who were going to school began to say goodbye to their parents. Violet, as the only one without a parent, was closely followed by Munn throughout the whole process. As a result, his mother and two uncles All the instructions were given to Violet, but Moon became the child that no one cared about. She only hugged Ann gently before leaving.

"Take care of your brothers and sisters, and Violet." An patted Moon on the back and said softly: "Of course, and yourself."

"Don't worry, Mom, I will take good care of everyone." Moon promised, "Okay, it's time for us to get in the car. See you during the holidays. Mom, uncles, and Ouen, okay, okay, And you little ones, I’ll bring you gifts during the holidays.”

The whistle of the Hogwarts Express began to sound. Under the reluctant eyes of parents and a few younger ones, the little wizards hurriedly got on the train.

Professor Lupine also got on the train, which was of course no problem, but what surprised Moon was that Sirius actually jumped onto the express train right after Professor Lupin.

He was about to ask a question when a thought suddenly flashed through his mind.

"Sirius... couldn't you..." Moon walked up to Sirius and looked at him in disbelief, "Are you applying for the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor position?"

He had previously talked to Professor Dumbledore about Professor Lupine. After all, there was an unknown curse in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. If Professor Lupine was really allowed to be the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, If so, it may lead to many negative situations, which will ultimately make it impossible for Professor Lupine to continue to take refuge in Hogwarts.Therefore, he had long thought that Professor Dumbledore would probably turn Professor Lupine from substitute professor to teaching assistant this year.

But he didn't expect that the person who would eventually come to Hogwarts to apply for the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor would become Sirius.

To be honest, this is definitely not a good thing... Harry finally reunited with Sirius in advance. If something happens to Sirius by then, not even talking about Harry and Professor Lupin, just Moon himself. There will also be some liver pain.After all, strictly speaking, Sirius should be fished out by him.

Fortunately, Sirius's answer made him breathe a sigh of relief. "Ha, I think so. Unfortunately, Professor Dumbledore didn't agree. He said that he had already found a professor for the Defense Against the Dark Arts course, but he might need me to talk to him." I will serve as an assistant coach together with James. I thought it would be idle to be idle at home, so I agreed."

"That's it, that's okay." Moon's hanging heart was relieved. Harry seemed to have known about this before. On the contrary, Arlin and Gal cheered, and Quaid also looked very happy. ——The three of them had the most favorable impressions of Sirius during their interactions with each other on the way here today.After all, although Sirius is already their uncle in age, his personality is more like that of a high-spirited young man. It has to be said that living in Azkaban for the past ten years has made him more stable, but he is still the same Sirius after all. , nature has not changed.

Chapter No.17 Train Things

For most young wizards who go to school at Hogwarts, the Hogwarts Express is just an ordinary magical means of transportation - of course, it does have many advantages, at least compared to other This is true for transportation.

In the past, Hogwarts had tried to allow young wizards to go to school on their own, but this proved to have various problems. For example, some students would be in danger, and some students would get lost... So later, the school chose door keys as Transportation, this way, at least the students will not get lost.

But portkeys are not a good choice. First of all, portkeys may be tampered with, and portkeys have always been managed by the Ministry of Magic. Therefore, you need to submit an application to the Ministry of Magic every year when making portkeys. This is also Very tedious.Even without looking at these two points, the riding experience of the Portkey is very poor. The rider will feel as if his belly button has been pulled hard.What's more important is that for unskilled little wizards who use portkeys to travel, they can't always grasp the timing of letting go, and they often fall or even get injured when they land.

In addition to traveling on their own and using portkeys, Hogwarts has also tried floo powder, but the problem is equally obvious - students who say the wrong place name due to unclear speech or nervousness and are teleported are no less lost than those who run away on their own. Not to mention that every little wizard after using the Floo powder was very disgraceful. Half of the students at the opening banquet would not have time to change clothes or take a shower, and therefore had to attend the banquet dirty.

It wasn't until Otalian Gamble became the Minister of Magic that she finally thought of a practical way - to use trains as a means of transportation for students to school.It was also from that time that a train station was built in Hogsmeade and the Hogwarts Express officially started running.

Compared with travel methods such as portkeys and floo powder, trains are obviously superior. In addition to the troublesome initial construction (mainly building stations, casting forgetting spells on Muggles, and casting hiding spells on trains and stations), using Train travel is safe, comfortable and convenient.If there is any problem, it is probably only some self-proclaimed noble pure-blood people. They are very dissatisfied with this and think that taking Muggle transportation is an insult to them.

The good news is that the Ministry of Magic has nothing to do with them. Minister Gamble said very frankly that it was either sit down or get out.Then most of the pure-blooded people stopped moving, and the remaining few die-hards were quickly rolled over by the wheels of time and became the dust of history.

So, what exactly is the comfort of the Hogwarts Express?

There are always enough compartments, comfortable seats, and aunties will push carts to sell snacks on the train.Although Moon and others always feel that it is too crowded when they get on the train, that is not a problem with the train, but a problem with the little wizards - there are always some people who don't like to stay in the compartment honestly and have to run away Get together at train connections, corridors, and other places to chat.

