"Abbot Li is a man of great skill, and I know its profound meaning..."

While Li Jingxin was listening at this time, he was constantly evaluating in his mind how much the authorities knew about the facts about extraordinary existences.

Based on his experience in dealing with the officials so far, including the attitude shown by Director Qian at this time, he can believe that so far, the officials do not know much, and they are even far inferior to himself.

As a senior religious personnel, Li Jingxin has specially studied some knowledge of psychology, so he is confident that he has a certain degree of accuracy in the way he sees people.

Although this conclusion made him a little unbelievable, it seemed to be true, which also gave him a further sense of mystery about the sects hidden behind history.

He considered his next words again, and then slowly said: "What Director Qian said is true, but he still underestimated the harm of obscenity..."

"how do I say this?"

"The prohibition of obscene sacrifices has been around since ancient times. Emperor Xia Ming issued an edict: 'Banjiaohua, prohibiting obscene sacrifices.'

Emperor Wen of Liang issued an edict: "From now on, those who dare to set up indecent sacrifices and say witchcraft and blessings are all doing so by adhering to heretical doctrines." '

Emperor Hui of Liang issued an edict: "All obscene sacrifices are prohibited, and those not included in the rituals must be eliminated." '

Emperor Wu of the Northern Qi Dynasty issued an edict: "If it is not included in the sacrificial ceremony, it will be treated as such." '

Emperor Ming of the Southern Qi Dynasty issued an edict: "Edict to eliminate obscene sacrifices and burn all miscellaneous gods." '

Emperor Qian Shizu issued an edict: "Prohibit obscenity and worship, and eliminate all temples." '"

"Not only this dynasty, but looking at the history of Western countries, since the Middle Ages, they have continuously launched 'witch-exclusion campaigns' and burned witches. This behavior has been common until modern times. As for after the colonial era, Western countries spread it in various colonies During the Holy Enlightenment of various religions, mountains and temples were cut down, and even more so."

"Don't you think that on this point, both China and foreign countries are on the same page?"

"Hmm..." After Qian Bushi heard Li Jingxin's remarks, he thought deeply. From this perspective, is it true that this global movement is just for the stability of a society?

"From Abbot Li's point of view, what should we say?" Qian Bushi picked up the tea cup but did not put it to his mouth, then turned to look at Li Jingxin and asked.

"When my master was here, I heard him talk about this matter... It was all due to evil spirits..."

When Qian Bushi heard this, he subconsciously sat up straight. In his position, he had heard a lot of "spirited" words in the past. If he had heard such words a year ago, he would have only Thinking that the other party is just showing off the "magic stick" drama.It's just that these days are different from the past. Recalling the large amount of internal information he has recently received and the need to "cooperate with the investigation" with the relevant special departments, he no longer dares to treat these religious figures as gods.So far, within the Bureau of Religious Affairs, in terms of the "speciality" ranking of existing religious figures, the person in front of me, the great disciple of Master Xiao and the current abbot of Yunxiao Mountain, is definitely ranked among the top three in the country.

"I also ask Abbot Li to analyze one or two details for me..."

"Forget it..." Li Jingxin seemed to hesitate a little, then nodded slowly: "My Taoism believes that Tao is divided into yin and yang, yin and yang turn into qi, and qi turns into all things. As the saying goes, Tao gives birth to one, one gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to three All things. All things carry yin and embrace yang, and inject qi into harmony."

"As the saying goes, the way of heaven is to benefit without harm, and the way of saints is to act without fighting. Humans, gods, ghosts, and demons all return to their own order and return to their destiny, so the world is peaceful."

Li Jingxin paused for a moment, glanced at Qian Bushi, who was listening attentively, and continued: "However, if the yin and yang wax and wane and all things are out of order, for humans, it will be thieves and bandits; for gods, it will be evil gods; for gods, it will be evil gods; Ghosts are resentful and evil spirits; demons are monsters and monsters. This is the theory of evil spirits harming people..."

"For this reason, there is no blessing in offering obscene sacrifices to evil gods. Not only is there no blessing, it is easy to cause serious trouble..."





"Abbot Li, stay, stay... No need to see him off, no need to see him off..." Outside the mountain gate of Yunxiao Palace, Qian Bushi smiled and said goodbye repeatedly to Li Jingxin who came to see him off.

"Director Qian..."

"Hey...how can the old abbot still be so arrogant? He has already said that he can just call him Yi Wen."

"Then...brother Yi Wen, have a good trip. I'll see you off soon!" Li Jingxin stood in front of the mountain gate and bowed his head again as a gift. Unknowingly, the names of the two of them had changed subtly.

