"Is there anything you can advise me?" Li Jingxin made a bow and asked in a calm tone.

"I wonder if Abbot Li will be free tomorrow? The Queen has heard of Abbot Li for a long time. The abbot is in Beijing this time. The empress wants to recruit the abbot to come to the palace and ask for some Taoist scriptures in person..."



"From now on, the ship has entered the first level of combat readiness. Everyone must move in pairs, even when going to the toilet, and everyone must wear firearms." In the command cabin of the exploration test ship Mogen River , Captain Winters is delivering orders to his crew.

Just in the past few days, the third and No. 4 victims had appeared on the test ship, one of whom was even the second officer of the test ship, Bazel.Yes, at this time, the senior officials on the ship have clearly characterized him as a "victim".

This is because although the two people also appeared to be "missing", according to the surveillance video reviewed afterwards, their situation was extremely strange. While James, the second-level engineer, was doing a cabin inspection, he was suddenly attacked from behind by the second officer Bazell. Hit him on the back of the head with a multi-purpose maintenance tool, knocking him out on the spot.After knocking out James, Bazel directly opened the cabin door on the side, causing the two people who were not wearing any protective equipment to be sucked directly into the space...

What is certain is that Second Officer Bazell is usually a very stable person, and he usually has a good relationship with other crew members.In particular, according to the subsequent investigation, there was no conflict between Bazzell and the attacker James, and many people could even prove that they had a certain personal relationship.

At the same time, Bazel had two children, a beautiful wife, and a harmonious family. Even the day before the accident, he was chatting with the crew about wanting to expand his house after returning.

In addition, it is certain that neither Bazell nor James has a history of mental illness or the use of narcotic drugs. After all, every crew member on the test ship is carefully selected and has absolutely no history of mental illness or use of narcotics. It's impossible to put mentally ill people or drug addicts on board.

However, under such completely unreasonable circumstances, a second officer with professional training and rich aerospace experience attacked his subordinate crew members and committed suicide after that...

This is simply incredible!

However, such an incredible thing happened.

And the successive accidents made it impossible to hide the news. After all, the space of the experimental ship was limited, and most of the crew members knew each other.It would be almost impossible to conceal something of this magnitude for long.

The whole ship was suddenly enveloped in a general atmosphere of worry. After all, in this era of developed information and entertainment industries, although humans have just set foot in deep space exploration, they have already imagined a lot in those virtual film and television works. Unexpected situations may occur when exploring deep space.

Weird unknown diseases, mutations caused by unknown space, monsters hidden in the cabin... Many classic plots in movies and TV series were conceived by the crew. This matter related to everyone's lives was quickly solved in a short period of time. It has become the focus of discussion among all the crew members on the ship.

Under this situation, Captain Winters simply issued an order to strengthen the safety alert level on the test ship to avoid the next misfortune.

After eating, Winters began to inspect the Morgan River. Due to the previous accident, the ship simply conducted a temporary combat readiness exercise to strengthen its ability to respond to emergencies.

Although the Morgan River is an experimental ship used for scientific research purposes, most of the crew members are from the military and are no strangers to this kind of combat readiness exercise. However, this time the exercise obviously has a lot more strange flavor. In the past, The chatter and laughter disappeared, and everyone became very serious.

Since the security alert level was raised, everyone has been trembling with fear and trying their best to expose themselves to others' sight, for fear that they will disappear silently.



PS: The New Year is here. I wish you all good health, all the best, and happiness to your family!

I saw many friends in the comment area asking whether updates will be carried out as usual during the Spring Festival. My current plan is to keep updating. If there are no accidents, it should be updated normally. Let me explain it to you here!

Chapter 424 Gunshots on the Spaceship

"Tell me, what's going on? The ship's doctor said it might be a sudden mental illness caused by stress. I always feel like something is wrong." In the power cabin, the second-level engineer Zhan Ji asked the person beside him with a worried tone. partner.

"That's probably what the higher-ups said. How could someone like the second officer be mentally ill, let alone suicidal? It's all nonsense..." Loki, who is also a second-level engineer, said with a chuckle. At this time, people were conducting routine checks on the spacecraft's power system data.

