The words "Suifen River" can be seen from the painting on the side of the destroyer. This is after the "Malvern River" test ship successfully conducted its first subspace voyage. The Joint Scientific Exploration Agency of Humanity once again dispatched three One of the test ships.

However, it can be seen from the mottled and damaged hull of the spacecraft that the spacecraft seems to have experienced a journey that is by no means simple...

Chapter 498 Danger, don’t get close to... the devil...

The high-energy disturbance caused by the Suifenhe's jump from subspace was almost immediately detected by a deep space detector placed nearby. Soon, the airport tower in Fengsuibao sent a communication request to the Suifenhe.

Since the "Marwen River" test ship successfully conducted the first subspace voyage, it opened the door to deep space for mankind.The concept of going into deep space has undoubtedly become the hottest topic in the entire human world. It is not only regarded as a new economic growth point, but also the only way for the future of mankind. It is often compared to the "interstellar voyage of the new century". ".

The next three test ships were dispatched under this background.Whether it is the scientific community, high-level officials of various countries, the military, or even ordinary people, they all urgently need to have a better understanding of subspace navigation in order to evaluate whether human beings can immediately launch the promotion of this ultra-long-distance navigation technology.

Therefore, since the three test ships left the port, the deduction of their course has not stopped.It’s just that due to the particularity of subspace navigation, after the starship jumps into subspace, it can no longer maintain communication using any communication method currently known to mankind. After all, theoretically speaking, through subspace navigation, any place in the universe can be connected. The speed of two non-adjacent points is much faster than the speed of light in normal space.This also makes the spaceship enter the subspace, just like the sailing ship of the old era sailing into the ocean, life and death depend on destiny.

Therefore, since the experimental ship entered subspace, all humans can do is to maintain daily monitoring of the permanent space landmarks in the solar system.

It is conceivable that the return of the Suifenhe test ship caused a repercussions in Fengsui Fort. While issuing a communication request, the airport dispatched a rescue ship to respond to possible emergency needs.

According to the established procedures previously drawn up, the test ship will not be allowed to berth immediately after returning from subspace, but will need to go through an isolation inspection period of at least one week. During this period, the crew will be required to continue living on the spacecraft in order to It is guaranteed that objects such as alien viruses will not be infected into the airport through the human body.

Of course, during this period, supplies and communications will remain open, and the rescue ship currently heading to the Suifenhe is responsible for simple maintenance and material supply tasks to ensure the quality of life of the crew.

However, the expected response did not come, and the communication request sent by the airport just disappeared. The Suifenhe remained in a strange state of silence without any response.




"Has the communication request been sent?" Major Zhang Xi, wearing an Earth Defense Force uniform, walked quickly into the airport tower. He hurried from his office just after hearing the news. As soon as he entered the tower, he asked the front A solemn traffic controller.

"Major, we have sent out a communication request for the third time." A tower controller with slightly curly brown hair turned his head and said, then he shook his head: "We haven't received any response yet."

"Maybe their communication system is damaged." Major Zhang Chengxi glanced at the real-time image from the electronic telescope on the other side of the screen. In the image, the Suifenhe was floating quietly in the universe, with a light blue The tail flame indicates that they are traveling at a constant economic speed.

"Switch to laser communication and try calling again." Major Zhang Chengxi ordered.

In fact, without his instructions, the well-trained air traffic controller had already started to switch before he issued the order. Soon, a black-haired female air traffic controller began to send a communication request: "Suifenhe test ship, Suifenhe Test ship No. [-], this is the Fengsuibao Airport Tower, please answer if you receive it, please answer if you receive it..."

"The Suifenhe test ship, the Suifenhe test ship... This is the Fengsuibao airport tower... Please answer when you receive it, please answer when you receive it..."

"...The Suifenhe test ship...please reply when you receive it, please reply when you receive it..."

A series of communication requests still came to nothing, and no response was received.

"Is there also a problem with their laser communication system..." Major Zhang Chengxi looked a little solemn and said to himself.He subconsciously unscrewed the collar button that he had previously held tightly, as if the atmosphere here made him feel stuffy.

The constant temperature air conditioner in the tower was running quietly. Major Zhang Xi looked at the real-time image on the side, and then shook his head: "From the video, there are no obvious signs of external damage to the communication components, and the communication components of the test ship have been Reinforced…”

At this moment, the tail nozzle of the Suifenhe spacecraft in the image suddenly began to go out. The flames at the tail quickly disappeared completely, and the entire test ship gradually came to a standstill.Soon, except for the navigation lights that were still flashing outside the spacecraft, the entire test ship fell into an eerie state of silence.

