The tall hooded man didn't say anything after hearing this, but just nodded. In the eyes of the two of them, the dark "three" buildings in front of them were filled with a strong gloomy atmosphere, especially on the fourth floor. On the floor, the gloomy and resentful atmosphere was so thick that it almost solidified...



Zhu Xuting is the second son of Jingbei Marquis Zhu Chunchen. Jingbei Marquis has three sons and two daughters. Except for the second daughter Zhu Yingwei and the third son Zhu Xutong who are still studying, the other children are all adults.As a male, he and his eldest brother followed the usual path of noble families and entered the army to serve.

As nobles who participated in Huanzong's Northern Expedition, the Jingbei Hou family has always had extensive influence in the military and even the entire southern part of the empire. Joining the army is also the inevitable fate of the princes of Jingbei Hou in the past. It is a family obligation and should not be taken as an excuse. Personal will is transferred.

When it comes to the honors and nobles joining the army, we have to mention that after the success of the Northern Expedition, Huanzong felt that the armaments were depleted. The honors and nobles in the Taizu period were too many for use. , seizing a high position but only serving as a vegetarian, seriously deviating from Taizu's original intention of setting up honorary officials to specialize in military affairs to defend the royal family and check and balance civil servants.

Therefore, Emperor Huanzong promulgated the "Edict on Rules for Honorable Ministers and Relatives to Ascend to Nobles", which legally determined that the children of honorable ministers must have military experience if they want to ascend to the title of nobility, and the promotion of nobles must follow the promotion path in the military. No high-ranking official can be parachuted to a high-ranking official based on his title alone.

Of course, even so, it does not mean that in the military, the children of nobles are on the same starting line as the children of civilians. The advantages of children of nobles exist in all aspects, from being exempted from taking exams to enrolling in high-level military schools to having fewer ceilings for promotion. There are many elders, relatives and friends from all walks of life to take care of them... In short, the path of noble children in the military is undoubtedly much easier than that of civilian children.

But even so, Huanzong's reforms still played a very positive role in Dazhao's military system and the cultivation of the atmosphere of the entire noble class.This has caused a considerable number of noble families to transform into the "military aristocracy" of the West.Of course, there are also descendants of some noble families who have no ambitions, cannot bear hardships, and prefer to enjoy life. However, even these nobles must complete basic military service in the army in order to successfully ascend the nobility.

Zhu Xuting now belongs to the squad leader of the Fourth Special Operations Team of the Special Crime Investigation Bureau. He was originally serving in a unit of the Homeland Defense Force of the Southeast Military Region, but he was recently transferred to this newly established force.In fact, his father, the current Marquis of Jingbei Zhu Chunchen, was also behind this.The reason is also very simple. There are already rumors circulating among some high-level people that the fourth branch of the Special Crime Investigation Bureau will be independent and establish a brand new department with a high level and report directly to the highest level.

For the Xungui family, they are very concerned about information that may change the balance of power in the court, such as changes in high-level power and the establishment of new powerful institutions. It is also important to make pre-planning when such events occur. A common method used by some noble families.

Although, for now, this newly established organization looks a bit dangerous, after all, Zhu Chunchen does not only have one son, so it is still necessary to take a gamble.Of course, as the eldest son of the Hou family, he wanted to seek a more stable promotion channel, and as the second son, Zhu Xuting was squeezed into this organization in every possible way.

In fact, after entering this newly established secret agency, Zhu Xuting's entire worldview almost underwent a subversive change. Before, he had never thought that there was a completely different side of the world in front of him.Even those seemingly ordinary Taoist priests and Buddhist monks may have a completely different side behind them.

How true are those ancient myths and legends that seem more like fantasy?

These questions have been lingering in Zhu Xuting's mind recently. For this reason, he even bought a lot of religious and historical books to read, and suddenly increased his relevant knowledge reserves. In fact, this is also a common problem among many staff in the Fourth Branch. behavior and mentality.

