"The other option is to use human assistance to complete it." Ma Yingjie said: "After all, the data that our foundation values ​​most is actually about cultural relics from a specific historical period, mainly cultural relics from ancient times. If the target is narrowed down to this specific area, , even for a platform with a huge transaction volume like Wenwanbang, there are not too many items on the shelves at the same time, usually no more than a few hundred items. This amount of data can be processed manually, and we only need to develop A small program that assists in importing page data into the database will be enough, and the development difficulty will be greatly reduced."

"Chairman, this plan seems more suitable." Jiang Shanlin agreed from the side. According to this plan, the foundation only needs to hire one or two external interns to handle it. Compared with the increase in technical personnel, the salary cost can be ignored. Excluding.

Zhang Jing thought for a while after hearing this, and he naturally understood the difference in salary costs between the two. In fact, Ma Yingjie was right that what he valued most was actually those cultural relics from ancient times and earlier.

Among all cultural relics transactions, this part of the cultural relics is actually not the mainstream.The reason is simple. Because it is too early, the preservation of cultural relics is usually poor. At the same time, because the history of that era is unclear, the cultural value attached to the cultural relics at that time is relatively small.Generally speaking, when it comes to cultural relics, the sooner the better. Similar to Zhang Jing’s previous life, the most valuable cultural relics are basically from the Tang, Song, Yuan and Ming dynasties. The Qing Dynasty was too close, while the Han Dynasty was too far away, so it is relatively difficult to find cultural relics. What achieves the balance between culture and preservation are the cultural relics that appeared in the 500 years between 1500 and 1000 years ago.In this world, it is roughly the cultural relics that appeared in the Liang, Qi, Qian, and early periods of this dynasty. As for the cultural relics from the ancient times, although they are very old, they are relatively unsaleable and the quantity in existence is not that large. On the contrary, they are not cultural relics trade. mainstream.

This means that even on a large platform like Antique Gang, the number of cultural relics from these eras put on the shelves at the same time will not be too large. It is indeed feasible to use manual screening.The key here is that monitoring needs to be ongoing and long-term.

Zhang Jing briefly thought about it and then made a decision. He looked at Jiang Shanlin and Ma Yingjie: "In this way, the two options are parallel. The strategy of using manpower to solve the problem in the early stage. At the same time, the development of technical capture must also be established. The technology department I think it needs to be further expanded, and the current development strength is indeed a bit weak.”

"Temporarily expand to five to six people." Zhang Jing looked at Jiang Shanlin: "Zhixing, you guys discuss it and implement it as soon as possible."

"We may encounter this situation again in the future, especially when the foundation faces some overseas cooperation. The other party may not agree with the cooperation model we propose. Therefore, we can start developing technology capture methods as early as possible and then gradually optimize them. Iterate.”

Since Zhang Jing said this, Jiang Shanlin nodded in agreement, and Ma Yingjie from the technical department also seemed very excited. After all, the expansion of his team was basically confirmed.

In fact, from Zhang Jing's perspective, he doesn't care too much about the increase in manpower expenses. After all, for now, the foundation's monthly manpower salary expenses are in the range of about 50, and he Previously, 1 million yuan was injected into the foundation. It can be said that, in general, salary is not the majority of the foundation's expenditure.

Accordingly, Zhang Jing pays more attention to whether the foundation's departmental adjustments can better meet his needs.

After dealing with this issue, the meeting returned to the established track. Wang Jia continued to report that the domestic investment in equity financing. So far, the costs of projects that have been signed and are about to be signed are about 1350 million. This part of the funds is the latest Payment will be required within two months.In addition, the foundation spent approximately 80 yuan purchasing data from various Internet companies this year.

This is the domestic situation. As for the overseas situation, Wang Jia also introduced it. It is still in the preparation stage.At present, "Photosynthetic Management Consulting Company" has provided research data, and "Eagle Eye Research" mainly deals with domestic market research, and its capabilities for the international market are relatively limited, so the foundation has chosen another company headquartered in Lu. En's old consulting firm "Oak Consulting" will be able to provide a research report around the end of this month, at which time the foundation's investment and business department will begin overseas contact work.

