After going downstairs, Vico and Lisanna were waiting for him here.

"Don't make it so serious. Your son is traveling, not fighting."

"It's fine to fight a war. We can still help you in a war, but you may be going to a completely strange world."

"Mr. Vico, have some confidence in me.

I am at any rate the most promising of the three generations of Gaius. "

"Yes, yes, my son will definitely come back safe and sound." Lisanna gave Aaron an encouraging look, and beckoned him to come over for dinner.

The family of three sat around the dining table and enjoyed breakfast separately. The dining environment was very warm. Vico and Lisanna didn't say anything extra, for fear of putting any pressure on their son.

Abe has also restrained a lot more than usual, his IQ is not low, and he doesn't want to spoil the atmosphere.

After breakfast, Aaron stood up consciously, "It's almost time, let's go!"

"Wait a little longer." Lisanna said hesitantly, "Your father may be able to remember some precautions."

"Pull it down! He doesn't have this experience.

And what I should know, the ancestors have told me. Aaron stretched, and walked towards the secret room on his own, "Just wait for me to come back with peace of mind. "

Vico nodded to his wife, took her arm and followed Aaron.

As the door of the secret room opened, several people came to the giant tree again.

"What should I do?" Aaron asked.

"Don't worry." Vico took out a purse, "This is your travel expenses, ten gold coins, that's all I can give you."

"And this." Lisanna put a cloak on Aaron, "You are going to an unknown environment, and its value may not be lower than gold coins."

Abe also took out a package from his pocket, "Compressed dry food."

"You guys..." Aaron was moved in his heart, but the corners of his eyes couldn't help twitching, "I suddenly had the illusion that I was going to war."

"To do big things, you must know how to plan ahead." Vico said solemnly, "It is always good to make more preparations."

"Okay! Then how do I go?"

"Wait for a while, the most important thing hasn't been brought yet."

As soon as the words were spoken, the door of the secret room opened again, and Jins walked in with a [-]ml glass bottle, "Master, Felix Elixir.

Take a sip before you go, safety is absolutely guaranteed. "

"It's really thoughtful."

Aaron was very satisfied with this arrangement, and took a gulp of Felicia Felicia and passed away.

Luck is also a part of strength. To some extent, Felicia can avoid an embarrassment called "falling into a box".

"The taste seems a bit different." Aaron smacked his lips, "It's always safe now!"

Vico nodded, and then pulled Aaron to the giant tree, "The way to open the portal is Gaius' blood."

"Blood?" Aaron frowned, took out his wand and was about to draw it on his left hand.

Vico immediately stopped his movements, "It doesn't take that much, one drop is enough."

Aaron paused, tapped his wand on his left index finger, and a drop of bright red blood flowed out, automatically drifting towards the roots of the giant tree.

In an instant, the giant tree began to shake, and all the leaves burst into brilliant brilliance, illuminating the entire space brightly.

At the same time, the history books were flipping rapidly, and the name of Aaron Gaius appeared on a blank page.


A colorful door appeared in front of the giant tree, and there was a sentence on the frame: born to shine.

"There's nothing wrong with this evaluation, it's very appropriate." Aaron sighed, then turned around and walked up to his mother and gave her a big hug, "I love you, mother."

"Be sure to come back safely." Lisanna choked up and said.

"Don't worry." Aaron patted Abe's head, then looked at Jins, "Take care of him while I'm away, don't let him starve and thin."

"Yes, sir."

"What about me?" Vico pointed to himself sadly, "Aren't you going to say something to your beloved father?"

"Well..." Aaron was silent for a moment, "Mr. Viko, please hold back your tears. After all, you are the head of the family, don't act like a bitch."

Vico:  …

Aaron took a deep breath in front of the portal, and walked in freely.

Seeing this, Abe instantly increased his speed to the fastest speed, turning into a white shadow and chasing after him.

But it went straight through the portal and crashed into the giant tree at an extremely fast speed.


The three of Vico closed their eyes together, unable to bear to look directly.

They don't worry about any damage to this tree. The medium connecting countless worlds is not generally indestructible, even if the universe is destroyed, it will not be affected much.

It's also fortunate that Abe is a dragon, otherwise that action would be no different from committing suicide.

Lisanna looked at Abe who was covering his head with teary eyes, and wiped away his tears distressedly, "It hurts a lot!"

Abe nodded aggrievedly, but what made him feel even more distressed was that the portal was gone, and he had no choice but to chase his master.

"Don't do this in the future, World Tree was made by the first generation of ancestors to connect to the dimensional universe. It has no attack ability, but there is almost no upper limit to defense ability.

And that door can only be passed on by the blood of the Gaius family, and it must be someone who meets the conditions, otherwise we will follow along. "Lisanna explained patiently, "But you don't have to worry, it's just the first time, maybe you can go with him next time. "

Abbe's eyes lit up instantly, and the pain in his head seemed to disappear.

"I hope everything goes well!" Vico looked at the name that disappeared from the history books with a complicated expression, "If it goes well, maybe I can come back in a few days."



Aaron let out a piercing scream as he was in free fall at the moment.

The ghost knows that he obviously walked through the portal, but when he opened his eyes, he saw white clouds, and then fell uncontrollably.

He seriously suspected that he drank counterfeit medicine, it was definitely not a Felicity Elixir, otherwise he should be in a comfortable house now, being warmly treated by a kind host, and... no money was charged.

