By the way, since there are such characters in this world, then some myths and legends may not be false... Zhu Qi had always scorned the talk of karma. However, at this moment, facing the still distant The burning vehicle, while the rabbit was dead and the fox was sad, another kind of panic surged in his heart.

Maybe, since things are going wrong here, it would be better for him to find a temple or temple and pay his respects... He thought to himself secretly.


About half an hour later, the police arrived at the scene. Since more than one person died in this incident, it was a major traffic accident. Therefore, except for Loach who was immediately sent to the hospital due to serious injuries, Zhu Qi and Er Pang were both taken back to the police station.

Both of them have criminal records with the police. After discovering this, the police also arranged for senior police officers to be responsible for questioning. Of course, this can only be an inquiry. After all, according to Dazhao's laws, in the absence of any evidence, The police cannot conduct interrogations.

According to the caliber that had been discussed long ago, both Zhu Qi and Er Pang insisted that the reason why it was so late this time and so many people were crowded in one car was because the brothers went out for a late night snack and there was no other reason. The problem.

Although the police were somewhat skeptical of this answer, the subsequent identification of the damaged vehicle did seem to confirm this answer. There were suspected signs of impact from the outside on the front gear of the vehicle, and a dead dog was found near the incident site. The corpse of the civet cat also proves that this seems to be an accident caused by the civet cat...

In addition, most of the dead passengers were members of associations with criminal records. In the eyes of some police officers, they were considered "dregs" and "unstable elements" of society. Since they themselves did not have much objection to this, they The case was closed on this conclusion and classified as a traffic accident caused by an ordinary accident.

This is something I won’t mention...



Zhang Jing was sitting in the study, holding a pendant in his hand. This pendant was taken from a dead infiltrator. Ever since an infiltrator appeared in his house, Zhang Jing had made some guesses. After all, this pendant was The timing is so coincidental that people can’t help but associate it.

Sure enough, after some searching, Zhang Jing got the pendant in his hand.

This pendant is a ball inlaid on a silver pendant. The pendant is also engraved with some incantations and other patterns of the Buddhist religion.However, what caught Zhang Jing's attention was not the pendant at the back, but the silver ball hanging on the pendant.

The reason why Zhang Jing is attracted to it is that this ball is very similar to the storage ball that Zhang Jing obtained last time.

After thinking about it, Zhang Jing took out a pair of small pliers. After playing with it for a while, he took apart the pendant and the silver ball fixed on it.

This round ball is not big, about 3 centimeters in diameter. It is smooth and not very heavy. It is silver in color and has fine patterns on it. It looks like a piece of jewelry.

If he guessed correctly, this ring setting was probably specially set by someone after acquiring the silver ball.

He thought for a while, and tentatively tried to find a trace of his spiritual thoughts.

The next moment, the silver bead was seen spinning lightly, and then it burst open, and then opened from the inside like a flower.Right at the stamen of the flower, there is a whirlpool like a black hole. This whirlpool is swirling like a miniature galaxy.

At this moment, the flowers turned into beads were in the palm of Zhang Jing's hand, and at the moment when they changed, Zhang Jingjun connected them with his spiritual thoughts.In Zhang Jing's spiritual perception, in the vortex on the flower's stamen, an extra space appeared out of thin air.

It feels like reaching into a pocket, and you can clearly feel the existence and size of the bag.

That's right, this is a storage bead. Zhang Jing knew it by heart. He could even clearly sense that there were several unknown objects placed in this storage bead.

As the saying goes, sending someone's head thousands of miles away... Zhang Jing guessed that this was most likely related to his previous wish. He didn't expect that this time he would have the opportunity to send someone to his doorstep.

Now that he has such a guess, he always wants to see what is in this storage bead.

The next moment, there was an object in his hand. This was a pancake-like object. It seemed to be a kind of food, because the space in the storage bead was slower than the outside world, so when the pancake was taken out, although It is obviously no longer practical, but its effect can still be seen.

Of course, Zhang Jing had no idea of ​​studying the food of the ancients, so he just found a bag and packed it up. Even if it was worthless food, he would not throw it away casually, but would burn it in the end. .

The second item, a container of water...

The third item is also some kind of container, containing some white powder. After some research, it should be table salt.


The seventh item was a broken sword. Two-thirds of the blade was broken. In addition, the blade was covered with jagged and dense gaps. It looked like it had experienced a fierce or even tragic battle.

The eighth item is a jade plaque, but the jade plaque is green and white, and the quality of the jade looks quite good. There is a fine relief on the front of the jade plaque, and the carving is a strange pattern with unknown meaning, and the jade plaque has The reverse side is engraved with four divination characters.

