Therefore, the two of them were very careful when walking. Wei Chengguang also used the dog-leg knife in his hand to chop off the shrubs or weeds that were too dense in the road.

Just the day before yesterday, they were still living at the foot of Yunxiao Mountain. Because Yunxiao Mountain was closed during this period, foreigners were refused. They did not get invitations and so they could not go up the mountain. They had to wait at the foot of the mountain, even because the hotel was full. Because of this, they finally solved the accommodation problem by renting a house from a local farmer.

Originally, I wanted to wait until Yunxiao Mountain was unblocked, and then go up the mountain to look for the master. After all, Mr. Xiao was known as the Feathered Immortal. The whole thing was aroused on the Internet, and everything was said, and Wei Chengguang and Zhu Yingwei were also the ones. There were many speculations in my mind, but in the end I was unwilling to give in and wanted to go to Yunxiao Mountain to have a look.

Especially since he visited An Huiling before, Wei Chengguang has never been so convinced that there are "real masters" in this world.After he shared these joys with Zhu Yingwei, the little girl also became more active.

And just yesterday, I don’t know where Zhu Yingwei got the news, saying that an abnormal event had occurred on Sulu Island. After that, some online media disclosed some details in bits and pieces.

Both of them have the temper to dare to think and act. Taken together, Yunxiao Mountain is there anyway and they can't move it away.The incident in front of us is ongoing. If we can observe it closely, it would be an opportunity.So I simply asked for leave from home on the pretext of traveling with my classmates during the winter vacation, then bought a plane ticket and flew directly to Zhugang City.



The two of them walked forward for about half an hour. Walking in this roadless mountain, especially at night, was quite physically demanding, and there was even a possibility of encountering wild beasts.They were both newborn calves. If they were veterans of field operations, they would not do this.

Fortunately, thanks to the blessing of Heavenly Lord, the two of them did not encounter any accidents such as venomous snakes and beasts spraining their feet, and arrived near the mountain stream in complete order.

There was an obvious sound of water flowing in front of them. The two of them quickened their pace, while using the flashlights in their hands to carefully shine their surroundings, paying special attention to whether there were venomous snakes.

After walking forward for a while, they came to a shoal. In front of them was a river beach covered with pebbles. The river was roughly ten meters wide, and the current was not very fast.

Wei Chengguang put down the backpack on his back by the river. He stopped and shook his sore shoulders. Then he came to the river, shined a flashlight on the river, and carefully observed the water depth.

"How are you doing? Can you launch the boat?" Zhu Yingwei came over and asked, looking at the water.

"It feels like it should be okay. The water depth here is quite suitable. It won't rub to the bottom, and the current isn't very fast." Wei Chengguang nodded.

"That's good, let's get started!" Zhu Yingwei waved her fist.

Wei Chengguang nodded, turned around and fiddled with his backpack, and carefully pulled out a large roll of things. As soon as this thing was taken out, the backpack shrunk by half visibly.The two of them worked together to spread the roll of things on the river beach. After that, Wei Chengguang pressed a few more times on a small screen above. Soon, with a series of clicking sounds, he saw the roll. The thing slowly began to bulge, but it turned out to be an inflatable boat.

The inflatable boat took about 3 minutes to inflate. The entire boat seemed to be more than three meters long and could accommodate two people in the front and rear.

After that, Wei Chengguang took out a few more items from his backpack, and after assembling them, he quickly assembled them into two paddles. The paddles and the inflatable boat are both made of composite materials, which are high in strength and light in weight. However, Even so, it still took Wei Chengguang a lot of effort to carry it here.

The two put their backpacks on the boat, then found a river bank with a gentler current, and pushed the inflatable boat into the river. Due to the flow of the river, the kayak began to float forward as soon as it entered the water. Neither of them The owner, who was experienced in rafting, didn't care about his shoes and pants stepping into the water, and jumped in hastily. He even almost tipped the boat over because he was too anxious. Fortunately, after shaking for a few times, the two of them finally stabilized the inflated boat. The whole boat started to spin and drift downstream.