Watching the retreating figures of Qian Bushi and his entourage, Li Jingxin turned around with a normal expression and returned to the temple with a few accompanying Taoist priests. However, he was pondering over the previous conversation in his heart. He was thinking about what would happen today. It seems that it is necessary to inform Grand Master Uncle...



On the mountain road, Qian Bushi was going down the mountain. The smile on his face gradually spread, but he still had a somewhat excited look on his face.

Chapter 279 An Huiling enters Linzhou

Abbot Li, who always had a very strict tone, finally said a lot of useful words.Although it sounds like it is still full of mysterious and mysterious ideas and some difficult Taoist theories, but unlike the last time he came here, Abbot Li seemed much more candid this time.

Especially in the unusual incident in Sulu Island that is currently attracting the most attention from all parties, in Qian Bushi's view, Abbot Li almost named him. This was an incident caused by "cult sacrifices", also known as "obscene sacrifices".

In fact, he had kept the information he just handed over to Li Jingxin, and did not hand over all the information. The information left behind was mainly about some of the testimonies of Wei Chengguang and Zhu Yingwei, especially about the two Taoist priests. part of the conversation.

Generally speaking, this response was made after some discussions within the Religious Affairs Bureau. It also involves some subtle psychology, that is, a certain official was worried that Li Jingxin would talk nonsense. After all, the Taoist priests in the past always said Some mysterious and mysterious things make people unable to distinguish between true and false.Therefore, it is always necessary to keep some trump cards for verification and to see how good Yunxiao Mountain is.

On the other hand, it is out of pure precaution. After all, out of the precaution against a powerful and unknown force, some people have also expressed the need to be prepared for Yunxiao Mountain. It is necessary to keep a guard up, even at the moment. So far, no one can tell clearly whether there is something unknown behind Yunxiao Mountain...

However, overall, Qian Bushi is satisfied with the results of this trip. Abbot Li's speculation is very consistent with the information obtained so far. It seems that those diseases that were previously thought to be just diseases There are extremely high risks hidden in folk cults, obscene rituals, and illegal sacrificial activities...

What made Qian Bushi even more satisfied was that there was indeed something behind Yunxiao Mountain. Perhaps Abbot Li himself was a hidden master, and it was unknown.

Since last year, the strange events and mysterious people appearing in various places have made the workload of the Religious Affairs Bureau much greater than before. The workload of Qingshui Yamen in the past has doubled in an instant, and many powerful departments have sent coordination letters. , put forward various requests for cooperation. However, faced with these unexpected situations, the Religious Affairs Bureau was even a little confused, let alone figuring out where to start.

And now, finally, Qian Bushi began to have some clarity. Thanks to the speculation caused by the previous "Xiao Zhenren's Emergence Incident", it seems that behind these large sects with a long history, nothing is as it seems. So simple...



After sending Qian Bushi away, Li Jingxin returned to his study thoughtfully, dismissed his disciples, and silently reviewed the conversation just now.

There are great risks and hidden dangers in such incidents as cults and blood sacrifices. It is indeed necessary to remind those in power to be vigilant. This was also the consensus when he discussed it with Uncle Taishi. Uncle Taishi did not If he objects, he will disclose some information in this regard to the relevant parties at the appropriate time. For this reason, it can also improve the status of Yunxiao Temple in the hearts of relevant departments.

Of course, Kunlun's existence must be kept secret.

What Li Jingxin didn't know was that this was actually a helpless choice. Zhang Jing had to give the official a certain warning before the real "mysterious side world" was truly established to avoid an uncontrollable situation.




In the sky of Lishan Cave, the master and the apprentice were sitting opposite each other on the stone platform in the square.

"You mean, this Heavenly Punishment Sword has an extraordinary origin?"

"Yes, although I don't know the origin of this sword at the moment, what is certain is that its background must be extraordinary. If it weren't for this sword, I'm afraid it wouldn't be so easy to solve your junior sister's problem this time. .”

"It's a pity that this sword has obviously been severely damaged and is already a broken sword. If not, it might really be a treasure that can suppress the fate of the sect." Zhang Taihe said with some regret.

"Since the teacher said so, given time, there may not be a way to repair it..." Zhang Jing said thoughtfully: "Disciple is now collecting Dharma treasures everywhere. Maybe, there will be a method to repair it in the future."

"If that's the case, it would be great, but even if you can practice it, I'm afraid it won't be easy." Zhang Taihe nodded, and after thinking about it, he said: "However, with this sword, it will be very helpful for your current practice." Big benefit…”





An Huiling quickly walked out of the VIP channel of Linzhou Airport, and directly entered the airport parking lot under the guidance of two pick-up personnel.A black limousine was already waiting there. Seeing An Huiling approaching, the driver hurriedly got out of the car and bowed to open the door for her.

