He raised his head in embarrassment, and found that everyone else was looking at him with different expressions, but Hermione's eyes were quite obvious.

It doesn't sound early, it doesn't sound late, but it happens when it is about to pass by.

"Okay! I'm really a little hungry.

But if you have attended the ghost's death anniversary banquet, you probably won't be able to eat even the best food right in front of your eyes. "

The smile on Snape's face grew wider.

Isn't this Chi Guoguo's desire to cover up?Do you really think everyone present is an idiot?

"Principal, I believe you can see it too.

They weren't telling the truth, and they were definitely hiding something. "

"Professor, I seem to have thought of something when you said that.

When I first got across the corridor, Harry asked me a question. "

"Oh?" Snape turned around triumphantly, but he didn't expect to have a windfall, "What did he ask you?"

"he asks..."

"Harry asked if there was any pudding at the party?" Hermione asked anxiously.

Aaron rolled his eyes, but seeing the pleading in the other party's eyes, he decided to help them, after all, in his opinion, these three would not do such a thing.

"That's it, Professor."

Snape gave Aaron a helpless look, as if asking: What good will it do you to help them?

Aaron also gave him a straightforward look: It won't do me any good if I don't help them.

"Severus," said Dumbledore, "innocent without proof."

"But my cat was petrified." Filch snapped dissatisfied. "Someone has to be punished."

"We can heal him, Argus.

As far as I know, Mrs. Sprout has cultivated mandrakes, and when they are mature, they can make a potion to cure Mrs. Norris.

In the meantime, I hope you all proceed with caution. Dumbledore said, and then looked at the four of Aaron, "You can go back and rest. "

Hearing this, the four walked out of Lockhart's office tacitly.

On the way back to the common room, Hermione pursed her lips, looked at Aaron who was walking directly in front of her, hesitated to speak, and said, "Thank you for covering us just now."

"You're welcome.

To put it bluntly, I don't think you have the guts either. "

"Do you think I should tell them what I heard?" Harry asked hesitantly.

"Whatever you want." Aaron waved his hand, "But you have to bear the consequences yourself."

"I don't think so either." Ron said, "It's definitely not a good sign."

"It's strange, you heard that voice, and then Mrs. Norris was petrified." Hermione said.

"Actually, that may not be the case." Aaron said thoughtfully, "Maybe that voice led Harry there on purpose!"

Hearing this, Harry swallowed a little worriedly, "Do you mean that I'm being targeted?"

"I didn't say that, it's just a simple guess." Aaron said and turned to the aisle on one side, "Good night everyone."

The three looked at each other, and Harry said bitterly, "Why don't I tell Dumbledore about the voice! It's at least safer."

"No." Hermione frowned. "The three of us are now half-suspects. If they know that you can hear strange voices, it will be hard not to be wronged."


Back in the dormitory, Aaron lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling in a daze.

"System, you can open the task panel."

[Find the legendary secret room:

Completing the mission rewards 800 magic points, and there is no penalty for mission failure. Will the host accept it? 】

When Aaron saw the value of the reward, he immediately thought of the nostalgia magic that he had been thinking about. According to the normal sign-in, he would have to struggle for more than 100 days to learn this skill.

But if the task is completed, it is equivalent to saving eighty days of struggle, and the temptation is too great.

Aaron gritted his teeth and chose to accept the challenge.

The reward for this task is not low, but it is not easy to do.

First of all, the legend of the Chamber of Secrets existed at least in Lucius's time, and the older the age, the harder it is to find.

Secondly, the blood on the wall and the petrified Mrs. Norris all meant danger, and he thought he couldn't stop a petrification spell of that level.

But he had no reason not to accept this task, because it was related to the safety of Hogwarts, which was a treasured place of geomantic omen for his stable development, and no accidents could happen.

The most important thing is that there is no penalty for failure, and if something fails, he can get out in time.

"System, I would like to ask, do you arrange tasks randomly?"


"But didn't we arrange three tasks last school year?" Aaron asked a little puzzled, "Why is there only one this year?"

"The tasks released by this system are also based on the actual situation. The integrated host can only arrange this one."

"It's really...reasonable." Aaron said speechlessly, "Wait, if I mess around, won't I be able to trigger more system tasks?"

"It is suggested that the host should not do that, engage in trouble, and die quickly."

"Hey! Don't say it so scary, I'm not that kind of person either.

Really just ask. "

"Thinking too much.

With the host's current authority, there will only be three missions a year, too many, and no less.

In addition, the tasks arranged by this system are completely within the capabilities of the host. They will not be too simple, but they will not be too difficult. Moreover, the host has sufficient autonomy to choose and give up tasks with higher risks. This is already very humane. up.

So... don't think about the wool of the system. "

Chapter 156 The Integrated Clues

Early the next morning, Aaron went to the library after having breakfast.

The current task is to find the legendary secret room, but he knows nothing about the secret room and can only find the answer in books.

Aaron had asked Draco too, but he only knew a little about it.