After the inflatable boat gradually stabilized, they tried to row toward the center of the river.However, due to lack of cooperation, after a while of scrambling, the whole boat was spinning crookedly and not obeying orders... Fortunately, the strong current helped them and pushed the boat towards the center of the river...

Neither of them is experienced in water sports. Relatively speaking, Wei Chengguang, who was born in the south, has more experience in boating, but it is limited to certain boating activities.The experience of rafting is really limited, and Zhu Yingwei's experience is even more limited.

When rowing in such a rapid, both of them were chasing ducks. However, after a flurry of running-in, at least the boat was able to correct its direction. The rest relied on the push of the current to push the boat forward. After a while, , they had turned a bend in the river and could breathe a sigh of relief.

Chapter 251

In fact, this kind of night rafting activity was a quite novel experience for both of them. They buckled the flashlight in front of the inflatable boat and illuminated the route ahead, while pointing out the surrounding environment while talking and laughing. , very novel.

After traveling for a while, the boat passed by a dark sandbar and the speed slowed down a bit. The two of them could also see a few animals drinking water by the water. They didn't know whether they were deer or wild sheep. Their eyes were shining green in the dark night. With the fluorescent light, when he saw the inflatable boat approaching, he quickly jumped into the dense forest.

Gradually, the two quickly accumulated some experience and were gradually able to better control the direction of navigation. Under this situation, Zhu Yingwei even took out her mobile phone and began to take pictures of the scenery along the way, saying that she wanted to show off after returning. Show it to your classmates.

The inflatable boat moved forward along the current, and quickly turned around a bay with a small arc. The river in front of it began to obviously narrow. As the river narrowed, the water suddenly became violent, and the two people's inflatable boat entered. A torrent area.

In fact, with their half-baked boating skills, it is indeed quite dangerous to sail in such water conditions. In addition, the light at night is very dark, and there are hidden rocks in the river...

In the rapids, if the boat is not careful, it will easily spin up. The two of them suddenly became a little stretched. Zhu Yingwei stopped taking pictures and took back her mobile phone. The two began to carefully control the course.

Wei Chengguang looked back at Zhu Yingwei from time to time and told her to be careful not to be thrown out of the boat.

Zhu Yingwei's face was a little pale at this time, and she didn't care about the bickering. She held the paddle tightly in her hand and learned to balance the inflatable boat. She didn't even notice that most of her clothes were wet.

However, when the house leaked and it rained all night, something more troublesome occurred.

Several intersecting rocks appeared in front of them, and the river rushed through the rocks, surging into hill-like crests.The boat rides on top of the waves like a cowboy on horseback.Water splashed everywhere, and both people on the boat were drowned.

The boat lurched left and right in the gaps between the rocks. Sometimes it was lifted up on the crest of the wave, and sometimes it fell into the trough of the wave.Compared with it, activities such as horse riding are simply too smooth.

Zhu Yingwei turned pale with fright and couldn't help but scream: "Ah——!"

"Sit tight and don't fall down!!!" Wei Chengguang shouted loudly from the front.

The roar of the surrounding river was deafening.On the river surface in this section of the river, towering rocks appear from time to time. The river water hits the rugged rocks, and fountains with water mist rise into the sky, like countless white elves dancing wildly.When encountering smooth rocks, the rolling water turns into huge humps.

"Bengbeng, this won't work! Let's dock..." Zhu Yingwei clung to the oar tightly, looking at it like that, she almost vomited.

"The water is too fast, it's difficult to get over..." Wei Chengguang paddled vigorously in front, shouting loudly: "Don't be in a daze! Pay attention to keep your balance!!!"

Finally, after a while of scrambling, they avoided several rocks in succession. The river water in front became slightly calmer. Then, the river surface began to widen again, and the boating was relatively calm after that.

Although most of their bodies and hair were soaked in water, their moods were still relatively stable.

