Nanhai Telecom is the largest telecommunications service provider in the entire Spice Islands region, with a current market share of over 70% in Sulu Island.Not long ago, the telecommunications services in the entire Ammani Resort were suddenly interrupted. In today's era, most communication services use a dual-track system of ground base stations and space communication satellites. Therefore, the current signal interruption, telecommunications service providers speculate, It was probably that the core base station located in the resort had malfunctioned, so a maintenance vehicle was sent to check.

This situation was not uncommon in the past. Since Sulu Island has a typical island climate, typhoons pass through it every year. Coupled with the high-salt and high-humidity environment and the large number of small creatures that like to chew everywhere, sophisticated electronics There are several cases of instrument damage every year.

The vehicle drove eastward along the road toward the Ammani Resort. The driver, Benny, was an aboriginal young man in his 30s with a slightly dark complexion. He turned on the music in the car and listened to the melody from time to time while driving. Give it a twist.

Sitting in the passenger seat was a man in his 40s named Wang Yun with a mixed-race face. He was taking a nap with his eyes half closed and his arms folded.

I don’t know when, a light fog appeared around the vehicle, and the fog seemed to get stronger as we drove forward.

"Why is there such a heavy fog today?" Benny turned on the vehicle's fog lights, and at the same time turned on the wipers to clean up the water droplets that quickly accumulated on the vehicle's front windshield due to the fog.

"Drive slowly and be careful." Wang Yun grunted and closed his eyes again.

Nodding, Benny slowed down the car.However, the fog ahead was getting bigger and bigger, and the visibility gradually dropped to less than 20 meters. Under this situation, Benny's speed also began to slow down further.

He cursed the weird weather and drove forward cautiously with his eyes wide open.

Under this situation, Wang Yun couldn't continue to take a nap, and he stared at the road ahead carefully with his eyes wide open to prevent a rear-end collision.

After driving like this for about ten minutes, the fog gradually began to subside. The two people in the car became relaxed again and the speed increased again.

However, after driving for another 5 minutes, Benny suddenly patted his companion who had fallen into a drowsy state again with a hesitant tone and said: "Wow, I feel something is wrong."

"What's wrong?" Wang Yun rubbed his eyes, looking a little lazy: "Isn't it here yet?"

"I think we have already passed..." Benny pointed to a cliff not far away: "Do you remember that cliff? If you drive further, it should be Weisu Town..."

Wang Yun was stunned when he heard this, and quickly looked at it, and then turned to look at Benny who was driving: "We are going to Amani Resort, why did you drive here?!"

"Of course I know we are going to Ammani, but I can guarantee that I never drove the wrong way..."

"I remember that we were driving along Route 12 just now. Next we should turn onto Route 6, and then we will arrive at Amani. You have already driven there..." Wang Yun frowned.

"I really didn't drive the wrong way..." Benny was obviously a bit evasive. In order to emphasize his innocence, he stretched out his hand and gestured: "I have been paying attention to the fork in Highway 6 since the fog subsided, but Before I even saw the fork, the car drove here..."

The two argued for a while, but Wang Yun finally waved his hand and said: "Forget it, let's go back in a circle along the front."



"Why is there fog again..." Just after the two of them took a detour and turned around, and drove a short while, thick fog appeared in front of them again.

"Wow, I think there's something wrong with this fog..." Benny said hesitantly as he turned on the fog lights again: "That's how I passed through the fog just now, and then I found that I had passed the road..."

"Be careful... pay attention to the road..." Wang Yun didn't dare to sleep anymore, and opened his eyes to pay attention to the surrounding road conditions.

Just like before, the further they drove forward, the thicker the fog became. Soon the two of them could no longer see clearly their surroundings, and could only see the road ahead under the illumination of the headlights.



10 minutes later……

"Wow, look, look at that road sign..."

"How... how is it possible?!"

"I'm right, you see, we drove past again..." Benny gestured excitedly, while constantly pointing to the road signs ahead.

"Could it be that we didn't pay attention just now and drove past?!" Wang Yun asked obviously in disbelief.

"It's impossible. We both paid attention to the roadside just now. It's impossible to miss the fork in the road." Benny said, his voice gradually lowered again: "I just felt that the fog just now was abnormal."

"How about we confirm again?" What happened before him was so bizarre that Wang Yun didn't dare to report it like this. Could he tell the company that the two of them had encountered a supernatural incident?

What if I really missed it?

Although Benny was a little reluctant, Wang Yun was the more senior one after all, so they decided to take a detour again.

After completing the U-turn, Wang Yun also checked the time. The current time is 16:53...



Chapter 237

A strange thing happened again. They encountered heavy fog again. Then, the wide-eyed two people drove through the fog, but from beginning to end, they did not find the fork in the road in their memories.