Chapter 413 The fourth part is in action

The organization is newly established, and all aspects are scratch-made, especially the plans and equipment for dealing with various strange events. They are all being explored and adjusted at the same time. For now, although strange events in Jokhang do occur occasionally, they are actually not many. Therefore, most of the time, the fourth branch located in various places focuses more on improving the organizational structure and staffing, as well as preparing plans, program research and personnel training for various situations.

For Zhu Xuting, this is his first real combat action, so he is inevitably a little nervous.

Three armored vehicles stopped, and twelve fully armed soldiers wearing exoskeletons jumped down from the vehicles and quickly formed a battle formation downstairs. The leader of the group was none other than Zhu Xuting.

They were ordered to "decontaminate" the building.

Two micro drones rose silently and began to fly around the entire building from two directions, beginning to monitor any movement on the building.

Next, these soldiers did not immediately go upstairs to take action. Instead, under Zhu Xuting's order, they released beetle-sized robots. These robots got in through the open door of the building and flew up the corridor. , every time you reach a floor, a "beetle" will stop and stick to the ceiling of the corridor. Then, the whole body will light up, like a light bulb, emitting a warm light to the surroundings.

This kind of light is very similar to sunlight, and its intensity is quite high, just like a high-intensity sun lamp, illuminating the entire floor.

In fact, this "sunshine beetle" was specially developed, and its emitted spectrum is modulated according to the spectrum of sunlight.This is also an experimental equipment. Its main principle comes from folk mythology. The descriptions of some ghosts include a lot of descriptions of ghosts being afraid of the sun. Therefore, the principle of this equipment is to use artificial sunlight to control the environment. The ghosts are restrained.

It is said that this kind of equipment has been tested in a certain operation and the effect is not bad, so now it has begun to expand the scope of its installation.

Soon, the entire building was lit up. Until this time, no abnormality had occurred, so Zhu Xuting gave the order, leaving four team members to respond downstairs, while the remaining personnel started to climb the building with weapons in hand.

In addition to ordinary personnel, there are also two self-propelled light weapons companions climbing the stairs, which are called "robot dogs" by the team members. This is a combat-type quadruped robot with a certain ability to independently set goals. The size is equivalent to the size of an ordinary wolfdog.Since the technical capabilities at this time have not yet developed to a high degree of intelligence and the robot can completely autonomously define the battlefield situation, this kind of robot requires manual assistance and command.

As soon as a group of people entered the building, an inexplicable cold feeling suddenly enveloped them, and some soldiers even felt goosebumps.Even though the surroundings were completely illuminated by "sunshine beetles", it still didn't hinder the feeling. It was as if the brightly lit corridor was colder than the dark night outside.

However, the data collection system built into the exoskeleton clearly told them that the surrounding temperature had not changed at all at this time, and was even 0.5 degrees higher than outside the corridor.

This unusual contrast undoubtedly told them that they had entered the area of ​​abnormal events.These soldiers are trained and understand some known methods of detecting abnormal events.

The "signal has been interrupted" prompt from the earphones undoubtedly told them the same judgment. Several communication balls to strengthen the signal strength were quickly released. However, even so, only inter-team communication was restored, and the team Communication signal transmission with the outside world is still very blurry and intermittent.

However, all this was mentioned in the training and was considered a "normal phenomenon" and did not cause any trouble to the action team.

The eight action team members marched upwards alertly and quickly, and soon arrived at the fourth floor. They did not encounter any emergencies during this period.

It's even colder here than downstairs. Room 401 is located on the left side of the corridor. Under the illumination of the sun beetles, you can clearly see a large number of red sputter marks on the floor and walls.

According to previously obtained information, these red splatter-like traces should be human blood, traces left by previous homicides.

However, based on the information collected by the action team on the case before, they were able to clearly determine that because the original head of the household was exterminated, the property rights of the house were inherited by the original head’s younger brother. After his inheritance, in order to “eliminate bad luck,” his younger brother specially The monks from the nearby Buddha Temple came to pray for salvation. In addition, they also spent money to clean the blood-spattered areas inside and outside the house and paint the walls.

Therefore, theoretically, these blood stains should no longer exist, so where did the splattered blood stains in front of me come from? !

In fact, these traces were as red as blood, as if they had just been splashed on, and there was no indication that several months had passed.