Perhaps it was because they had used up all their bad luck before, but they marched for nearly half an hour without anything dangerous happening.

And Zhu Yingwei no longer mentioned the matter of docking. In fact, she had "resurrected" again at this time, chirping and pointing at the surrounding scenery, and she could not see the frightened look she had just now.

Until their inflatable boat suddenly stopped, and then they heard a clear sound like cracking silk coming from the bottom of the boat...

"No!" The boat swayed... The two of them hurriedly shouted, but it was too late.

I saw a scream coming from the river, and then the inflatable boat had flipped over. Zhu Yingwei's head was floating beside the boat, and the river was rushing the boat downstream...

With quick eyes and quick hands, Wei Chengguang grabbed Zhu Yingwei on the side and pulled her out of the water. Zhu Yingwei was caught off guard and drank a few sips of water. In addition, the water quality and physical strength were indeed not as good as Wei Chengguang's, so she was almost swept away by the river water.

Wei Chengguang's water ability is pretty good, and he has been exercising all year round to keep him physically fit. When he grabbed Zhu Yingwei, he also didn't forget to grab his backpack...

Fortunately, this place was not far from the river bank, only a few meters away. Wei Chengguang quickly pulled Zhu Yingwei onto the bank. Zhu Yingwei sat down on the bank, dripping water all over her body.

After Wei Chengguang dragged his backpack up, he looked back and saw that the inflatable boat had been washed away by the river.

After the two sat on the shore and breathed for a while, Zhu Yingwei muttered helplessly: "The boat is gone..."

"Forget it... let's find a place to rest for a while." Wei Chengguang sighed. Although the boat was gone, fortunately, most of their equipment was not left behind. Wei Chengguang's own backpack was dragged up by him, and Zhu Yingwei's backpack was smaller than Wei Chengguang was much smaller. Because she was afraid of falling into the water when she got on the boat, she always carried it on her back, but she didn't lose it at this time.

The two discussed for a while, and then roughly understood the cause of the problem. It was probably that the bottom of the boat hit a reef, and the reef was relatively sharp, so it caught on the bottom of the inflatable boat and capsized. The bottom was damaged just now, but it could pull the boat up. Once ashore, I'm afraid it won't be usable either.

In addition, both of them are wet and need to be cleaned up urgently. It is still late at night, and it is still early before the sun rises in the morning. The temperature at night is relatively low. If you wear soaked clothes and wait for them to dry naturally, there is a high probability that they will die. Those who are sick, as well as some items in the backpack, such as electronic devices, spare batteries, mobile phones, etc., need to be cleaned immediately, otherwise there is a certain probability that they will lose their function after getting wet.

If they want to dry important items and clothes, they must make a fire. It turns out that this journey is far from as simple as they thought...

This place is already deep into the forest, and the surrounding area is truly deserted. The two people, somewhat dejected, found a river beach with relatively few plants in the forest near the river bank, and split up to search for some of the surrounding areas. Withered branches and leaves, and then trying to make a fire.

The reason why we need to light a fire on the riverbank is because if we light a fire directly in the forest, it is easy to cause a fire.

However, the two still encountered some problems when making the fire. This was, perhaps because it had rained a few days ago, the plants here were somewhat damp and difficult to ignite.

Chapter 252 A sword comes from afar

It took the two of them more than half an hour to finally light the fire.They then decided to take turns baking the laundry.

Wei Chengguang first took off his shirt, found a branch to string up, and baked it by the campfire.Then he took out a towel from his backpack and began to wipe his body. Then he poured out the contents of his backpack and started sorting them out by the campfire.

However, Zhu Yingwei, who had always been sharp-tongued before, became a little quiet for a rare moment. After taking the things out of her backpack and drying them separately, she made no move.

Wei Chengguang quickly realized the problem, so he stood up and said, "I'll collect some more firewood..."

"You're fine, call me..." When walking into the forest, he didn't forget to turn around and add.

Zhu Yingwei's face suddenly turned red, but she rarely replied.