Both of them were wearing masks on their faces at this time. This protective mask can filter a variety of pollution and viruses, and can even provide a short-term oxygen supply.However, generally speaking, it is not necessary to wear it on the ship. However, during this special period, ships are required to wear such masks in public places.

"Then what do you think is going on?" Zhan Jishun asked casually while flipping through the data of various subsystems on the console.

"Who knows... In short, you must be careful. What happened this time seems to be abnormal, but there is really no interstellar infectious disease..."

"During this period, I have had three physical examinations. Except for some people who have normal bone loss, the rest seem to be normal..."

"I hope everything is really normal, I still want to go back alive to receive medals..."

Hearing what his colleagues said, Zhan Jishun smiled, adjusted the mask on his face, and was about to continue saying something when he suddenly heard a loud shout coming from outside the cabin.

The two of them were suddenly confused. They looked at each other and saw doubts on each other's faces. Loki pointed out and decided to go over and have a look. Driven by curiosity, Zhan Jishun also followed.

The two of them had just arrived at the door of the power cabin with a floating attitude. Suddenly, a gunshot came from the cabin not far away, followed by two more gunshots in succession.

Something big happened!Such thoughts suddenly flashed through their minds.At the same time, they all pulled out the pistols they carried.

This kind of pistol for astronauts to wear is not the tall weapon described in some science fiction novels. Although it has been greatly improved according to the space environment, its essence is still an explosion-powered thermal weapon. Weapons, since the miniaturization of electromagnetic weapons has not yet been completed, and thermal weapons still have quite good rejection capabilities in close combat, there are no signs of this type of weapon being replaced in the short term.

In traditional concepts, it is generally believed that bullets will misfire in a vacuum environment: On the one hand, some people believe that without air and atmospheric pressure, bullets cannot exit the barrel at all.On the other hand, some people also believe that without oxygen, the firing pin impact cannot ignite the primer of the bullet and the bullet will not fire.This is actually a misunderstanding. According to experiments, bullets in a vacuum can also be fired, and not only the muzzle velocity is increased by 5%, but the power is also greater!Of course, necessary adjustments still need to be made according to the environment.

As the gunfire rang out, the alarm in the ship was triggered, and the cabin reverberated with a sharp siren, accompanied by a flashing red alarm light.

Ji Zhanshun and Luo Ji held firearms in their hands and carefully exited the cabin and moved forward along the passage. The location where the gunshots came from just now was not far away from them. It sounded like it was just around the corner about ten meters ahead.

Just as they were about to reach the corner of the passage, a figure quickly bumped out of the passage, almost colliding with Loki who was walking in front.

The two people who were on high alert at this time immediately raised their guns, but saw the figure after hitting the bulkhead, raising his hands high and shouting: "Don't shoot, don't shoot, it's me!!"

After hearing this, the two of them took a closer look, but it was Hoffmann, the third-level engineer responsible for the maintenance of the monitoring system. This Holsteiner with gray eyes had a frightened expression on his face. He was holding a pistol in his right hand and waving it around. The mask on his face was tilted to one side due to the direct collision with the bulkhead when he rushed over.

The ship has special regulations. Since the entire cabin is in a state of microgravity, it is necessary to move at a certain constant speed in the cabin and not too fast. The main reason is that too fast will cause the human body to be unable to control the movement posture well, which will lead to conflicts with some people. The instrument is struck, causing damage to the instrument.

Obviously, Hoffman had completely ignored these regulations at this time. He just rushed over like a cannonball.

Therefore, even though they recognized the person, the two men still did not dare to put down the firearms in their hands.

"Hoffman, what happened?"

"What happened to the gunfire just now?!"

Ji Zhanshun and Luo Ji asked nervously, but the guns in their hands were pointed firmly at Hoffman.

At this time, Hoffman did not bother to adjust the mask on his face, and pointed at the other end of the passage: "Nilson, it's Nelson, he's crazy, Abu Sala was bitten by him, I...I shot him , I don’t want to either…”

Hoffman's speech was somewhat incoherent and he was obviously frightened.