As the engine was turned off, the navigation lights of the Suifenhe test ship began to flash rhythmically.

At first, such flashing lights did not immediately make the tower staff have any special associations, but soon someone discovered that the flashing lights seemed to be regular, repeating according to a specific pattern.

"This is the Mora code..." an air traffic controller quickly realized this and blurted out.As air traffic controllers, they have considerable intuition for various light signals.

The Mora cipher is also known as the Mora code. Its inventor was Edenhall Mora, an inventor from the Principality of Ardennes in the [-]th century. At that time, he was assisting his employer in the invention of the telegraph machine.This is a magical code. It is a signal code that is on and off. Such signal codes are arranged in different orders to show different letters, numbers, punctuation marks, etc.

The Mora code played a very important role in early radio, and it is something that every radio communicator must know.Due to the continuous advancement of communication technology, countries subsequently stopped using the Mora cipher in 1995. However, because it occupies the least bandwidth and has technical and artistic characteristics, it is difficult to use in real life. Has a wide range of applications.

As the tower air traffic controller of Fengsuibao, everyone present is undoubtedly familiar with this password. In fact, just as the air traffic controller blurted it out, Major Zhang Xi on the side had also noticed this, and Concentrate on starting to decipher the meaning here.

"Danger, don't get close to...the devil..."

"Danger, don't get close to...the devil..."

Chapter 499 Looking for Immortal One


Guan Zeping stretched out his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, stopped to adjust his breathing, and his violent breathing gradually calmed down. He looked back at the disciples following behind him, and all of them were blushing and gasping for air. , obviously the condition is not much better than him.

As a disciple of the contemporary Heavenly Master Zhang Sicheng, Guan Zeping is undoubtedly respected as a "high-gong" when he goes out on weekdays. Even though he usually says that his family is not vain, at Guan Zeping's level, he is usually respected as a "high-gong" person. The people who come and go here are also high-ranking officials and wealthy businessmen. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are pampered.

On weekdays, I stay comfortably in the temple, do my homework, occasionally accompany a benefactor who comes to Danding Mountain for "purity" or to offer incense, give lectures on scriptures and talk about mysteries, or go out to participate in some Taoist exchanges. Generally speaking, Given his status, all he heard were compliments.

Even privately, Guan Zeping had already accumulated a considerable amount of wealth, and had secretly purchased many houses in various places. Of course, he still had to stay in the mountains to serve his teacher on weekdays and fulfill his filial piety. After all, the old man The Heavenly Master is getting older, and there is no shortage of disciples to serve and run around him.

However, I don’t know why the Heavenly Master recently had a sudden idea and sent his disciples to look for some "expert" everywhere.Guan Zeping did not dare to refuse the decree from his teacher, so he had to lead the team and set off. He had been traveling for more than a month. Among the several brothers, there was more than one like him who was ordered to go to Danding Mountain. We will use this as the core to search everywhere in the remote mountains and forests, especially those who live in hermitage to confirm whether there are real "masters" among them.

Before departure, the teacher specially summoned me and repeatedly told me to keep my posture low, be sincere and respectful, be humble and polite, and never show any arrogance, otherwise I would not be lenient. Please remember...

Seeing the solemnity of the teacher's words, Guan Zeping naturally did not dare to slack off. In the past few days, he visited various villages every day and went to the depths of the mountains and forests where hermit monks were rumored to haunt. He spent the whole day either climbing mountains or heading there. On the way up the mountain.In a blink of an eye, it has been more than a month since I left the hospital. Not only did I lose weight twice, but I also lost a lot of weight. Even my belt has an extra buckle...

It's just that, so far, we have indeed collected a lot of various legends and anecdotes, but we have not seen any actual "experts"...

In fact, it can't be said that there are none, but I have indeed seen a lot of hermits who talk about mysteries and Taoism, but there is not a single one with "great magical powers" that the teacher wants.

When answering the phone call from his senior brother the day before yesterday, Guan Zeping felt that his senior brother seemed to know something after hearing his slightly anxious tone. However, his senior brother had been building up his power for a long time. Since he didn't want to say anything, as a junior brother, he didn't want to say anything. So many questions.

However, to be honest, perhaps it is the distance that creates the beauty. Those around me, whether Chinese or foreign, good or bad, often feel that Danding Mountain has a long heritage and that a thousand-year-old family of Celestial Masters has countless magical powers. Even if it is not Taoist believers often hold some inexplicable awe when talking about it.However, Guan Zeping's family knew about his family affairs. Although he was not one of the core disciples of Tianshi, he had been with Tianshi for a long time. In his opinion, although Tianshi was profound in knowledge, he had no understanding of Xuanmen. He has extensive knowledge of classics, but if he has any magical powers, he is simply overthinking, and in fact he is just an ordinary old man.