Moreover, the compartments are not only sufficient, but also clearly divided.In addition to the compartments for most students, there are compartments specially prepared for prefects and student union presidents, as well as some slightly larger compartments for professors and special visitors [Note 1].There is always room on the train for you whenever you need it.

Just like now, after the train started running, Percy immediately put on his robe and badge in a hurry, said hello to everyone and strode away.In his words, "I still have to go to the prefect compartment for a meeting."

But Fred, George and Ron all agreed that Percy just wanted to show off his status as a prefect and there was no need for him to be in such a hurry.

After Percy left, Fred and George slipped away.They really wanted to play with everyone, but according to them, they "had big things to do."Ron also strongly suspected this, because when Ron left the Burrow this morning, he found that his twin brothers secretly packed a few boxes of things into their luggage - "Well, I feel like Fred and George went to do it." ...What do you mean by that word, ah, we were engaged in 'smuggling'."

Ron's words made everyone dumbfounded, but Moon and Cedric clearly supported Ron's idea. The four of them played with the twins a lot in school. What are they like? The four of them don't say they know everything, but at least they all have some confidence.

In this way, the only people left with Sirius and Professor Lupin were Moon, the four of them, Violet, Harry, Ron, Hesper and Quaid.

Not only is it a lot, but it's a bit more. It's obviously impossible to fit eleven people in an ordinary cubicle.

While responding to the greetings of the classmates passing by, Moon said to everyone: "How about we go to the carriage without compartments?" [Note 2]

Sirius and Professor Lupine looked at each other, and then they both laughed.

"That's not necessary - luckily we had the foresight to come with us."


[Note 1] Regarding the fact that there are compartments exclusively for prefects on the Hogwarts Express, it was clearly mentioned in the original book.However, "slightly larger compartments prepared for professors and special visitors" are not specifically mentioned in the original work. Therefore, in this book, the author based on Professor Lupine (Part [-], with Harry and others) Sitting in the same compartment), Professor Slughorn (in the sixth part, the Slug Club party was held in the large compartment), some settings were made for the differences between the two of them riding the express train—— That is to say, there are no special compartments for professors on the train (because obviously most professors will not take the train to school), but there are some special compartments for professors and special visitors to use when needed.

Additional anti-collision tips:

①Professor Lupine obviously did not go specifically to find Harry at that time, because it is clearly described in the original book that Professor Lupine sat there first, but Harry and the three of them went there later, unless Professor Lupine was also a prophecy The master can predict the future, otherwise he would just sit there, that's all.

②In the original six years (the first six books), only Professor Lupine and Professor Slughorn took the Hogwarts Express once each, and Professor Slughorn’s invitation to Harry at that time stated It only says "compartment C", not "my compartment" or "professor's compartment", so there is probably no special compartment for professors on the train - after all, professors are different from prefects. The elders are sure to take the express train every year.

[Note 2] This kind of carriage is actually only found in movies. There is no "compartment without compartments" in the original books (including the sixth part, where the description is actually more like Harry sneaking into Malfoy in the compartment where it is located), so it cannot be determined whether it is present or not.This book is regarded as having it, and it can be considered that it adopts the setting of the movie. However, the author actually just wants to give those noisy naughty children a large space where they can get together and "have fun".The purpose of this note is to remind readers that this is not the setting in the original work.

Chapter 18 Small talk

"I have to admit, I thought this place would be bigger." Gal sat down in the seat again, trying his best to prevent Yaerin from pressing his thighs. "I mean, our usual cubicle is crowded. Even if it is crowded, six or seven people can sit down, but here..."

Moon couldn't help but laugh, because Yaerlin deliberately squeezed next to Gar - yes, he did it on purpose, and there was quite a bit of space on the other side of him.

"...But here, it feels like only ten people can sit at most. Fortunately, there are no fat people among us. I will be squeezed against the wall! Yaerlin!" Gal turned his head and shouted dissatisfied. He made a sound and discovered the empty seat next to Ya'erlin. "Damn it! Ya'erlin, you must have done it on purpose! Come over quickly! I'm telling you why Munn and the others look so spacious there!"

Everyone laughed when they saw the little farce between the two.But then again, as Gal said, although this is a "large carriage for professors and special visitors," it is not that big.And the shape is the same, with a long table and long seats on both sides, but the space is larger.If they were all adults, there would only be room for eight people here.Fortunately, apart from Sirius and Professor Lupin, the one who occupies the most space here is the relatively well-developed Moon. Most of the rest are two people who occupy the position of the previous adult.

So after calculation, they seemed to be eleven people, but in fact they looked like seven adults after sitting down. [Note 1]

Gal and Arlin continued to fight for a while, but finally Professor Lupine was here, and the two of them stopped talking after a few moments.After the cubicle was quiet for a while, it was Moon who finally found the topic first.

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