"Why are you looking for him?" Bud frowned tightly, "He will never help, or even hinder us.

This is not alarmist talk, if he wants to ensure his status, he will never allow a beloved hero to appear in the town. "

"I guess so." Aaron curled his lips in disdain, and then tossed the money bag full of gold coins, "But I think an insatiable person like him would not refuse gold.

I went to negotiate with him as a member of the expedition team and did not ask him for help, but at this time, I must not let him cause trouble for us, after all, all we need is time. "

Bud was speechless, and it was indeed necessary to avoid all accidents at this time.

"And after that?"

"Let's talk about it later, otherwise he won't take me seriously after Sorin and the others leave." Aaron said, "Don't leave the house until I come back."

Walking out of the room, Aaron grinned, and the joy in his heart couldn't be suppressed.

Originally, he planned to fight Smaug to the death on the Lonely Mountain. The chances of winning were not high, but he was safe and could find opportunities slowly.

But now he can sit on the sidelines according to the prophecy, make sufficient preparations in advance, and has an excellent teammate, Dragon Slaying is a sure thing.

Back at the mayor's residence, after the guard informed him, Alfred invited him in.

Alfred looked at Aaron curiously, not understanding why a boy would join the team of dwarves, but thinking about the gold and silver treasures in the Lonely Mountain, he decided to be more polite to the boy.


"My name is Gaius, Mr. Alfred." Aaron showed a harmless smile, "I have something to ask the mayor?"

"The mayor is resting. If you have anything to say, just tell me."

"Are you sure you can make the decision?" Aaron looked at him suspiciously, "This matter has something to do with Bud."

"Bud?" Alfred's pale face showed a sullen look, and he sneered, "It must be his performance tonight that made the King of the Mountain angry.

I can decide this, and I immediately asked the guards to take him into prison. "

"No, no, no." Aaron waved his hands hastily, "I'm not trying to catch him, but I need his help with something."

Alfred was stunned for a moment, he didn't want to give Bud a chance to stand out.

"May I ask, what do you want him to do for you?"

"There is a wounded person in our team. I need Bud's house as a temporary hospital. His place is still clean."

"No problem, no problem at all.

I'm asking people to drive their family out, and his house was confiscated. "

Aaron:  …

This is not just a dog leg, but also a pure villain!

"That... I still need him and his family as interim care for me."

Alfred was a little disappointed, but stuffing two more people in Bud's house would have put him off.

"Wait, it seems that I don't need to talk to the mayor specifically about this?"

"That's not what I want to talk about." Aaron said meaningfully, "I'm a little interested in the bell tower in Changhu Town, and I want to study the wind crossbow on it.

Since Bud is a descendant of Ghirian, he might be able to give me some advice, so I want to discuss with the mayor about hiring him for a few days. "

"Ah this..."

Alfred immediately became embarrassed, the mayor was planning to attack Bud these two days!

"Don't worry, I understand the rules." Aaron put his hand directly into Alfred's pocket, and threw in ten gold coins one after another.


Feeling the weight of the gold, Alfred's pupils widened a bit, and his gaze towards Aaron became extremely kind, and he immediately patted his chest to assure that the mayor would agree to this matter.

After finishing Alfred, Aaron found a random room to rest.

The room the mayor arranged for them was very ordinary, with only the most basic furniture, but ordinary residents in Changhu Town really couldn't afford it.

Lying on the bed, Aaron posed comfortably and stretched his limbs.

God is sorry, he hasn't slept in bed for more than half a year.

Since joining the expedition team, he has spent almost every day sleeping in the open air, sleeping in bedrolls, and even didn't even have to sleep in bedrolls in the end. It is all due to human will that he can persist until now.

"System, sign in."

"The host signs in at Changhu Town and gets two magic points."

only two?

Aaron raised his eyebrows. He now has 98 magic points, plus these two are exactly one hundred.

"System, open the mall."

[Magic: @Transformation (1000 magic points, including Animagus); @皇婚 (100 magic points, flight speed depends on personal strength); distance projection); @charm (700 magic points, literally, but not valid for people with strong will); @死兴出身(500 magic points)]

【材料类:@凤凰的羽毛(30魔法点); @龙血(20魔法点);@曼德拉草(5魔法点);@牛黄(1魔法点);@犀牛角(3魔法点)】

[Item category: Blank; @魔晶 (100 magic points, has a powerful magic power, can power the magic array); @魔法赛 (1 magic point); @Jilani's emerald (50 magic points, get gems Doom will befall the person); Blank]

Aaron looked at the unobstructed panel of the mall, and his eyes wavered between the magic-type Yukong and the item-type magic crystal.

Sure enough, when the money is used up, I hate less, only enough to buy the same.

He is going to slay the dragon next, and his flying ability can provide him with some help.

But the magic crystal is also what he urgently needs. Continuously running the magic circle will consume his magic energy, but the magic crystal can solve this problem.

After struggling for a while, Aaron still placed an order on Magic Crystal.

The magic point was instantly cleared, and all his wealth was replaced by a blue crystal the size of a palm.

Aaron sighed, and decided to use this magic crystal on the clock tower, maybe it could last a few more rounds under Smaug's attack.

Then he allocated half of the magic energy, created a thought body clone, and handed the magic crystal to him.

"Long Lake Town will be handed over to you, and I will go to Irubor to complete the contract." Aaron said.

"Can you change it? Is it inappropriate to put me on the main battlefield?" The thought body said worriedly, his mana will disappear when it is exhausted, and it is not suitable for fierce battles.

