I, adapted the world Author: Tian Feng Hei Yue

I have been lurking in the slums of this world for three days; I have a secret, a book that can grant any wish!

As a time traveler and an ordinary person like you, I need to get out of this state now!

So, come and make a wish!As I made one wish after another, the world began to slide in an unknown direction...

Chapter 1 The book that can make all your wishes come true

"I want to get 100 million empire coupons without breaking the law."


October 36, 2015, the 10th year of Chenghe, was the third day that Zhang Jing traveled to this world.

Yes, Zhang Jing is a time traveler. To use the saying in previous life novels, he traveled through time as a soul.I traveled into this 23-year-old body with the same name and surname. At the same time, there were many memories that originally belonged to this body in my mind.

It is now 6 o'clock in the morning, Zhang Jing has just gotten up and finished washing.

He rolled up his sleeves and pressed his left hand on a book-shaped tattoo on his right forearm near the elbow. It was a lifelike tattoo about the size of a one-yuan coin.In my memory, this tattoo should have appeared out of thin air along with my time travel.

"Come out!" Zhang Jing said silently with a serious face, just like what he tried yesterday.

An almost imperceptible light flashed by, and a clumsy notebook with a brown cover appeared in his hand. The cover was made of an unknown material, and it had a skin-like texture to the touch. Look carefully, There are also some obscure patterns.There is a line of text written in an unknown font written in the middle of the cover, but what is amazing is that although Zhang Jing is sure that he has never seen such text, he can still understand the meaning of these words:

The meaning of the word is very simple and straightforward. When translated into Chinese, there are only three words: wishing letter.

Although he had read it over and over for a long time yesterday, Zhang Jing still had an unreal feeling when he summoned the book today. He couldn't help but turn the book over again. There was a string of golden meanings on the back of the book. symbol, and similarly, Zhang Jing could also recognize it. It was a series of numbers, which translated into Arabic numerals was: 75613.

Opening the cover of the notebook, there is a line written on the title page: Every wish you make will come true.

The meaning revealed by this line of text is very simple, even a child can understand it, but upon closer consideration, the profound meaning contained is extremely violent.

Zhang Jing made a wish before going to work yesterday with the idea of ​​giving it a try: he hoped to get one hundred yuan.

As a result, on the way to work, he, who had always been suspicious, was staggered by a pebble, and then he found a one hundred yuan note lying at his feet. He didn't know who lost it?

After kicking the one hundred yuan into his wallet, Zhang Jing was absent-minded all day long. There was a thought in his heart. If the words on the title page of the wishing book were true, then this was more than just a wish. Golden fingers are simply golden thighs!

However, being cautious by nature, he did not reveal anything in the company until he returned home from get off work. He couldn't wait to take out the wishing book and look at it again. He keenly discovered a change, that is, the string of numbers on the back of the book had changed. Change, from the original 75614 to 75613.

At the same time, there is some additional text on the originally empty page behind the title page of the book:

Wish: I want to get one hundred yuan.

The wish has been fulfilled.

Deduct 1 wishing points.

Resisting the urge to make another wish immediately, Zhang Jing, who forced himself to calm down and thought about this discovery that could change his destiny forever, spent the whole night thinking about it.

Until now.

Zhang Jing, who had been awake almost all night, gently turned the pages of the wishing book. The pages of this book seemed to be endless, and he could not turn to the last page no matter what.

In any case, for him who is still burdened with a huge student loan, money is the most urgent thing at the moment.

"I want to get 100 million yuan, without breaking the law." Zhang Jing made his wish clearly.

In order to ensure that the wish letter would not send money to himself in some strange way, he specifically added the premise that it was not illegal.

The same thing as yesterday, after the wish was over, nothing happened.Just a moment later, on the second page after the title page of the wishing book, there was another line of text:

Wish: I want to get a 100 million yuan empire coupon without breaking the law.

Zhang Jing closed the wish book and took it back silently, and the wish book disappeared from his hand.

He licked his dry lips, calmed down his mood, picked up the wooden toilet next to the bed and walked out of the door. The house where Zhang Jing lives is located in a slum area of ​​the city. It is a dilapidated wooden house with one bedroom, which is also a living room and kitchen.Houses in this area generally do not have private bathrooms. There is only one public toilet more than 100 meters away. If you look closely, it is shared by hundreds or thousands of people. You can imagine what kind of luxury it is to squat in it. enjoy.Therefore, generally speaking, Zhang Jing does not go there.