A team member quickly stepped forward and carefully photographed all the areas with sputter marks. After he finished shooting, Zhu Xuting made a gesture, and a team member quickly stepped forward and affixed a cigarette box-sized sticker on the door of Room 401. equipment, and then he opened a retractable soft screen on his arm, and the outline of the objects in the room behind the door suddenly appeared on the screen.However, the picture did not last for a few seconds before it began to shake, and then a large number of messy lines appeared on the screen, which was a typical feature of strong interference.

So far, humans have not had a good response strategy to the strong interference caused by strange events. Although the response plan of increasing the working intensity of components has certain effects in some situations, on the one hand, high-power devices are bound to The increase in volume will have an impact on the weight and portability of the equipment; secondly, this problem still cannot be truly solved; and the last point is that once the electromagnetic waves and emission signals exceed the safe value, it will have a negative impact on the health of the soldiers. causing uncontrollable effects.

Therefore, the research and development of a new generation of communication technology and detection technology has now become one of the important topics in the academic world, and there are two main directions to be broken through. One is ultra-long-distance interstellar communication, and the other is super-resistant interference.

The soldier tried several times but was unable to restore the equipment's image, so he turned in Zhu Xuting's direction and made a no-go gesture.

Zhu Xuting took a deep breath. It was now obvious that there must be some dangers behind this door that were difficult to explain with common sense.However, this was already planned. He just pondered for a moment and then used sign language to rearrange the arrangement.

Chapter 414 Light Pressure Bomb

Some soldiers began to switch equipment and line up in a certain formation.Finally, a soldier took out a ball of clay-like object, stuck it on the door lock, and then stepped back.

Three seconds later, there was only a very quiet muffled sound, and the entire door shook slightly. A hole the size of a fist had been blasted out of the door lock, and then, the door opened slightly through a gap.

A soldier stepped forward and kicked the door open. Without looking carefully, he threw a grenade-like object into the room.Another soldier kicked open the door and threw another grenade-like object into the room at the same time.

The two soldiers immediately backed away after completing this move, and at the same time made a gesture of protecting their eyes with their arms.

At the same time, the two grenades thrown into the room exploded almost simultaneously. After one of them exploded, an electric spark flashed out. At the same time, a powerful electromagnetic pulse spread out in all directions with it as the center of the circle, sweeping across All objects indoors.

After the other one exploded, it flashed with dazzling light and some ultra-low-frequency noise. This was different from ordinary flash bombs. The spectrum that appeared was also similar to sunlight. At the moment when the flash bomb exploded, , the light intensity is several times more than the normal midday sunlight.And if there are normal creatures in the room at this time, the low-frequency noise can cause serious eardrum damage in an instant.

The two weapons, "electromagnetic bombs" and "light pressure bombs", are also prepared to deal with unpredictable and strange events. They are weapons prepared by the R&D department to deal with supernatural "ghosts" whose causes are still unknown.

At the same time as the two ammunition exploded, a series of extremely sharp and angry roars sounded in the room. This sound was extremely frightening, making people feel a sense of instinctive fear in their ears.

To describe it in one word, it is the real "crying of ghosts and howling of wolves".

Immediately afterwards, he saw that in the light of the explosion that had not completely disappeared, two black figures jumped out of the room with lightning speed and rushed towards the soldiers at the door.

The soldiers' reaction was not slow. At the same time as the roar sounded, the soldiers subconsciously raised their guns and started shooting into the room before they could even see the situation clearly.Their firearms and bullets are special models, and the bullets will burn when they come into contact with objects.

The two black figures were hit continuously by the storm-like rain of bullets, and their movements slowed down instantly. At this time, the light intensity in the room also began to dim. The grenade was still shining steadily, and it was still quite bright, but it was already to the naked eye. The scope of things can be seen.

At this time, the soldiers standing at the front also saw clearly the faces of the two black figures. They were clearly two humanoid creatures lying on all fours. The reason why they were called "humanoid creatures" rather than "people" was because The corners of his mouth were cleft to the base of his ears, revealing sharp fangs. His eyes were completely black, and he did not look like a normal human being.

