
Ferocious dragon flames spewed out from Smaug's mouth, Aaron swung his right hand vigorously, and the gold coins beside him formed a golden torrent and hit it on the left cheek.

The flame deflected more than ten degrees and shot to the left of the two.

But even so, the scorching high temperature made the two of them feel palpitations.

"Wizard." Smaug roared sullenly, and a pair of vertical pupils stared at Aaron coldly. "Your magic is a little different from the others. Who are you?"

"Uh...that's not important." Aaron said awkwardly.

"You're right, it really doesn't matter." Smaug shrank his neck back, opened his mouth and bit at him at an extremely fast speed.

"Tongtong Petrochemical."

Aaron threw out the Petrification Curse decisively, but a ball of reddish light hit Smaug's head, which only made his movements pause for a moment.

"Hey! This demon's resistance is too high." Aaron cursed secretly, but his movements were not slow at all, and he dragged Bilbo to narrowly avoid the dragon's fangs.

"It hurts a bit, and feels like a woodpecker," Smaug sneered, "but my armor is impregnable and invulnerable."

"I see." Aaron laughed at himself. He is still too weak now. If his strength can be raised to a higher level, it might be able to cause some damage to Smaug.

Smaug grinned, spread his wings slowly, and flapped them hard.

A huge storm hit their faces, blowing the two of them dozens of meters away and landing on a pile of gold coins.

"Hahaha." Aaron quickly got up, completely unable to hold back the smile on his face, "I am so satisfied with this dragon."

"You can still laugh, so think about what to do!"

"What can we do? I have already got the things, so of course I ran away." Aaron said and cast a disillusionment spell on himself. He only has half of the magic power now, and he is not stupid enough to confront Smaug head-on, to test its strength. The strength is almost the same, the real battlefield is not here.

Seeing this, Bilbo hurriedly put on the Supreme Lord of the Rings, and carefully moved towards the direction he came from.

Chapter 265 Orc Night Attack, Dwarf Guardhouse

Long Lake Town.

Borg led a group of orcs slowly forward on the roof, carefully looking for the target.

Because there was no boat, they were blocked by the huge lake for a long time, and they finally chased them.

"The dreadful dwarf is near, I can smell it."

Following the scent of the dwarves, Borg continued to sift through numerous houses, narrowing the search scope to the vicinity of Bard's house.

Inside the room, Bivor looked at the steaming casserole boredly, "Kili, just hold on for a few more minutes, and it will be ready soon."

"Thank you." Qi Li nodded weakly.

"Let me go and see my father!" Sigrid held a piece of clothing, "I'm a little worried about him guarding me on the bell tower."

However, as soon as she walked to the door, Aaron's missing body grabbed her right hand that opened the door.


Sigrid blushed slightly, before she could say anything, the thought body dragged him back.

"Something is not quite right." Si Nian body glanced at several people in the room solemnly, "Bahn, you and your two younger sisters are hiding under the table, protect them.

Bifur, Bofur, hold your weapons and guard your curiosity. "

"Has the dragon come?" Bofur asked.

"It's not Smaug, but it's not much better." The thought body said seriously, "I heard the sound of dense footsteps, the nearest one is above our heads."

Everyone froze for a moment, Barn and the others didn't know why, but the three dwarves had already realized who the enemy was.

After the three brothers and sisters hid, Si NianBi picked up a long sword and walked slowly to the door.

Without any accident, an Orc roared and rushed over the moment the door was opened.


Missing Body stabbed him in the chest with a sword, then kicked him into the lake, and quickly closed the door.

"Bad news, we're surrounded."

As soon as the words were finished, the back door was suddenly knocked open, and a half-orc rushed in with a dagger.

At the same time, three orcs jumped in from the roof one after another.

Sigrid and Tilda were terrified and screamed when they saw the fierce and ugly Orc appearing in their house in this way.

Bofur stood by Kili's bed with an axe, and Bifur stood by the table with a hammer.

"Protect them."

The missing body quickly raised the sword and stepped forward, one against four, without losing the wind.

When he was training at home, there were always ten starters, and the mere four half-orcs were all eliminated in less than half a minute.

The three brothers and sisters were all dumbfounded, looking at Aaron in disbelief.

They can barely kill fish now, but they can already kill half-orcs, five better.

"Don't be distracted, our current situation is still very dangerous."

After a while, another wave of half-orcs rushed in, not only doubling their number, but also increasing in number.

The thought body can't do everything, and the melee is imminent.

Fortunately, unexpected reinforcements appeared at this time. The two elves Tauriel and Legolas joined the battlefield, and the pressure on everyone was greatly relieved.

The orcs were killed one after another, and one of them jumped onto the wooden boat on the lake through the back door, and informed Bogg about the situation inside the house, "The oak shield is not here."

Borg growled sullenly, feeling unwilling, but the main target was not there, and he didn't want to waste his troops in vain.

"Retreat, gather on the bridge."