After going out for a few steps, I dumped the toilet in the gutter nearby. I waited for a while at the public faucet not far away. After waiting for the neighbor's aunt in front to finish receiving the water, she stepped forward and scrubbed the toilet.

It must be said that humans are actually very adaptable creatures. In just three days, Zhang Jing has become more accustomed to drinking water and receiving water from the toilet together.It should be said that this faucet was repaired last year to celebrate the 35th anniversary of Emperor Chenghe's accession to the throne, so it can be regarded as a blessing to the people.Before that, everyone used the old well 50 meters away that had a peculiar smell.

There is meat for breakfast today. Because he picked up money yesterday, Zhang Jing bought braised beef to reward himself after get off work.In his previous life, he never realized that meat tasted so delicious.

Zhang Jing's body is that of an orphan. His parents died of an epidemic five years ago. In his memory, everything during those days was gray, with a gray sky filled with haze, and pedestrians on the road gray. The face showed fear, and at the same time, there was the gray smoke column that had been rising for more than a month from the corpse field in the northern suburbs of the city.

Life is not easy, Zhang Jing confirmed this from the first day he traveled through time.

After dinner, Zhang Jing put on his only official uniform, which was a modern simplified Confucian uniform. It was somewhat similar to the Chinese tunic suit in his previous life, but it was also a little different because staff in government agencies wear it on non-important occasions in daily life. Many people dress like this, hence their name.Nowadays, it is also a quite common formal wear.

The Dazhao where he lives in this world is a great empire that has lasted for more than 600 years. Although it has experienced major events such as resistance to foreign invasion, civil war, political reform, constitutional monarchy, the spread of Western learning to the east, the industrial revolution, the rise of capitalism, etc., after all, it has not After such a humiliating modern history in the previous life, it has still retained its status as the largest power in the Eastern Continent, so it still has a better inheritance of some traditions and culture than in the previous life.

After carrying his backpack and going out, Zhang Jing locked the wooden door with an iron padlock. In the words of his previous life, this kind of lock protects gentlemen but not villains.However, all of his most valuable items are in his wallet. To be precise, apart from his mobile phone, it is a bank card with 1530 yuan of imperial coupons, plus nearly 300 yuan in change, and nothing else.Besides, in this kind of slum area, as long as you don’t reveal your wealth, few people will take any chances with residents like them.

The nearest bus stop is about one stop away from here. Zhang Jing walked forward while lowering his head and looking at his feet.Recycling waste and domestic garbage are piled in the alley, exuding a strong rancid smell.The surrounding houses are extremely dense, and the distance between houses is usually less than 25 centimeters.Perhaps because of the light rain last night, the ground was a little muddy and slippery, not to mention that some residents just dumped their toilet bowls on the street because they were too troublesome, so he had to pay attention at all times.

Some naked children stood at the door with their fingers in their mouths and looked at him. They looked a little big because of their thinness.In Zhang Jing's impression, due to living conditions, children in this area are rarely strong.

Zhang Jing looked around from time to time, guessing in what way the 100 million he had promised would come to him. About a quarter of an hour later, he walked out of the maze-like streets of the slums. The streets here were relatively open. There were no more potholes on the ground. He walked a little further and came to a bus stop. The rusty iron stop sign showed the name of the station here - Jiqingfang Station.

He took out his mobile phone and looked at the time. It was a "Zhibo" brand smartphone, a cheap mobile phone brand developed for low-income consumers.However, in Zhang Jing's opinion, this mobile phone is actually not bad. It can only be said that in the field of consumer electronics, the technological development of this world is obviously much better.

The time is now 7:03, and there are already a few people waiting for the bus on the platform. Most of them are office workers dressed similarly to Zhang Jing. Zhang Jing knows that in another 10 minutes, the number of people waiting for the bus will be huge. The number increases, which is why he prefers to go out earlier.

After waiting for another five minutes, an electric double-decker bus slowed down and came closer, and everyone waiting for the bus around the station also gathered around.

When the bus was about ten meters away from everyone, the driver had already stepped on the brakes...

But at this moment, the front of the bus suddenly sank, and then there was a loud bang...

The entire ground suddenly cracked open, and in everyone's stunned and horrified eyes, the entire double-decker bus fell into the pit as if it had stepped on a trap.

The outer cracks of this huge pothole expanded rapidly, and before everyone in the car could react, the ground beneath their feet had already broken into pieces, followed by a series of screams and exclamations, and everyone's feet were lifted up...