As the green he saw became clearer, Aaron realized that he was about to hit the ground. In a panic, he drew out his wand, but before he could cast his spell, the wand was blown away by the strong wind.


Aaron cursed loudly, and immediately stretched out his right hand to draw a green magic circle in mid-air, using the power of the wind to slow down the falling speed.

Then he pointed his finger directly below, ready to release the magic that would soften the ground.

The magic was released smoothly, but unfortunately, the place where he fell was a pool, and the softening magic didn't do anything, it just splashed layers of ripples on the water surface, moistening the surrounding grass.

"have to!

This is sad. "


Aaron sank more than ten meters into the pool before barely opening his eyes. He instinctively wanted to use the Water Avoidance Curse, but the next moment, Flo's reminder sounded in his mind, and he could not use magic unless it was absolutely necessary.

Aaron gritted his teeth in grief and anger, and struggled to swim upstream.

Fortunately, he was professionally trained, and there was no difference between a puddle and a swimming pool, and it surfaced in a short while.

At the same time, Hogwarts in the original world.

Under the cover of the Illusion Curse, the thought body clone walking by the black lake suddenly felt a huge pulling force, and the power in his body was rapidly draining, and he would disappear within a few minutes at this speed.

"Something went wrong, this is not a normal recovery step!" Miss Nian frowned, he would not take the initiative to contact the main body if there was no serious matter, but he still knew whether the main body was safe or not.

But the current situation made him confused. In his perception, the main body was safe and sound, and he didn't intend to take back his avatar, but he returned to the main body uncontrollably.

Besides, he tried to communicate with the main body, but got no response at all, as if he was not in this world.

"What exactly is going on?

Could it be that those ancestors messed up something? "

Thinking of this only possibility, Missing Body felt a little more relaxed, as long as the main body is fine.

But at this time, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind, which made him tremble subconsciously, and a heart rose to his throat in an instant.

"Mr. Gaius, it seems that now is not the time to go back to school!" Dumbledore said with a smile.

"Uh...principal, I..."

The thought body lifted the illusion spell, looked at Dumbledore with a kind face, his brain was running fast, he had to think of a reasonable explanation in the shortest possible time, because he was about to disappear.

"Don't worry, speak slowly."

How can I not be in a hurry?

Si Nian body calmed down, and began to talk nonsense in a serious manner, "Sir, I just want to go to the dormitory to pick up something, and I'll be leaving right away.

I think this kind of trivial matter should not be reported to you! "

"It's really not necessary, but Aaron, if it's just fetching things, you can owl letters.

Severus probably wouldn't mind doing you this little favor. "

" know Professor Snape's temper, I don't want to be scolded by him after school starts." Miss Si smiled and said, "Principal, I'm in a hurry, but the housekeeper is still waiting for me outside the school."

"All right!

But next time you're back at Hogwarts, you'd better say hello in advance. "

The missing body nodded, and quickly walked towards the castle.

After turning around a wall, the missing body looked at the body that had started to turn into nothingness, and heaved a sigh of relief, "He probably didn't realize that I was a clone."

What he didn't know was that a smile appeared on the corner of Dumbledore's mouth, "Is he already a mage? The speed of growth has caught up with me when I was young."


As soon as Aaron climbed to the shore, he felt dizzy in his brain.

He felt the feedback from the mind body, withdrew half of his power, and the avatar's proficiency in the magic circle during this time.

However, he didn't feel joy, on the contrary, he was a little depressed.

He didn't expect to take back his thought body so soon. Although the more strength and security, the more protection, but the work of the thought body is also very important, and the later he takes it back, the greater his confidence in dealing with the crisis.

But now there is a feeling of giving up halfway. Although he can achieve the instant casting of intermediate magic circles with the experience of the mind body, it is still far away to draw two magic circles at the same time.

It is estimated that the two worlds are too far apart, and the missing body has to return.

But who can tell him what happened to the last Dumbledore?

The Missing Body had overheard Dumbledore going for a meeting at the Ministry of Magic at Hagrid's hut before going out for a walk, but the meeting was too short, and he came back in less than two hours and just put the Missing Body blocked.

Fortunately, Dumbledore didn't see through his thought body, otherwise his mentality would have collapsed.

"Fake medicine, it's definitely a fake medicine, it's definitely Jins who took the Felicia by mistake, otherwise I wouldn't be so unlucky." Aaron said angrily, "If I can go back safely, I will give him a big mouth .”


A breeze blows.

Aaron, who was soaked all over, couldn't help shivering, but thinking of Flo's warning, he didn't use magic to dry his clothes.

That is to say, his physical fitness is far superior to that of ordinary people, otherwise he would catch a cold when he landed.

"By the way, wand, my wand."

Aaron's expression changed slightly when he thought that his wand was lost, and he immediately started looking for it.

If it fell into the hands of ordinary people, it would be fine, but if it fell into the hands of an evil wizard, it might cause some trouble, and he would be more guilty.

A few minutes later, Aaron searched the grass around the waterhole, but found nothing.

He was pretty sure the wand hadn't followed him into the pool, but if it wasn't around, the search would have to be wider.


Little did I know that the first thing I would do would be to find my lost wand. Aaron sighed speechlessly, "It's obviously dispensable, but I still have to look for it." "

"Son, are you looking for this again?"

A strange and gentle voice came from behind a stone, and Aaron turned around immediately, and frowned subconsciously when he saw a figure with his back to the sun.

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