"Go up that way." Barn pointed to the stairs, and then pulled Bilbo out of the toilet, followed by a third, a fourth...

Every time a person came out, Aaron's undisguised laughter stabbed him in the heart. When the last person came out, Aaron suppressed his laughter forcefully.

It's not easy for Qili to survive until now, if he is overwhelmed by this wave of ridicule, the poison may spread even faster.

"Dad, why are these dwarves crawling out of our toilet?" Sigrid asked.

"This knife repair is really wonderful." Aaron thought to himself, he obviously felt Qili staggered just now, and he undoubtedly suffered a critical blow in his heart.

"Will they bring us good luck?" the little girl asked happily.

"Not necessarily." Aaron patted her on the head and put a gold coin into her pocket, "But I will bring you good luck.

Take it, the pocket money my brother gave you. "

When all the people came out, they gathered around the fire.

Now that winter is about to enter, they soaked in the cold lake water for nearly half an hour, each shivering from the cold.

Bud shared the blankets at home with his clothes, and the three brothers and sisters specially poured a cup of hot water for each of them to warm up.

Sigrid handed the water glass to Aaron, "Do you need it?"

"Thanks, but the water is unnecessary, just give me the glass." Aaron took out the bottle of wine directly, "I have this."

Aaron opened the wine bottle and just poured a full glass, and the mellow smell immediately permeated the room.

"Wine." Ouyin murmured, and the others also looked at the wine bottle, and the voices of swallowing saliva kept coming and going.

"Hey, hey, can you have some quality?" Aaron glanced at everyone in disgust, and took a big sip from the wine glass, "It tastes good, better than the wine brewed by Bilbo."

"Why does this look like a key?" Bain asked puzzledly, looking at the cork.

"Ahem!" Aaron almost spit out his half-drunk wine, "Don't worry about those details, I'll give it to you if you want it, and throw it away if you don't want it."

Bahn was stunned for a moment, picked up the cork and threw it into the stove, adding a touch of warmth to the home.

"Dwarf's wind crossbow." Thorin stared at a dilapidated tower outside the window, on which was a large crossbow.

"You look like you've seen a ghost," said Bilbo.

"Indeed," Balin explained, "the last time we saw this crossbow, the town was on fire.

On the day the dragon came, the day Smaug destroyed Laketown, Girion, Mayor of Laketown, summoned all his archers to attack the dragon.

But the dragon's scale armor is very hard, harder than the strongest battle armor, only the black arrows fired from the wind crossbow can penetrate the dragon armor, but such arrows are very rare.

Few of these arrows remained when Giraion struck the final blow. "

"If Giraion had shot the dragon that day, everything would have been different," Thorin said regretfully.

"Say it as if you were there at the time." Bud walked over and said.

"Perhaps he was really there." Aaron shrugged. "After all, he is a dwarf, and they are all dwarves."

"Then they should know that Giraion shot the dragon. He left a scar on the dragon's left flank. One more blow would have killed the dragon."


Aaron spit out a mouthful of amber liquid, looked at Bahn in astonishment, "Are you serious?"

"It's true."

"Where is it exactly? Is it near the heart?" Aaron asked eagerly. If there is no accident, they will be slaying the dragon next, and all the weaknesses of the dragon need to be clarified.

Chapter 257 The Prophecy About to Be Fulfilled

"It's just a legend." Dwalin laughed. "That's all."

"No, all the legends are based on facts." Aaron said seriously, "They are the aborigines of Changhu Town, and no one knows the authenticity of the legends better than them."

"Okay, even if it's true, Smaug's left wing is injured, but what about the Black Arrow?" Dwalin raised his eyebrows, "There's still one Wind Crossbow left, but I bet no one owns the Black Arrow, even Just one."

Aaron:  …

You may need Black Arrow, but I don't necessarily.

"What are you talking about?" Bud frowned, "Why do you care so much about the dragon?"

"It has nothing to do with you." Thorin looked directly at him, "You took our money, but what about our weapons?"

"Wait here."

After speaking, Bud walked down the stairs.

"Hey!" Aaron shook his head, "Sorin, you have to be mentally prepared and don't have any expectations."

Thorin smiled far-fetchedly, and he also understood that Bard might not be able to produce any magic weapons, but he couldn't help it at this time, as long as it wasn't too bad, they would just let it go.

After a while, Bud came back with a wet black bag.

The bag made a clanging sound when it was placed on the table, and Sorin and the others couldn't wait to open it.

"Damn it!" Aaron's eyes twitched slightly, "I've lowered my lower limit as much as possible, but these things still refreshed my lower limit.

May I ask, can these things be sold for a gold coin when they are brought to the market? "

Bud was silent for a moment, then nodded in confusion.

Aaron held his forehead speechlessly, and he guessed something from Bud's expression.

These things are certainly not worth a gold coin, but in Long Lake Town they are worth this price.

"What is this?" Thorin asked, picking up a 'weapon' with claws.

"A spear hook, repurposed from an old harpoon."

"What about this?" Kili picked up a black hammer.

"We call it the Hammer Hammer. It's modeled after a smithy hammer. It's heavy in the hand, but better than nothing for self-defense."

The dwarves looked at each other in blank dismay, and had to admit that these things were indeed Lei's, and they were tender on the outside.