Not to mention the Tianshi himself, but also the entire Danding Mountain, he has never seen even a so-called "hidden person" in these years.

Sighing, Guan Zeping looked up again at the twists and turns of the mountain road in front of him. He always felt that the teacher was old and lost his mind, so he thought wildly and found an excuse to torment the disciple... Forget it, it is always wrong for a disciple to slander the master behind his back. Well, Guan Zeping wisely suppressed his chaotic thoughts.

As a Taoist holy land with a long history, Danding Mountain has always had a large number of Taoist practitioners practicing.In addition to the large number of Taoist priests who are under the jurisdiction of Tianshi Mansion, there are also a large number of "hermit monks".And these people are also called "wild Taoist priests" with a bit of ridicule in the mouths of the real disciples of Tianshi Mansion.

Among these wild Taoist priests, there were indeed a large number of Taoist believers who hoped to imitate the sages and become immortals. However, due to the general threshold, they could not enter Danding Mountain to practice, so they settled in a cottage near Danding Mountain.Others are motivated by emotional problems, social pressure, or simply want to "lie down" in an inaccessible place. In short, there are good and bad, and everyone has them.

Most of these hermits make a living by feeding people around them, and some collect products from the mountains in exchange for daily necessities. They live a very poor life, so every year many people who have their dreams shattered or who cannot bear the hardship leave here.

Of course, even if these people do not pay ultimatum, the Tianshi Mansion has never expressed any intention of expelling them. Every time when there is a major Xuanmen festival, some food and gifts will be distributed to the local hermits in the mountains. This can be regarded as doing their best for Xuanmen. Responsibilities of leaders.

Strictly speaking, the Yingzui Cliff that Guan Zeping is going to now is located at the southern foot of Danding Mountain. It borders the Tiandu Mountains further south. The transportation conditions are not developed, and it has always been a relatively poor area around it.

Because the mountain road was rugged and difficult to navigate, Guan Zeping had not come here to investigate before, but he had not gained much in the past month. A few days ago, he heard that there was an old Taoist priest who had been practicing in a hut on the mountain, so he wanted to take a look. look.

Just this morning, he and three disciples visited local villagers in Huangjia Village at the foot of the mountain. According to the villagers, there are indeed hermit monks living in the mountain, but they rarely go down the mountain.

Some local Taoist believers sometimes place some food and salt on the mountain road to provide food to the hermit Taoists in the mountain. The mountain people around this kind of offering know what is going on. Almost all the mountain people around Danding Mountain are Except for devout Taoist believers, no one would pick it up rashly.

According to the descriptions of some old people, this old Taoist priest has lived in the mountains when they were young, but no one can tell exactly how old he is. The locals often call him "Old Immortal".This can be regarded as a somewhat mysterious thing among the villagers in several nearby villages.

After learning this information, and following the instructions of the old man in the village, Guan Zeping and his party walked to the mountainous area in the northern part of Yingzui Cliff where the hermit monk might live in seclusion.


Chapter 500 Xunxian II

The mountain road in the northern part of Yingzui Cliff is not easy to walk. According to some villagers in the village, it is necessary to walk through a rather steep mountain road. Because it is too difficult to walk, local villagers rarely go there on weekdays.


The mountain road is narrow and this is not a tourist attraction, so there are no stone steps in many places. The mountain road is completely dirt. Fortunately, it has not rained in the past few days, otherwise the muddy mountain road would be enough to deter everyone.

Even so, one of the disciples almost sprained his foot and was a little disgraced from the fall.

When we finally climbed over a mountain, it was already after 2 p.m., and the Taoist priests who had climbed the mountain all morning felt their legs were shaking, so Guan Zeping simply led everyone to climb the rocks beside the mountain road. Sit down and prepare to rest for a while before leaving.

This place is on a ridge, surrounded by faint clouds and mist. From a distance, you can see the surrounding lush mountains and forests, and the cool air is refreshing.

Sitting on a piece of blue rock, Guan Zeping kneaded his knees. Beside him, some disciples drank water, and some walked further away to find grass.

At this moment, singing came faintly from the distance. The singing was ethereal, but high-pitched and reached the clouds, giving people a wonderful feeling of being close but actually far away.

".........Beyond the vast autumn mountains of wild grass, monuments are everywhere turned into barren graves, and thousands of beautiful figures lie on the green moss..."