This monster was exuding faint black smoke and some blisters visible to the naked eye. It was obvious that the two special grenades previously had an effect.

After being focused on the fire, the two monsters advanced a few steps in the rain of bullets, but finally failed to rush in front of the soldiers, and turned into smoke and dust with a "bang".

For safety reasons, the soldiers did not enter immediately, but continued to throw two grenades inside. After waiting for about a minute, when no more monsters rushed out, the soldiers began to move in an orderly manner under Zhu Xuting's sign language command. Enter the house to clean.

Room 401 is a residence of about 150 square meters with three bedrooms, one living room, one kitchen, one bathroom and one balcony. After entering the house, the soldiers began to search room by room.

They followed a fixed pattern. They first threw "light pressure bombs" into the room they were about to search. When possible ghosts were stimulated and rushed out to attack, they concentrated their fire and fired.A special coating on the exoskeleton armor mask makes it easier for them to see their surroundings in bright light.

While searching the kitchen, a monster lurking in the ceiling tore open the ceiling and rushed out, injuring a soldier, but was quickly blown off the head by another soldier and turned to ashes.

About 5 minutes later, all the rooms were "cleaned". After another monster was defeated in the master bedroom, the soldiers found no other monsters in the room.

At the same time, the communications that had been greatly interfered with before were restored to smooth flow. At this time, all the action team members secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Judging from the current situation, the incident seemed to have been resolved.

After making a brief report to the headquarters, Zhu Xuting began to direct the team members to conduct a more careful search and cleanup of the house. At the same time, he notified the responding team members downstairs to go upstairs to help with the search.

Clean the scene, search for all suspicious items, and bring them back to the headquarters for storage.This is the final work that the action team members need to do after completing the main mission.This is mainly due to the current cognitive level of human beings, who do not know the formation mechanism of supernatural events. Therefore, collecting and analyzing items that can be found at the scene of supernatural events has become a research method.At the same time, sealing these items is also a safety guarantee.

Soon, the soldiers who were in charge of responding downstairs quickly went up to the fourth floor and entered the house. In addition to responding outside, these soldiers were also responsible for calling for rescue from the headquarters in case their comrades in front fell.Now, after the incident is resolved, they will also help clean up the scene.

A soldier was carrying a metal suitcase in his hand. He opened it after entering the house. Inside the suitcase were rolls of thick black bags made of special material. These bags looked similar to plastic bags, but in fact they were Different, this is a container woven with special materials, which has greater strength and can isolate various magnetic fields and radiation.

After the soldiers present took the bags from him, they went separately to each room to clean up the items. However, even so, there were at least three people in each room, and one of them was always on guard with a gun to avoid an incident. What an unpredictable event.

While his subordinates were cleaning the room, Zhu Xuting was also walking around in various rooms, paying attention to his subordinates' actions, and looking at the house at the same time.

At this time, the light pressure bombs that were thrown into the house earlier have not been extinguished, but the flames are already within the range acceptable to the naked eye. After an instant burst of strong light, this kind of ammunition will be converted into a stable irradiation for a long time. light source, thereby providing a stable lighting source for the battlefield.

At this moment, it was like a bright fluorescent lamp was turned on in several rooms, illuminating every detail in the room.

Chapter 415 The girl on the photo frame

The living room, master bedroom, and study room were quickly cleared, and some items that may be valuable or questionable were also collected in categories, marked and returned to the car.

Zhu Xuting followed the three soldiers into the second bedroom, which was the last room in the house to be cleaned.On the west side of the room, there is a spacious children's bed with bunk beds against the wall. There is a bedside table at the head of the bed. On the east side of the room, there is a cabinet full of drawers.Looking at the layout of the room, it was obvious that it should have been a children's room before. The walls of the room were dotted with patterns that were obviously scrawled by children with crayons. There were also some certificates and other items posted on the south wall of the room.

After entering the house, the three soldiers began to sort out the items in the room. Two soldiers began to rummage through the drawers on the cabinet one by one, while one soldier held a weapon and looked around to prevent possible problems.