Lucius had told him that the Chamber of Secrets had been opened 50 years ago, but the person who opened the Chamber of Secrets had been expelled, and that time a Muggle-born wizard had died, and there were no other clues.

But he spent more than an hour and couldn't find a book related to school history, which was obviously not normal.

Aaron frowned, and approached the librarian, "Mrs. Pince, I would like to ask where are the books related to the history of Hogwarts?"

"Sorry, Aaron, you're late." Mrs. Pince said gloatingly, "When the library opened today, a group of wizards came here to borrow those books, and there was not a single one left."

When Aaron heard this, he felt a series of exclamation marks floating above his head.

Nima, do you want to be so curly?

"Are you looking for clues to the Chamber of Secrets?" Mrs. Pince asked meaningfully, "I wasn't there last night, but the story spread widely this morning."

"Mrs. Napins, do you know the Chamber of Secrets?"

"I don't know, I'm just an ordinary administrator, I really don't know that much.

But I can tell you something else. Mrs. Pince lowered her voice, "The books about the history of Hogwarts don't have the answers you want. "

Aaron blinked and thanked him in a daze.

He didn't think Mrs. Pince was lying to him. This witch had been in the library for more than ten years, and her love and familiarity with books was simply outrageous.

I dare not say that she has read all the books here, but her understanding of books is definitely the first in Hogwarts.

"Excuse me, Mrs. Pince."

"It's okay, if you really want to know about the Chamber of Secrets, you can ask the professors at the school, they should know some clues."

Aaron nodded slightly, but didn't hold out much hope in his heart.

The professors may know more than Lucius, but they may not be clear about the key points, otherwise the secret room would not have been found out today.


Transfiguration classroom.

After Professor McGonagall finished teaching the theoretical knowledge in the textbook, he looked at the second-year students of Gryffindor and Slytherin sitting below.

Behind her are two blackboards with a parrot and a goblet drawn on them.

"Attention everyone, today we are going to learn how to turn animals into goblets." Professor McGonagall walked up to a parrot, "Just like this, one, two, three, the shape changes dramatically."

A wave of transparent air was ejected from the tip of the wand, and the parrot instantly turned into a transparent crystal cup, completely devoid of any animal features.

The students below were in an uproar, full of interest in this difficult transfiguration.

"It's up to you now, who wants to come first." Professor McGonagall stepped off the podium and began to search for suitable candidates.

After walking around, her eyes swayed on Ron and Aaron, because they were the only ones in the classroom who brought pets to facilitate the demonstration.

But seeing the tape wrapped around Ron's wand, the corners of her eyes twitched, and she ruled him out.

"Mr. Gaius, come here!

One, two, three, drastic changes in shape. "

"Eh..." Aaron smiled hesitantly, "Professor, is this spell useful for any animal? What will happen if I fail?"

Professor McGonagall froze for a moment. Seeing Abe who was dozing on Aaron's table, he suddenly realized that this was a magical animal with a certain magic resistance. It would be bad if the spell bounced back.

"Change one for you." Professor McGonagall tapped a cage by the wall with his wand, and turned an owl inside away from Aaron. "Let's get started!"

Aaron raised his eyebrows and picked up his black wand, "The appearance has changed drastically."

A silver light flashed across the wand, and the owl transformed into a silver goblet with the Slytherin emblem on its surface.

"Very good." Professor McGonagall exclaimed, "Slytherin plus five points."

"Anyone else to try?"

Then Hermione raised her right hand.

"Miss Granger, I guess you are also interested in this."

"No, Professor, I want to ask you something else.

Can you tell us a little bit about the Chamber of Secrets? "

Hermione looked a little unnatural, after all, the question she asked had nothing to do with Transfiguration.

And after Halloween, the secret room is a sensitive topic. You can check it privately, but it is somewhat embarrassing to ask this question in class.

Sure enough, Professor McGonagall's expression changed slightly, obviously not wanting to answer this question.

But the suddenly quiet classroom and pairs of curious eyes finally made her a little soft-hearted.

"Okay!" Professor McGonagall began to pace slowly in the classroom, "Everyone knows that Hogwarts was founded more than 1000 years ago, and the founders were the four greatest wizards at that time: Godric Granville Fendor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw and Salazar Slytherin.

Three of the founders got along well, the other didn't.

Salazar Slytherin wanted Hogwarts to be more selective in its admissions, and believed that magical education should be limited to magical families, that is, pure-blood wizards.

Unable to change the minds of the other three, he decided to leave the school.

According to legend, Slytherin created a secret room in this castle, known as the Chamber of Secrets.

However, he sealed the secret room shortly before leaving, waiting for his true heir to return to the school. Only this heir can open the secret room and release the horrible things in it.

This would cleanse the school of those who, in Slytherin's opinion, were unworthy of learning magic. "

"Professor, do you know what's in the secret room?" Aaron raised his hand and asked.

"It is said that only the heirs of Slytherin can control the things that live in the Chamber of Secrets. Some people say that there is a monster living in it."

"Of course the school staff went through countless searches, but no one found the secret room."

After class, the students left the classroom in twos and threes.

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