However, the two people who heard all this did not dare to believe it. They were still on high alert. Loki even said loudly: "Hoffman, don't be nervous. Now put down the gun in your hand. Put it down." Go to the side..."

"Okay... okay... I'll put it down. I have no problem. You have to believe me..." After hearing this, Hoffman quite cooperatively threw the gun aside. The gun floated in the microgravity environment. Then he hit the bulkhead on the side and bounced further away...

Seeing him drop the pistol, the two people who pointed the gun at him were undoubtedly relieved. In order to ease the atmosphere, Ji Zhanshun even put down the gun in his hand and continued: "Hoffman, don't move, wait until the others come over. "

"Okay, I won't move... I won't move..." Hoffman was quite cooperative, raising his hands and saying, but he still glanced at the other side of the passage: "But you'd better go and see Abshara, he's injured. Not light."

Ji Zhanshun and Luo Ji quickly looked at each other after hearing this. After a slight hesitation, Ji Zhanshun decided to go and have a look by himself. He made a gesture, and Luo Ji nodded to him, indicating that he would look at Hoffman, so Ji Zhan continued along the passage.

Turning the corner in front and entering the passage, you were greeted by the smell of blood. Dark red blood was splashing everywhere, and splattered blood spots could be seen everywhere on the surrounding bulkheads.There were even some blood beads condensed into balls in the air. Due to the microgravity environment, they did not fall directly to the ground like on the earth.

Chapter 425 The blood-stained cabin

A corpse was floating aside with a ferocious face. The body was still twitching slightly, but the head had been smashed. The conspicuous huge wound on the head made it impossible for him to identify who it was at this time. It looked like it was the gunshot just fired. of victims.

According to Hoffman, this should be the "crazy" Nelson.

Of course, Ji Zhanshun didn't dare to completely believe what he said. He looked to the other side. On the other side, there was a body still twisting and struggling in mid-air. Half of his body was covered with blood. He was holding it tightly. own neck.

Ji Zhanshun carefully approached and found that this was the Abu Sharah that Hoffman said. This was a man with brown skin and black hair. He came from the Seljuk Empire and was a third-level electrical engineer. However, he was not the same as Ji Zhanshun on weekdays. Not familiar.

There was a horrific bloody wound on the right side of his neck, which had obviously damaged a blood vessel. A large amount of blood continued to gush out from the position he was covering, and his hands were dripping with blood.

The first time Ji Zhanshun saw it, his heart tightened. Because of being in a microgravity environment for a long time, astronauts' faces will become red and swollen. This phenomenon is called "big head-bird leg syndrome".As fluids made of blood and cerebrospinal fluid flow toward the brain, the astronaut's face becomes swollen and his legs become thinner.

Compared with the state on earth, in the universe, astronauts' intracranial pressure will increase, and in severe cases, it will be accompanied by blurred vision and even affect intelligence. This symptom is called "visual impairment and intracranial pressure syndrome" ".Therefore, the ship is equipped with specialized ship doctors and medical equipment to deal with such problems that arise during long-term voyages.

Precisely because the intracranial pressure is higher than on the ground, once a situation like Abu Sala's current situation of broken blood vessels in the neck occurs, the blood loss will be faster than on the ground...

Abu Sala was obviously in a state of confusion at this time, his eyes rolled white, but his hands instinctively covered the bleeding area in his neck.

Ji Zhanshun had learned some first aid knowledge, but faced such a dangerous situation, he was at a loss for a while...

Fortunately, he no longer had to worry about it soon, because support from the ship had arrived. There were special commandos on the ship, all elites who had been trained in special microgravity combat environments. Because of the alarm caused by the gunfire just now, these assaults The team members rushed to the scene of the incident fully armed.

Somewhat embarrassingly, Ji Zhanshun, the only one who could still move at the scene, was controlled immediately. Fortunately, Ji Zhanshun quickly explained the situation clearly, and with the addition of Abu Sala who was seriously injured and dying, the situation quickly changed to one against Abu. Salad first aid.