"...The stone horse in front of the grave is broken by sharpening... It's better to sell wine with spare money... Return from the mountain trail..."

Guan Zeping subconsciously pricked up his ears. After hearing it clearly, he thought that the lyrics were good, so he stood up and looked around.

Then he noticed that on the mountain road ahead, a figure wearing a worn Taoist priest's robe was walking slowly forward with a basket on his back.

At this time, the sunlight was a little dazzling. Guan Zeping squinted his eyes and stretched out his hand to build a awning over his eyebrows, so he could see more clearly.I saw that the basket on the back of the Taoist priest was a common bamboo basket in the area. It was quite large. The basket should be filled with things such as firewood. It was full. The branches stretched out of the basket, covering the back of the Taoist priest's head. It looks heavy.However, when the Taoist priest walked on the mountain road, he could not see any sign of being burdened, and he just moved forward unhurriedly.

The Taoist priest walked forward, singing casually, and walking. It seemed that he was not walking very fast, but in just a few breaths, the Taoist priest had already walked far away. Seeing it, he turned a corner in front of him. , then go far away...

Suddenly, Guan Zeping seemed to realize something, his heart moved, he waved his hand and shouted: "Comrades in front, wait a minute, wait a minute!!!"

However, the Taoist priest in front seemed not to hear it and continued to move forward unhurriedly without any sign of stopping.

"Drunk dragon sleeps... Mu Cangcang... There is no need to go back and forth among the pines... The grass along the steps is warm with fireflies..."

Seeing this, Guan Zeping patted the disciples on the side who had not yet reacted, stretched out his hand and pointed in front, and kept shouting: "Comrades in front of you, stay here, wait a moment!!!"

Several disciples also reacted at this time, shouting together, and moved forward one after another...

The Taoist priest in front seemed unaware and still just walked forward...

It is strange to say that from the fast walking at the beginning to the trot at the end, the few people not only did not close the distance with the Taoist priest, but saw that the distance between the two parties was getting wider and wider.

At this point, no matter how slow everyone is, they all realize that something is wrong. This is obviously because they have met an "expert"!

As a result, several people increased their speed from a trot to a running state. In order to increase the speed, some of the heavy luggage they carried were also thrown away one after another. One disciple even waved his arms while running, trying to make him run faster. The expert in front slowed down.

However, even so, there was still no sign of the distance between the two parties getting closer. After only two or three minutes, Guan Pingze couldn't stand it any longer. His heart was beating so fast that it almost jumped out of his throat, and his long mouth seemed to be loose. The fish in the water slowed down when they saw it.

The disciples on the side also slowed down when they saw this, and wanted to reach out to help him, but Guan Pingze reached out and pushed him away. He ran forward while holding on to his waist, while pointing out breathlessly: "Hurry... chase after me!! Don't... don't lose me..."

The mountain road here is not easy to walk. This is not a tourist area like the main peak of Danding Mountain, and the mountain road has not been perfectly repaired. Fortunately, it is not a rainy day, otherwise the slippery mountain road will be more difficult to pass, but even so , Guan Pingze and others also need to be careful about the rocks and weeds under their feet, so as not to accidentally sprain their feet and make the chase embarrassing.

Compared with their stumbling appearance, the Taoist priest in front was wearing fluttering clothes, and there was no sign of any difficulty or even any sign of acceleration. However, it was strangely true that he looked clearly unhappy. , but a few people couldn't close the distance no matter what.

Guan Pingze was obviously the weakest among the group, and he was soon left behind. Under his constant urging, the disciples couldn't stop and wait for him, so they chased him farther and farther, turned around a mountain road, and disappeared in front of them. …

Even though Pingze couldn't stop, he even ran away and walked away for a while. He saw several disciples in front of him standing still in a daze, as if they didn't want to pursue him anymore. He suddenly felt angry in his heart. Before he could catch his breath, he yelled loudly: "Why...why don't you chase me anymore? What are you doing in a daze..."

"Uncle Master, I really can't pursue him anymore. Look..." Upon hearing this, a disciple who was usually close to him hurriedly stepped aside and pointed forward for Guan Pingze to look at.

Guan Pingze gasped and looked forward, and then he himself was stunned.

There was really no way to pursue them. I saw that the mountain road ahead branched off. One road zigzagged down the mountain to the left, while the other was not considered a mountain road, but extended straight ahead along the ridge line. This The ridgeline is extremely steep, with cliffs hundreds of meters high on both sides, making you feel dizzy just looking at it.