After Wang Jia completed his report, Jiang Shanlin made several additions, the most important of which was his thoughts on future investment strategies.Because according to Zhang Jing's requirements, the most important core work of the current foundation is actually the improvement of the database and the demand for qualified cultural relics data. The investment in key companies in the industry is just to achieve this goal. Of course, there is also the idea of ​​being deeply involved in the collection industry to facilitate the work. However, the cost here is indeed relatively high.Although most collectible online platforms are relatively small in size, there are still many situations where they are unwilling to release their shares or falsely report high prices. In this case, instead of spending a large price for equity financing, it is better to Purchasing data or even crawlers will save a lot of money.

Of course, in terms of the completeness of data acquisition, after equity financing, the data obtained by directly accessing the underlying database of the corresponding company is the most complete, and the purchased data may have gone through some processing. As for the use of crawlers to obtain The data is the most incomplete and timely, and it also lacks a large amount of past data.

Therefore, there is something to be said here about how to balance investment and the value of data obtained.According to Jiang Shanlin’s view, it may be helpful to refer to the average market value of equity, the scale of data the company can provide, the company’s development potential and other dimensions to establish a data model for the foundation’s financing to further quantify the financing behavior. High-end companies will settle for the next best thing and adopt the solution of directly purchasing data or crawling with technical means.

Zhang Jinglue thought about it and understood what Jiang Shanlin meant. Quantitative analysis of investment targets is one of the most important tasks of an investment company. Similar to the buy-buy-buy strategy of previous foundations, it is actually not seen in traditional investment companies. If the funds are not enough, the investment company's funds are also raised, and they must be responsible to the investors. It may seem like a lot, but there is no room for lavishness.

Chapter 342 Domino Overturned

Jiang Shanlin has obviously always been worried that Zhang Jing's excessive spending will cause the foundation to have a financial crisis.Of course, although Zhang Jing has repeatedly promised that there is no need to worry about funds, as a professional manager, Jiang Shanlin has always appeared to be more conservative in this regard than Zhang Jing, an investor.

Of course, for Zhang Jing, this is not a bad thing. It just shows that Jiang Shanlin, a professional manager, is competent.

Therefore, after weighing the matter, Zhang Jing agreed to Jiang Shanlin's suggestion. After all, this was indeed cost-effective, and he did not have to waste money.

After the Investigation Department and the Investment and Business Department, which have the largest number of personnel in the foundation, completed their reports, the next step was the reports from the Technology Department and the Data Department.

The workstations of these two departments are usually put together. The current core work is database development, operation and maintenance, data entry, bug monitoring, etc. Since there is currently a lot of overlap in work, we simply sit and work together. .

The development of the database adopts the idea of ​​​​small iterations and gradual optimization. The current database has been optimized to the second version, which is much better in terms of smoothness and functionality than the first version originally used by Zhang Jing. The investigator backend function is also gradually iterating with the use and continuous feedback of investigators.

In addition, the foundation's official website has now completed the second iteration. Since Zhang Jing has no plans to publicize it externally, this version will be regarded as the completed version for the time being.

As for the foundation, it has begun to adopt paperless office. Of course, the system was not developed by the technology department, but a custom-made business office system that is currently relatively common.

In terms of data, there are currently a total of 2536 cultural relics entered into the database. As various tasks have been gradually streamlined, especially the work of the investigation department, which has gradually been on the right track, and the data interfaces of various network companies have also been gradually connected, so recently Over the past few days, the increase in data has generally been on the rise, which also requires timely follow-up of data processing.


"In terms of technology, I see that you have all mentioned other things in the report just now. I think they all have ideas, so I won't say more. I will make another request. The foundation's core database development must pay attention to security issues. I know that you will definitely not be able to take this into account at this stage, but you must pay attention to the architecture design and leave a margin for subsequent development in this regard. You must have the ability to deal with strong network intrusions in the future." After the report was completed by the Data Department and the Technology Department, Finally, Zhang Jing put forward his own suggestions.

After that, the remaining departments of the company also reported on their respective work. Finance was relatively special because according to Zhang Jing's request, finance was handled by a team assigned by Guanghe Accounting Firm, which was relatively independent. The financial director was a man in his forties. A chubby [-]-year-old woman named Zheng Jia is currently relatively professional in business and gets along relatively well with Jiang Shanlin. There is no mutual restraint. For Zhang Jing, this is already enough.

Overall, in Zhang Jing's view, everything in the foundation is developing in a good direction, and he is quite satisfied with this.

By the end of the meeting, it was already 11:35 noon. Zhang Jing looked at the time and simply invited a group of foundation staff to have lunch at a nearby hotel. During the meal, there was naturally another toast. As the chairman of the board, Zhang Jing became the toast of everyone.