Borg chose to retreat without the slightest hesitation, but the orc who sent him the message was sad.

The body of a companion was thrown to the stern by Legolas, and he who was standing on the bow was lifted up, and Legolas seized the opportunity to use the pair of knives as scissors to cut off his head.

"It's so cruel." The missing body pouted, "but no amount of cruelty can be overstated when treating Orcs."

"Are they all dead?" Bahne asked.

"Of course not, there are at least dozens of them outside." The missing body said helplessly, "We are lucky, Borg's goal is Sorin, otherwise a hard fight will be inevitable."

"We can't let them go away like this." Legolas looked at the retreating orcs, "Tariel, let's chase."

"Wait a moment." The thought body stopped him, and stretched out his right hand, "Magic wand, you should return it to me, and you must return it to me.

Smaug will attack Laketown tonight, and I need my weapons. "

"Dragon?" Legolas was a little suspicious, "Are you sure?"

"That's what the prophecy says, and I and the descendants of the former mayor of Changhu Town are ready to deal with it.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't return it to me. I am also proficient in casting spells without a stick, but I always feel a little uncomfortable without something in my hand. "

Legolas hesitated for a moment, and took out two wands, one black and one white, from the back of his waist, "Whether what you say is true or not, my father's..."

"I'll fix it."

"That's good, Tariel, let's go."

Tariel froze for a moment, then set his eyes on the injured Qili, and was about to leave after struggling for a while.

Seeing the affection and reluctance in Qili's eyes, the missing body was silent, but she still said, "Your Highness, can you lend me Tariel for one night."

"What did you say?" Legolas glared fiercely, his left hand was already on the quiver behind his back, if Aaron didn't give him a reasonable explanation, then don't blame him for turning his face.

"Don't get me wrong, I just want her to protect the three brothers and sisters.

Me and their father will fight Smaug in the belfry, and they may not be there, so... I mean don't let the warrior down. "

"Tariel, what do you think?"

Tariel sighed, then nodded.

Legolas was not surprised by her decision, and was about to leave immediately, hunting down those Orcs alone.

"Hold on."

Legolas staggered, and looked at Aaron unhappily, "Can you finish what you have to say at once?"

Missing body smiled awkwardly but politely, "I don't need her now, just wait until you come back in time after hunting down Oak."

Legolas froze for a moment, his mood improved a lot, "Let's go."

After the two elves left, the missing body walked up to Qili with a look of disgust, "Help you save an elf, is there anything you want to say to me?"

"Thank you." Qili held Aaron's hands gratefully, "Brother, you will be my real brother from now on."

The corner of Missi's eyes twitched, why didn't I find you so brazen before!


The Lonely Mountain, Irubor.

Aaron and Bilbo ran to the corner of the stairs, breaking their invisibility at the same time.

"As expected of the last dragon in Middle-earth, this destructive power is truly terrifying!" Aaron quietly stretched out his head, and found that Smaug was washing the ground with dragon flames, and he couldn't help but click his tongue secretly.

"Never mind that, escape is the most important thing." Bilbo said anxiously, pulling Aaron up the steps.

But after running to the second platform, he ran into Sorin who was out of breath.

"Are you still alive?"

"Not long to live, the dragon is coming," said Bilbo.

"Have you found the Arken gem?"

"Good luck." Aaron nodded and walked towards the passage behind Thorin.


A sword stopped in front of the passage, and Sorin blocked the way of the two of them, and said coldly: "Aken gem."

Aaron frowned. At first he thought Smaug was alarmist, but now it seems that the Arken gem can indeed affect people's hearts.

"Let's get out of here," said Bilbo.

Thorin pointed his sword directly at Bilbo, so that he had to fall back.

"give me."

"I, that gem, actually..."

Just as Bilbo was about to explain something, he heard a low breathing sound not far away.

The three of them subconsciously turned around, just in time to meet a pair of cold vertical pupils.

Smaug found them, and the crimson light of the abdomen was clearly visible in the dimly lit palace, and it continued to extend to the long neck.

At this moment the rest of the dwarves also came running out of the passage, and they lined up to face the dragon.

"I'll burn you to death," said Smaug, taking a few steps before the crowd.


Everyone jumped down the steps immediately, narrowly avoiding the ferocious crimson dragon flame.

There happened to be a passage entrance under the steps, and everyone quickly got into it without a moment's hesitation.


Smaug pointed his mouth at the ceiling and spewed dragon flames. The flames spread widely, and Thorin, who was the last to pass through the passage, was swept by the dragon flames and set his clothes on fire.

"A clear spring is like water."

Aaron threw a stream of water on Mount Thorin and put out the fire for him.

Then everyone proceeded cautiously along the aisle, turned several turns and came to a long aisle.

"We got rid of it," said Dolly in a low voice.

"No." Dwalin shook his head and said, "It's cunning."

"Where are we going now?" asked Bilbo.

"Go to the guardhouse to the west," Thorin said. "There may be a way of escape there."

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