Chapter 2 The rushing destiny

Some people danced and tried to grab something, but in this case, such efforts were in vain. Everyone followed the double-decker bus and fell into the pit.

Zhang Jing was also unprepared at this time. Caught off guard, he only had time to close his body as much as possible, and then a strong impact came from the soles of his feet. Unsteady, Zhang Jing fell sideways. Not on flat ground.

There was a pain in his legs, and there was darkness, dust, screams, coughs, and cries all mixed together. Zhang Jing was a little confused, and he was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that the dust floating in the air around him made him afraid Breathing heavily, covering his mouth and nose with his sleeves, he reached out and patted his hair, and a large amount of gray sand fell down.

Zhang Jing had a somewhat nonsensical thought, that his image at this time must be very bad.

At this time, he had begun to recover somewhat, and his brain began to think at high speed. His past life experience made him realize that he should have encountered a subsidence caused by some reason.In the news of the past life, we often heard of news about vehicles falling into the road due to collapse.

And this time, this should be what he faced. As for why it happened?Zhang Jing guessed that it was probably because of the wish he made in the morning...

Zhang Jing squinted his eyes and looked around and above. The darkness was accompanied by smoke and dust, making the surroundings hazy and unclear. He could probably tell that this was a large rectangular pit, probably close to the size of a basketball court.The height from the bottom of the pit to the ground is about 4 to 5 meters.

The double-decker bus not far away had stalled, and many passengers were crying and trying to climb out of the carriage. It was not known what the status of the casualties were.Fortunately, although the vehicle was hit, there seemed to be no signs of fire.

Really unable to see clearly, Zhang Jing reached out and took out his mobile phone from his pocket. He was a little distressed to find that the screen of the mobile phone was cracked. Fortunately, it did not affect its use for the time being. He successfully turned on the flashlight function.

In the flashlight's beam, the surroundings were filled with a large number of suspended particles, swirling and flying.But even so, Zhang Jing's vision had improved a lot. He even saw a steel bar inserted diagonally about a punch away from his right leg, which looked like the fangs of a beast moving ferociously.

Zhang Jing immediately realized that if he hadn't subconsciously closed his body when he fell, his right leg might have been strung on the steel bar...

It is really not easy to realize this wish... A thought flashed in Zhang Jing's mind.

However, there was no time to think too much at this time. Zhang Jing quickly checked himself with a flashlight. Fortunately, except for a few scratches on his clothes, he did not suffer any external injuries.

After moving his body, he found that he probably didn't have any internal injuries. His legs no longer hurt. So Zhang Jing raised his phone and began to shine the light of the flashlight around him.

There were uneven rocks and dirt everywhere under his feet. He first found his backpack, which was half buried by some gravel a few steps away from him.Walking over with one foot high and one foot low, Zhang Jing pulled out his shoulder bag and patted it. It contained his wallet and various documents.

Just when he was lifting his backpack, he keenly noticed that there seemed to be a round metal object on the ground, so he squatted down to take a closer look. After Zhang Jing stroked away the loose soil on the ground, he recognized it at a glance. The metal object was obviously an old-fashioned square-hole coin.

In his previous life, Zhang Jing was a collector of two knives because of his passion for collecting. He would occasionally go to the antique city and bought some small items at home that were not authentic or fake. Naturally, he was not interested in ancient coins. unfamiliar.In fact, there were several Kaiyuan Tongbao placed on the desk in his previous home as Feng Shui money.

He hurriedly looked around and saw that no one was around. He hurriedly reached out to pick up the ancient coin on the ground and held it in his palm. Then he quickly rummaged around and found nothing. , he used the backpack to cover up by patting and checking it, and put the ancient coins into the backpack and put it away.

At this time, there were a lot of noisy sounds coming from above, and police sirens were heard in the distance. It was obvious that the situation here had attracted the attention of the surrounding people, and some people had gathered around to try to rescue them, perhaps because they were worried about causing a second collapse. Therefore, no one dares to get too close.

Zhang Jing, who had gained something, put his backpack across his body. He used a flashlight to shine around to see if there were any other gains. On the other hand, he walked towards the double-decker bus to see if there was any need. Help people.

There were some people around who had fallen down while waiting for the bus. They all got up one after another at this time. Most of them seemed to be fine. There were also a few who were still lying on the ground groaning. It seemed that they had fallen more seriously.

Some people have begun to try to climb up the pit wall, but it is not easy to climb because it is relatively steep.