Because he was drunk and could not drive home by himself, Jiang Shanlin found a foundation employee to drive Zhang Jing home on his behalf, and Zhang Jing did not refuse.

Sitting in the back seat of the car, Zhang Jing swiped his phone and flipped through today's news. Suddenly, his attention was attracted by two social news that had just been pushed over.

Perhaps it was because he had specifically searched for information about horror houses in the past few days because of the Earthbound Spirit incident, and especially paid attention to the follow-up news about Zhongtai Paradise. Therefore, the big data algorithm calibrated his preferences based on his behavior and gave him He started to push some news about this to him.

It's just that before, most of these news were flamboyant social news, and most of them he threw aside at a glance. However, this was not the case for these two news that had just been pushed over.

The first news is about Zhongtai Paradise:

"... A major accident occurred in Zhongtai Park in Xixing District, Wuxing the day before yesterday. According to the management of Zhongtai Park, the accident was caused by maintenance personnel performing night maintenance in the horror house in the park. The atmosphere in the horror house was too scary and caused myocardial infarction. Infarction. Because the client was at work when he fell ill, he unintentionally pulled off a wire, causing electric shock to himself and his colleagues, which later caused a fire. Another security guard and two police officers died when they collapsed in the fire and the passage was closed while fighting the fire... Relevant departments have currently organized personnel to station in Zhongtai Park to conduct an investigation, and the investigation results will be released at a later date...

The reporter specifically interviewed Mr. Lu, a senior person in the amusement industry. Mr. Lu said that accidents caused by horror houses have occurred more than once at home and abroad. Due to the advancement of technology, in order to stimulate the senses of tourists to a greater extent, horror houses currently have no use at all. The bottom line adopts an extremely scary design, completely ignoring the acceptance ability of tourists. It is undoubtedly a kind of disorderly competition. We hope that the relevant parties will introduce relevant measures to regulate this situation..."

The second news is this:

"...An accident occurred today at a horror house in Lucheng Amusement Park, Lucheng District, Yuntai City. A young female tourist fainted on the spot because the atmosphere in the horror house was so frightening. She was in critical condition for a time. Fortunately, someone at the scene used cardiac compression in time. First aid... The female tourist is still being treated in a local hospital and is reported to be just out of danger.

Experts remind that amusement projects such as horror houses pose great challenges to the psychological endurance of tourists, and are especially unsuitable for children, the elderly, and people with underlying diseases and cardiovascular diseases. At the same time, experts call for more horror in the current horror houses that have no bottom line. To a certain extent, we should regulate and guide the disorderly behavior that aims to frighten tourists..."

If you are an ordinary citizen, after seeing these two pieces of news, you will probably treat them as ordinary market anecdotes and not make any more connections.However, after all, Zhang Jing had just experienced the horror house incident at Zhongtai Paradise and was quite sensitive to this aspect.

Obviously, the official has found an explanation for the incident at Zhongtai Paradise.At the same time, from these two seemingly unrelated pieces of news, Zhang Jing noticed that there seemed to be signs of some kind of official momentum building.

PS: First of all, I wish my motherland a happy birthday!Secondly, I wish you all a happy holiday!During the National Day update, because Heiyue will take my wife and children out for a trip, the update will be a little abnormal. I can't guarantee how many days it will be updated. In short, I will bring my notebook with me, and I will try my best... I will definitely resume normal updates when I get back from the National Day!

Chapter 343 Heaped Information

If his guess is correct, there may be a lot of accidents related to horror houses in recent times. After that, there is a high probability that the officials will use this as a reason to supervise and rectify this.

It seems that the words he left behind after handling the incident in the House of Horror in Zhongtai Paradise must have been conveyed and obviously treated seriously.

While Zhang Jing was sorting out his thoughts in this regard, he swiped his phone smoothly and opened Qianluo, ready to see if there was any new unprocessed information.

Then he was stunned. There were hundreds of messages on Qianluo...

Zhang Jing is scratching his head. Although he is not the kind of new person who checks social software every few minutes, he is not an old man who does not check it once every ten and a half months. Basically, he still takes time to deal with the day's problems every day. messages, and occasionally I would be invited to go out for tea or something with friends from Linzhou. Generally speaking, when I opened Qianluo every day, I would only see more than ten unread messages. Occasionally there would be dozens, but at that time it was extremely There are few situations. After all, Zhang Jing considers himself a relatively homely person and does not have much external business.