After the two of them emerged from the fog, they soon judged that the car had passed by again based on the markers along the way...

Only this time, neither of the two people in the car spoke for a while. Such a strange thing made them both fall into some kind of overwhelmed emotion.

"At 17:06, it took us 13 minutes to get here..." In the end, Wang Yun reached out and set up the on-board computer, and then said: "The navigation said that this journey will take 32 minutes."

"That means we were nearly 20 minutes faster?"

"It should be...that's it..."

"Woof, tell me...did something bad happen to us?" Benny asked his companions in a low voice while turning the steering wheel.

Compared with the Jokhang mainland, although the residents of the Spice Islands who were civilized later have entered modern society, their tribal social structure has not yet been completely disintegrated, and some local witchcraft culture and animistic worship have also made some mysterious legends popular.

Wang Yun also felt a slight chill in his back when he heard this. It seemed that there was some kind of indescribable weirdness hidden in the mysterious mist behind him.

"I think... the fog is really weird. I think we should take a detour..."

"Yes, I think so too. I will notify the headquarters immediately and tell them the situation here..."




An Huiling panted heavily. Next to her was a monster with its head missing. This was exactly the kind of monster that looked like a skinned person but without eyes.

Although she had been very careful, she did not expect that this monster had been hiding in the bushes on the roadside. An Huiling was caught off guard by the monster that suddenly rushed out of the bushes without noticing. Especially this kind of seemingly... The monster with no eyes and slow movements was more agile than an ordinary adult when attacking. It rushed towards her like a wild dog that had escaped from the reins. If it weren't for her reaction and perception at this time, which she had already embarked on the path of spiritual practice. Even if the strength is much stronger than ordinary people, then injuries are inevitable.

Even so, An Huiling was still quite scared.

This kind of real experience of life and death was something that she, a rich girl, had never experienced before.

An Huiling made up her mind that if she could escape successfully this time, she would go to her senior brother to learn more, especially swordsmanship and other techniques...

Wiping the sweat from her forehead, An Huiling checked around her body. There was another tear mark on her gauze. This was caused by the sudden attack by the monster just now, and it had already been torn before. At that point, An Huiling's gauze had become like torn rags.

Frowning, An Huiling simply took off her gauze, but in this way, she was left with only a camisole, which looked a little too cool.

Her face turned slightly red, but at this moment, there was no one around anyway. After An Huiling took a short rest, she continued on her way.

At this time, she was not far from the villa on the beach. Fortunately, the rest of the journey went smoothly without encountering any monsters. About a quarter of an hour later, An Huiling finally arrived at the outskirts of the villa.

Because it is an independent area, a protective net is installed on the beach around the villa, and there were originally security guards at the entrance and exit.However, everything was empty at this time. An Huiling was standing about a hundred meters away from the protective net, silently lying on a roof to spy on the situation in the direction of the villa.From her current position, she could see the entrance and exit of the protective net. There were no security guards. The security room was empty and there was no one.

However, in addition, inside the protective net, there are several eyeless monsters wandering there.It seems difficult to enter the room without alerting a monster.

An Huiling looked at the height of the protective net and estimated that when she used "Earthsha Forbidden Technique: Floating", she should be able to jump over with the help of force. However, the protective net here is equipped with an automatic alarm device, and the villa area has an independent power supply. Therefore, there should be no automatic failure of the alarm device. If you use abnormal means to enter, the alarm system should start to alarm at high decibels.And this situation is likely to attract other known or unknown monsters...

In this case, another way is to find a way to enter through the normal path...

An Huiling frowned and glanced at the monster wandering in the protective net, gritted her teeth...

After all, a monster had been killed just now. An Huiling felt that although ordinary people would find this kind of monster difficult to deal with, it did not seem to be that difficult for herself.

However, before forcefully breaking in, you still have to try sneaking in.



The infiltration failed in the end. It turned out that "Earth Sha Forbidden Method: Blind Eye" did not seem to have much effect on this kind of eyeless monster.These keen guys obviously don't perceive objects through their eyes. Just some slight noises will startle them and then pounce on them.

Fortunately, as long as you are prepared in advance and stay calm, these monsters are not too difficult to deal with. In the process of entering the protective net, An Huiling quickly killed two more monsters that rushed towards her.

I have to say that killing monsters is, to a certain extent, a craft where practice makes perfect.At least, An Huiling now felt that she could defeat a monster with ease.

However, so far, she has not heard any movement in the villa.

Her heart became heavier and heavier, but An Huiling still walked towards the villa door with some luck.

The villa is divided into a main building, two auxiliary buildings, and three small buildings. The main building houses An Huiling's family, and the two auxiliary buildings house servants and bodyguards.