Chapter 373 Zi Led Tianfu

Zhang Jing identified it and found that what was written on it should be the four words "Zi Lute Tianfu".

At this time, Zhang Jing was no longer the rookie who had just entered the spiritual realm. He held the jade token in his hand and after a brief feeling, he knew that this should be a cave-heaven jade token, similar to his Lishan Dongtian jade token. It's the same thing.

After thinking about it, Zhang Jing did not immediately communicate with the jade tablet to explore, but put it aside for the time being.Then continue to take things out from the storage beads.

There are not many objects in the storage. Most of them are food, water and other daily necessities. In addition, there are some broken weapons. It seems that the previous owner of this storage bead may have been exploring or When traveling, I don’t put too many items in the storage beads.

Zhang Jing called the maids to hand over all the useless items to her, except for a few items, and then they would be burned and destroyed.

Next, he plans to ask his teacher Zhang Taihe to accompany him to explore this unknown cave.

Of course, he still had to make some preparations before setting off.

Then Zhang Jing took out a wishing book and made a wish:

"I make a wish that I will have good luck in the next 24 hours."


In the empty darkness, there was an uncomfortable sense of weightlessness that lasted for a while. Zhang Jing meditated silently in his heart for a few seconds. When he counted to the third time, the surrounding light became stable again, and he felt down to earth under his feet.

This is a dark world, with dim light, thick lead clouds covering the sky, and thunder faintly flashing in the clouds.

There was a pungent smell in the air. Zhang Jing just took a breath and frowned. The air was extremely thin and seemed to be mixed with other gases. It was obviously no longer suitable for ordinary people to survive.

Fortunately, with his current cultivation level, he can continuously absorb energy from the void, and breathing is no longer necessary for survival, so this situation does not cause much trouble to him.

There are no large plants on the surrounding ground, only some gray-green weeds no higher than the palm of your hand and some smaller moss still surviving strongly.

His teacher Zhang Taihe was not far from him, and he was also looking at the situation around him.

Obviously, this place has been damaged by powerful forces...

The location where they are now is in a dilapidated ruins. Collapsed pavilions, dilapidated halls, and ruined walls can be seen everywhere. Such scenes are not unfamiliar to him, because it was the first time she came to Lishan Dongtian. At that time, we faced the same scene.

Not far ahead is a large hall.

However, it is also extremely dilapidated at this moment...the eaves are damaged, the columns have collapsed, and the ground is covered with rubble and traces of flames.

Except for the fact that the main structure still exists, barely keeping the main hall from collapsing, the rest is no different from the ruins after the earthquake.

Zhang Jing then took out the storage bead and took out a sophisticated small drone, which had been debugged a long time ago. After taking it out, Zhang Jing released it into the air.

However, the drone flew upwards no more than ten meters before it started to sway as if it was drunk, then lost its balance and fell down.

Zhang Jing, with his quick eyesight and quick hands, came under the drone and grabbed it in his hand.

After checking, there seems to be no problem. However, why is there a problem with the drone?

"There is a secret forbidden space here." The teacher Zhang Taihe's voice came from the side, solving Zhang Jing's question.

Since the teacher said this, Zhang Jing took back the drone and saw Zhang Taihe closing his eyes and meditating for a while. Zhang Jing didn't know whether he was using some secret technique. After about ten breaths, he saw He opened his eyes again and pointed in the direction of the main hall: "Go that way."

The master and the apprentice walked forward and saw ruins. Zhang Jing frowned. The degree of damage here was even worse than that of the previous Lishan Cave.Zhang Jing bent down and picked up a piece of coke on the ground. With two fingers, the charcoal ash shattered and fell to the ground.There are traces of high-temperature burning everywhere in this area, so that except for the stone construction parts, basically nothing is left.

Originally, Zhang Jing was thinking about whether he could loot this building complex, but now it seems that it is unlikely.

There are large cracks on the ground. These cracks are criss-crossed, and some cracks penetrate the entire ground under your feet. A deep light shines in the cracks. Occasionally, a red electric fire flashes through. Zhang Taihe frowned and stared at the cracks. After a while, he turned around and explained a few words to Zhang Jing.

Zhang Jing then learned that this cave space seemed to be disintegrating for some reason, so that the cave space was no longer able to maintain some basic operations, such as land, such as air...