This is the first time I have seen something like this today.

With curiosity, Zhang Jing began to flip through these messages, and soon he realized the problem.These messages were basically related to music. He had previously received private messages from some well-known and unknown musicians on Shell Music. At that time, he also selectively added a few, all of which were well-known musicians.

After adding Zhang Jing and being polite, most of these people made requests for singing dates, but they were all rejected by Zhang Jing at that time. After that, these people did not have too many contacts, so that Zhang Jing Jing almost forgot that they existed.

And now, these people have sent messages one after another. Zhang Jing looked at them and found that they were basically congratulatory. Congratulations on the success of Zhang Jing's new song "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky". In short, all kinds of compliments came to him at once. Zhang Jing was in a daze.

After all kinds of compliments, some singers couldn't wait to ask Zhang Jing if he was willing to help them compose songs. The difference from last time was that this time, these singers set out their own conditions, some of which were quite similar. generous.

In particular, in addition to the normal conditions such as retaining one's own copyright, giving a guaranteed price, some even offer terms such as being willing to share the song's revenue.

There are also some that are quite "refined", such as a well-known male singer who invited himself to a yacht party, implying that he had many beauties attending...

In addition, there is a "Jade Girl" singer who should be nearly 40 years old. There are ambiguous hints in and out of her words. Zhang Jing couldn't help but recall in his heart. In addition to being older, this singer with a round and plump body is also Quite pretty.However, the contrast between the "beautiful girl" and the "lustful girl" really gave me some shock.

There are also those who are more open-minded and directly invite themselves to participate in the uncovered party. Whether it is a beautiful girl or a rainbow pill, it is all right. You can enjoy it as you like...

Naturally, this person was directly blocked by Zhang Jing...

It seems that the chaos in this **** circle is worse than I expected.As for those women whose private lives were messy, he was really insensitive. It wasn't that he had any thoughts of abstinence. It was just that he couldn't get through it. It would be bad if he got sick. Even if he had a wish, it would be embarrassing... …

While Zhang Jing was thinking about these miscellaneous things, he shook his head secretly, compiled a polite but slightly distant message, and responded to these people in a unified manner, temporarily rejecting their requests.

After all, he doesn't really want to be a music godfather in the entertainment industry. It's okay to play occasionally, but it's not okay to put a lot of energy into it, especially if he wants to be in the public eye.Moreover, he now has Wei Hanxin as a good training target. Occasionally copying some works and throwing them over is enough to fill his spare time.

But what happened to these people today?Suddenly everything jumped out...

Zhang Jing thought for a while and realized that it was probably related to Wei Hanxin. After thinking about it, he first searched the weekly new song popularity list on Wuren.com. Sure enough, it was still at No. 1. Since a few years ago, After being listed on the list a few days ago, Wei Hanxin sent messages to herself almost every day to report on her results, so much so that Zhang Jing became interested in it.Several of the songs he composed before were in the category of pure music and were not adapted into songs, so they were not very popular. In addition, he has always refused all interview requests, so in terms of marketing, except for the recommendation position of Shell Music, the rest The score is almost 0. Therefore, although it has received a lot of praise, it is much weaker in terms of pure rankings.

As for the more authoritative Huoyan list, Time Song was released too soon and has not yet been included in the list. However, according to the current momentum, it is not a big problem to be on the list. The suspense is only where it will be ranked.

After that, Zhang Jing opened Shell Music again, and the live version of the song has been released on Shell Music. After all, the partner of Cangjiang Music Festival is Shell Music, and the first release platform for all original music of the festival has naturally become Shell Music. Accordingly, Yes, Shell Music has indeed spent a lot of energy on promotion. The first three pictures on the homepage banner are all large pictures promoting the original songs of the Cangjiang Music Festival, and Wei Hanxin's page is placed first.Correspondingly, the first place on Shell Music’s new song rankings this week is also occupied by “The Brightest Star in the Night Sky”.Clicking in to check it out, Zhang Jing found that the comment area was basically full of praise.

In addition, he found that his private message mailbox was basically in a state of explosion. He flipped through it randomly, and there were some who looked familiar and wanted to contact him, some who directly wanted to ask for a song, and some who were invited to participate in programs and interviews. In short, Zhang After flipping through two pages, Jing closed the mailbox and decided to ignore it for the time being.