The location where the few people are currently located is also a ridge, but it is relatively spacious and flat. The ridge in front of them has narrowed extremely to a distance of about a palm's width. There are even some parts that have no place to stay at all and are just like falling upside down. The steep ridge of the "V" shape leads hazily into the distance amid the clouds and mist, and it is unknown how far it extends forward...

Guan Zeping could clearly see that in the distance, on the ridge that could be called a line of sky, a figure carrying a basket on his back was gradually moving away.The surrounding mountain wind stirred up the clouds, but it could not shake the not-so-tall figure at all. It was still so graceful, without any hesitation, moving forward steadily, like an immortal walking among the clouds...

The figure quickly disappeared into the clouds and mist in the mountains, and only the song could still be heard faintly...

"The roads are lined with sparse fences and the green color is cold...the night is so thick that it looks like frost. Who would have thought that the wind would knock the bamboo bones...and startle the wild geese from the north to the south..."

5 Searching for Immortals III

"It is difficult for a bird to cross the Immortal Crossing..."

Guan Pingze looked at the steep ridge ahead, took a deep breath, and subconsciously uttered a place name that he learned from the villagers when he asked for directions in the village at the foot of the mountain not long ago.

According to the villagers, although this steep ridge can be connected to the opposite mountain, it is actually too dangerous to leave.If you really want to get to the "Zhe Bifeng" on the opposite side, you need to go around in a big circle.

Guan Pingze took a few steps forward, then immediately stepped back. Looking at the steep cliffs on both sides, he felt like his calves were weak. Not to mention that he didn't have any auxiliary equipment, even if he was given a full set of rock climbing equipment. He didn't dare to try the equipment.

Thinking back to the fact that the expert was right in front of a few people, walking over as lightly as if he were walking on flat ground, it was simply unimaginable.You must know that at such a high altitude, the surrounding mountain wind is not small. The difficulty of walking on this ridge is simply like walking on a high-altitude tightrope...

"Uncle Master, what should we do next?" Several people were silent for a while, and then a disciple asked quietly from the side.

"A detour, since I have met the master, I have to go there and have a look anyway..." Guan Zeping pursed his lips, stamped his feet, turned around and walked towards the stone steps on the other side...



In the middle of Danding Mountain, with Guqin Peak in the back and Gulu River in the east, there is a complex of ancient Xuanmen buildings in a simple style among the mountains and forests. This building complex was built in the style of a royal palace, with a large scale and extraordinary momentum.There is a forest of camphor trees in the mansion, which blocks out the sun, and birds perch on the top of the trees, creating a quiet environment.

At the mountain gate of the building, there is a huge white marble archway. In the center of the archway are written the four characters "Xuanzong of the World" with flying dragons and phoenixes.

Today is Thursday, not a rest day in the conventional sense. Even so, you can still see a large number of pilgrims carrying backpacks or incense candles walking through the archway and walking up the mountain road.Most of these pilgrims are elderly people. They usually carry a cloth bag with simple drinking water, dry food and incense candles, and come together to offer incense and pray for blessings.

At this moment, a group of nearly ten Westerners with tall noses and deep eyes were stopping under the archway. These Westerners were dressed in different styles. In addition to a few suits and leather shoes, there were also several people wearing black robes and black hats on their heads. There is a man wearing a red robe and a red hat. Anyone with a little knowledge of the Western religious system can tell that these people are dressed as typical orthodox priests of the Holy Enlightenment Church.And the one in red seems to be a cardinal, which is a very high-status teaching position.

These people are exactly the religious delegation from Belgoperi, the city of prophets in the Western Continent. This is part of the East-West cultural exchange visit plan reached not long ago by the three countries of Rune, Grande and Holstein and the Zhao Empire. One ring.

Although Western countries generally believe in the Holy Enlightenment Religion, domestic sects are complex.

For example, Rune believes in the Holy Enlightenment Church, which is also known as the Rune State Church. It was forced by the Rune Parliament in 1525 to pass a series of confirmations that the Rune Church was completely independent of Bergopelli. Act, established on this basis.

The bishops and priests of the Holy Order declared in the clergy meeting that the Holy See Bishop, like other bishops, had no right to interfere in the internal affairs of Rune. In 1531, the "Act of Doctrine" established the independent status of the Rune Church, which was not subordinate to the Church of Bergopelli, and was established as the Rune State Church. The Rune royal family replaced the Pope of the Land of the Prophet as the supreme head of the state church.

After the abolition of papal jurisdiction and the restoration of royal sovereignty, the king assumed sovereignty over church legislation, administration and judicial matters.This was the achievement of the Rune Reformation.For a long time afterwards, the Rune Church was not recognized by the Holy See of Belgoperi.

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