Seeing Wei Chengguang completely walking into the darkness, Zhu Yingwei began to carefully take off her clothes...

Although I actually found an excuse to come out to avoid suspicion, but since I said I was going to collect firewood, I had to pick some for show.

Wei Chengguang walked all the way, looking for dead branches on the ground. The dead branches suitable for burning firewood are best those that have been completely dried, otherwise there will be thick and suffocating smoke and it will not be easy to light.


Picking up a dead branch that had turned somewhat black, he reached out and patted the moss covering it. Wei Chengguang looked at the dozen or so dead branches he had collected and felt that they were about the same. After all, it was just a temporary repair.

Before Zhu Yingwei called out to him at the bonfire behind him, Wei Chengguang muttered that girls are trouble... Then he found a raised root under a huge tree trunk where several people were hugging each other, and sat down.

There was a slight sound, as if a branch was breaking due to being unable to bear the weight, and it quickly disappeared.Wei Chengguang stood up vigilantly and shined his flashlight in the direction of the sound.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a huge mane-covered head emerging from a clump of long grass just over ten meters away.Under the flashlight, his eyes glowed with fluorescence.The protruding nose and sharp and curly fangs look quite intimidating.

The animal was obviously irritated by the flashlight and let out a series of angry grunts. Then, it lowered its head and charged towards Wei Chengguang. At that critical moment, Wei Chengguang used a very agile "wild dog to grab the shit" "Avoiding the impact route of the wild boar.

The attackers temporarily crossed each other, and through the corner of his eye, Wei Chengguang finally saw the guy who attacked him clearly. It was a huge wild boar. Judging from the mane, it was most likely a male with a bad temper.

The weight of hundreds of kilograms has a strong intimidating force when it hits. Wei Chengguang looked at the dog-leg knife in his hand, and then decisively chose to escape...

In fact, escaping also requires skills. In this environment, if you run in a straight line, you will definitely be exploded by a wild boar. Even the Olympic sprint champion cannot escape from the wild boar while sprinting.

Therefore, Wei Chengguang chose to go around the tree. He started running around the tree in circles. This method really worked. The huge wild boar's turning ability was not good, and it was impossible to top him for a while.

However, Wei Chengguang was also out of breath. In the end, the wild boar seemed to feel bored. It snorted a few more times, finally stopped, swung its tail, and turned around to enter the forest.

Wei Chengguang took a long breath and sat down on the ground, panting heavily...

At this moment, Zhu Yingwei's call came from the distance: "Bengbeng, come back, I'm fine...Did something happen to you? Did I hear a sound from you?"

"It's okay...I met a little wild boar..." Wei Chengguang responded. Wei Chengguang picked up the dead branches that he had just placed under the tree and walked towards the bonfire...



The various buildings in the lower courtyard at the foot of the mountain have been basically renovated. At this time, Lishan Cave Sky is full of palaces and pavilions, and it already has the style of a sect.

Because during the renovation, old and new materials were used alternately, so although these buildings are newly built, the vicissitudes of time can be seen in many details.

Today is the traditional Spring Festival of Dazhao. However, since there were only two of them, Zhang Jing did not think too much about it. He just posted some Spring Festival couplets and banners at home, and then ordered a banquet to be delivered to his home. Master and apprentice The two of them had a meal and then set off a firecracker at the door to celebrate this year's Spring Festival.

However, after all, today is different from the past. It has been nearly half a year since Zhang Jing traveled to this world. He is no longer the penniless boy he was at the beginning, and has begun to accumulate his own personal connections.Therefore, since early this morning, his mobile phone has been ringing non-stop with people calling to wish him New Year greetings. At the same time, more New Year greetings messages are also waiting for his reply.

It wasn't until about 20:30 in the evening that Zhang Jing had finished dealing with all these social matters. Fortunately, the Spring Festival only happened once a year, so it was still acceptable.

Even though it was the Chinese New Year, homework could not be left behind. At about 21:00 in the evening, the master and the apprentice returned to Lishan Cave Tianzhong to start today's evening class.