After quitting Shell Music, Zhang Jing searched for "Wei Hanxin" and "The Shining Star in the Night Sky" on Wuren.com, and a bunch of search results suddenly appeared:

"Ten years of sharpening a sword, "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky" detonated Cangjiang."

"Cangjiang Music Festival ended successfully, dark horse Wei Hanxin won the best singer..."

"Wei Hanxin became the biggest winner of this year's Cangjiang Music Festival! Interpretation of the story behind "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky"..."

“Wei Hanxin’s new song is a hit, is it just a flash in the pan or is it a long-lasting success?”

"Shocking news, it is reported on the Internet that Wei Hanxin confessed to her love affair..."

"Yuluo Tianmen's true identity is rumored to be a young professor at a certain music academy..."



Chapter 344 Fermented Public Opinion

Zhang Jing frowned at the bunch of unreliable search results, it was all so messed up... Then he looked for the one with the highest click rate, and it was indeed a video interview:

"Yu Qian talks about free music in Issue 1 - Dialogue with Wei Hanxin: Talk about these years, talk about the star in the night sky, talk about the future..."

Before he could open it and take a closer look, the car had already arrived home. The car parked directly in the parking space on the road opposite Zhang Jing's house. The driver Xiao Liu quickly got out of the car and opened the door for Zhang Jing diligently.

After politely thanking the driver, Zhang Jing took the car keys he handed back and walked straight towards the door.After opening the door and nodding goodbye to the driver again, Zhang Jing closed the door.

The driver stood respectfully on the roadside with a smile on his face. He didn't let out a sigh of relief until he watched the chairman close the door. Although the chairman had always been relatively easy-going, as a low-level employee of the foundation, facing the legendary boss of the foundation Boss, Xiao Liu is still a little nervous.

The smile on his face relaxed, and he turned around and walked away. He still had to go back to the foundation to work in the afternoon, but the travel expenses could be reimbursed.


After closing the door, there are two more stone lions as tall as one person on both sides of the red painted door. They are carved from bluestone, and the two stone lions are squatting on the stone base in a lifelike way.Unlike most stone lions, these two stone lions were not placed outside the door, but behind the door, with their heads facing the direction of the inner courtyard.

After Zhang Jing entered the door, he casually glanced at the stone lion on the right. At the moment Zhang Jing looked over, the originally motionless stone lion's left eye seemed to turn around and faced what Zhang Jing was looking at. After looking at it, the stone lion nodded slightly at Zhang Jing for unknown reasons.All this happened in an instant. When I looked at it again, the stone lion had returned to its original appearance, as if it had never moved again.

This weird scene might have frightened others if it were seen by others, but Zhang Jing didn't care and walked straight towards the inner house.This was originally a method he deployed with the help of the guardian spirit, but at that glance, Zhang Jing already knew that no object had invaded his home.

At this moment, in an ink painting of a maid hanging on the wall in the inverted room on one side of the gate, a maid in a moon-white dress walked down from the painting and stayed there until she was down to earth. At that time, she had transformed into a real person, and she was seen walking out of the reverse-seating room with her head lowered. She walked silently, and when she met Zhang Jing who was walking to the door of Chuihua, he looked back.

"Sir." The maid lowered her head and bowed her head in salute. There was a slight dullness in her behavior.

"Make a cup of tea and take it to my study." Zhang Jing ordered, then turned back and headed straight to the main study.

When he got to the study room, Zhang Jing turned on his mobile phone and continued to check the video of "Yu Qian said". The video was obviously edited and made quite compact. The whole scene was plain and real. It was Yu Qian and Wei Hanxin having sex in the teahouse. Talk about questions.

After Zhang Jing watched the video, he basically understood what happened. He scrolled down and read the comments in the comment area below. Quite a few fans were asking who "Yuluo Tianmen" was?Sure enough, after the song was released, Wei Hanxin's number of fans and attention were also growing rapidly. At this point in time, this video undoubtedly made the songwriter of "Yuluo Tianmen" a The object of many people's attention.

"This little girl, you praise me a little too much..." Zhang Jing scratched his head, feeling a little complicated. He could imagine how Wei Hanxin would show up in video interviews like this as she becomes more and more famous in the future. There is some small vanity and some fear of trouble. After all, from now on, the name "Yuluo Tianmen" will probably gradually enter the public eye.

Just looking at what was said in the comment area, there was everything, and even some of the speculations were quite explicit. Zhang Jing frowned a little. There are many people who are famous for their right and wrong. I am honest with you...