After a while, two ship's doctors also rushed over. At this time, Abu Sala was already in shock due to blood loss. His whole body was twitching slightly, as if he felt cold due to blood loss.A commando was holding his wound tightly, his hands completely soaked in blood...

Upon seeing this, a ship's doctor hurriedly said: "Hemostatic forceps! Get the hemostatic forceps quickly..."

After a period of busy work, Abu Sala was transferred to the medical room after simple treatment...

Ji Zhanshun, Rocky and Hoffman were separately examined in isolation in order to restore what happened at that time.

As for Nelson's body, it was also kept in isolation and preserved solemnly. The ship will soon organize an autopsy on it to confirm what exactly happened?

After this, this section of the cabin was subjected to strict disinfection procedures to avoid some unknown contamination.




Captain Winters and several senior officers on the ship stared seriously at the surveillance video in front of them. The video showed the vicious incident that had happened not long ago.The accident resulted in one death and one serious injury. Sailor Nelson was found to have died on the spot due to a fatal gunshot wound to the head.Another crew member, Abu Sala, suffered severe blood loss and shock and is still being rescued.

The surveillance video at the time and the preliminary oral accounts of the other three crew members at the time of the incident have been displayed in front of several senior shipboard officials. The most important evidence is undoubtedly the surveillance video in the passage at the time of the incident.

Abushara and Nelson are both electrical engineers on the ship. During the monitoring, they were checking whether the wiring in a certain compartment was normal.

During the surveillance, the third-level electrical engineer Abu Sala was opening a secret door somewhere on the bulkhead. Complex pipelines and sockets were revealed in the door. He connected a small instrument he carried with him to some of the sockets, and then Then he began to pay attention to the readings above carefully.

Behind him, Nelson, his partner, was lowering his head and inputting something on an instrument in his hand. Although the picture on the screen was silent, it could still be seen that the two of them were working and occasionally talking to each other. A few words.

Looking at the scene in the video, the actions of the two people at this time seemed to be normal and there was nothing abnormal.Nelson inputted on the instrument in his hand for a while, and seemed to have completed the work at hand. He hung the instrument on a special buckle on his waist, and then watched his operation from behind Abshara.

After about a few minutes, Nielsen's body suddenly stiffened and his whole body began to tremble. Then, the tremors turned into convulsions. From the perspective of the video, it was obvious that he was not normal, a bit like an epileptic patient. The appearance of an attack.

However, Abushara, who was still working with his head down at this time, was obviously immersed in his work and completely ignored the abnormal situation displayed by his partner behind him.

Behind him, Nelson's abnormal twitching continued. This twitching lasted for about a minute, and Nelson suddenly opened his mouth wide, as if he wanted to shout, but couldn't...

At the next moment, Abu Sala's mouth and heel were torn apart violently, and his entire jaw was cracked to an extent unimaginable for an ordinary person. At this moment, Abu Sala, who had been concentrating on his work, seemed to notice the abnormality behind him and twisted. Look over your shoulder.

Then, he was horrified to see what happened to Nelson. At that moment when he turned around, the video clearly captured the look of shock and fear on Abu Sala's face.

At that moment, Abshala was probably stunned and did not react. After two or three seconds, he seemed to react and was about to retreat.However, in his eagerness, he forgot that he was connected to the buckle on the side by the restraint belt.

Chapter 426 Li Jingxin enters the palace

Since the entire cabin is in a microgravity environment, there are buckles for connecting straps at regular intervals to allow the crew to fix their bodies and prevent them from floating around when necessary.However, at this time, it was this buckle that pulled him back when he was about to retreat.

At this moment, Nelson, who had a big mouth, rushed towards Abshara with great speed, hugged his shoulders, and bit the side of his neck.

Seeing this moment, many people in front of the video swallowed subconsciously. They thought that if they were in Abu Sala's position at that time, they would probably not be able to escape this swift bite.

What followed was a chaotic struggle and beating, but no matter how much Abshara struggled, Nelson had no intention of letting go of his mouth. Moreover, Nelson's strength at this time was obviously unusually strong, and he quickly suppressed it. Abshara struggled, shaking his head and tearing at his neck further...