At this time, the beach around the villa was still empty. Only the tide in the distance was still rising, and the sea was filled with heavy fog. Just like the situation in the resort, everything was shrouded in an ominous gray fog.

As she walked forward, An Huiling's heart gradually sank. She did not feel the sound of any living creature. With her perception beyond ordinary people, under normal circumstances, she could clearly hear the people inside the house outside the house. Voice.

In her heart, she had subconsciously come to a conclusion, but An Huiling still wanted to take a look after all.

The door of the villa used a fingerprint lock. With a soft click, An Huiling opened the door, and the entire hall was empty.

Several soft leather chairs and small tables are placed in the hall for people to gather. There is a bar on one side of the hall by the window. Several high swivel chairs with black leather cushions are placed there in a messy manner. There are also sofas and sofas in the corner of the hall. The TV, the TV is on at this time, but there is no picture.

An Huiling frowned. Under normal circumstances, even if her parents were away, there would be servants cleaning here at any time.At this moment, her first impression of the living room was that it felt like someone was sitting on the sofa watching TV just a moment ago...

Where have your family members gone? !

An Huiling's heart became lower and lower at this time. She walked quickly through the living room and almost ran towards her parents' bedroom upstairs.The villa has three floors. Her parents and her bedrooms are on the second floor, and the two young ladies live on the third floor.

But soon, An Huiling became disappointed. No one was in her parents' room or her mother's room.

In her own house, An Huiling casually found a piece of light sun protection clothing and put it on, then quickly went downstairs again and ran to the two villas next door.

After quickly searching the two-story building where the bodyguard lived, she still found no one.

The door of the small building where the servant lived was not closed, but opened a crack. An Huiling held a long sword and carefully pushed the door open. There was still no one inside, but she vaguely heard some kind of sound.Then, there was a strong burnt smell.

After looking for the sound, it turned out to be the kitchen. The exhaust device in the kitchen was turned on at this time. Something was stewed on the stove. The water had been boiled out and was burnt.

An Huiling walked over to take a look, and a horrifying scene appeared. She suddenly discovered that what was stewed in the road was a human head...

At this time, the head had been boiled to pieces. It was impossible to tell whose head it belonged to, and she didn't know if it was someone she knew...

An Huiling subconsciously took a step back, her stomach churning, and after turning off the fire, she covered her nose and exited the kitchen.

Suppressing the discomfort in her heart, An Huiling went to the bedroom upstairs to check again, but still found no one.

Although he had expected it, such a result still made An Huiling feel extremely frustrated.

In addition to frustration, she was also worried. She didn't know where her family had gone at this time.Where have all the other people in this resort gone now? !

An Huiling sat blankly in the living room of this small building for a while. She suddenly felt that something was unreal. Wasn't it the promised vacation? !Why did it suddenly feel like I was entering a horror story...

An Huiling suddenly realized that she should think about her future plans.

Be calm, be calm... She warned herself, whether it was in some novels and TV dramas she had read, or some strange events that her senior brother had talked about with her, she all told herself a key question, that is, she must maintain calm!

I have to put things in perspective again...

An Huiling found an unopened bottle of mineral water in the corner of the living room, unscrewed it, and took a sip.

The water was normal, so she drank a few more gulps.

Then, An Huiling sat down on a small sofa in the living room and began to recall what she had experienced today...

Chapter 238 Hell-level Beginning

From the moment she felt uncomfortable when she saw the mask...until she entered the restaurant...and then saw the dead man hanging from the street lamp...

Suddenly, An Huiling caught a detail. She recalled what the hanged man once said:

"You will die miserably, and your friends and family will also die here..."

It says, "will": "Your family will also die here..."

Since he is "about" to die, that means he is not dead yet!

Thinking of this, An Huiling's worried and even depressed mood suddenly relaxed a little. She took another sip of water and then screwed on the bottle cap.

The words spoken by the hanged man before, as well as the few words he read from the forbidden book, although crazy and weird, are filled with a lot of "sin", "god", "torture", "contract", " Language like “sacrifice”.

Coupled with the poem about Argonne recited by the restaurant waiter at the beginning, An Huiling could generally confirm that she should be involved in an incident related to "gods" or "cults".

According to what Senior Brother once said, this should be one of the most troublesome incidents...

An Huiling frowned and thought, and suddenly remembered another detail, which was the first words the hanged man said when he first saw her.

"Welcome to God's Game."

"Game?" An Huiling pondered. According to the literal interpretation, there should be two interpretations of "game" here.One explanation is that this incident was regarded as a game by a certain god...

Another explanation is that...maybe he was pulled into a "game".

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