However, to a certain extent, controversial topics on the Internet can usually bring greater traffic and attention, especially controversial topics involving entertainment stars. Just watch Wei Hanxin’s interview video This trace can be clearly seen in the articles interpreted from various angles that were immediately followed up on the Internet after it was released.

Just when Zhang Jing was looking through various posts on the Internet, Qianluo showed that he had received a message, indicating that it was from Wei Hanxin.

Zhang Jing then clicked to check it. The message was newly sent by Wei Hanxin. She happily said that she had arrived in Linzhou and had brought the latest recorded sample song for her to listen to, and asked if she was free in the evening.

Zhang Jing scratched his head and could feel Wei Hanxin's slightly excited mood through the screen. He couldn't help but smile and replied that she was at home and could come over at any time.


Wei Hanxin arrived at Zhang Jing's house around 14:00 in the afternoon. She wore vegetable-tanned calfskin high boots and a black rex rabbit fur coat with a fox fur scarf. Against her fair face and delicate makeup, she looked very handsome. She is delicate and appears to have been carefully groomed.

She brought the latest music sample with her, and as soon as she entered the door, she happily described the progress of the past few days to Zhang Jing, looking full of energy.It can be seen that everything has been going well these days.

In fact, with the convenience of communication in modern society, this kind of thing does not require a special trip across the city. It can be handled directly by sending it over Qianluo. Of course, with Zhang Jing's emotional intelligence, this kind of thing will naturally not be exposed directly. , in fact, he is not impatient about it. After all, chatting with a well-behaved beauty with a cute smile is also a good way to relax, and it is much more eye-catching than facing those unknown and weird existences.

Wei Hanxin did not show any surprise at the addition of a maid in Zhang Jing's house. After all, it is a normal situation for rich families in this world to use servants to take care of the housework. A house as big as Zhang Jing's would not have any servants. It's a very inconvenient thing.

In fact, in Zhang Jing's previous life in the West, even before and after World War II, some dilapidated aristocratic families had to hire servants, housekeepers, gardeners, etc. to maintain the so-called status facade even if they borrowed debt to survive.In this world, because kings, nobles, nobles, and other classes still exist as powerful classes, the atmosphere of hierarchy is much stronger in both the East and the West than in Zhang Jing's previous life.

Wei Hanxin has already said many things on the phone before, but when introduced in person, she can always say it in more detail.

Chapter 345 Decisions

According to Wei Hanxin’s introduction, the Cangjiang Music Festival has concluded. In the final awards, she entered the “Best Song”, “Best Singer” and “Best New Song” for “The Brightest Star in the Night Sky” Nominated for all three of the most popular awards, and finally won the two major awards of "Best Singer" and "Best New Song".Although the "Best Song" was still won by a veteran singer, she also ranked No. 2 in the selection. In essence, she can be regarded as the biggest winner of this music festival.

In addition, the deputy director named Deng Punan has taken good care of her these days, especially in terms of publicity, and introduced her to many resources.

Of course, Wei Hanxin knew that there was no luck falling from the sky. Earlier on the phone, she told Zhang Jing exactly what happened in Songjiang. On the one hand, she also wanted to confirm whether Zhang Jing had helped her again. .

Zhang Jing was not prepared to hide anything in this regard, so he told her that he happened to have a friend who was more capable, and he should have put pressure on the music festival management.This answer confirmed Wei Hanxin's suspicion, although Zhang Jing said it quite relaxedly and comforted her that she didn't have to worry about this problem anymore.But as a client, Wei Hanxin, who has experienced a roller coaster of twists and turns, deep down in her heart, her vague and inexplicable emotions towards Zhang Jing have indeed become stronger...

After listening carefully to the music sample brought by Wei Hanxin and Zhang Jing, it was greatly improved in all aspects compared to her original version.Especially in terms of the detailed processing of the soundtrack, it is obvious that after receiving praise from all aspects, the resources that Wei Hanxin and her team can obtain have been greatly improved compared to before. At least in Zhang Jing's view, this version Already quite mature...

As far as Zhang Jing's current real musical attainments are concerned, he actually can't offer any good opinions about this version. He immediately praised Wei Hanxin. Wei Hanxin couldn't help but smile at her pretty face after receiving the praise. It's a smile.

After finishing the music matters and seeing that the time was almost five o'clock, Zhang Jing proposed to take Wei Hanxin to a nice restaurant he had discovered recently, and Wei Hanxin naturally would not refuse.


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