At this time, in the large square of the House of Commons, Zhang Jing was listening to Zhang Taihe explaining to him the essence of internal refining, and he was listening intently.Suddenly I saw a light flashing from the horizon, and then a white light flew from the horizon and flew straight into the Fengxian Hall...

Both the master and the disciple were so keen, especially Zhang Taihe. Almost as soon as the white light appeared, he felt something, stopped teaching, and looked in the direction of Fengxian Hall.

The two looked at each other, and then their figures disappeared.

Soon after, they appeared in a huge hall.

The internal structure of this palace is a huge palace decorated in oriental classical style. On the wall on the side, there are flames floating quietly in the air at regular intervals, burning like a lit torch.

The surrounding walls are covered with murals. The contents of the murals are all battle scenes. The two sides of the battle are humans and monsters.Various forms of terrifying monsters, painted in a simple style, make people subconsciously feel a certain sense of weight and mystery derived from history.

In front of these murals, there are statues of different shapes. Most of these statues are wearing feathers and hats, with different postures. Like the murals, most of them are about fighting various unknown monsters.

On one side of the main hall, there is a tall statue of Tianzun. On both sides of the statue of Tianzun, there are altar tables with green lanterns placed on them.

Master Zhang Jing and his disciples came to the altar table and saw a white light floating on a lamp above the altar table. It was hovering upright, but it was in the shape of a long sword, but it looked a bit illusory. , clearly a sword energy.

And beneath the sword energy, the flame on the lamp was swaying unsteadily, as if it would be blown out by the wind at the next moment.

However, the strange thing is that there is no breeze blowing in the hall at this time.

Then he saw Zhang Taihe's expression became solemn, and he stretched out his hand, and the white light fell into his hand.After thinking for a moment, Zhang Taihe frowned slightly.

"Teacher, is there something wrong with junior sister?" Zhang Jing also recognized the sword energy in front of him. He had personally packaged the jade pendant for An Huiling back then, and this sword energy was also the one that Zhang Taihe lent him. How could he not recognize the person Zhu Jianfeng entered?

"Your junior sister, I don't know what kind of luck it is, to be involved in such a thing..." Zhang Taihe's expression rarely darkened.

"What is going on?" Zhang Jing became more and more curious.

"The matter involves an evil god... Your junior sister must have encountered some kind of secret sacrifice..."

"There is such a thing..." Zhang Jing's face became serious, and he immediately thought of the "side effects" that he had been waiting for, but there was no warning.

Could it be that the boots are finally falling?

"It's not too late, this matter needs to be done as soon as possible... Otherwise, your junior sister may be in danger of her life."

"Where is Junior Sister now?" Zhang Jing asked.

"It should be on Sulu Island in Nanyang." Zhang Taihe thought for a while and said.

Zhang Jing suddenly frowned and said hesitantly: "Sulu Island... If you fly directly, it should take more than 3 hours, right? Not including the time to and from the airport. Based on this calculation, should we set off immediately?"

"No need to go to such trouble...this cave has its own teleportation ability."

"Oh?" Zhang Jing was a little surprised, but after thinking about it carefully, it was natural. The Lishan Cave Heaven was derived from ancient creations. Before that, because of his low cultivation level, many of its functions had not been discovered.It was not until Zhang Taihe was able to control the Dongtian Hub that some functions were gradually developed.

"Come with me as my master..." Zhang Taihe glanced at the Tianchu sword on Zhang Jing's waist that had been almost never leaving his body recently, took the sword energy into his palm, and continued.

The two of them left the Fengxian Hall one after another and returned to a small altar-like building at the foot of the mountain. Zhang Taihe had recently urged the Dongtian servants to repair an original Dongtian ruin. Jing originally thought that this was an altar used to perform some secret rituals.

But Zhang Taihe walked up directly, stood in the center of the round platform, and waved to Zhang Jing, so Zhang Jing walked straight over.

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