But after getting close, his face immediately sank.

Because Bilbo was already surrounded by three trolls, and Fili and Kili were struggling to support them with swords in the middle.

"His uncle, he didn't listen to my words.

Thorin, you must listen to me, trolls, no, although the trolls move relatively slowly, they are powerful and have thick skin and thick flesh.

I suggest concentrating on killing one first, and then find a way to deal with the other two. If we are facing three, we..."

"The chances of winning are not great" Before he finished speaking, Thorin roared and rushed over, and the dwarves behind him were not far behind.


Nima!A bunch of mindless fools.

Aaron did not follow them to attack, but hid in the grass to watch the battle.

This may be a bit unkind, but this is a great opportunity for him to intuitively understand the fighting power of the aborigines in this world.

The size of the dwarves was several times smaller than that of the trolls, but they cooperated tacitly, and with four times the number, they could barely gain some upper hand.

They moved quickly around the troll, and most of the attacks fell on the troll's legs, and the troll screamed frequently under the blows of sword and hammer.

However, their skin thickness is exaggerated. The sword can cut them but not deep, and it can hurt them, but it is difficult to kill them. Even if the sword penetrates their abdomen, it will not cause much damage.

While being beaten, the trolls also opened their huge palms, waving their arms like eagles catching chickens. Some dwarves were sent flying, but soon stood up again and quickly joined the battle group.

Some were caught by trolls, but the next moment another dwarf jumped up and cut his arm, forcing him to let go.

What was even more surprising was that Ouli actually took out a slingshot and hit a troll in the eye. Although the shot was very accurate, it was no different from tickling for giant creatures.

In the chaotic battlefield, Bilbo avoided the huge palm and picked up a troll's weapon on the ground, a short knife that was not sharp for him, but was extremely huge.

He ran to the back of the field and cut the rope with his short knife outside the cage where the four ponies were locked.

But he had just let the four ponies go when a big hand pulled him back.

"Ah..." After screaming in panic, Bilbo saw who had captured him, "Aaron, you..."


Aaron made a silent gesture, "Don't be so loud."

Bilbo threw his dagger on the ground in displeasure, "Why did you bring me back?"

"Hehe!" Aaron sneered, "I'm stopping you from dying, you're too weak, you can only hold back over there."

Bilbo came to his senses, nodded awkwardly, and then looked at the dwarves who suppressed the ogre in the battlefield, "Thorin and the others will win, right?"

"It's hard to say!" Aaron looked serious, "On the surface, the dwarves have the upper hand, but they haven't caused effective damage to the trolls.

The current situation is a fragile balance. If it drags on, the dwarves can win the victory with difficulty, but if a dwarf loses combat power, the balance of victory will tilt towards the ogre. "

Hearing this, Bilbo swallowed, and looked through the grass to the battlefield.

Dwalin smashed a troll's teeth with a hammer, and Dori gave him a millennium kill in the back of a troll.

"It's all right," murmured Bilbo.

But the next moment Bomber's scream made him tremble, and the third troll took out a bag from nowhere and put the fattest dwarf in it.

"Collapsed." Aaron looked solemn, "It really collapsed now."

The first dwarf was bagged, followed by a second, and a third.

The dwindling numbers made the situation of the dwarves less and less optimistic. Unless they gave up on the three captured dwarves, the entire army would be wiped out sooner or later, but they obviously would not give up on their companions.

In a few minutes all the dwarves were bagged.

Bilbo was very anxious, "We must do something, save them."

"How to save?" Aaron shrugged, "Rush out to feed the troll?"

"I didn't mean that, I meant..." Bilbo scratched his hair, bewildered.

"Calm down, calm down, the more you have to be calm at this time."

"How calm is this?" Bilbo wanted to cry, "I thought I was just saving a few ponies, but now I have to add thirteen dwarves."

"What?" Aaron opened his mouth wide in astonishment, "Don't tell me you want to do it again?"

"It can't be helped." Bilbo took a deep breath. "Now I have to take risks. I hope I succeed!"

"Haven't you thought about what would happen if you failed?"

"I'm a Snitch, you don't need to think about such things at all." Bilbo thought of something just as he was about to go out quietly, and turned to look at Aaron solemnly, "If I fail, you go to Gandalf, good luck If so, he might be able to save us in time."

"Got it, good luck.

If you fail, try to delay the time, you have more brains than the dwarves, don't let me down. "

Under the cover of night, Bilbo walked softly into the pile of tightly bound dwarves.

"Stop talking, I'm here to save you."

"Mr. Baggins, are you alone?" Balin asked in a low voice.

"Otherwise? This kind of thing is only suitable for small people." Bilbo smiled bitterly. "Although I hate to admit it, Aaron looks much taller than me."

"I sent him to Gandalf, just in case... we are not hopeless."

"Then he'd better hurry up." Ouyin said, "Dawn is coming, and if nothing happens, the trolls will eat us before dawn."

Bilbo tried to untie the bag, but tried in vain.

The trolls tied the bags so tightly that the dwarves had only their heads exposed to breathe, and their hands and feet were bound with twine.

