The chess game that was already not dominant has become even worse. "

"Ron." Harry couldn't help reminding, "No matter how lucky we are in this game, we will all die."

"Don't worry, I'm sure.

I can win the game without a single pawn. "

However, as the game progressed, his confidence became weaker and weaker.

Although relying on human wisdom Ron forcibly turned the advantage to the black side, but when the black was captured, the white's performance was too cruel, and he had to find a way to ensure that Harry and Hermione Live chess is not harmed at all, and every move is a huge pressure.

boom! boom! boom!

The sound of the stone statue shattering could not be heard, and the number of black and white chess pieces on the chessboard continued to decrease, leaving less than half, and the broken stones almost paved half of the room.

At this moment, the only chess pieces on the chessboard that could affect the victory were the white king, the white queen, and the three living black pieces of Harry, Hermione, and Ron.

Three against two, the situation is quite obvious.

As long as the white queen whose main purpose is to capture pieces is held back, any black piece can checkmate the white king.

But this is wizard chess, and they need to decide who will face the stone statue of the white queen.

"Wait a minute," Harry said suddenly.

"It seems you understand, Harry." Ron pursed his lips, "I have to be eaten."


"This is a game of chess, and there is always sacrifice.

Do you still want to prevent the mysterious man from getting the Philosopher's Stone? "

"No, there's always another way," said Hermione.

"But if you wait any longer, the Philosopher's Stone will be taken away." Ron paled and smiled forcedly, "I'll be fine, don't forget, I still have a protective spell on me, and I also drank Felicia."

"But look at these broken chess pieces, is one of them intact?

You can't make fun of your life! Hermione said anxiously, "By the way, Aaron, Aaron must have a way." "

She turned her head anxiously and looked carefully for a while before realizing that Aaron was dozing in the corner, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

"Aaron, wake up, don't sleep."

"Huh? Finished?" Aaron opened his eyes and stood up from the hard floor.

"Hey! This scene is really tragic enough.

Although I am not interested in this game, it is obvious that black has won. "

"But we scored a point and one person distracted the white queen." Harry's face was ugly, "That means, it means..."

"It means that one of you will enjoy the treatment of these eaten chess pieces." Aaron looked at the gravel everywhere and said with emotion, "Fortunately, I am not on the chessboard. It is really sad to be a chess piece."

"Is now the time to discuss this?" Ron said tearfully.

"Why are your legs shaking so much?

No, not just the legs, am I wrong?Your whole body is shaking. "

"He intends to sacrifice himself and let us checkmate the White King." Harry said in a deep voice.

Aaron froze for a moment, then looked at the trembling Weasley, and gave him a thumbs up.

"Brilliant, wise decision, right choice.

As expected of Gryffindor, your courage really impresses me!

I believe the Weasley family will be proud of you in the future, go for it! "

Three people: ...

Is this what people say?

Is this gloating tone true?

"Wait, wait, you mean to really make Ron sacrifice?" Hermione asked in disbelief, "We can only watch and watch, and can't do anything?"

"What else? Would it be you and Harry instead?" Aaron asked rhetorically, "Ron is on a stone statue anyway, and with the Iron Armor Curse and Blessing Elixir, he may not be seriously injured.

But what about you?You have nothing.

Instead, after you lure Bai away, you can only rely on your flesh and blood to block its long sword, and you will die.

In short, Ron is the best choice. "

"Is there nothing else you can do?" Hermione asked.

Aaron raised his eyebrows and gave her a playful look.

"There is no way, even if I use my way, Ron still has to act as a pawn.

But compared to being attacked by the white queen, the danger is a little less. "

"That's it." Ron said immediately, and then looked at Harry, "Go to the next level immediately after winning, don't delay here."

Ron controlled the statue of the horse and slowly moved to the White King.


After the words fell, the White Queen turned around slowly, looked at Ron with a face without facial features, and then moved towards him.

Both Harry and Hermione watched this scene anxiously, their hearts beat faster and their breathing became more rapid.

Ron on the horseback was trembling all over, but his hands were still holding on to the reins on the statue tightly.

After Bai Hou approached, he clenched the long sword in his hand and stabbed straight at the horse's belly.

"Ah!" Ron exclaimed in panic.

"Ron!" Harry also yelled angrily.

At this moment, a white light flew out from the side, knocking Ron onto the wall.

Harry's yelling stopped abruptly, and he was stunned for a while before looking in the direction of the white light.