Fortunately, at this moment, a passing crew member appeared in the video. From the video, it was seen that it was Hoffman. He first tried to pull away the crazy Nelson, and after two unsuccessful attempts , after seeing that Abu Sala was about to be bitten to death, he directly pulled out his gun, pointed at Nelson and shouted something.Something like a warning.

However, Nelson didn't seem to hear it, so Hoffman shot directly.The shot hit Nelson directly on the shoulder. The impact of the bullet finally separated the two people. Nelson, who was under attack, didn't seem to care about the fact that he was shot. Instead, he turned his head over and put his feet on the bulkhead. He kicked, and then rushed towards Hoffman who was holding a gun.

In this case, Hoffman had to continue to pull the trigger, and two more gunshots rang out, one of which directly hit Nelson's head. It was this shot that finally stopped the crazy Nelson...

After firing two shots, the panicked Hoffman turned around and fled towards the other end of the cabin...

After watching the video with a serious expression, everyone was silent for a while. Finally, Captain Winters spoke first, his voice was not loud, but extremely solemn: "We are in big trouble..."

A quarter of an hour later, the loud siren sounded throughout the entire test ship again. Immediately afterwards, everyone personally heard the latest order issued by the captain on the radio. The entire ship began biological and chemical prevention operations. From now on, the entire ship Develop SO-A1 level plan...

In order to deal with various situations that may arise in the universe, the Earth Defense Force's aircraft ships have various plans, among which the SI-A1 level plan is one of them. The full name of this plan is "Special Creatures" "Invasion plan", the plan has multiple levels, of which A1 is the highest level. The purpose is to prevent unknown outer space creatures from invading the ship.

This level of plan has only been practiced in imagination before, because in fact, humans have not encountered A1 level special biological invasion in the solar system before.

It is said that when the plan was originally set, elements from many science fiction movies such as "Alien" were also referenced. In this plan, except for necessary ship operators and maintenance personnel who are allowed to go out, all crew members enter quarantine. State, each cabin is isolated and disinfected in sections. At the same time, crew members who go out must wear heavy protective clothing to achieve complete isolation...





Li Jingxin, who had just come out of Ciyuan Palace, was marching forward under the guidance of three chamberlains. Li Jingxin, who was nearly seventy years old, was dressed in a luxurious blue Taoist priest's robe, his beard was carefully groomed, his eyes were clear and black, and he was as pure as a baby. , his face is shining brightly, his steps are vigorous, his expression is calm, and he doesn't look old at all.

Behind him, he followed his disciple Yu Dezhao. Different from the calmness of his master, Yu Dezhao had a reserved look on his face, lowered his head, and followed step by step.

Early this morning, Li Jingxin entered the palace at the previously scheduled time, and the queen summoned him at Ciyuan Palace.The whole summons was in a harmonious atmosphere, and at least in the eyes of disciple Yu Dezhao, the whole process was quite successful.

Looking at the magnificent palaces around him and the master who was walking calmly and leisurely in front of him, Yu Dezhao couldn't help but flash back to the Ciyuan Palace group he had just experienced not long ago.

The queen is indeed as rumored, a kind and gentle woman who believes in Xuanmen.It seemed that he was very happy for Master's arrival. Not only did he not show any airs, but on the contrary, he showed considerable courtesy.

Because it was their first meeting, the queen asked the master a lot of questions about the Yunxiao lineage. The master also gave a detailed introduction to this, not only the history of the Yunxiao lineage, but also some of the customs and customs of Yunxiao Mountain.

In addition, the queen showed considerable admiration for the recently immortalized Master Xiao, and also curiously asked many questions about Master Xiao's past when he was still alive.

After a long period of greetings and inquiries, the topic began to shift to the main topic of entering the palace. The queen asked some questions that she encountered when reading scriptures. For these, the master also gave some explanations.As a leader of the Taoist sect, Master also has profound attainments in these classics. His sermons are also simple and easy to explain, citing scriptures and scriptures at his fingertips. Even the waiters who were waiting on the side were fascinated by the lectures.

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