However, since the entire incident seemed to have been resolved, the atmosphere seemed quite relaxed.

Zhu Xuting walked to the bedside table. There was a photo frame on the bedside table. On top of the photo frame were the bright smiling faces of a family of four.Zhu Xuting glanced at the photo frame and sighed secretly. He was about to look away when suddenly, he subconsciously felt something was wrong.

He looked at the room carefully again and immediately realized the problem.Didn't it mean that this house was inherited by the original owner's brother, repainted and rented out?If this is the case, then the original decoration of this second bedroom should have been readjusted.

After all, in the original owner's house, the second bedroom was obviously used by a pair of children. After re-renting, based on the information obtained in advance, Zhu Xuting confirmed clearly that the missing tenant should have no children.

So, what's going on in this children's room right now, with this picture frame of a child?According to Dazhao tradition, it is impossible for a tenant to keep a children's room for the family of the original head of household who has died, right?

A feeling of horror suddenly rose from behind Zhu Xuting. When he looked at the photo frame with a family of four on the bedside again, he found that the girl in the photo frame suddenly turned her gaze, revealing a Weird smile...

"No! Get out of this room quickly!!!" Zhu Xuting suddenly exclaimed and subconsciously stepped back.

At this moment, the girl in the photo frame suddenly shed tears from her eyes, red tears!

Immediately afterwards, the girl opened her mouth...

A shrill scream suddenly appeared throughout the house. At the same time, some glasses and bowls displayed in the room, and even the glass on the windows, cracked visibly under the scream, and the cracks spread in all directions. It got denser and denser, and then exploded one after another!

The built-in earphones in Zhu Xuting's helmet sounded a notification that the signal had been interrupted at the same moment. Obviously, that weird interference appeared again.However, at this moment, Zhu Xuting could no longer care about this kind of interference. The sharp and harsh noise was like a heavy hammer hitting his head. It even gave him an illusion. If it weren't for the current situation, The closed helmet has a strong sound insulation function, and his head might just explode like a glass window on the side!

With his mind in a blur, Zhu Xuting was in a daze, biting his lower lip hard with the last trace of clarity.The smell of blood came, and as soon as his mind cleared up, he took advantage of this fleeting opportunity to pull out the "electromagnetic bomb" he carried with him and threw it away.

At this time, he could no longer care about the damage caused to the body by the close-range magnetic storm. He only saw a flash of electric sparks, and a powerful electromagnetic pulse spread in all directions with a blue arc.

The screams suddenly stopped. Taking advantage of the pause, Zhu Xuting grabbed a soldier next to him who was stumbling and covering his head, and rushed out of the room with him.

There were two other soldiers who had fallen to the ground, their bodies twitching. For a moment, Zhu Xuting could no longer care about them.

However, at the next moment, the sharp screams turned louder again, and even the screams were obviously filled with some kind of angry emotion. Then, black hair-like things climbed from behind the door. Climbing out, like climbing vines, along the wall and the ground, he followed Zhu Xuting very quickly towards Zhu Xuting who was stumbling towards the living room.

The already chaotic living room was now becoming more and more messy, with broken glass fragments strewn all over the floor. The soldiers who stayed in the living room also seemed groggy at this time, although they were in a worse state than those in the second bedroom just now. It's better, but he still looks like he's drunk.

The condition of the two "robot dogs" was worse than that of ordinary people. They could not even maintain their body balance. They walked crookedly, as if struggling to correct themselves. In the end, they simply threw themselves aside and fell to the ground. Nested.

The screams finally stopped. Some soldiers endured the discomfort and began to pick up their weapons and shoot intermittently at Zhu Xuting's back. However, because of the screams just now, the soldiers' actions were greatly restricted. All His movements were deformed.Some soldiers' helmets even had vomit blocking their vision...

However, those "hair strands" spread faster than the soldiers' reaction speed. I saw a soldier crookedly shooting two bursts, and then suddenly shot into the sky...

This is literally "soaring into the sky"!A bunch of hair shot straight down from the ceiling, clasped his neck, and hung him up.