Aaron put away his wand pretending not to care, looked at the stunned two people, "Am I handsome?"

Harry and Hermione couldn't react for a while, so they could only nod in unison.

"Is this how you do it?" Hermione asked.

"That's right.

It is not necessarily only the player who can control the chess pieces. The forces outside the chessboard can affect the situation at any time.

This is a famous saying of a certain ancestor of my family, which is quite reasonable. Aaron explained, "White's purpose is only to destroy the pieces, in other words, the white queen's goal is only the statue of the horse on which Ron is riding."

As long as you leave in time, there is no danger in getting off the board. "

"Is Ron going to be okay?" Harry looked at the figure crouching under the wall, full of worry in his heart.

"Probably not!"


The two said in unison, obviously not satisfied with these two words.

"Of course it should, I have to make sure that he is outside the chessboard, and the strength of the spell is a little bit stronger.

I gave him armor and luck though, so it shouldn't be a big deal. "

Harry smiled bitterly, "You are too..."

"What? Are you not convinced?" Aaron played with taste, "At least he ended up much better than that chess piece, didn't he?"

Harry looked at the pieces on the chessboard that were smashed by the white queen, but he was also speechless.

"Maybe you're right, but you should have said it beforehand."

"You didn't even ask?

Besides, I have to grasp the timing of casting the spell, and I said in advance that the effect may not be so good. "


Suddenly, Ron's moan came from the foot of the wall, "Harry."

"Ron, are you okay!"

"It's okay, I just feel a little pain in my back.

And my foot seems to be twisted, but it's not a big problem. "

"It's fine, just wait for a while, I'll be there right away." Harry breathed a sigh of relief, and then walked up to King Bai.

Chapter 85 Simple Logical Reasoning Questions

"You are checkmate!"

After the words fell, the white king let go of the long sword in his hand, and the remaining white chess pieces retreated one after another, silently announcing the outcome of the game.

"We won?" Ron said in surprise, as if he still didn't believe it.

"We won, but it's not over yet." Aaron looked at the door guarded by the white chess piece. "The next levels will definitely not be easier than the previous ones, and we have to face a big BOSS."

"Ron, can you be alone?" Harry asked with some concern.

"Well... yes."

"Then I'll wrong you to wait for us here, and you don't want to participate in the rest of the levels."

"What? But I've come here." Ron stood up a little unconvinced, but just as he took his right foot, he staggered and almost lost his footing.

"You stay here!" said Hermione, "You can't let us carry you over there, can you?

In case of encountering any dangerous institutions again, we can't care about your state. "

"You don't want to implicate us either!" Aaron made up the knife very bluntly.

Ron opened his mouth and was silent for a while, before lying on the spot reluctantly.

Lie flat, but not rotten, there is nothing you can do.

Although I don't want to admit it, he is indeed a burden to the team now, commonly known as a drag.

If it's normal, it's fine, at most one point will be deducted for delaying the legs, but at this time, delaying the legs will obviously make the rest of the people more dangerous.

"a wise decision."

Aaron chuckled, and then moved on to the next level.

Hermione and Harry gave Ron an apologetic look, and followed Aaron into the next door.

Pushing open the door, a stench came in.

The three see familiar magical creatures, trolls.

But this troll was a little more miserable than the one they saw on Halloween.

It lay motionless on the floor with a large lump on its head.

"Great, it looks like we won't have to fight trolls," said Harry.

Aaron rolled his eyes, "Actually, you can think so too. The guy who came in first was very powerful, and he defeated a giant monster in a flash."

Harry's expression froze, but after thinking about it, he thought it was a matter of course. If he was mediocre, how could he have the courage to come to Hogwarts to steal things.

"Let's get out of here first!" Hermione said, covering her mouth and nose, "If you stay any longer, you will suffocate."

The three immediately bypassed the giant monster and pushed open the next door.

There is no magic here, just a table with seven bottles of various shapes.

"This level should be designed by Professor Snape." Aaron said thoughtfully, "Isn't it to prepare potions? If so, I suggest that I turn around and go back immediately.

Because it was very time-consuming, and the mysterious man had already succeeded when the potion was prepared. "

Harry took a deep breath and took a step forward.

In an instant, purple flames blocked the door, and black flames shot up from the next door.

"Beautiful!" Aaron's eyes twitched, "As expected of Professor Snape, he really doesn't leave any retreat!"

"Now I have to." Hermione shrugged, then walked to the table, picked up a piece of parchment on it, and read out:

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