"We give you the money to buy weapons, and what we want are real knives and real guns." Ge Luoyin gave a bad review, because these 'weapons' except for a small part of the tip, the rest of the material It's all wood.

"This is simply child's play." Bofur threw the weapon in his hand on the table dissatisfied, and so did the others.

"You can't find anything better than the armory in the town." Bud said helplessly, "All the real guys are locked in the armory."

"All the real guys?" Aaron thought of something, and sneered: "Your mayor is such a bastard. If I guessed correctly, he is worried that someone will revolt and oppose his rule!"

"Thorin, why don't we take these and go?

I can do it with my bare hands, and so can you. "Bahrain said, but he didn't realize that when he heard the name 'Shorin', Bud's brows frowned slightly.

"Let me tell you, we're leaving now."

"You can't go anywhere." Bud put away his treasured 'weapon', "There are spies watching this house, and even all the piers in the town may be watched, you have to wait until dark."

Everyone exchanged glances and did not raise any objections.

At this time, Aaron found that Qili sat down slowly, and there was no trace of blood on his pale face.

"Mr. Bard, I hope you can get the medicinal materials I want as soon as possible."

Bud nodded, walked out of the house, and leaned against the fence.

He repeatedly chanted Sorin's name, and his mood gradually became heavy.

Suddenly he thought of something, turned his head to look at the towering mountain, and only then realized what purpose the dwarves in the room had.

At this moment, the door opened, and Barn looked at his father, "Dad."

"Don't let them leave." Bud said in a hurry and was about to go down the stairs.

"Wait, father." Bain pointed to the room, "Aaron said he would go with you."

"What? Doesn't he know that there are people watching outside?"

"So I changed my outfit." Aaron came out wrapped in a thick scarf, and wore a hat on his head, and even changed his clothes into Bane's.

"I'm a serious human being, with only one third of my face showing, no one should be able to recognize it."

"You...as for?"

"Extremely so." Aaron said seriously, "Kili can't hold it any longer, I, a doctor, need to prepare all kinds of herbs, and maybe I have to test the medicine for that unlucky thing.

Besides, I have to pay for it for you, after all, I don't know how much I'm going to buy.

Of course, I will pay you for leading the way. "

"Come with me, let's go faster."

Bud took Aaron to the only pharmacy in Changhu Town. Although he had some psychological preparations, the pharmacy managed to break through Aaron's psychological defense.

Although Changhu Town is dilapidated, its scale is not small, but the only place that can cure diseases and save lives is not even comparable to a small clinic.

Smelling the pungent smell inside, Aaron couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "There should be a lot of people who die of diseases in Changhu Town every year!"

"The environment is a bit poor, but we can count on this place to save our lives at critical times." Bud said and knocked on the counter.

"Hey! Bud, do you want to buy something?" A fat man asked.

"What do you want to buy?" Bud asked Aaron.

Aaron looked at the dozens of herbs on the medicine shelf, thought for a while and said in a deep voice, "All of them."

"No." Bud stopped immediately, "There is more than one patient in the town, you bought all the medicine, what will the common people do?"

"I didn't think about it." Aaron said embarrassingly, "Well, give me a double portion of everything.

Anti-inflammatory, fever-reducing, pain-relieving, etc. come for three people, this is the head office, right? "

"Okay, of course, but..." the fat man looked at Bud, "The price is not cheap."

Aaron slapped ten gold coins on the counter, "Is it enough?"

"It's enough, it's definitely enough." The fat man happily accepted the gold coins, and his family won't have to worry about it this winter.

When the sun was about to set, the two came out of the pharmacy.

Aaron was carrying a large package, which was filled with all kinds of medicinal materials, as well as a set of casserole as an extra gift from the pharmacy owner.

Walking on the road, the voices of townspeople talking fell into the ears of the two of them.

"A group of dwarves appeared out of nowhere, with beards and fierce eyes. I've never seen anyone like that."

"What are the dwarves doing here?"

"This is a prophecy, a prophecy about the Turin dwarves."

"The old legend appears to be true."

"A huge treasure of gold and silver."

"Is this true? Is the King of Silver Spring coming back?"


Listening to these words, Aaron's face became more and more exciting.

He knew that it would be a matter of time before he was exposed, but it was too soon, and he was really caught off guard.

If the townspeople know about it, the mayor will know about it soon, and there will probably be a lot of twists and turns if they want to leave.

"Prophecy? King of Silver Spring, King of Stone Carving..." Bard murmured with a heavy face, "King of the Lonely Mountain."

He quickly pulled Aaron into an alley, and asked straight to the point: "Who are you guys?

Those dwarves are not going to the Iron Hills, they are going to the Lonely Mountain, right? "

"Uh... guess what?"

"I'm not in the mood to joke with you, I heard his name, Thorin.

I have seen in a tapestry the family of the king under the mountain, Thorne, Thor, and finally Thorin.

If it is true, then you must not go to the Lonely Mountain. "

"Why?" Aaron asked puzzled, "Are you worried about that dragon?"

"Yes." Bud admitted frankly, "People in the town don't understand, but I do.

The prophecy is that bells of joy will ring to celebrate the return of the King of the Lonely Mountain..."

"Sounds good, the King of the Lonely Mountain will return to his kingdom."

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