The soldier struggled, scratching his neck with both hands, twitching and trying to break away. However, before he could struggle a few times, the black hair shrank suddenly, and the hair cut into his neck like a steel knife. The next moment, there was a "pop" sound, the soldier's head was separated, and blood spurted out from the severed head, forming a radioactive red gun on the ceiling...

Zhu Xuting's chest felt tight and he kept retching. He didn't know whether it was due to the impact of the scream, or because he detonated an "electromagnetic bomb" at a close range without any cover, or both. Both.He could only stumble and drag his comrades towards the door. However, before he could rush to the door, his hands sank, and the soldier he was dragging had his hair tangled in his leg...

At this moment, a series of chemical bombs with flashing blue flames hit the hair wrapped around the soldier's leg, breaking the hair in the middle. With a light move from Zhu Xuting's hand, he broke free and stepped forward. He rushed into the living room, and at this time, the soldier he was dragging also struggled to pick up his weapon and started shooting.

Chapter 416 The Uninvited Guest

However, the living room was now in chaos, with black hair rushing towards the soldiers from all directions like snakes at an extremely agile speed.

Not only are these hair strands extremely fast, but their texture is also incredible. They seem to be as twisted and flexible as silk threads. However, once entangled with an object, they show sharpness and tenacity beyond the wire saw. A soldier was unable to dodge and was entangled by a hair strand. He held his arm, and after a scream, the whole arm was directly cut off...

What makes the soldiers present even more troublesome is that these black hairs do not seem to be some kind of "substance" that they can understand, but more like some kind of object between reality and reality, which can be destroyed by the flames caused by chemical ammunition. It broke, and after the break, it turned into a black nothingness, blending into other black hair.

However, overall, these black hairs have not been reduced by the bullets. On the contrary, they flexibly roam around the corners of the room, attacking from all directions like lurking snakes.The chaotic floor in the room, the debris on the ground, the glass fragments and the flickering shadows all provide the best protection for these hair strands.

Another soldier's ankle was tightened, and he was dragged to the ground by a hair. Then he was dragged directly to the shadow of a corner by a huge force. The surrounding comrades were unable to rescue him, so they hurriedly turned their guns to shoot those soldiers. Hair, I wanted to break it, but it was already too late. In the shadow, several hairs entangled from all sides, like sharp steel needles, directly piercing the soldier's body...

Zhu Xuting felt cold in his heart. At this time, the scene was in chaos. The fire, the roar, and the hair strands swimming around were all connected. The sound from the earphone in the helmet clearly told him that the communication was still interrupted.As for the current situation, all the soldiers were shooting, and even many soldiers were still in a dazed state. In this state, even if he was using sign language, he would probably not be able to be seen by everyone.

With a sudden thought, Zhu Xuting stretched out his hand and pressed the connection area between the helmet and the neck. Hearing a slight click, Zhu Xuting pulled off the helmet and threw it aside.

In the helmet state, although the sealed helmet can protect against air pollution and provide built-in communication links, the individual combat system can also project some battlefield data onto the helmet visor in real time.However, because of its excellent sealing, when there is a problem with the communication link, the efficiency of direct voice communication will be greatly reduced. Speaking loudly will not be transmitted due to the excellent sealing.

This is obviously a design flaw, but reporting and rectifying the flaw will only be done after returning. After Zhu Xuting took off his helmet, he shouted loudly: "Get ready to retreat! Light pressure bomb, two-second countdown!"

"Prepare to retreat! Light pressure bomb, two seconds countdown!"

He shouted again, then counted silently for two seconds in his mind, pulled out a light pressure bomb from his waist, and threw it towards the center of the living room!

While throwing the light pressure bomb, he immediately raised his left arm to protect his eyes, making a standard protective posture.Other soldiers who heard his call also made protective gestures.

A strong light immediately rose again in the living room, and the attacking momentum of the surrounding hair suddenly stagnated. For a moment, there was a feeling of panic similar to that of insects in the gutter suddenly exposed to the midday sun...

However, at the next moment, another sharp and piercing cry sounded in the ears of all the soldiers. It was like a ghost crying, full of resentment and anger.

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