"At the critical moment, I will be back in time."


In the early morning of the next day, everyone in the expedition team put on brand new armor and sharp weapons, and walked towards the nearest pier.

"We're missing a few!" asked Bilbo. "Where's Kili, Bofur, and Beaver?"

"Kili is injured, they will stay here to take care of him," Thorin said.

"We must," said Balin. "We cannot afford to delay finding the gate before evening."

"Gaius." Fili looked at Aaron suspiciously, "Shouldn't you detoxify Kili, why did you come with us?"

"Don't worry, it's been arranged. His poison can be controlled." Aaron assured him that he had absolute confidence in the missing body.

Everyone in Changhu Town gathered at the pier and warmly sent Suo Lin and others off to board the boat.

Alfred looked confused when he saw Aaron, "Didn't you say..."

"Fuck! Forget about this bastard." Aaron made a mistake in secret, changed his smiling face instantly, and quietly stuffed him with a few gold coins, "It should be fine for me to give them away!"

"It's not a problem at all." Alfred smiled gently. This is natural, and besides, he won't have trouble with money.

The farewell music sounded, and the expedition team boarded the boat and rowed out the river with the blessings and expectations of the residents of Changhu Town.

At the same time, Bovor, who was snoring under the wine table, woke up.

"My God, it's time," Bovor murmured, but the next moment he realized he missed the time, he sat up and hit his head on the table.

Bovor rubbed his head and was about to rush out when a hand grabbed him from behind.

"Stop chasing, the boat has already rowed away, you won't be able to catch up." The missing body teased, "I really don't understand how you missed such an important moment."

Bofur was crying, his whole body was not well.

"Did you catch up too?"

"No, Kili was poisoned, and Thorin arranged for Beaver to stay and take care of him.

Seeing that you were still sleeping, I decided to keep you too. "Missing Body said solemnly.

"Kili was poisoned? When?" Bovor came to his senses and asked worriedly.

"When we were hiding from the orcs, Borg shot an arrow in his leg. There was a poisonous poison on it, but it was temporarily suppressed by my medicine. Bivor is trying to prepare an antidote."

"Where are they now?"

"Bud's house."

Chapter 261

"It's unbelievable." Bivor looked at the wound on Kili's leg and was amazed. "This is mogul poison, and you can suppress it with these herbs."

Aaron (Thinking Body) spread his hands casually, "My ancestor..."

"Be honest, Mr. Gaius."

"Well! I have one, no, two teachers to be exact.

One is a master of Potions and the other is a master of Botany. As their apprentice, suppressing the onset of poison is nothing to me. "

"Who are they?" Bivor asked excitedly, "If you can, please recommend them to me."

Thought Body:  …

If there is no accident, you will not see them in this life, and it will be enough in the next life.

"Ahem! They left Middle-earth, and I don't know where they are."

"It's a pity." Bi Fu beat his chest and stamped his feet, regretting that he could not see the two masters.

"However, there are only so many medicinal materials in this town. I have been researching for several hours before I found a way to suppress the toxicity. It will take a few days to completely detoxify."

"It's amazing." Bi Fu sighed and said, "Wangyecao can detoxify, and you can use these common medicines instead of Wangyaocao to spread the word, and I don't know how many doctors will feel ashamed."

"King Leaf Grass?" Sigrid's eyes widened in astonishment, "Isn't that a weed? We all use it to feed pigs."

Beaver:  …

This is awkward.

Missing Body suppressed a smile and patted Qili on the shoulder, "Wait, buddy will find you this magical herb right now."

"I'll go too." Bofur raised his hand immediately.

After the two walked out of the room, they looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

Bofur found the pigsty and snatched a plant of grass from a pig's mouth, "To be honest, I really saw the lovelessness in Kili's eyes just now, I guess he wouldn't even think of something to feed the pigs if he was killed." could save his life."

"I didn't expect that either." Missing body said speechlessly, then picked up an identical weed from the pig trough, and wrapped it up in disgust.

After getting the King Leaf Grass, Bi Fu cleaned it quickly and boiled it in a special way.

"Drink this bowl of medicine after cooking, and the toxins in Qili's body will be completely eliminated within a few hours."

At this time, Bud came over and looked at Aaron seriously, "Time is running out, Thorin and the others will arrive at the Lonely Mountain after dark, we must prepare for the battle before the night comes."

The missing body looked at Bofur and Bifur, "I'll leave Kili to you, I have to do some preparations, and there are ways to deal with Smaug if he comes."

After finishing speaking, the missing body followed Bud down the stairs. To his surprise, Barn, Sigrid, and Tilda were all waiting in a small boat.

Tilda smiled innocently, "Brother Gaius, we all want to see your magic."

The corner of Si Nianti's mouth twitched slightly, feeling like a street performer now, but he really couldn't refuse a little girl's smiling face.

"Okay! But you don't need to get on the boat."

The missing body put its right hand on the icy lake, and an icy blue magic circle appeared in front of several people.

White cold air emanated from the magic circle, and half of the lake below the house was slowly frozen, turning into a thick layer of ice.

"It's amazing!" Bain murmured, and the eyes of Sigrid and Tilda also shone with a strange brilliance.

Seeing this, Bard breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Aaron has such magical abilities, and even if Smaug comes, he should be able to protect his three children.

"I will carve a high-level defensive magic circle on the ice layer, which can resist a dragon flame once.

When Smaug comes, you lie down within the range of the magic circle and pretend to be dead, and row out after the dust settles. "

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