"I should have gone for a knife," sighed Bilbo.

"Our weapons are stacked behind the trolls," Balin said, "but it's dangerous."

"Try it!" Bilbo took a deep breath, and carefully sneaked behind the troll.

He had just picked up a sword, and before he could turn around, a huge pale white handkerchief wrapped him up.

The thinner ogre wiped his snot, then opened his palm, and a hobbit bathed in his snot lay helpless on the handkerchief, looking hopeless.

who I am?where am I?What should I do?

Three big question marks appeared in Bilbo's mind.

Shi Kesha can't be humiliated, even if he is about to become food for trolls, he shouldn't be washed with snot!

"It's you again." The skinny troll said in surprise, "I thought you ran away!"

"Stop talking nonsense, tie it up first." The ogre wearing an apron hit his younger brother's head with a spoon, "Dawn is coming soon, he will save it for tomorrow!"


Bilbo was packed into a bag and piled up with Thorin and the others.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you."

"Honestly, Mr. Baggins." Keli struggled to get rid of the rope on his body, while turning his face away, "I really want to curse, but I can't say it."

"I thought so too," Devlin said. "That snot..."

"Stop talking about snot, will you?" Bilbo said weepingly. "Now we can only count on Aaron and Gandalf."

The trolls tied Nori, Dwalin, Fili, Bofur, Dolly, and Groin to a stake, set them up on a stand and started grilling.

"It's hot, help, it's hot..."

"Don't bother cooking them, just crush them into a gravy," said the lean troll.


"You can sprinkle it with sage and fry it," suggested the troll who turned the grill.

"Is this necessary?"

"Help...untie me sir...go eat a dick your age..."

"Don't worry about the seasoning, it's almost dawn, let's move faster." The ogre wearing an apron said slowly, "I don't want to turn into a stone."


Aaron, who was hiding in the grass, said this word, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

So, will it be petrified when it meets the sun?

Aaron flicked the wand in his hand, but after thinking for a while, he took it back. The magic cannot be used until the critical moment.

Thinking of this, Aaron set his sights on the large dagger that Bilbo dropped.

The troll's weapons are not generally crude, but they can only make do with it now.

"Wait." Hearing the seasoning, Bilbo seemed to have thought of something, and said loudly, "You have made a big mistake."

"You can't reason with them, they are all idiots," said Groin on the grill.

"If they are idiots, then what are we?" Nuo Li inexplicably felt that his IQ had been insulted, after all, they were now being roasted and eaten by three idiots.

"Spice, I mean." Bilbo stood up, crouching, and hopped over to the grill.

The troll stopped turning the grill and asked curiously, "What happened to the seasoning?"

"Have you ever smelled them? You have to taste them with something more fragrant than sage."

Hearing this, the dwarves looked at him angrily and called him a traitor.

"How do you know how to cook a dwarf?" the skinny troll asked suspiciously.

"Shut up," said the apron-wearing troll, "and let the Snitch Hobbit do the talking."

Bilbo smiled like a dog's leg, "The secret to cooking a dwarf is..."

"What is it? Tell us the secret."

"Yes...the secret is..." Bilbo thought for a few seconds, "Peel the skin first."

"What, skinning?"

The dwarves cursed, and even Thorin's face became a little unnatural.

They are not afraid of death, but this method of death has exceeded their psychological expectations.

Especially the troll in the apron believed it, and came out with a skinning knife in a short while.

"I peeled your skin first." Beaver cursed.

"I won't forget the bill." Dwalin on the grill roared angrily, pointing at Bilbo, who would have killed the hobbit if conditions didn't allow it.

"You talk nonsense." The troll continued to turn the grill, "I used to eat it with the skin on, even my clothes and shoes."

"He's right." The skinny troll nodded in agreement, "Dwarves are also delicious, fragrant and crispy."

As he spoke, he lifted Bomber up, intending to bite off his head.

"I really can't wait now." Aaron wiped the large short knife in his hand, rushed out of the grass at an extremely fast speed, jumped to the top of the ogre's head in the blink of an eye, aimed at the opponent's sky cap and exhausted it. He stabbed with all his strength.

Chapter 239 One hit two, negotiate with the troll


Black blood soared into the sky.

Aaron pulled out the short knife, performed a beautiful backflip, and landed superheroically.

The thin troll let out a loud cry of pain, and threw Bombur out casually.

He clutched his head, staggered a few steps, rolled his eyes, and fell to the ground.

This scene stunned everyone present.

The dwarves were dumbfounded, but the next moment they cheered.

From their point of view, although Aaron was bigger than them, he was just a child, not a qualified snitch.

But he never expected his combat power to be so high. Even though it was a sneak attack, killing a troll is also a remarkable feat.

Bilbo was even more bewildered, and swallowed uncontrollably.

I have never seen such a perverted human being before, and I am still a 13-year-old child. Could it be that everything in the book is a lie?

"You killed Tom." The troll turning the grill reacted, glaring at Aaron fiercely.

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