An Huiling nodded politely to him, then stepped into the back seat. Behind her, the maid Mei'er quickly walked to the other side of the vehicle, opened the door and got in.

Behind her, two bodyguards wearing sunglasses and alert expressions got into a large off-road vehicle following behind.

"Miss, we have prepared a suite for you in Jinghu Tower. Would you like to go over and fix it first?" After closing the door, the driver sitting in the front lowered his voice and turned to respectfully ask An Huiling in the back.

"Well, let's go there first." An Huiling nodded in agreement, and then said nothing.

The driver nodded in agreement, then started the car, and the vehicle drove smoothly toward the garage exit.

After exiting the garage, the vehicle quickly left Linzhou Airport and drove along the wide road towards Yunhu Lake.

An Huiling looked out the window with interest. This was her first time coming to Linzhou, a famous southern city known as paradise. The people who came to pick her up were the group's staff in the local industry. With Qian Luo As the group continues to grow, it is involved in more and more industries, with varying degrees of investment in various places.Naturally, someone can help her handle this kind of travel reception.

This time, An Huiling came to Linzhou from the beginning because she saw many dead people in Sulu and was in a bad mood. She wanted to go to Linzhou Yunhu to refresh her mood. In fact, if her parents had not insisted on bringing her with her, Maid and bodyguard, she originally wanted to act alone.

Unfortunately, this time, both mother and father showed no room for compromise, so An Huiling could only compromise.

Since she didn't have a personal maid of her own, An Huiling still wore her eyebrows. It didn't mean anything else. It was just that it was better to use a raw one than a familiar one.

"Miss, Mr. Fei and Mr. Zeng heard that you were coming to Linzhou and specially prepared a reception banquet for you. Can you see if we can..." The vehicle drove forward at an unhurried speed and sat in the front row. The co-pilot's pick-up person turned around and observed An Huiling's expression before asking in a respectful tone.

"No, please help me thank Mr. Fei and Mr. Zeng for their kindness. It's just that I'm a little tired along the way and want to take a rest first. They are busy with work, so I won't disturb them for the time being." An Huiling said with a smile.

Qianluo Group has its Jiangdong Province headquarters and a large-scale innovation and research institute in Linzhou. In addition, it also has some investment and cooperation projects. Mr. Fei and Mr. Zeng, as mentioned by the receptionist, are the group’s responsible persons in Linzhou. people.

"Okay, then please pay attention to rest." The receptionist who called himself Xiao Xiao did not dare to say anything and turned his head away.

An Huiling didn't say much and just looked out the window quietly along the way. Compared to her hometown of Jin'an, the temperature in Linzhou was significantly lower at this time. Many trees along the way had fallen leaves, giving it a winter atmosphere.However, the degree of greening here is quite high, and the urban construction is also very developed. Compared with Jin'an, the level of infrastructure in this city is even better. It is indeed the place where wealth has gathered in the southeast since ancient times.

An Huiling couldn't help but compare it with Jiangling where she went to school. Compared with Jiangling, in terms of urban construction, Linzhou was a little less majestic, but more refined and elegant. They were two different styles.

Is this the city where Eldest Brother is located...

An Huiling's first impression of this city was quite good.

The driver's path along the way was obviously carefully selected, choosing a road that was relatively open and surrounded by greenery and buildings. In addition, it was still during the New Year holiday, and some people who came to work in the state from various places were still in the stage of returning home. So the road conditions along the way are quite good.

Linzhou is a city that is half lake and half city. The closer you get to Yunhu Lake, the closer you get to the essence of Linzhou. You can see some scenic spots and ancient buildings from time to time along the way. At this time, the person sitting in the front seat of the co-pilot Xiao Xiao would speak up and explain something to An Huiling.

Mei'er, who was sitting next to An Huiling, was feeling a little excited and a little nervous at the same time. She kept reminding herself that she must perform well. From time to time, she turned her head to observe An Huiling who was looking out the window. This was her The second time I followed the eldest lady out, I didn't know how many pairs of eyes were staring at me behind my back with envy.


Jinghu Tower is a high-end clubhouse by Yunhu Lake. It is not usually open to the public and only accepts private advance reservations from a specific customer group.

However, for An Huiling, she didn't need to worry about any of this. Someone would naturally make the arrangements for her.

An Huiling's stop in Linzhou this time was a suite in Jinghu Tower with a small courtyard facing the lake. The environment was very elegant.