Zhang Jing came to the double-decker bus. The door seemed to be broken. Some people hit it from inside the bus, but they could not open the door, while others smashed the windows hard. Some of them even succeeded. Several people He had climbed out of the broken car window.

Zhang Jing saw many people in the car smashing the windows with their fists. It seemed that they were unable to break open the windows because they lacked tools, so he picked up rocks from the ground, walked to the car, and punched one of the windows with all his strength. A corner of the car window was smashed, and there was only a sound of the frame, and the car window broke.

The people in the car hurriedly cooperated with him to remove the remaining glass, and then someone eagerly climbed out of the car window. After landing, they also picked up rocks from the ground and started to smash the remaining windows.

Soon, a large number of passengers began to crawl out of the windows.

Not far away, the sound of police sirens was getting closer and closer. It was obvious that police were coming here, ready to deal with the situation here.

Not long after, a voice came from above: "People below, listen, we are the police and we are preparing for rescue. Please don't panic. The fire brigade's rescue equipment will arrive soon. Again, please don't panic." , rescue will arrive soon..."

About 15 minutes later, a firefighter was hung down with a rope. After checking the situation below, he made contact with the top. Immediately afterwards, a rope ladder was thrown down.

Under the organization of the firefighters, everyone began to climb up in an orderly manner. Zhang Jing did not go up to grab it, but took the last moment to observe the surroundings. Unfortunately, he could not find anything valuable.

Chapter 3 Gold Coins

Finally, Zhang Jing climbed up the rope ladder in the middle of the crowd. After reaching the ground, the police immediately came over to ask if he was injured. When they learned that Zhang Jing's body was normal and there was no injury, they nodded. Then, a man on the side The policewoman also thoughtfully asked Zhang Jing if he wanted to register his identity. If he did, he might be able to get some compensation if it was later found out that the road collapsed due to the road administration company's mistake.

Pretending that he had something urgent and needed to be in a hurry, Zhang Jing refused the suggestion to register his identity and turned around to leave home. However, no police officers stopped him.Behind him, most people are willing to register their names to wait for the uncertain compensation.

The main reason why Zhang Jing is unwilling to register his identity is because of the ancient coin in his backpack, and he is afraid that there will be unnecessary twists and turns in the future.

Looking at the dust all over his body, he realized that it was impossible to go to the company to work as originally planned. At the same time, Zhang Jing also wanted to find out the types and values ​​of those ancient coins, so he walked quickly towards his home. He took out his cell phone and dialed a number.

The call was quickly connected, and a capable female voice spoke on the other end: "Hongjian, what's the matter?"

"Hongjian" is Zhang Jing's nickname. He named it for himself when he was 20 years old. In this world, everyone who has studied in university will choose this name for "Dazhao", and anyone with some cultural literacy will also be careful not to be straight in communication. Call the other person's name.

"Sister Lingzi, there was an accident on my way to the company. The bus collapsed the platform..." Zhang Jing gave a rough description of what just happened, and then said: "I just saw that people from the TV station have arrived. Yes, I guess you can see it on TV. I was just rescued by the firefighters. I am in a mess and have some bruises. I really can’t come to the company today, so I want to ask you for leave."

The person on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment, and then asked politely if Zhang Jing was alright?After getting an answer that was not a big deal, he readily agreed to leave.

After a few more polite words, Zhang Jing hung up the phone.Sister Lingzi, who he just asked for leave, is his superior at his current unit and is the team leader responsible for front-end operations of a medium-sized online game company.

Zhang Jing is currently an intern in this company, with a weekly salary of 300 yuan. If he can successfully pass the entry assessment in six months, he can become a full-time employee with a weekly salary of 800 yuan.There are many interns in the company. Sister Reiko usually takes care of them and does not leave all the work to interns and newcomers like some people do.

From Zhang Jing's perspective, the employment pressure in this world is correspondingly greater, especially because wages are generally low, and there are no labor security mechanisms such as five social insurances and one housing fund that were mandated by the country in the previous life.

It is precisely because many middle- and low-income families in this world generally do not have much savings, and their daily surplus is only enough for the family's most basic consumption needs such as food and clothing. Therefore, many companies adopt a weekly salary or even daily salary system to ensure that employees do not have to pay. As for being unable to reveal the blame because of family difficulties.