In essence, the principle of this cave is not fundamentally different from that of Lishan Cave. It is a magnificent artificial creation that was carved out and fixed in the interlayer between void and reality. However, just like everything has its own end, , this kind of creation will still disintegrate under certain circumstances.The situation in front of us is obviously the result of the existence of Dongtian having been greatly damaged and not being repaired for a long time.

However, come to think of it, although this disintegration is continuing, it is not a simple process. It may have continued for thousands of years, and will continue for at least a long time.

Therefore, Master Zhang Jing and his disciples were not worried that the cave would collapse in the next moment. They just had a brief exchange and continued to move forward.


Zhang Jing stopped in front of a carcass. It was a shell like an insect's slough. Judging from the size, the owner of this shell should have been about two meters tall when he was alive. Zhang Jing held the sword in his hand and flipped it with the blade. Looking at the carapace, I found that the soft tissue had completely disappeared, and the inside of the carapace had dried up. It seemed that it had already decayed.

However, even so, Zhang Jing still noticed that the strength of this carapace was quite good, very hard and difficult to penetrate.

Although it is impossible to tell from the appearance of the carapace what kind of monster it is, it is conceivable that this is probably inseparable from the scene of ruins on the ground in front of him.

After walking a little further, Zhang Taihe suddenly glanced at Zhang Jing and said, "Everyone here has evacuated."

Zhang Jing nodded: "The teacher is right. Although there are ruins everywhere, there are only the remains of monsters, but no human corpses. It seems that the remains were taken away or at least buried in an organized manner."

Chapter 374 Stone Beast

The two then quickened their pace and walked through the remains of a hall again. What appeared in front of them was a huge remains. This was a huge skeleton nearly a hundred meters long. Although only part of the carapace remained on the remains. and bones, and even some of the bones have been lost, but it can still be seen that it was originally huge.

An invisible force field radiates from the center of the skeleton to the surroundings. You can see that some mosses and weeds on the ground around it are twisted into weird shapes, and some weeds even spread out vines. On these vines Small mouths with sharp teeth appeared, which easily gave rise to a sense of déjà vu with trypophobia.

Zhang Jing's eyes narrowed slightly, and he seemed to hear some strange and chaotic murmur in his ears.However, at this time, after all, he was no longer the time when he first entered the practice. After the faint thunder, everything returned to calm.

It can be seen from the structure of the bones alone that it is not any creature on earth known to Zhang Jing. Some of its structures are twisted and weird, so much so that Zhang Jing cannot even imagine its original appearance simply based on this. .

"The Familia of the Evil God..." Zhang Taihe looked at the monster in front of him with a serious face. However, he lacked further information and could not tell which family of the Evil God it was.

Continuing to move forward, the terrain begins to slope upward. This is a mountainous area with steps to climb up.The steps spiraled along the mountain. Both the master and the disciple were very advanced. Even though they were on guard, their pace was still not slow. After a few minutes, they arrived at a platform.

Ahead is a huge, majestic archway-like building that seems to be carved out of white jade.Just by being close to him, a layer of cold and refreshing feeling covered his whole body. Zhang Jing's head cleared slightly, as if he had taken a bath in the energy all over his body in an instant.

The energy in the void was sorted out by certain rules, and even Zhang Jing's spirit and body felt like they were being washed over and over again, making his whole body extremely relaxed.

This is a treasure!This idea suddenly appeared in Zhang Jing's mind.Obviously, the archway in front of you has some special power, which allows the monks who enter its range to obtain certain benefits.

However, the archway at this time collapsed.At this time, the master and the apprentice had reached the bottom of the archway. Even if it collapsed, it still looked unusually tall.

It was made of a special material, as if it were made of jade. Just seeing it gave people a heavy and hard feeling. However, one side of the two pillars was broken and tilted to the left. It collapsed, and it was covered with scorch marks.He looked like he had experienced the baptism of fire.

The plaque in the middle is leaning against the remains of the archway. Its color is like glass, with golden inscriptions written on it. Zhang Jing recognized it at a glance:

"Purple rate Tianfu".

The master and the apprentice made a brief observation, then crossed the huge archway and continued forward.

This is a huge platform with an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters, and at the end of the platform, on the side of the mountain, is a huge stone palace embedded in the mountain. It looks like a building carved directly into the mountain.This platform is located where the door of the Stone Palace extends forward.

High in the sky, a beam of light that seemed to reach all over the sky came down from the sky and penetrated straight into an opening above the stone hall below.

From an unknown distance, Zhang Jing could vaguely feel the pulsating void energy there...

After a brief observation, the master and apprentice looked away.