Chapter 2 Refining

After arriving at Wanghu Tower, the two receptionists originally wanted to stay with the driver and accept An Huiling's call at any time to act as her tour guide. However, An Huiling said, "I'm happy to be quiet" and "I don't want too many people following me." " was sent back, but the two cars were still kept for An Huiling's use in Linzhou.

"Miss, do you want to take a rest this afternoon?" After these people said goodbye and left, Mei'er tentatively asked An Huiling who was standing in front of the window admiring the scenery outside the window. After all, An Huiling was in the car. That's what it means.

"No, I heard that Shangzhen Temple next to Yunhu Lake is quite famous. I plan to go and burn a stick of incense in the afternoon."

"Also, after I finish the incense, I will go to Yunshanfang next door for a stroll. I like the Longxu tea there better. I want to see the tea garden there and buy some tea for my parents to take back."

Mei'er was slightly startled when he heard this, but then he reacted and nodded: "Then I'll make arrangements. Also, what do you want for lunch? I'll ask them to deliver it to the room."

"Speaking of which, I'm really hungry... Hmm... You can ask them to serve some local specialties from Linzhou, but, um... the portions are bigger." I have to say that during the days when I returned home, , in order not to arouse the suspicion of her family, she had to control her meals, which really made An Huiling a little distressed. After all, she was now in the stage of "growing body".

Mei'er was startled again when she heard this request, but she quickly thought of it as "the eldest lady hopes that the dishes will be richer in variety".

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away." She said respectfully in the end.


The lunch was very sumptuous, with a table full of dishes, enough for three or four people.An Huiling was very satisfied with this. It must be said that the chefs here are very skilled and the food is no worse than some well-known time-honored restaurants.

What surprised Mei'er again was that the eldest lady ate almost half of the food here... In fact, she didn't know if it was her imagination, but when the eldest lady put down the bowls and chopsticks, there seemed to be some Feeling unfinished?

Hmm... It seems that the eldest lady has a better appetite...

Mei'er secretly made notes in her mind, observing more and paying more attention to her master's habits and hobbies. This is an important experience as a maid.This point was pointed out to her by a familiar steward.


In the afternoon, An Huiling and her party made a special trip to Shangzhen Temple to offer incense. "Shangzhen Temple" is a medium-sized temple by Yunhu Lake. There are about dozens of monks in the temple. It is a well-known temple by Yunhu Lake. , every new year, there is also strong incense.

Compared with previous years, this year's Shangzhen Temple was especially crowded. This was mainly because the physical tomb of Master Song Shouxuan was discovered at the foot of the mountain at the end of last year, especially because it was said that there were holy relics in the sky at that time.This incident caused quite a stir on the Internet at the time, and brought a wave of traffic to the Shangzhen Temple on the side, so much so that the senior officials of the Shangzhen Temple were already discussing the expansion of the temple.

An Huiling did not alarm the senior officials of the temple. After offering incense and a brief tour of the temple with her maid Mei'er, she gave away 3000 yuan of incense money at the merit office.

An Huiling's gesture really shocked the Taoist priest at the Merit Department, and he politely invited her to serve tea in the living room, but An Huiling declined with a smile.

After leaving Shangzhen Temple, An Huiling wandered for a while at the Tianshi Tomb next to the pavilion halfway down the mountain. Unfortunately, the Tianshi Tomb was still under closed construction at this time. It is said that the Xuanmen Federation allocated funds to repair the Tianshi. Tomb, and negotiated with the city government to build a memorial hall about the life of Song Shouxuan Tianshi at the entrance to the tomb of Tianshi, and at the same time add a special place for offering incense and praying to prevent believers from burning incense and candles nearby without guidance, causing Too much trash and pollutants.

An Huiling walked around and found that she could not enter the Tianshi Tomb to visit, so she left with some regret.



Zhang Jing was sitting cross-legged on a stone platform, with the Heavenly Punishment Sword on his knees. His eyes were closed tightly, and blazing white current was flowing around his body. From time to time, electric fire would fly into the void more than ten meters away. In the middle, there was a thunderclap.

Under the blazing white electric current, pieces of scales appeared faintly on Zhang Jing's body. These scales were looming under the burning of the electric current, revealing a metallic luster.

His brows were furrowed, Zhang Jing clenched his teeth, and veins appeared on his forehead. He was obviously suffering from great pain.

At this moment, Zhang Jing is following the method taught by Zhang Taihe to communicate with the power in the Tianchu Sword, which is like the abyss and the thunder cloud, and turns it into the qualifications to refine himself.

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