When I got home, I took off my public clothes first, patted them at the door, wiped away the dust, checked, and found that there were a scratch on the elbow and back of the public clothes. In addition, the matching clothes There is also a tear in the pants on the side of the right leg, which must have been scratched by a sharp stone.

Zhang Jing couldn't help but sigh. He still remembered that the original owner of the body spent 250 yuan to buy this dress. This was also the most expensive piece of clothing he had ever bought after his parents passed away. He cherished it very much.

Hanging his official uniform on a simple hanger in the room, Zhang Jing checked his body again. Except for some minor scratches on his palms, there were no other scars on his body. As for such scratches, in his opinion, there was no need to deal with them. It will heal on its own in a few days.

After going out again, he washed his head and face with the faucet. When he returned to the house, Zhang Jing locked the door with a padlock, then sat at the desk beside the bed, turned on the lamp, picked up his fabric shoulder bag, opened it, and opened it. He took out the square Konggu coin.

The ancient coins shimmered with a dark yellow halo under the desk lamp.When he saw this color, Zhang Jing's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly had some kind of guess.

Because they had just been taken out of the soil, the ancient coins were full of stains. Zhang Jing used a piece of dry cotton cloth to carefully wipe the ancient coins. Although it was just such a simple cleaning, the ancient coins had already become more beautiful. The luster completely turns golden.

This is... a gold coin!Zhang Jing couldn't help shouting silently in his heart. Although he was not an expert in this field, Zhang Jing was sure that he would not make a mistake in judgment.

Holding back the excitement in his heart, Zhang Jing picked up the ancient coin and looked at it carefully. It was a typical square hole coin with a more common structure of a circle on the outside and a square on the inside. There were four characters written in official script on the front - Hue Tong Bao. , in turn, there are two pagodas carved on the back. The pagoda religion is a world-wide religion in this world, especially in the Eastern Continent, with a wide range of believers. It is very similar to the Buddhism of Zhang Jing's previous life. Although the two pagoda statues have been somewhat worn at this time, But you can still see the exquisite craftsmanship of the original work.Between the two pagodas, above the square hole, there was a small character engraved on it. Zhang Jing read it carefully for a while and recognized that it was the character "reward".

Then, Zhang Jing rummaged through the drawer and found a plastic ruler to measure it. The ancient coin was about 26mm in diameter.

Putting down the ancient coins, Zhang Jing took out his mobile phone and started searching on Wuwu.com. Wuwu.com is the largest Internet search engine in Dazhao. It is similar to the Baidu search engine in the previous life. It is also the search engine with the highest market share in the entire Eastern Continent.

Because most users in slums do not have the need to use broadband networks, private network companies have not laid out network cables. Therefore, Zhang Jing cannot use computers to access the Internet here because the cost of setting up a separate dedicated line will be too high for him to accept.Moreover, Zhang Jing was not willing to buy a computer with Internet access.

Here, mobile Internet access is the only Internet mode he can choose. After all, this is a quasi-first-tier city located in the southern part of the empire. Even in slums, there are still base stations of telecommunications companies that can cover it.

Perhaps because it is too niche, Zhang Jing searched the Internet for a long time but could not find the specific situation of this ancient coin.However, it cannot be said that there was no gain at all. First of all, he was sure of the specific time of this ancient coin.If nothing else goes wrong, this Hue Tongbao should be a coin from the Hue period of the previous dynasty.

Chapter 4 Weird coincidence

Before the Jokhang Dynasty in this world, there was the Daqian Dynasty, which was a dynasty established by nomads who rose up in the Mobei grassland. At the same time, it was also the first unified dynasty established by foreigners in the history of the East. Its founder was worthy of He was called an outstanding figure of his generation. When the empire was at its peak, its territory even extended to the Western Continent. Unfortunately, its rise was rapid and its demise was sudden. However, it flourished and declined for more than ninety years. Heroes emerged from all over the country, and was finally driven out by the Taizu of this dynasty. Returned to the land of Mobei.

This coin should have been minted during the reign of Emperor Hue, the third emperor of Daqian.As for other information, there is a lot of introduction to the ordinary Hue Tong Bao, but it is a copper coin with a current market value of about 550 yuan imperial roll.As for the gold one, there is no introduction.

However, this did not disappoint Zhang Jing. After all, the more niche things like ancient coins are, the more valuable they are.

Zhang Jing searched carefully and finally locked on a website called "Dazhao Ancient Coin Network". In the collection circle, ancient coins are generally called ancient coins, and this website is currently the largest ancient coin appreciation and trading website in Dazhao.

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