Compared to the buildings below, the scene around here seems to be more tragic.

The entire ground was covered with broken stones, and the ground seemed to be gray-black after being burned by a fierce fire. There was no growth of any plants, not even the lowest moss.

At the same moment when the master and the disciples crossed the archway, some stones on the ground suddenly moved. Then, they saw broken stone beasts starting to crawl up from the ground. These stone beasts had previously fallen among the rocks. , seemingly integrated with the broken stones on the ground.

There are five stone beasts in total, each one is about two meters tall, lying on all fours, with ancient runes faintly visible on their bodies, and they look like a liger.The bodies of these stone beasts are covered with various scars. One stone beast even broke off a front leg and stood close to the remaining three legs. At this time, their eyes were shining with scarlet light, and they lowered their heads. He roared, seeming to warn the master and apprentice not to get closer.

However, these seemingly exhausted stone beasts could not act as a sufficient deterrent, and the master and apprentice were still moving forward.

The next moment, a stone beast slowly escaped and disappeared into the air.

Then Zhang Taihe suddenly looked to the left, and pointed like a knife in the void. Immediately, the stone beast appeared from his left side, and the side of its body exploded, releasing a terrifying blast. Jian Chuang.

With one strike of the sword, the stone beast stopped immediately, its body immediately disintegrated, and it collapsed to the ground...

However, after a short time, Zhang Taihe had cleared away all the stone beasts in the square.In fact, these stone beasts have been eroded for a long time, coupled with the fact that they were originally dilapidated and their internal functions have been severely damaged. This kind of defense is already at the end of the line.

After cleaning up the stone beasts, Zhang Jing looked around. This platform was a protrusion halfway up the mountain. Looking at the current scene, one could imagine that this place was spectacular back then, but now it is so dilapidated.

Walking on the broken road under their feet, the two came to the stone gate embedded in the mountain. This huge stone gate was several meters high and divided into two left and right doors. , a breeze gushes out from inside.

It seems that it should have been able to be closed originally, but the device for closing the stone door must have been damaged or failed, so that the stone door has now become a decoration.

The master and the apprentice were not in a hurry to enter. Instead, they carefully checked the door and confirmed that there was no arrangement. They each stretched out their hands to calculate, and then looked at each other. All calculations were good omens, and they nodded to each other. Nodding, Zhang Jing took out his storage beads again and took out a suitcase.

He opened the suitcase and found six egg-sized balls neatly placed inside. In addition, he took out a small laptop.

This is a scanning robot that Zhang Jing ordered online from a professional robot company that can be used for map surveying.

Zhang Jing first opened his laptop and started operating it quickly. After setting up the basic settings last night, he picked up a ball the size of an egg, pressed it lightly, and then threw it toward the door. As he passed, he heard a soft buzzing sound. The ball did not fall directly to the ground, but floated about one meter above the ground. Then the inertia of Zhang Jing's throw flew into the gate.

Chapter 375 Exploring the Ruins

This small ball is flying and rotating, and at the same time it emits light that is imperceptible to the naked eye in all directions. The light rays travel in a spiral shape on the surrounding terrain, and at the same time scan the surrounding environment.

At the same time, inside the small ball, the terrain computer conducts three-dimensional modeling of the scanned results and draws a digital map of the entire space.This kind of drawing can even make a preliminary judgment on what materials the different parts of the model are composed of based on the light reflection spectra of different materials.

This kind of surveying and mapping robot has prepared a variety of modes for use in harsh environments. The mode Zhang Jing is using now is the automatic path-finding mode. In this mode, the robot does not require external remote control and can automatically find its way and return automatically.

Zhang Jing quickly threw out all six small balls. It is said that these small balls adopted the social principles of certain social insects. When multiple balls cooperate together, they will automatically make the most optimized route division of labor.

They were seen exploring along the passage and soon disappeared from Zhang Jing's sight.

However, this alone was not enough. Zhang Jing quickly took out another suitcase from the storage beads. After opening it, there were six more balls. He once again threw them one by one after setting them.

Repeatedly, Zhang Jing threw a total of 36 scanning robots before and after, and then stopped.

The reason why so many of them are used at one time is because although these robots are small and flexible and can automatically avoid obstacles to a certain extent, if they are really attacked, they may still be difficult to escape. In addition, the interior of the hall in front of them looks like The area is not small, and it is not clear how far it extends into the mountain. Therefore, Zhang Jing simply uses a large number of robots to enter, so that even if some are lost, at least some will return, and the lost robots themselves can also serve as early warning. Point him to possible dangers.

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